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2022-10-25 20:06:04 +08:00
@ Date: 2021-09-03 17:12:29
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-09-05 19:58:54
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/easymocap/neuralbody/model/nerf.py
from .base import Base
from .embedder import get_embedder
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class Nerf(Base):
def __init__(self, D, W, skips, init_bias=0.693,
D_rgb=1, W_rgb=256,
xyz_res=10, dim_pts=3,
view_res=4, dim_dir=3,# embed
ch_pts_extra=0, ch_dir_extra=0, # extra channels
latent={}, # latent code
pts_to_density=True, pts_to_rgb=False, latent_to_density=False,
use_viewdirs=True, use_occupancy=True, # option
act_fn='expsoftplus', linear_func='Linear',
embed_pts='none', embed_dir='none',
) -> None:
# set the embed
self.embed_pts_name = embed_pts
self.embed_dir_name = embed_dir
if embed_pts == 'hash':
from .hashnerf import get_embedder
from .embedder import get_embedder
self.embed_pts, ch_pts = get_embedder(xyz_res, dim_pts)
if embed_dir == 'hash':
from .hashnerf import get_embedder
from .embedder import get_embedder
self.embed_dir, ch_dir = get_embedder(view_res, dim_dir)
self.latent_keys = list(latent.keys())
if len(self.latent_keys) > 0:
latent_dim = sum([latent[key] for key in self.latent_keys])
latent_dim = 0
self.ch_pts = ch_pts
self.ch_dir = ch_dir
# set the input channels
ch_pts_inp = ch_pts_extra
if pts_to_density:
ch_pts_inp += ch_pts
if latent_to_density:
ch_pts_inp += latent_dim
self.pts_to_density = pts_to_density
self.latent_to_density = latent_to_density
self.pts_to_rgb = pts_to_rgb
self.skips = skips
self.use_viewdirs = use_viewdirs
self.use_occupancy = use_occupancy
if linear_func == 'Linear':
linear_func = lambda input_w, output_w, bias=True: nn.Linear(input_w, output_w, bias=bias)
cat_dim = -1
elif linear_func == 'Conv1d':
linear_func = lambda input_w, output_w, bias=True: nn.Conv1d(input_w, output_w, 1, bias=bias)
cat_dim = 1
raise NotImplementedError
if relu_fn == 'relu':
self.relu = F.relu
elif relu_fn == 'relu6':
self.relu = F.relu6
elif relu_fn == 'LeakyRelu':
self.relu = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
self.cat_dim = cat_dim
self.pts_linears = nn.ModuleList(
[linear_func(ch_pts_inp, W, density_bias)] +
[linear_func(W, W, density_bias) if i not in self.skips else
linear_func(W + ch_pts_inp, W, density_bias) for i in range(D - 1)
self.alpha_linear = linear_func(W, 1)
# following neuralbody structure
# 1. net feature: (256) => feature_fc => (256, 256)
self.feature_linear = linear_func(W, W)
# 2. concat other feature (256+other)
# 3. latent_fc: (feature+other) => 384 => 256 (feature)
# 4. concat viewdir, light_pts (256 + viewdir /+ pts)
# 5. view_fc: (346, 128)
# 6. rgb_fc: (128, 3)
self.latent_linear = linear_func(W+latent_dim, W)
if self.use_viewdirs and not self.pts_to_rgb:
### Implementation according to the official code release (https://github.com/bmild/nerf/blob/master/run_nerf_helpers.py#L104-L105)
view_dim = ch_dir + W
### Implementation according to the paper
# self.views_linears = nn.ModuleList(
# [linear_func(input_ch_views + W, W//2)] + [linear_func(W//2, W//2) for i in range(D//2)])
elif self.use_viewdirs and self.pts_to_rgb:
view_dim = ch_dir + ch_pts + W
view_dim = W
if D_rgb == 1:
self.views_linears = nn.ModuleList(
[linear_func(view_dim, W // 2)])
self.views_linears = nn.ModuleList(
[linear_func(view_dim, W_rgb)] +
[linear_func(W_rgb, W_rgb) for _ in range(D_rgb - 2)] +
[linear_func(W_rgb, W // 2)]
self.rgb_linear = linear_func(W // 2, 3)
if self.use_occupancy:
# initial value for (e^x - 1) / e^x to give 0.5
if act_fn == 'exprelu':
self.act_alpha = lambda x:1 - torch.exp(-torch.relu(x))
elif act_fn == 'expsoftplus':
self.act_alpha = lambda x:1 - torch.exp(-F.softplus(x-1))
elif act_fn == 'sigmoid':
self.act_alpha = torch.sigmoid
def calculate_density_color(self, wpts, viewdir, latents={}, **kwargs):
# Linear mode
# wpts: (..., 3) => (..., 63)
# return: (..., 1)
if self.embed_pts_name == 'hash':
self.embed_pts.bound = self.datas_cache['bounds']
# prepare latents
latent_embeding = []
for key in self.latent_keys:
inp = latents[key]
if self.cat_dim == 1: # with Conv1d
inp = inp[..., None].expand(*inp.shape, wpts.shape[-1])
inp = inp[None].expand(*wpts.shape[:-1], inp.shape[-1])
if len(latent_embeding) > 0:
latent_embeding = torch.cat(latent_embeding, dim=self.cat_dim)
wpts = self.embed_pts(wpts)
extra_density = kwargs.get('extra_density', None)
inp = []
if self.pts_to_density:
if extra_density is not None:
if self.latent_to_density:
inp = torch.cat(inp, dim=self.cat_dim)
h = inp
for i, l in enumerate(self.pts_linears):
h = self.pts_linears[i](h)
h = self.relu(h)
if i in self.skips:
h = torch.cat([inp, h], self.cat_dim)
alpha = self.alpha_linear(h)
raw_alpha = alpha
if self.use_occupancy:
alpha = self.act_alpha(alpha)
# rgb part:
feature = self.feature_linear(h)
# latent:
if len(self.latent_keys) > 0:
features = [feature, latent_embeding]
features = torch.cat(features, dim=self.cat_dim)
feature = self.latent_linear(features)
# append viewdir
if self.use_viewdirs:
input_views = self.embed_dir(viewdir)
if self.pts_to_rgb:
feature = torch.cat([feature, input_views, wpts], self.cat_dim)
feature = torch.cat([feature, input_views], self.cat_dim)
for i, l in enumerate(self.views_linears):
feature = self.views_linears[i](feature)
feature = self.relu(feature)
rgb = self.rgb_linear(feature)
rgb_01 = torch.sigmoid(rgb)
outputs = {
'occupancy': alpha,
'raw_alpha': raw_alpha,
'rgb': rgb_01,
'raw_rgb': rgb
return outputs
class MultiLinear(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, D, W, input_ch, output_ch, skips,
act_fn='none', linear_func='Linear',
**kwargs) -> None:
self.D = D
self.W = W
self.input_ch = input_ch
self.output_ch = output_ch
self.skips = skips
if linear_func == 'Linear':
linear_func = lambda input_w, output_w: nn.Linear(input_w, output_w)
cat_dim = -1
elif linear_func == 'Conv1d':
linear_func = lambda input_w, output_w: nn.Conv1d(input_w, output_w, 1)
cat_dim = 1
raise NotImplementedError
self.cat_dim = cat_dim
if D > 0:
self.linears = nn.ModuleList(
[linear_func(input_ch, W)] +
[linear_func(W, W) if i not in self.skips else
linear_func(W + input_ch, W) for i in range(D - 1)])
self.output_linear = linear_func(W, output_ch)
self.linears = []
self.output_linear = linear_func(input_ch, output_ch)
if act_fn == 'softplus':
act_fn = torch.nn.functional.softplus
elif act_fn == 'none':
act_fn = None
elif act_fn == 'tanh':
act_fn = torch.tanh
self.act_fn = act_fn
# initialize to 0.5
def forward(self, inputs):
h = inputs
for i, l in enumerate(self.linears):
h = self.linears[i](h)
h = F.relu(h)
if i in self.skips:
h = torch.cat([inputs, h], self.cat_dim)
output = self.output_linear(h)
if self.act_fn is not None:
output = self.act_fn(output)
return output
class EmbedMLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_ch, output_ch, multi_res, W, D, bounds) -> None:
self.embed, ch_time = get_embedder(multi_res, input_ch)
self.bounds = bounds
self.linear = MultiLinear(
output_ch=output_ch, init_bias=0, act_fn='none',
D=D, W=W, skips=[])
def forward(self, time):
embed = self.embed(time.reshape(1, -1).float()/self.bounds)
output = self.linear(embed)
return output
if __name__ == "__main__":
cfg = {
'D': 8,
'W': 256,
'dim_pts': 3,
'dim_dir': 3,
'xyz_res': 10,
'view_res': 4,
'skips': [4],
'use_viewdirs': True,
'use_occupancy': True,
'linear_func': 'Linear',
network = Nerf(**cfg)
pts = torch.rand((1, 4, 4, 64, 3))
alpha = network.calculate_density(pts)