2021-04-14 15:22:51 +08:00
@ Date: 2020-11-19 10:49:26
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
2021-05-27 21:12:17 +08:00
@ LastEditTime: 2021-05-25 19:51:12
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/easymocap/pyfitting/optimize_simple.py
2021-04-14 15:22:51 +08:00
import numpy as np
import torch
from .lbfgs import LBFGS
from .optimize import FittingMonitor, grad_require, FittingLog
from .lossfactory import LossSmoothBodyMean, LossRegPoses
from .lossfactory import LossKeypoints3D, LossKeypointsMV2D, LossSmoothBody, LossRegPosesZero, LossInit, LossSmoothPoses
def optimizeShape(body_model, body_params, keypoints3d,
weight_loss, kintree, cfg=None):
""" simple function for optimizing model shape given 3d keypoints
body_model (SMPL model)
params_init (DictParam): poses(1, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(1, 3), Th(1, 3)
keypoints (nFrames, nJoints, 3): 3D keypoints
weight (Dict): string:float
kintree ([[src, dst]]): list of list:int
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
device = body_model.device
# 计算不同的骨长
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kintree = np.array(kintree, dtype=int)
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# limb_length: nFrames, nLimbs, 1
limb_length = np.linalg.norm(keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 1], :3] - keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 0], :3], axis=2, keepdims=True)
# conf: nFrames, nLimbs, 1
limb_conf = np.minimum(keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 1], 3:], keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 0], 3:])
limb_length = torch.Tensor(limb_length).to(device)
limb_conf = torch.Tensor(limb_conf).to(device)
body_params = {key:torch.Tensor(val).to(device) for key, val in body_params.items()}
body_params_init = {key:val.clone() for key, val in body_params.items()}
opt_params = [body_params['shapes']]
grad_require(opt_params, True)
optimizer = LBFGS(
opt_params, line_search_fn='strong_wolfe', max_iter=10)
nFrames = keypoints3d.shape[0]
verbose = False
def closure(debug=False):
keypoints3d = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=True, only_shape=True, **body_params)
src = keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 0], :3] #.detach()
dst = keypoints3d[:, kintree[:, 1], :3]
direct_est = (dst - src).detach()
direct_norm = torch.norm(direct_est, dim=2, keepdim=True)
direct_normalized = direct_est/(direct_norm + 1e-4)
err = dst - src - direct_normalized * limb_length
loss_dict = {
's3d': torch.sum(err**2*limb_conf)/nFrames,
'reg_shapes': torch.sum(body_params['shapes']**2)}
if 'init_shape' in weight_loss.keys():
loss_dict['init_shape'] = torch.sum((body_params['shapes'] - body_params_init['shapes'])**2)
# fittingLog.step(loss_dict, weight_loss)
if verbose:
print(' '.join([key + ' %.3f'%(loss_dict[key].item()*weight_loss[key])
for key in loss_dict.keys() if weight_loss[key]>0]))
loss = sum([loss_dict[key]*weight_loss[key]
for key in loss_dict.keys()])
if not debug:
return loss
return loss_dict
fitting = FittingMonitor(ftol=1e-4)
final_loss = fitting.run_fitting(optimizer, closure, opt_params)
grad_require(opt_params, False)
loss_dict = closure(debug=True)
for key in loss_dict.keys():
loss_dict[key] = loss_dict[key].item()
optimizer = LBFGS(
opt_params, line_search_fn='strong_wolfe')
body_params = {key:val.detach().cpu().numpy() for key, val in body_params.items()}
return body_params
N_BODY = 25
N_HAND = 21
def interp(left_value, right_value, weight, key='poses'):
if key == 'Rh':
return left_value * weight + right_value * (1 - weight)
elif key == 'Th':
return left_value * weight + right_value * (1 - weight)
elif key == 'poses':
return left_value * weight + right_value * (1 - weight)
def get_interp_by_keypoints(keypoints):
if len(keypoints.shape) == 3: # (nFrames, nJoints, 3)
conf = keypoints[..., -1]
elif len(keypoints.shape) == 4: # (nViews, nFrames, nJoints)
conf = keypoints[..., -1].sum(axis=0)
raise NotImplementedError
not_valid_frames = np.where(conf.sum(axis=1) < 0.01)[0].tolist()
# 遍历空白帧,选择起点和终点
ranges = []
if len(not_valid_frames) > 0:
start = not_valid_frames[0]
for i in range(1, len(not_valid_frames)):
if not_valid_frames[i] == not_valid_frames[i-1] + 1:
else:# 改变位置了
end = not_valid_frames[i-1]
ranges.append((start, end))
start = not_valid_frames[i]
ranges.append((start, not_valid_frames[-1]))
def interp_func(params):
for start, end in ranges:
# 对每个需要插值的区间: 这里直接使用最近帧进行插值了
left = start - 1
right = end + 1
for nf in range(start, end+1):
weight = (nf - left)/(right - left)
for key in ['Rh', 'Th', 'poses']:
params[key][nf] = interp(params[key][left], params[key][right], 1-weight, key=key)
return params
return interp_func
def interp_by_k3d(conf, params):
for key in ['Rh', 'Th', 'poses']:
params[key] = params[key].clone()
# Totally invalid frames
not_valid_frames = torch.nonzero(conf.sum(dim=1).squeeze() < 0.01)[:, 0].detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()
# 遍历空白帧,选择起点和终点
ranges = []
if len(not_valid_frames) > 0:
start = not_valid_frames[0]
for i in range(1, len(not_valid_frames)):
if not_valid_frames[i] == not_valid_frames[i-1] + 1:
else:# 改变位置了
end = not_valid_frames[i-1]
ranges.append((start, end))
start = not_valid_frames[i]
ranges.append((start, not_valid_frames[-1]))
for start, end in ranges:
# 对每个需要插值的区间: 这里直接使用最近帧进行插值了
left = start - 1
right = end + 1
for nf in range(start, end+1):
weight = (nf - left)/(right - left)
for key in ['Rh', 'Th', 'poses']:
params[key][nf] = interp(params[key][left], params[key][right], 1-weight, key=key)
return params
def deepcopy_tensor(body_params):
for key in body_params.keys():
body_params[key] = body_params[key].clone()
return body_params
def dict_of_tensor_to_numpy(body_params):
body_params = {key:val.detach().cpu().numpy() for key, val in body_params.items()}
return body_params
def get_prepare_smplx(body_params, cfg, nFrames):
zero_pose = torch.zeros((nFrames, 3), device=cfg.device)
if not cfg.OPT_HAND and cfg.model in ['smplh', 'smplx']:
zero_pose_hand = torch.zeros((nFrames, body_params['poses'].shape[1] - 66), device=cfg.device)
elif cfg.OPT_HAND and not cfg.OPT_EXPR and cfg.model == 'smplx':
zero_pose_face = torch.zeros((nFrames, body_params['poses'].shape[1] - 78), device=cfg.device)
def pack(new_params):
if not cfg.OPT_HAND and cfg.model in ['smplh', 'smplx']:
new_params['poses'] = torch.cat([zero_pose, new_params['poses'][:, 3:66], zero_pose_hand], dim=1)
new_params['poses'] = torch.cat([zero_pose, new_params['poses'][:, 3:]], dim=1)
return new_params
return pack
def get_optParams(body_params, cfg, extra_params):
for key, val in body_params.items():
body_params[key] = torch.Tensor(val).to(cfg.device)
if cfg is None:
opt_params = [body_params['Rh'], body_params['Th'], body_params['poses']]
if extra_params is not None:
opt_params = extra_params
opt_params = []
if cfg.OPT_R:
if cfg.OPT_T:
if cfg.OPT_POSE:
if cfg.OPT_SHAPE:
if cfg.OPT_EXPR and cfg.model == 'smplx':
return opt_params
def _optimizeSMPL(body_model, body_params, prepare_funcs, postprocess_funcs,
loss_funcs, extra_params=None,
weight_loss={}, cfg=None):
""" A common interface for different optimization.
body_model (SMPL model)
body_params (DictParam): poses(1, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(1, 3), Th(1, 3)
prepare_funcs (List): functions for prepare
loss_funcs (Dict): functions for loss
weight_loss (Dict): weight
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
loss_funcs = {key: val for key, val in loss_funcs.items() if key in weight_loss.keys() and weight_loss[key] > 0.}
if cfg.verbose:
print('Loss Functions: ')
for key, func in loss_funcs.items():
print(' -> {:15s}: {}'.format(key, func.__doc__))
opt_params = get_optParams(body_params, cfg, extra_params)
grad_require(opt_params, True)
optimizer = LBFGS(opt_params,
records = []
def closure(debug=False):
# 0. Prepare body parameters => new_params
new_params = body_params.copy()
for func in prepare_funcs:
new_params = func(new_params)
# 1. Compute keypoints => kpts_est
kpts_est = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=True, **new_params)
# 2. Compute loss => loss_dict
loss_dict = {key:func(kpts_est=kpts_est, **new_params) for key, func in loss_funcs.items()}
# 3. Summary and log
cnt = len(records)
if cfg.verbose and cnt % PRINT_STEP == 0:
print('{:-6d}: '.format(cnt) + ' '.join([key + ' %f'%(loss_dict[key].item()*weight_loss[key])
for key in loss_dict.keys() if weight_loss[key]>0]))
loss = sum([loss_dict[key]*weight_loss[key]
for key in loss_dict.keys()])
if debug:
return loss_dict
return loss
fitting = FittingMonitor(ftol=1e-4)
final_loss = fitting.run_fitting(optimizer, closure, opt_params)
grad_require(opt_params, False)
loss_dict = closure(debug=True)
if cfg.verbose:
print('{:-6d}: '.format(len(records)) + ' '.join([key + ' %f'%(loss_dict[key].item()*weight_loss[key])
for key in loss_dict.keys() if weight_loss[key]>0]))
loss_dict = {key:val.item() for key, val in loss_dict.items()}
# post-process the body_parameters
for func in postprocess_funcs:
body_params = func(body_params)
return body_params
def optimizePose3D(body_model, params, keypoints3d, weight, cfg):
simple function for optimizing model pose given 3d keypoints
body_model (SMPL model)
params (DictParam): poses(1, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(1, 3), Th(1, 3)
keypoints3d (nFrames, nJoints, 4): 3D keypoints
weight (Dict): string:float
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
nFrames = keypoints3d.shape[0]
prepare_funcs = [
get_prepare_smplx(params, cfg, nFrames),
loss_funcs = {
'k3d': LossKeypoints3D(keypoints3d, cfg).body,
'smooth_body': LossSmoothBodyMean(cfg).body,
'smooth_poses': LossSmoothPoses(1, nFrames, cfg).poses,
'reg_poses': LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_body,
'init_poses': LossInit(params, cfg).init_poses,
2021-05-27 21:12:17 +08:00
if body_model.model_type != 'mano':
loss_funcs['reg_poses_zero'] = LossRegPosesZero(keypoints3d, cfg).__call__
2021-04-14 15:22:51 +08:00
if cfg.OPT_HAND:
loss_funcs['k3d_hand'] = LossKeypoints3D(keypoints3d, cfg, norm='l1').hand
loss_funcs['reg_hand'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_hand
# loss_funcs['smooth_hand'] = LossSmoothPoses(1, nFrames, cfg).hands
loss_funcs['smooth_hand'] = LossSmoothBodyMean(cfg).hand
if cfg.OPT_EXPR:
loss_funcs['k3d_face'] = LossKeypoints3D(keypoints3d, cfg, norm='l1').face
loss_funcs['reg_head'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_head
loss_funcs['reg_expr'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_expr
loss_funcs['smooth_head'] = LossSmoothPoses(1, nFrames, cfg).head
postprocess_funcs = [
params = _optimizeSMPL(body_model, params, prepare_funcs, postprocess_funcs, loss_funcs, weight_loss=weight, cfg=cfg)
return params
def optimizePose2D(body_model, params, bboxes, keypoints2d, Pall, weight, cfg):
simple function for optimizing model pose given 3d keypoints
body_model (SMPL model)
params (DictParam): poses(1, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(1, 3), Th(1, 3)
keypoints2d (nFrames, nViews, nJoints, 4): 2D keypoints of each view
bboxes: (nFrames, nViews, 5)
weight (Dict): string:float
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
# transpose to (nViews, nFrames, 5)
bboxes = bboxes.transpose(1, 0, 2)
# transpose to => keypoints2d: (nViews, nFrames, nJoints, 3)
keypoints2d = keypoints2d.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
nViews, nFrames = keypoints2d.shape[:2]
prepare_funcs = [
get_prepare_smplx(params, cfg, nFrames),
loss_funcs = {
'k2d': LossKeypointsMV2D(keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, cfg).__call__,
'smooth_body': LossSmoothBodyMean(cfg).body,
'init_poses': LossInit(params, cfg).init_poses,
'smooth_poses': LossSmoothPoses(nViews, nFrames, cfg).poses,
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'reg_poses': LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_body,
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2021-05-27 21:12:17 +08:00
if body_model.model_type != 'mano':
loss_funcs['reg_poses_zero'] = LossRegPosesZero(keypoints2d, cfg).__call__
if cfg.OPT_SHAPE:
loss_funcs['init_shapes'] = LossInit(params, cfg).init_shapes
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if cfg.OPT_HAND:
loss_funcs['reg_hand'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_hand
# loss_funcs['smooth_hand'] = LossSmoothPoses(1, nFrames, cfg).hands
loss_funcs['smooth_hand'] = LossSmoothBodyMean(cfg).hand
if cfg.OPT_EXPR:
loss_funcs['reg_head'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_head
loss_funcs['reg_expr'] = LossRegPoses(cfg).reg_expr
loss_funcs['smooth_head'] = LossSmoothPoses(1, nFrames, cfg).head
loss_funcs = {key:val for key, val in loss_funcs.items() if key in weight.keys()}
postprocess_funcs = [
params = _optimizeSMPL(body_model, params, prepare_funcs, postprocess_funcs, loss_funcs, weight_loss=weight, cfg=cfg)
return params