2022-08-21 16:07:06 +08:00
# 这个脚本用于通用的多阶段的优化
import numpy as np
import torch
from ..annotator.file_utils import read_json
from ..mytools import Timer
from .lossbase import print_table
from ..config.baseconfig import load_object
from ..bodymodel.base import Params
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
def dict_of_numpy_to_tensor(body_model, body_params, *args, **kwargs):
device = body_model.device
body_params = {key:torch.Tensor(val).to(device) for key, val in body_params.items()}
return body_params
class AddExtra:
def __init__(self, vals) -> None:
self.vals = vals
def __call__(self, body_model, body_params, *args, **kwargs):
shapes = body_params['poses'].shape[:-1]
for key in self.vals:
if key in body_params.keys():
if key.startswith('R_') or key.startswith('T_'):
val = np.zeros((*shapes, 3), dtype=np.float32)
body_params[key] = val
return body_params
def dict_of_tensor_to_numpy(body_params):
body_params = {key:val.detach().cpu().numpy() for key, val in body_params.items()}
return body_params
def grad_require(params, flag=False):
if isinstance(params, list):
for par in params:
par.requires_grad = flag
elif isinstance(params, dict):
for key, par in params.items():
par.requires_grad = flag
def rel_change(prev_val, curr_val):
return (prev_val - curr_val) / max([1e-5, abs(prev_val), abs(curr_val)])
def make_optimizer(opt_params, optim_type='lbfgs', max_iter=20,
lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999), weight_decay=0.0, **kwargs):
if isinstance(opt_params, dict):
# LBFGS 不支持参数字典
opt_params = list(opt_params.values())
if optim_type == 'lbfgs':
from ..pyfitting.lbfgs import LBFGS
optimizer = LBFGS(opt_params, line_search_fn='strong_wolfe', max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs)
elif optim_type == 'adam':
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(opt_params, lr=lr, betas=betas, weight_decay=weight_decay)
raise NotImplementedError
return optimizer
def make_lossfuncs(stage, infos, device, irepeat, verbose=False):
loss_funcs, weights = {}, {}
for key, val in stage.loss.items():
loss_args = dict(val.args)
if 'infos' in val.keys():
for k in val.infos:
loss_args[k] = infos[k]
module = load_object(val.module, loss_args)
if 'weights' in val.keys():
weights[key] = val.weights[irepeat]
weights[key] = val.weight
if weights[key] < 0:
loss_funcs[key] = module
if verbose or True:
print('Loss functions: ')
for key, func in loss_funcs.items():
print(' - {:15s}: {}, {}'.format(key, weights[key], func))
return loss_funcs, weights
def make_before_after(before_after, body_model, body_params, infos):
modules = []
for key, val in before_after.items():
args = dict(val.args)
if 'body_model' in args.keys():
args['body_model'] = body_model
module = load_object(val.module, args)
print('[Fitting] Failed to load module {}'.format(key))
raise NotImplementedError
module.infos = infos
return modules
def process(start_or_end, body_model, body_params, infos):
for key, val in start_or_end.items():
if isinstance(val, dict):
module = load_object(val.module, val.args)
if key == 'convert' and val == 'numpy_to_tensor':
module = dict_of_numpy_to_tensor
if key == 'add':
module = AddExtra(val)
body_params = module(body_model, body_params, infos)
return body_params
def plot_meshes(img, meshes, K, R, T):
import cv2
mesh_camera = []
for mesh in meshes:
vertices = mesh['vertices'] @ R.T + T.T
v2d = vertices @ K.T
v2d[:, :2] = v2d[:, :2] / v2d[:, 2:3]
for (x, y, d) in v2d[::10]:
cv2.circle(img, (int(x+0.5), int(y+0.5)), lw*2, col, -1)
return img
class MultiStage:
def __init__(self, batch_size, optimizer, monitor, initialize, stages) -> None:
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.optimizer_args = optimizer
self.monitor = monitor
self.initialize = initialize
self.stages = stages
def make_closure(self, body_model, body_params, infos, loss_funcs, weights, optimizer, before_after_module):
def closure(debug=False, ret_kpts=False):
# 0. Prepare body parameters => new_params
new_params = body_params.copy()
for module in before_after_module:
new_params = module.before(new_params)
# 1. Compute keypoints => kpts_est
poses_full = body_model.extend_poses(**new_params)
kpts_est = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=True, **new_params)
if ret_kpts:
return kpts_est
verts_est = None
# 2. Compute loss => loss_dict
loss_dict = {}
for key, loss_func in loss_funcs.items():
if key.startswith('v'):
if verts_est is None:
verts_est = body_model(return_verts=True, return_tensor=True, **new_params)
loss_dict[key] = loss_func(verts_est=verts_est, **new_params, **infos)
elif key.startswith('pf-'):
loss_dict[key] = loss_func(poses_full=poses_full, **new_params, **infos)
loss_dict[key] = loss_func(kpts_est=kpts_est, **new_params, **infos)
loss = sum([loss_dict[key]*weights[key]
for key in loss_dict.keys()])
if debug:
return loss_dict
return loss
return closure
def optimizer_step(self, optimizer, closure, weights):
prev_loss = None
for iter_ in range(self.monitor.maxiters):
with torch.no_grad():
loss_dict = closure(debug=True)
if self.monitor.printloss or (self.monitor.verbose and iter_ == 0):
print('{:-6d}: '.format(iter_) + ' '.join([key + ' %f'%(loss_dict[key].item()*weights[key]) for key in loss_dict.keys()]))
loss = optimizer.step(closure)
# check the loss
if torch.isnan(loss).sum() > 0:
print('[optimize] NaN loss value, stopping!')
if torch.isinf(loss).sum() > 0:
print('[optimize] Infinite loss value, stopping!')
# check the delta
if iter_ > 0 and prev_loss is not None:
loss_rel_change = rel_change(prev_loss, loss.item())
if loss_rel_change <= self.monitor.ftol:
if self.monitor.printloss or self.monitor.verbose:
print('{:-6d}: '.format(iter_) + ' '.join([key + ' %f'%(loss_dict[key].item()*weights[key]) for key in loss_dict.keys()]))
# log
if self.monitor.vis2d:
if self.monitor.vis3d:
prev_loss = loss.item()
return True
def fit_stage(self, body_model, body_params, infos, stage, irepeat):
# 单独拟合一个stage, 返回body_params
optimizer_args = stage.get('optimizer', self.optimizer_args)
dtype, device = body_model.dtype, body_model.device
body_params = process(stage.get('at_start', {'convert': 'numpy_to_tensor'}), body_model, body_params, infos)
opt_params = {}
if 'optimize' in stage.keys():
optimize_names = stage.optimize
optimize_names = stage.optimizes[irepeat]
for key in optimize_names:
if key in infos.keys(): # 优化的参数
infos[key] = infos[key].to(device)
opt_params[key] = infos[key]
elif key in body_params.keys():
opt_params[key] = body_params[key]
raise ValueError('{} is not in infos or body_params'.format(key))
if self.monitor.verbose:
print('[optimize] optimizing {}'.format(optimize_names))
for key, val in opt_params.items():
infos['init_'+key] = val.clone().detach().cpu()
# initialize keypoints
with torch.no_grad():
kpts_est = body_model.keypoints(body_params)
infos['init_kpts_est'] = kpts_est.clone().detach().cpu()
before_after_module = make_before_after(stage.get('before_after', {}), body_model, body_params, infos)
for module in before_after_module:
# Input to this module is tensor
body_params = module.start(body_params)
grad_require(opt_params, True)
optimizer = make_optimizer(opt_params, **optimizer_args)
loss_funcs, weights = make_lossfuncs(stage, infos, device, irepeat, self.monitor.verbose)
closure = self.make_closure(body_model, body_params, infos, loss_funcs, weights, optimizer, before_after_module)
if self.monitor.check:
new_params = body_params.copy()
for module in before_after_module:
new_params = module.before(new_params)
kpts_est = body_model.keypoints(new_params)
for key, loss in loss_funcs.items():
loss.check_at_start(kpts_est=kpts_est, **new_params)
self.optimizer_step(optimizer, closure, weights)
grad_require(opt_params, False)
if self.monitor.check:
new_params = body_params.copy()
for module in before_after_module:
new_params = module.before(new_params)
kpts_est = body_model.keypoints(new_params)
for key, loss in loss_funcs.items():
loss.check_at_end(kpts_est=kpts_est, **new_params)
for module in before_after_module:
# Input to this module is tensor
body_params = module.final(body_params)
body_params = dict_of_tensor_to_numpy(body_params)
for key, val in opt_params.items():
if key in infos.keys():
infos[key] = val.detach().cpu()
return body_params
2022-10-25 20:57:27 +08:00
def fit_data(self, data, body_model):
infos = data.copy()
init_params = body_model.init_params(nFrames=infos['nFrames'], nPerson=infos.get('nPerson', 1))
# first initialize the model
for name, init_func in self.initialize.items():
if 'loss' in init_func.keys():
# fitting to initialize
init_params = self.fit_stage(body_model, init_params, infos, init_func, 0)
# use initialize module
init_module = load_object(init_func.module, init_func.args)
init_params = init_module(body_model, init_params, infos)
# if there are multiple initialization params
# then fit each of them
if not isinstance(init_params, list):
init_params = [init_params]
results = []
for init_param in init_params:
# check the repeat params
body_params = init_param
for stage_name, stage in self.stages.items():
for irepeat in range(stage.get('repeat', 1)):
with Timer('optimize {}'.format(stage_name), not self.monitor.timer):
body_params = self.fit_stage(body_model, body_params, infos, stage, irepeat)
# select the best results
if len(results) > 1:
# check the result
loss = load_object(self.check.module, self.check.args, **{key:infos[key] for key in self.check.infos})
metrics = [loss(body_model.keypoints(body_params, return_tensor=True).cpu()).item() for body_params in results]
best_idx = np.argmin(metrics)
best_idx = 0
body_params = Params(**results[best_idx])
return body_params, infos
2022-08-21 16:07:06 +08:00
def fit(self, body_model, dataset):
batch_size = len(dataset) if self.batch_size == -1 else self.batch_size
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=0, drop_last=False)
if len(dataloader) > 1:
dataloader = tqdm(dataloader, desc='optimizing')
for data in dataloader:
data = dataset.reshape_data(data)
2022-10-25 20:57:27 +08:00
body_params, infos = self.fit_data(data, body_model)
2022-08-21 16:07:06 +08:00
if 'sync_offset' in body_params.keys():
offset = body_params.pop('sync_offset')
if data['nFrames'] != body_params['poses'].shape[0]:
for key in body_params.keys():
if body_params[key].shape[0] == 1:continue
body_params[key] = body_params[key].reshape(data['nFrames'], -1, *body_params[key].shape[1:])
print(key, body_params[key].shape)
if 'K' in infos.keys():
camera = Params(K=infos['K'].numpy(), R=infos['Rc'].numpy(), T=infos['Tc'].numpy())
if 'mirror' in infos.keys():
camera['mirror'] = infos['mirror'].numpy()[None]
dataset.write(body_model, body_params, data, camera)
# write data without camera
dataset.write(body_model, body_params, data)