136 lines
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136 lines
5.3 KiB
from .basedata import ImageDataBase, read_mv_images, find_best_people
from easymocap.mytools.debug_utils import log, myerror, mywarn
from easymocap.mytools.camera_utils import read_cameras
from easymocap.mytools.file_utils import read_json
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
class SVDataset(ImageDataBase):
def __init__(self, root, subs, ranges, read_image=False, reader={}) -> None:
super().__init__(root, subs, ranges, read_image)
assert len(subs) == 1, 'SVDataset only support one subject'
for key, value in reader.items():
if key == 'images':
self.try_to_extract_images(root, value)
data, meta = read_mv_images(root, value['root'], value['ext'], subs)
data = [d[0] for d in data]
self.length = len(data)
elif key == 'image_shape':
imgname = self.infos['images'][0]
shapes = []
assert os.path.exists(imgname), "image {} not exists".format(imgname)
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
assert img is not None, "image {} read failed".format(imgname)
height, width, _ = img.shape
log('[{}] sub {} shape {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, imgname, img.shape))
shapes.append([height, width])
data = shapes
elif key == 'annots':
data, meta = read_mv_images(root, value['root'], value['ext'], subs)
data = [d[0] for d in data]
if self.length > 0:
assert self.length == len(data), \
myerror('annots length {} not equal to images length {}.'.format(len(data), self.length))
self.length = len(data)
elif key == 'cameras':
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError(f'Unknown reader: {key}')
self.infos[key] = data
# check cameras:
if 'cameras' not in self.infos:
mywarn('[{}] No camera info, use default camera'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
imgname0 = self.infos['images'][0]
img = self.read_image(imgname0)
height, width = img.shape[:2]
log('[{}] Read shape {} from image {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, img.shape, imgname0))
focal = 1.2*min(height, width) # as colmap
log('[{}] Set a fix focal length {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, focal))
K = np.array([focal, 0., width/2, 0., focal, height/2, 0. ,0., 1.]).reshape(3, 3)
camera = {'K':K ,'R': np.eye(3), 'T': np.zeros((3, 1)), 'dist': np.zeros((1, 5))}
for key, val in camera.items():
camera[key] = val.astype(np.float32)
self.infos['cameras'] = [camera]
self.find_best_people = find_best_people
def __getitem__(self, index):
frame = self.frames[index]
ret = {}
for key, value in self.infos.items():
if len(value) == 1:
ret[key] = value[0]
elif index >= len(value):
myerror(f'[{self.__class__.__name__}] {key}: index {frame} out of range {len(value)}')
ret[key] = value[frame]
ret_new = {}
for key, val in ret.items():
if key == 'annots':
annots = read_json(val)['annots']
# select the best people
annots = self.find_best_people(annots)
elif key == 'cameras':
ret_new[key] = val
elif key == 'images':
ret_new['imgnames'] = val
if self.flag_read_image:
img = self.read_image(val)
ret_new[key] = img
ret_new[key] = val
elif key == 'image_shape':
ret_new['image_shape'] = val
ret_new['meta'] = {
'subs': self.subs,
'index': index,
'frame': self.frames[index],
'image_shape': ret_new['image_shape'],
'imgnames': ret_new['imgnames'],
return ret_new
class SVHandL(SVDataset):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.find_best_people = self._find_best_hand
def _find_best_hand(self, annots):
assert len(annots) == 1, 'SVHandL only support one person'
annot = annots[0]
ret = {
'bbox': np.array(annot['bbox_handl2d'], dtype=np.float32),
'keypoints': np.array(annot['handl2d'], dtype=np.float32),
return ret
if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg = '''
module: myeasymocap.datasets.1v1p.MonoDataset
root: /nas/home/shuaiqing/EasyMocapDoc/demo/1v1p
subs: ['0+000553+000965']
ranges: [0, 99999, 1]
read_image: True
root: images
ext: .jpg
root: annots
ext: .json
import yaml
cfg = yaml.load(cfg, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
dataset = SVDataset(**cfg['args'])
for i in range(len(dataset)):
data = dataset[i]