148 lines
5.5 KiB
148 lines
5.5 KiB
import numpy as np
from easymocap.dataset.mirror import flipPoint2D
def clear_vanish_points(self, param):
"remove all vanishing points"
annots = param['annots']
annots['vanish_line'] = [[], [], []]
annots['vanish_point'] = [[], [], []]
def clear_body_points(self, param):
"remove vanish lines of body"
annots = param['annots']
for i in range(3):
vanish_lines = []
for data in annots['vanish_line'][i]:
if data[0][-1] > 1 and data[1][-1] > 1:
annots['vanish_line'][i] = vanish_lines
if len(vanish_lines) > 1:
annots['vanish_point'][i] = update_vanish_points(vanish_lines)
def calc_vanishpoint(keypoints2d, thres=0.3):
keypoints2d: (2, N, 3)
valid_idx = []
for nj in range(keypoints2d.shape[1]):
if keypoints2d[0, nj, 2] > thres and keypoints2d[1, nj, 2] > thres:
assert len(valid_idx) > 0, 'ATTN: cannot calculate the mirror pose'
keypoints2d = keypoints2d[:, valid_idx]
# weight: (N, 1)
weight = keypoints2d[:, :, 2:].mean(axis=0)
conf = weight.mean()
A = np.hstack([
keypoints2d[1, :, 1:2] - keypoints2d[0, :, 1:2],
-(keypoints2d[1, :, 0:1] - keypoints2d[0, :, 0:1])
b = -keypoints2d[0, :, 0:1]*(keypoints2d[1, :, 1:2] - keypoints2d[0, :, 1:2]) \
+ keypoints2d[0, :, 1:2] * (keypoints2d[1, :, 0:1] - keypoints2d[0, :, 0:1])
b = -b
A = A * weight
b = b * weight
avgInsec = np.linalg.inv(A.T @ A) @ (A.T @ b)
result = np.zeros(3)
result[0] = avgInsec[0, 0]
result[1] = avgInsec[1, 0]
result[2] = conf
return result
def update_vanish_points(lines):
vline0 = np.array(lines).transpose(1, 0, 2)
# vline0 = np.dstack((vline0, np.ones((vline0.shape[0], vline0.shape[1], 1))))
dim1points = vline0.copy()
points = calc_vanishpoint(dim1points)
return points.tolist()
def get_record_vanish_lines(index):
def record_vanish_lines(self, param, **kwargs):
"record vanish lines, X: mirror edge, Y: into mirror, Z: Up"
annots = param['annots']
if 'vanish_line' not in annots.keys():
annots['vanish_line'] = [[], [], []]
if 'vanish_point' not in annots.keys():
annots['vanish_point'] = [[], [], []]
start, end = param['start'], param['end']
if start is not None and end is not None:
annots['vanish_line'][index].append([[start[0], start[1], 2], [end[0], end[1], 2]])
# 更新vanish point
if len(annots['vanish_line'][index]) > 1:
annots['vanish_point'][index] = update_vanish_points(annots['vanish_line'][index])
param['start'] = None
param['end'] = None
func = record_vanish_lines
text = ['parallel to mirror edges', 'vertical to mirror', 'vertical to ground']
func.__doc__ = 'vanish line of ' + text[index]
return record_vanish_lines
def vanish_point_from_body(self, param, **kwargs):
"calculating the vanish point from human keypoints"
annots = param['annots']
bodies = annots['annots']
if len(bodies) < 2:
return 0
assert len(bodies) == 2, 'Please make sure that there are only two bboxes!'
kpts0 = np.array(bodies[0]['keypoints'])
kpts1 = flipPoint2D(np.array(bodies[1]['keypoints']))
vanish_line = annots['vanish_line'][1] # the y-dim
MIN_CONF = 0.5
for i in range(15):
conf = min(kpts0[i, -1], kpts1[i, -1])
if kpts0[i, -1] > MIN_CONF and kpts1[i, -1] > MIN_CONF:
vanish_line.append([[kpts0[i, 0], kpts0[i, 1], conf], [kpts1[i, 0], kpts1[i, 1], conf]])
if len(vanish_line) > 1:
annots['vanish_point'][1] = update_vanish_points(vanish_line)
def copy_edges(self, param, **kwargs):
"copy the static edges from previous frame"
if self.frame == 0:
return 0
previous = self.previous()
annots = param['annots']
# copy the vanish points
vanish_lines_pre = previous['vanish_line']
vanish_lines = param['annots']['vanish_line']
for i in range(3):
vanish_lines[i] = []
for data in vanish_lines_pre[i]:
if data[0][-1] > 1 and data[1][-1] > 1:
if len(vanish_lines[i]) > 1:
annots['vanish_point'][i] = update_vanish_points(vanish_lines[i])
def get_calc_intrinsic(mode='xy'):
def calc_intrinsic(self, param, **kwargs):
"calculating intrinsic matrix according to vanish points"
annots = param['annots']
if mode == 'xy':
point0 = annots['vanish_point'][0]
point1 = annots['vanish_point'][1]
elif mode == 'yz':
point0 = annots['vanish_point'][1]
point1 = annots['vanish_point'][2]
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
if len(point0) < 1 or len(point1) < 1:
return 0
vanish_point = np.stack([np.array(point0), np.array(point1)])
K = np.eye(3)
H = annots['height']
W = annots['width']
K = np.eye(3)
K[0, 2] = W/2
K[1, 2] = H/2
vanish_point[:, 0] -= W/2
vanish_point[:, 1] -= H/2
focal = np.sqrt(-(vanish_point[0][0]*vanish_point[1][0] + vanish_point[0][1]*vanish_point[1][1]))
K[0, 0] = focal
K[1, 1] = focal
annots['K'] = K.tolist()
print('>>> estimated K: ')
calc_intrinsic.__doc__ = 'calculate K with {}'.format(mode)
return calc_intrinsic