🔨 fix missing files

This commit is contained in:
shuaiqing 2021-04-14 16:29:57 +08:00
parent 64e0e48d29
commit 436c03c149
11 changed files with 2872 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
@ Date: 2021-01-13 18:50:31
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-03-28 22:11:58
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/code/dataset/__init__.py
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-14 16:24:15
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapRelease/easymocap/dataset/__init__.py
from .config import CONFIG
from .base import ImageFolder
from .mv1pmf import MV1PMF
from .mv1pmf_mirror import MV1PMF_Mirror
from .mvmpmf import MVMPMF

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
@ Date: 2021-04-14 16:25:48
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-14 16:25:49
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapRelease/easymocap/estimator/__init__.py
from .SPIN import SPIN, init_with_spin

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
@ Date: 2021-03-28 21:09:45
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-02 21:57:11
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/easymocap/mytools/__init__.py
from .vis_base import merge, colors_bar_rgb, plot_bbox, plot_keypoints, plot_line, get_rgb, plot_cross, plot_points2d
from .file_utils import getFileList, read_json, save_json, read_annot
from .camera_utils import read_camera, write_camera, write_extri, write_intri, read_intri
from .camera_utils import Undistort
from .utils import Timer
from .reconstruction import batch_triangulate, projectN3, simple_recon_person
from .cmd_loader import load_parser, parse_parser
from .writer import FileWriter

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
@ Date: 2021-01-15 11:12:00
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-03-08 21:07:48
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/code/mytools/utils.py
import time
import tabulate
class Timer:
records = {}
def report(cls):
header = ['', 'Time(ms)']
contents = []
for key, val in cls.records.items():
contents.append(['{:20s}'.format(key), '{:.2f}'.format(sum(val)/len(val))])
print(tabulate.tabulate(contents, header, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
def __init__(self, name, silent=False):
self.name = name
self.silent = silent
if name not in Timer.records.keys():
Timer.records[name] = []
def __enter__(self):
self.start = time.time()
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
end = time.time()
if not self.silent:
print('-> [{:20s}]: {:5.1f}ms'.format(self.name, (end-self.start)*1000))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
from .renderer import Renderer

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
@ Date: 2021-01-17 22:44:34
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-03 20:00:02
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/code/visualize/geometry.py
import numpy as np
import cv2
import numpy as np
def create_ground(
center=[0, 0, 0], xdir=[1, 0, 0], ydir=[0, 1, 0], # 位置
step=1, xrange=10, yrange=10, # 尺寸
white=[1., 1., 1.], black=[0.,0.,0.], # 颜色
if isinstance(center, list):
center = np.array(center)
xdir = np.array(xdir)
ydir = np.array(ydir)
print(center, xdir, ydir)
xdir = xdir * step
ydir = ydir * step
vertls, trils, colls = [],[],[]
cnt = 0
min_x = -xrange if two_sides else 0
min_y = -yrange if two_sides else 0
for i in range(min_x, xrange+1):
for j in range(min_y, yrange+1):
point0 = center + i*xdir + j*ydir
point1 = center + (i+1)*xdir + j*ydir
point2 = center + (i+1)*xdir + (j+1)*ydir
point3 = center + (i)*xdir + (j+1)*ydir
if (i%2==0 and j%2==0) or (i%2==1 and j%2==1):
col = white
col = black
vert = np.stack([point0, point1, point2, point3])
col = np.stack([col for _ in range(vert.shape[0])])
tri = np.array([[2, 3, 0], [0, 1, 2]]) + vert.shape[0] * cnt
cnt += 1
vertls = np.vstack(vertls)
trils = np.vstack(trils)
colls = np.vstack(colls)
return {'vertices': vertls, 'faces': trils, 'colors': colls, 'name': 'ground'}
def get_rotation_from_two_directions(direc0, direc1):
direc0 = direc0/np.linalg.norm(direc0)
direc1 = direc1/np.linalg.norm(direc1)
rotdir = np.cross(direc0, direc1)
if np.linalg.norm(rotdir) < 1e-2:
return np.eye(3)
rotdir = rotdir/np.linalg.norm(rotdir)
rotdir = rotdir * np.arccos(np.dot(direc0, direc1))
rotmat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rotdir)
return rotmat
PLANE_VERTICES = np.array([
[0., 0., 0.],
[1., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1.],
[1., 0., 1.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 1., 1.],
[1., 1., 1.]])
PLANE_FACES = np.array([
[4, 7, 5],
[4, 6, 7],
[0, 2, 4],
[2, 6, 4],
[0, 1, 2],
[1, 3, 2],
[1, 5, 7],
[1, 7, 3],
[2, 3, 7],
[2, 7, 6],
[0, 4, 1],
[1, 4, 5]], dtype=np.int32)
def create_plane(normal, center, dx=1, dy=1, dz=0.005, color=[0.8, 0.8, 0.8]):
vertices = PLANE_VERTICES.copy()
vertices[:, 0] = vertices[:, 0]*dx - dx/2
vertices[:, 1] = vertices[:, 1]*dy - dy/2
vertices[:, 2] = vertices[:, 2]*dz - dz/2
# 根据normal计算旋转
rotmat = get_rotation_from_two_directions(
np.array([0, 0, 1]), np.array(normal))
vertices = vertices @ rotmat.T
vertices += np.array(center).reshape(-1, 3)
return {'vertices': vertices, 'faces': PLANE_FACES.copy(), 'name': 'plane'}
def create_cameras(cameras):
vertex = np.array([[0.203982,0.061435,0.00717595],[-0.116019,0.061435,0.00717595],[-0.116019,-0.178565,0.00717595],[0.203982,-0.178565,0.00717595],[0.203982,0.061435,-0.092824],[-0.116019,0.061435,-0.092824],[-0.116019,-0.178565,-0.092824],[0.203982,-0.178565,-0.092824],[0.131154,-0.0361827,0.00717595],[0.131154,-0.0361827,0.092176],[0.122849,-0.015207,0.00717595],[0.122849,-0.015207,0.092176],[0.109589,0.00304419,0.00717595],[0.109589,0.00304419,0.092176],[0.092206,0.0174247,0.00717595],[0.092206,0.0174247,0.092176],[0.071793,0.0270302,0.00717595],[0.071793,0.0270302,0.092176],[0.0496327,0.0312577,0.00717595],[0.0496327,0.0312577,0.092176],[0.0271172,0.0298412,0.00717595],[0.0271172,0.0298412,0.092176],[0.00566135,0.0228697,0.00717595],[0.00566135,0.0228697,0.092176],[-0.0133865,0.0107812,0.00717595],[-0.0133865,0.0107812,0.092176],[-0.02883,-0.0056643,0.00717595],[-0.02883,-0.0056643,0.092176],[-0.0396985,-0.0254336,0.00717595],[-0.0396985,-0.0254336,0.092176],[-0.045309,-0.0472848,0.00717595],[-0.045309,-0.0472848,0.092176],[-0.045309,-0.069845,0.00717595],[-0.045309,-0.069845,0.092176],[-0.0396985,-0.091696,0.00717595],[-0.0396985,-0.091696,0.092176],[-0.02883,-0.111466,0.00717595],[-0.02883,-0.111466,0.092176],[-0.0133865,-0.127911,0.00717595],[-0.0133865,-0.127911,0.092176],[0.00566135,-0.14,0.00717595],[0.00566135,-0.14,0.092176],[0.0271172,-0.146971,0.00717595],[0.0271172,-0.146971,0.092176],[0.0496327,-0.148388,0.00717595],[0.0496327,-0.148388,0.092176],[0.071793,-0.14416,0.00717595],[0.071793,-0.14416,0.092176],[0.092206,-0.134554,0.00717595],[0.092206,-0.134554,0.092176],[0.109589,-0.120174,0.00717595],[0.109589,-0.120174,0.092176],[0.122849,-0.101923,0.00717595],[0.122849,-0.101923,0.092176],[0.131154,-0.080947,0.00717595],[0.131154,-0.080947,0.092176],[0.133982,-0.058565,0.00717595],[0.133982,-0.058565,0.092176],[-0.0074325,0.061435,-0.0372285],[-0.0074325,0.074435,-0.0372285],[-0.0115845,0.061435,-0.0319846],[-0.0115845,0.074435,-0.0319846],[-0.018215,0.061435,-0.0274218],[-0.018215,0.074435,-0.0274218],[-0.0269065,0.061435,-0.0238267],[-0.0269065,0.074435,-0.0238267],[-0.0371125,0.061435,-0.0214253],[-0.0371125,0.074435,-0.0214253],[-0.048193,0.061435,-0.0203685],[-0.048193,0.074435,-0.0203685],[-0.0594505,0.061435,-0.0207226],[-0.0594505,0.074435,-0.0207226],[-0.0701785,0.061435,-0.0224655],[-0.0701785,0.074435,-0.0224655],[-0.0797025,0.061435,-0.0254875],[-0.0797025,0.074435,-0.0254875],[-0.0874245,0.061435,-0.0295989],[-0.0874245,0.074435,-0.0295989],[-0.0928585,0.061435,-0.0345412],[-0.0928585,0.074435,-0.0345412],[-0.0956635,0.061435,-0.040004],[-0.0956635,0.074435,-0.040004],[-0.0956635,0.061435,-0.045644],[-0.0956635,0.074435,-0.045644],[-0.0928585,0.061435,-0.051107],[-0.0928585,0.074435,-0.051107],[-0.0874245,0.061435,-0.056049],[-0.0874245,0.074435,-0.056049],[-0.0797025,0.061435,-0.0601605],[-0.0797025,0.074435,-0.0601605],[-0.0701785,0.061435,-0.0631825],[-0.0701785,0.074435,-0.0631825],[-0.0594505,0.061435,-0.0649255],[-0.0594505,0.074435,-0.0649255],[-0.048193,0.061435,-0.0652795],[-0.048193,0.074435,-0.0652795],[-0.0371125,0.061435,-0.064223],[-0.0371125,0.074435,-0.064223],[-0.0269065,0.061435,-0.0618215],[-0.0269065,0.074435,-0.0618215],[-0.018215,0.061435,-0.0582265],[-0.018215,0.074435,-0.0582265],[-0.0115845,0.061435,-0.0536635],[-0.0115845,0.074435,-0.0536635],[-0.0074325,0.061435,-0.0484195],[-0.0074325,0.074435,-0.0484195],[-0.0060185,0.061435,-0.0428241],[-0.0060185,0.074435,-0.0428241]])*0.5
tri = [[4,3,2],[1,4,2],[6,1,2],[6,5,1],[8,4,1],[5,8,1],[3,7,2],[7,6,2],[4,7,3],[8,7,4],[6,7,5],[7,8,5],[43,42,44],[42,43,41],[43,46,45],[46,43,44],[58,9,57],[9,58,10],[55,58,57],[56,58,55],[53,54,55],[54,56,55],[12,11,9],[12,9,10],[21,20,22],[20,21,19],[34,33,32],[32,33,31],[35,36,37],[37,36,38],[33,36,35],[36,33,34],[29,30,31],[30,32,31],[40,39,37],[40,37,38],[39,40,41],[40,42,41],[47,48,49],[49,48,50],[48,47,45],[46,48,45],[49,52,51],[52,49,50],[52,53,51],[52,54,53],[14,15,13],[15,14,16],[11,14,13],[12,14,11],[18,17,15],[18,15,16],[17,18,19],[18,20,19],[27,35,37],[17,27,15],[27,53,55],[27,49,51],[11,27,9],[27,47,49],[27,33,35],[23,27,21],[27,39,41],[27,55,57],[9,27,57],[15,27,13],[39,27,37],[47,27,45],[53,27,51],[27,11,13],[43,27,41],[27,29,31],[27,43,45],[27,17,19],[21,27,19],[33,27,31],[27,23,25],[23,24,25],[25,24,26],[24,21,22],[24,23,21],[28,36,34],[42,28,44],[28,58,56],[54,28,56],[52,28,54],[28,34,32],[28,46,44],[18,28,20],[20,28,22],[30,28,32],[40,28,42],[58,28,10],[28,48,46],[28,12,10],[28,14,12],[36,28,38],[28,24,22],[28,40,38],[48,28,50],[28,52,50],[14,28,16],[28,18,16],[24,28,26],[28,27,25],[28,25,26],[28,30,29],[27,28,29],[108,59,60],[59,108,107],[62,59,61],[59,62,60],[103,102,101],[102,103,104],[64,61,63],[64,62,61],[70,67,69],[67,70,68],[70,71,72],[71,70,69],[83,84,82],[83,82,81],[86,85,87],[86,87,88],[86,83,85],[83,86,84],[77,78,75],[75,78,76],[105,106,103],[103,106,104],[108,106,107],[106,105,107],[97,96,95],[96,97,98],[96,93,95],[93,96,94],[93,92,91],[92,93,94],[79,105,103],[59,79,61],[79,93,91],[83,79,85],[85,79,87],[61,79,63],[79,103,101],[65,79,67],[79,99,97],[89,79,91],[79,77,75],[79,59,107],[67,79,69],[79,89,87],[79,73,71],[105,79,107],[79,97,95],[79,71,69],[79,83,81],[99,79,101],[93,79,95],[79,65,63],[73,79,75],[99,100,97],[97,100,98],[102,100,101],[100,99,101],[89,90,87],[87,90,88],[90,89,91],[92,90,91],[66,67,68],[66,65,67],[66,64,63],[65,66,63],[74,75,76],[74,73,75],[71,74,72],[73,74,71],[80,106,108],[74,80,72],[86,80,84],[84,80,82],[64,80,62],[80,108,60],[80,100,102],[62,80,60],[66,80,64],[80,70,72],[80,102,104],[96,80,94],[80,90,92],[70,80,68],[80,86,88],[78,80,76],[106,80,104],[80,96,98],[80,92,94],[100,80,98],[90,80,88],[80,66,68],[80,74,76],[82,80,81],[80,79,81],[80,78,77],[79,80,77]]
tri = [a[::-1] for a in tri]
triangles = np.array(tri) - 1
meshes = []
for nv, (key, camera) in enumerate(cameras.items()):
vertices = (camera['R'].T @ (vertex.T - camera['T'])).T
'vertices': vertices, 'faces': triangles, 'name': 'camera_{}'.format(nv), 'vid': nv
return meshes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
import pyrender
import trimesh
import copy
# 这个顺序是BGR的。虽然render的使用的是RGB的但是由于和图像拼接了所以又变成BGR的了
colors = [
# (0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 1.), # Defalut BGR
(.5, .5, .7, 1.), # Pink BGR
(.44, .50, .98, 1.), # Red
(.7, .7, .6, 1.), # Neutral
(.5, .5, .7, 1.), # Blue
(.5, .55, .3, 1.), # capsule
(.3, .5, .55, 1.), # Yellow
# (.6, .6, .6, 1.), # gray
(.9, 1., 1., 1.),
(0.95, 0.74, 0.65, 1.),
(.9, .7, .7, 1.)
colors_table = {
# colorblind/print/copy safe:
'_blue': [0.65098039, 0.74117647, 0.85882353],
'_pink': [.9, .7, .7],
'_mint': [ 166/255., 229/255., 204/255.],
'_mint2': [ 202/255., 229/255., 223/255.],
'_green': [ 153/255., 216/255., 201/255.],
'_green2': [ 171/255., 221/255., 164/255.],
'_red': [ 251/255., 128/255., 114/255.],
'_orange': [ 253/255., 174/255., 97/255.],
'_yellow': [ 250/255., 230/255., 154/255.],
def get_colors(pid):
if isinstance(pid, int):
return colors[pid % len(colors)]
elif isinstance(pid, str):
return colors_table[pid]
from pyrender import RenderFlags
render_flags = {
'flip_wireframe': False,
'all_wireframe': False,
'all_solid': True,
'shadows': False, # TODO:bug exists in shadow mode
'vertex_normals': False,
'face_normals': False,
'cull_faces': False, # set to False
'point_size': 1.0,
flags = RenderFlags.NONE
if render_flags['flip_wireframe']:
flags |= RenderFlags.FLIP_WIREFRAME
elif render_flags['all_wireframe']:
flags |= RenderFlags.ALL_WIREFRAME
elif render_flags['all_solid']:
flags |= RenderFlags.ALL_SOLID
if render_flags['shadows']:
flags |= RenderFlags.SHADOWS_DIRECTIONAL | RenderFlags.SHADOWS_SPOT
if render_flags['vertex_normals']:
flags |= RenderFlags.VERTEX_NORMALS
if render_flags['face_normals']:
flags |= RenderFlags.FACE_NORMALS
if not render_flags['cull_faces']:
flags |= RenderFlags.SKIP_CULL_FACES
if render_flags['rgba']:
flags |= RenderFlags.RGBA
class Renderer(object):
def __init__(self, focal_length=1000, height=512, width=512, faces=None,
bg_color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], down_scale=1, # render 配置
self.renderer = pyrender.OffscreenRenderer(height, width)
self.faces = faces
self.focal_length = focal_length
self.bg_color = bg_color
self.ambient_light = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
self.down_scale = down_scale
self.extra_mesh = extra_mesh
def add_light(self, scene):
trans = [0, 0, 0]
# Use 3 directional lights
# Create light source
light = pyrender.DirectionalLight(color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], intensity=3)
light_forward = np.eye(4)
light_forward[:3, 3] = np.array([0, 1, 1])
scene.add(light, pose=light_forward)
light_z = np.eye(4)
light_z[:3, :3] = cv2.Rodrigues(np.array([-np.pi/2, 0, 0]))[0]
scene.add(light, pose=light_z)
def render(self, render_data, cameras, images,
use_white=False, add_back=True,
ret_depth=False, ret_color=False):
# Need to flip x-axis
rot = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(
np.radians(180), [1, 0, 0])
output_images, output_colors, output_depths = [], [], []
for nv, img_ in enumerate(images):
if use_white:
img = np.zeros_like(img_, dtype=np.uint8) + 255
img = img_.copy()
K, R, T = cameras['K'][nv].copy(), cameras['R'][nv], cameras['T'][nv]
# down scale the image to speed up rendering
img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=1/self.down_scale, fy=1/self.down_scale)
K[:2, :] /= self.down_scale
self.renderer.viewport_height = img.shape[0]
self.renderer.viewport_width = img.shape[1]
scene = pyrender.Scene(bg_color=self.bg_color,
for iextra, _mesh in enumerate(self.extra_mesh):
if True:
mesh = _mesh.copy()
trans_cam = np.eye(4)
trans_cam[:3, :3] = R
trans_cam[:3, 3:] = T
# mesh.vertices = np.asarray(mesh.vertices) @ R.T + T.T
mesh_ = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh)
scene.add(mesh_, 'extra{}'.format(iextra))
vert = np.asarray(_mesh.vertices).copy()
faces = np.asarray(_mesh.faces)
vert = vert @ R.T + T.T
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vert, faces, process=False)
material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial(
baseColorFactor=(0., 0., 0., 1.))
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(
scene.add(mesh, 'extra{}'.format(iextra))
for trackId, data in render_data.items():
vert = data['vertices'].copy()
faces = data['faces']
vert = vert @ R.T + T.T
if 'colors' not in data.keys():
# 如果使用了vid这个键那么可视化的颜色使用vid的颜色
col = get_colors(data.get('vid', trackId))
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vert, faces, process=False)
material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial(
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(
scene.add(mesh, data['name'])
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vert, faces, vertex_colors=data['colors'], process=False)
material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial(
baseColorFactor=(1., 1., 1.))
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(mesh, material=material)
scene.add(mesh, data['name'])
camera_pose = np.eye(4)
camera = pyrender.camera.IntrinsicsCamera(fx=K[0, 0], fy=K[1, 1], cx=K[0, 2], cy=K[1, 2])
scene.add(camera, pose=camera_pose)
# pyrender.Viewer(scene, use_raymond_lighting=True)
# Alpha channel was not working previously need to check again
# Until this is fixed use hack with depth image to get the opacity
rend_rgba, rend_depth = self.renderer.render(scene, flags=flags)
if rend_rgba.shape[2] == 3: # fail to generate transparent channel
valid_mask = (rend_depth > 0)[:, :, None]
rend_rgba = np.dstack((rend_rgba, (valid_mask*255).astype(np.uint8)))
rend_rgba = rend_rgba[..., [2, 1, 0, 3]]
if add_back:
rend_cat = cv2.addWeighted(
cv2.bitwise_and(img, 255 - rend_rgba[:, :, 3:4].repeat(3, 2)), 1,
cv2.bitwise_and(rend_rgba[:, :, :3], rend_rgba[:, :, 3:4].repeat(3, 2)), 1, 0)
rend_cat = rend_rgba
if ret_depth:
return output_images, output_depths
elif ret_color:
return output_colors
return output_images
def _render_multiview(self, vertices, K, R, T, imglist, trackId=0, return_depth=False, return_color=False,
bg_color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], camera=None):
# List to store rendered scenes
output_images, output_colors, output_depths = [], [], []
# Need to flip x-axis
rot = trimesh.transformations.rotation_matrix(
np.radians(180), [1, 0, 0])
nViews = len(imglist)
for nv in range(nViews):
img = imglist[nv]
self.renderer.viewport_height = img.shape[0]
self.renderer.viewport_width = img.shape[1]
# Create a scene for each image and render all meshes
scene = pyrender.Scene(bg_color=bg_color,
ambient_light=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
camera_pose = np.eye(4)
# for every person in the scene
if isinstance(vertices, dict):
for trackId, data in vertices.items():
vert = data['vertices'].copy()
faces = data['faces']
col = data.get('col', trackId)
vert = vert @ R[nv].T + T[nv]
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(vert, faces)
trans = [0, 0, 0]
material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial(
baseColorFactor=colors[col % len(colors)])
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(
scene.add(mesh, 'mesh')
verts = vertices @ R[nv].T + T[nv]
mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(verts, self.faces)
trans = [0, 0, 0]
material = pyrender.MetallicRoughnessMaterial(
baseColorFactor=colors[trackId % len(colors)])
mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(
scene.add(mesh, 'mesh')
if camera is not None:
light = pyrender.PointLight(color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], intensity=70)
light_pose = np.eye(4)
light_pose[:3, 3] = [0, 0, 4.5]
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
light_pose[:3, 3] = [0, 1, 4]
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
light_pose[:3, 3] = [0, -1, 4]
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
trans = [0, 0, 0]
# Use 3 directional lights
# Create light source
light = pyrender.DirectionalLight(color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], intensity=1)
light_pose = np.eye(4)
light_pose[:3, 3] = np.array([0, -1, 1]) + trans
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
light_pose[:3, 3] = np.array([0, 1, 1]) + trans
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
light_pose[:3, 3] = np.array([1, 1, 2]) + trans
scene.add(light, pose=light_pose)
if camera is None:
if K is None:
camera_center = np.array([img.shape[1] / 2., img.shape[0] / 2.])
camera = pyrender.camera.IntrinsicsCamera(fx=self.focal_length, fy=self.focal_length, cx=camera_center[0], cy=camera_center[1])
camera = pyrender.camera.IntrinsicsCamera(fx=K[nv][0, 0], fy=K[nv][1, 1], cx=K[nv][0, 2], cy=K[nv][1, 2])
scene.add(camera, pose=camera_pose)
# Alpha channel was not working previously need to check again
# Until this is fixed use hack with depth image to get the opacity
color, rend_depth = self.renderer.render(scene, flags=flags)
# color = color[::-1,::-1]
# rend_depth = rend_depth[::-1,::-1]
color = color.astype(np.uint8)
valid_mask = (rend_depth > 0)[:, :, None]
if color.shape[2] == 3: # 在服务器上透明通道失败
color = np.dstack((color, (valid_mask*255).astype(np.uint8)))
output_img = (color[:, :, :3] * valid_mask +
(1 - valid_mask) * img)
output_img = output_img.astype(np.uint8)
if return_depth:
return output_images, output_depths
elif return_color:
return output_colors
return output_images
def render_results(img, render_data, cam_params, outname=None, rotate=False, degree=90, axis=[1.,0.,0],
render_data = copy.deepcopy(render_data)
render = Renderer(height=1024, width=1024, faces=None)
Ks, Rs, Ts = [cam_params['K']], [cam_params['Rc']], [cam_params['Tc']]
imgsrender = render.render_multiview(render_data, Ks, Rs, Ts, [img], return_color=True)[0]
render0 = cv2.addWeighted(cv2.bitwise_and(img, 255 - imgsrender[:, :, 3:4].repeat(3, 2)), 1, imgsrender[:, :, :3], 1, 0.0)
if rotate:
# simple rotate the vertices
if fix_center is None:
center = np.mean(np.vstack([v['vertices'] for i, v in render_data.items()]), axis=0, keepdims=True)
new_center = center.copy()
new_center[:, 0:2] = 0
center = fix_center.copy()
new_center = fix_center.copy()
new_center[:, 2] *= 1.5
direc = np.array(axis)
rot, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(direc*degree/90*np.pi/2)
for key in render_data.keys():
vertices = render_data[key]['vertices']
vert = (vertices - center) @ rot.T + new_center
render_data[key]['vertices'] = vert
blank = np.zeros(())
blank = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3), dtype=img.dtype) + 255
imgsrender = render.render_multiview(render_data, Ks, Rs, Ts, [blank], return_color=True)[0]
render1 = cv2.addWeighted(cv2.bitwise_and(blank, 255- imgsrender[:, :, 3:4].repeat(3, 2)), 1, imgsrender[:, :, :3], 1, 0.0)
render0 = np.vstack([render0, render1])
if outname is not None:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, render0)
return render0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
@ Date: 2021-01-17 21:38:19
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-01-22 23:08:18
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/code/visualize/skelmodel.py
import numpy as np
import cv2
from os.path import join
import os
def calTransformation(v_i, v_j, r, adaptr=False, ratio=10):
""" from to vertices to T
v_i {} -- [description]
v_j {[type]} -- [description]
xaxis = np.array([1, 0, 0])
v = (v_i + v_j)/2
direc = (v_i - v_j)
length = np.linalg.norm(direc)
direc = direc/length
rotdir = np.cross(xaxis, direc)
rotdir = rotdir/np.linalg.norm(rotdir)
rotdir = rotdir * np.arccos(np.dot(direc, xaxis))
rotmat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rotdir)
# set the minimal radius for the finger and face
shrink = max(length/ratio, 0.005)
eigval = np.array([[length/2/r, 0, 0], [0, shrink, 0], [0, 0, shrink]])
T = np.eye(4)
T[:3,:3] = rotmat @ eigval @ rotmat.T
T[:3, 3] = v
return T, r, length
class SkelModel:
def __init__(self, nJoints, kintree) -> None:
self.nJoints = nJoints
self.kintree = kintree
cur_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
faces = np.loadtxt(join(cur_dir, 'sphere_faces_20.txt'), dtype=np.int)
self.vertices = np.loadtxt(join(cur_dir, 'sphere_vertices_20.txt'))
# compose faces
faces_all = []
for nj in range(nJoints):
faces_all.append(faces + nj*self.vertices.shape[0])
for nk in range(len(kintree)):
faces_all.append(faces + nJoints*self.vertices.shape[0] + nk*self.vertices.shape[0])
self.faces = np.vstack(faces_all)
def __call__(self, keypoints3d, id=0, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False):
vertices_all = []
r = 0.02
# joints
for nj in range(self.nJoints):
if nj > 25:
r_ = r * 0.4
r_ = r
if keypoints3d[nj, -1] < 0.01:
vertices_all.append(self.vertices*r_ + keypoints3d[nj:nj+1, :3])
# limb
for nk, (i, j) in enumerate(self.kintree):
if keypoints3d[i][-1] < 0.1 or keypoints3d[j][-1] < 0.1:
T, _, length = calTransformation(keypoints3d[i, :3], keypoints3d[j, :3], r=1)
if length > 2: # 超过两米的
vertices = self.vertices @ T[:3, :3].T + T[:3, 3:].T
vertices = np.vstack(vertices_all)
return vertices[None, :, :]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
0.000 0.000 1.000
0.000 0.000 -1.000
0.156 0.000 0.988
0.155 0.024 0.988
0.149 0.048 0.988
0.139 0.071 0.988
0.127 0.092 0.988
0.111 0.111 0.988
0.092 0.127 0.988
0.071 0.139 0.988
0.048 0.149 0.988
0.024 0.155 0.988
0.000 0.156 0.988
-0.024 0.155 0.988
-0.048 0.149 0.988
-0.071 0.139 0.988
-0.092 0.127 0.988
-0.111 0.111 0.988
-0.127 0.092 0.988
-0.139 0.071 0.988
-0.149 0.048 0.988
-0.155 0.024 0.988
-0.156 0.000 0.988
-0.155 -0.024 0.988
-0.149 -0.048 0.988
-0.139 -0.071 0.988
-0.127 -0.092 0.988
-0.111 -0.111 0.988
-0.092 -0.127 0.988
-0.071 -0.139 0.988
-0.048 -0.149 0.988
-0.024 -0.155 0.988
-0.000 -0.156 0.988
0.024 -0.155 0.988
0.048 -0.149 0.988
0.071 -0.139 0.988
0.092 -0.127 0.988
0.111 -0.111 0.988
0.127 -0.092 0.988
0.139 -0.071 0.988
0.149 -0.048 0.988
0.155 -0.024 0.988
0.309 0.000 0.951
0.305 0.048 0.951
0.294 0.095 0.951
0.275 0.140 0.951
0.250 0.182 0.951
0.219 0.219 0.951
0.182 0.250 0.951
0.140 0.275 0.951
0.095 0.294 0.951
0.048 0.305 0.951
0.000 0.309 0.951
-0.048 0.305 0.951
-0.095 0.294 0.951
-0.140 0.275 0.951
-0.182 0.250 0.951
-0.219 0.219 0.951
-0.250 0.182 0.951
-0.275 0.140 0.951
-0.294 0.095 0.951
-0.305 0.048 0.951
-0.309 0.000 0.951
-0.305 -0.048 0.951
-0.294 -0.095 0.951
-0.275 -0.140 0.951
-0.250 -0.182 0.951
-0.219 -0.219 0.951
-0.182 -0.250 0.951
-0.140 -0.275 0.951
-0.095 -0.294 0.951
-0.048 -0.305 0.951
-0.000 -0.309 0.951
0.048 -0.305 0.951
0.095 -0.294 0.951
0.140 -0.275 0.951
0.182 -0.250 0.951
0.219 -0.219 0.951
0.250 -0.182 0.951
0.275 -0.140 0.951
0.294 -0.095 0.951
0.305 -0.048 0.951
0.454 0.000 0.891
0.448 0.071 0.891
0.432 0.140 0.891
0.405 0.206 0.891
0.367 0.267 0.891
0.321 0.321 0.891
0.267 0.367 0.891
0.206 0.405 0.891
0.140 0.432 0.891
0.071 0.448 0.891
0.000 0.454 0.891
-0.071 0.448 0.891
-0.140 0.432 0.891
-0.206 0.405 0.891
-0.267 0.367 0.891
-0.321 0.321 0.891
-0.367 0.267 0.891
-0.405 0.206 0.891
-0.432 0.140 0.891
-0.448 0.071 0.891
-0.454 0.000 0.891
-0.448 -0.071 0.891
-0.432 -0.140 0.891
-0.405 -0.206 0.891
-0.367 -0.267 0.891
-0.321 -0.321 0.891
-0.267 -0.367 0.891
-0.206 -0.405 0.891
-0.140 -0.432 0.891
-0.071 -0.448 0.891
-0.000 -0.454 0.891
0.071 -0.448 0.891
0.140 -0.432 0.891
0.206 -0.405 0.891
0.267 -0.367 0.891
0.321 -0.321 0.891
0.367 -0.267 0.891
0.405 -0.206 0.891
0.432 -0.140 0.891
0.448 -0.071 0.891
0.588 0.000 0.809
0.581 0.092 0.809
0.559 0.182 0.809
0.524 0.267 0.809
0.476 0.345 0.809
0.416 0.416 0.809
0.345 0.476 0.809
0.267 0.524 0.809
0.182 0.559 0.809
0.092 0.581 0.809
0.000 0.588 0.809
-0.092 0.581 0.809
-0.182 0.559 0.809
-0.267 0.524 0.809
-0.345 0.476 0.809
-0.416 0.416 0.809
-0.476 0.345 0.809
-0.524 0.267 0.809
-0.559 0.182 0.809
-0.581 0.092 0.809
-0.588 0.000 0.809
-0.581 -0.092 0.809
-0.559 -0.182 0.809
-0.524 -0.267 0.809
-0.476 -0.345 0.809
-0.416 -0.416 0.809
-0.345 -0.476 0.809
-0.267 -0.524 0.809
-0.182 -0.559 0.809
-0.092 -0.581 0.809
-0.000 -0.588 0.809
0.092 -0.581 0.809
0.182 -0.559 0.809
0.267 -0.524 0.809
0.345 -0.476 0.809
0.416 -0.416 0.809
0.476 -0.345 0.809
0.524 -0.267 0.809
0.559 -0.182 0.809
0.581 -0.092 0.809
0.707 0.000 0.707
0.698 0.111 0.707
0.672 0.219 0.707
0.630 0.321 0.707
0.572 0.416 0.707
0.500 0.500 0.707
0.416 0.572 0.707
0.321 0.630 0.707
0.219 0.672 0.707
0.111 0.698 0.707
0.000 0.707 0.707
-0.111 0.698 0.707
-0.219 0.672 0.707
-0.321 0.630 0.707
-0.416 0.572 0.707
-0.500 0.500 0.707
-0.572 0.416 0.707
-0.630 0.321 0.707
-0.672 0.219 0.707
-0.698 0.111 0.707
-0.707 0.000 0.707
-0.698 -0.111 0.707
-0.672 -0.219 0.707
-0.630 -0.321 0.707
-0.572 -0.416 0.707
-0.500 -0.500 0.707
-0.416 -0.572 0.707
-0.321 -0.630 0.707
-0.219 -0.672 0.707
-0.111 -0.698 0.707
-0.000 -0.707 0.707
0.111 -0.698 0.707
0.219 -0.672 0.707
0.321 -0.630 0.707
0.416 -0.572 0.707
0.500 -0.500 0.707
0.572 -0.416 0.707
0.630 -0.321 0.707
0.672 -0.219 0.707
0.698 -0.111 0.707
0.809 0.000 0.588
0.799 0.127 0.588
0.769 0.250 0.588
0.721 0.367 0.588
0.655 0.476 0.588
0.572 0.572 0.588
0.476 0.655 0.588
0.367 0.721 0.588
0.250 0.769 0.588
0.127 0.799 0.588
0.000 0.809 0.588
-0.127 0.799 0.588
-0.250 0.769 0.588
-0.367 0.721 0.588
-0.476 0.655 0.588
-0.572 0.572 0.588
-0.655 0.476 0.588
-0.721 0.367 0.588
-0.769 0.250 0.588
-0.799 0.127 0.588
-0.809 0.000 0.588
-0.799 -0.127 0.588
-0.769 -0.250 0.588
-0.721 -0.367 0.588
-0.655 -0.476 0.588
-0.572 -0.572 0.588
-0.476 -0.655 0.588
-0.367 -0.721 0.588
-0.250 -0.769 0.588
-0.127 -0.799 0.588
-0.000 -0.809 0.588
0.127 -0.799 0.588
0.250 -0.769 0.588
0.367 -0.721 0.588
0.476 -0.655 0.588
0.572 -0.572 0.588
0.655 -0.476 0.588
0.721 -0.367 0.588
0.769 -0.250 0.588
0.799 -0.127 0.588
0.891 0.000 0.454
0.880 0.139 0.454
0.847 0.275 0.454
0.794 0.405 0.454
0.721 0.524 0.454
0.630 0.630 0.454
0.524 0.721 0.454
0.405 0.794 0.454
0.275 0.847 0.454
0.139 0.880 0.454
0.000 0.891 0.454
-0.139 0.880 0.454
-0.275 0.847 0.454
-0.405 0.794 0.454
-0.524 0.721 0.454
-0.630 0.630 0.454
-0.721 0.524 0.454
-0.794 0.405 0.454
-0.847 0.275 0.454
-0.880 0.139 0.454
-0.891 0.000 0.454
-0.880 -0.139 0.454
-0.847 -0.275 0.454
-0.794 -0.405 0.454
-0.721 -0.524 0.454
-0.630 -0.630 0.454
-0.524 -0.721 0.454
-0.405 -0.794 0.454
-0.275 -0.847 0.454
-0.139 -0.880 0.454
-0.000 -0.891 0.454
0.139 -0.880 0.454
0.275 -0.847 0.454
0.405 -0.794 0.454
0.524 -0.721 0.454
0.630 -0.630 0.454
0.721 -0.524 0.454
0.794 -0.405 0.454
0.847 -0.275 0.454
0.880 -0.139 0.454
0.951 0.000 0.309
0.939 0.149 0.309
0.905 0.294 0.309
0.847 0.432 0.309
0.769 0.559 0.309
0.672 0.672 0.309
0.559 0.769 0.309
0.432 0.847 0.309
0.294 0.905 0.309
0.149 0.939 0.309
0.000 0.951 0.309
-0.149 0.939 0.309
-0.294 0.905 0.309
-0.432 0.847 0.309
-0.559 0.769 0.309
-0.672 0.672 0.309
-0.769 0.559 0.309
-0.847 0.432 0.309
-0.905 0.294 0.309
-0.939 0.149 0.309
-0.951 0.000 0.309
-0.939 -0.149 0.309
-0.905 -0.294 0.309
-0.847 -0.432 0.309
-0.769 -0.559 0.309
-0.672 -0.672 0.309
-0.559 -0.769 0.309
-0.432 -0.847 0.309
-0.294 -0.905 0.309
-0.149 -0.939 0.309
-0.000 -0.951 0.309
0.149 -0.939 0.309
0.294 -0.905 0.309
0.432 -0.847 0.309
0.559 -0.769 0.309
0.672 -0.672 0.309
0.769 -0.559 0.309
0.847 -0.432 0.309
0.905 -0.294 0.309
0.939 -0.149 0.309
0.988 0.000 0.156
0.976 0.155 0.156
0.939 0.305 0.156
0.880 0.448 0.156
0.799 0.581 0.156
0.698 0.698 0.156
0.581 0.799 0.156
0.448 0.880 0.156
0.305 0.939 0.156
0.155 0.976 0.156
0.000 0.988 0.156
-0.155 0.976 0.156
-0.305 0.939 0.156
-0.448 0.880 0.156
-0.581 0.799 0.156
-0.698 0.698 0.156
-0.799 0.581 0.156
-0.880 0.448 0.156
-0.939 0.305 0.156
-0.976 0.155 0.156
-0.988 0.000 0.156
-0.976 -0.155 0.156
-0.939 -0.305 0.156
-0.880 -0.448 0.156
-0.799 -0.581 0.156
-0.698 -0.698 0.156
-0.581 -0.799 0.156
-0.448 -0.880 0.156
-0.305 -0.939 0.156
-0.155 -0.976 0.156
-0.000 -0.988 0.156
0.155 -0.976 0.156
0.305 -0.939 0.156
0.448 -0.880 0.156
0.581 -0.799 0.156
0.698 -0.698 0.156
0.799 -0.581 0.156
0.880 -0.448 0.156
0.939 -0.305 0.156
0.976 -0.155 0.156
1.000 0.000 0.000
0.988 0.156 0.000
0.951 0.309 0.000
0.891 0.454 0.000
0.809 0.588 0.000
0.707 0.707 0.000
0.588 0.809 0.000
0.454 0.891 0.000
0.309 0.951 0.000
0.156 0.988 0.000
0.000 1.000 0.000
-0.156 0.988 0.000
-0.309 0.951 0.000
-0.454 0.891 0.000
-0.588 0.809 0.000
-0.707 0.707 0.000
-0.809 0.588 0.000
-0.891 0.454 0.000
-0.951 0.309 0.000
-0.988 0.156 0.000
-1.000 0.000 0.000
-0.988 -0.156 0.000
-0.951 -0.309 0.000
-0.891 -0.454 0.000
-0.809 -0.588 0.000
-0.707 -0.707 0.000
-0.588 -0.809 0.000
-0.454 -0.891 0.000
-0.309 -0.951 0.000
-0.156 -0.988 0.000
-0.000 -1.000 0.000
0.156 -0.988 0.000
0.309 -0.951 0.000
0.454 -0.891 0.000
0.588 -0.809 0.000
0.707 -0.707 0.000
0.809 -0.588 0.000
0.891 -0.454 0.000
0.951 -0.309 0.000
0.988 -0.156 0.000
0.988 0.000 -0.156
0.976 0.155 -0.156
0.939 0.305 -0.156
0.880 0.448 -0.156
0.799 0.581 -0.156
0.698 0.698 -0.156
0.581 0.799 -0.156
0.448 0.880 -0.156
0.305 0.939 -0.156
0.155 0.976 -0.156
0.000 0.988 -0.156
-0.155 0.976 -0.156
-0.305 0.939 -0.156
-0.448 0.880 -0.156
-0.581 0.799 -0.156
-0.698 0.698 -0.156
-0.799 0.581 -0.156
-0.880 0.448 -0.156
-0.939 0.305 -0.156
-0.976 0.155 -0.156
-0.988 0.000 -0.156
-0.976 -0.155 -0.156
-0.939 -0.305 -0.156
-0.880 -0.448 -0.156
-0.799 -0.581 -0.156
-0.698 -0.698 -0.156
-0.581 -0.799 -0.156
-0.448 -0.880 -0.156
-0.305 -0.939 -0.156
-0.155 -0.976 -0.156
-0.000 -0.988 -0.156
0.155 -0.976 -0.156
0.305 -0.939 -0.156
0.448 -0.880 -0.156
0.581 -0.799 -0.156
0.698 -0.698 -0.156
0.799 -0.581 -0.156
0.880 -0.448 -0.156
0.939 -0.305 -0.156
0.976 -0.155 -0.156
0.951 0.000 -0.309
0.939 0.149 -0.309
0.905 0.294 -0.309
0.847 0.432 -0.309
0.769 0.559 -0.309
0.672 0.672 -0.309
0.559 0.769 -0.309
0.432 0.847 -0.309
0.294 0.905 -0.309
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0.939 -0.149 -0.309
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0.794 -0.405 -0.454
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0.880 -0.139 -0.454
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0.721 0.367 -0.588
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0.476 0.655 -0.588
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-0.367 0.721 -0.588
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-0.572 0.572 -0.588
-0.655 0.476 -0.588
-0.721 0.367 -0.588
-0.769 0.250 -0.588
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-0.799 -0.127 -0.588
-0.769 -0.250 -0.588
-0.721 -0.367 -0.588
-0.655 -0.476 -0.588
-0.572 -0.572 -0.588
-0.476 -0.655 -0.588
-0.367 -0.721 -0.588
-0.250 -0.769 -0.588
-0.127 -0.799 -0.588
-0.000 -0.809 -0.588
0.127 -0.799 -0.588
0.250 -0.769 -0.588
0.367 -0.721 -0.588
0.476 -0.655 -0.588
0.572 -0.572 -0.588
0.655 -0.476 -0.588
0.721 -0.367 -0.588
0.769 -0.250 -0.588
0.799 -0.127 -0.588
0.707 0.000 -0.707
0.698 0.111 -0.707
0.672 0.219 -0.707
0.630 0.321 -0.707
0.572 0.416 -0.707
0.500 0.500 -0.707
0.416 0.572 -0.707
0.321 0.630 -0.707
0.219 0.672 -0.707
0.111 0.698 -0.707
0.000 0.707 -0.707
-0.111 0.698 -0.707
-0.219 0.672 -0.707
-0.321 0.630 -0.707
-0.416 0.572 -0.707
-0.500 0.500 -0.707
-0.572 0.416 -0.707
-0.630 0.321 -0.707
-0.672 0.219 -0.707
-0.698 0.111 -0.707
-0.707 0.000 -0.707
-0.698 -0.111 -0.707
-0.672 -0.219 -0.707
-0.630 -0.321 -0.707
-0.572 -0.416 -0.707
-0.500 -0.500 -0.707
-0.416 -0.572 -0.707
-0.321 -0.630 -0.707
-0.219 -0.672 -0.707
-0.111 -0.698 -0.707
-0.000 -0.707 -0.707
0.111 -0.698 -0.707
0.219 -0.672 -0.707
0.321 -0.630 -0.707
0.416 -0.572 -0.707
0.500 -0.500 -0.707
0.572 -0.416 -0.707
0.630 -0.321 -0.707
0.672 -0.219 -0.707
0.698 -0.111 -0.707
0.588 0.000 -0.809
0.581 0.092 -0.809
0.559 0.182 -0.809
0.524 0.267 -0.809
0.476 0.345 -0.809
0.416 0.416 -0.809
0.345 0.476 -0.809
0.267 0.524 -0.809
0.182 0.559 -0.809
0.092 0.581 -0.809
0.000 0.588 -0.809
-0.092 0.581 -0.809
-0.182 0.559 -0.809
-0.267 0.524 -0.809
-0.345 0.476 -0.809
-0.416 0.416 -0.809
-0.476 0.345 -0.809
-0.524 0.267 -0.809
-0.559 0.182 -0.809
-0.581 0.092 -0.809
-0.588 0.000 -0.809
-0.581 -0.092 -0.809
-0.559 -0.182 -0.809
-0.524 -0.267 -0.809
-0.476 -0.345 -0.809
-0.416 -0.416 -0.809
-0.345 -0.476 -0.809
-0.267 -0.524 -0.809
-0.182 -0.559 -0.809
-0.092 -0.581 -0.809
-0.000 -0.588 -0.809
0.092 -0.581 -0.809
0.182 -0.559 -0.809
0.267 -0.524 -0.809
0.345 -0.476 -0.809
0.416 -0.416 -0.809
0.476 -0.345 -0.809
0.524 -0.267 -0.809
0.559 -0.182 -0.809
0.581 -0.092 -0.809
0.454 0.000 -0.891
0.448 0.071 -0.891
0.432 0.140 -0.891
0.405 0.206 -0.891
0.367 0.267 -0.891
0.321 0.321 -0.891
0.267 0.367 -0.891
0.206 0.405 -0.891
0.140 0.432 -0.891
0.071 0.448 -0.891
0.000 0.454 -0.891
-0.071 0.448 -0.891
-0.140 0.432 -0.891
-0.206 0.405 -0.891
-0.267 0.367 -0.891
-0.321 0.321 -0.891
-0.367 0.267 -0.891
-0.405 0.206 -0.891
-0.432 0.140 -0.891
-0.448 0.071 -0.891
-0.454 0.000 -0.891
-0.448 -0.071 -0.891
-0.432 -0.140 -0.891
-0.405 -0.206 -0.891
-0.367 -0.267 -0.891
-0.321 -0.321 -0.891
-0.267 -0.367 -0.891
-0.206 -0.405 -0.891
-0.140 -0.432 -0.891
-0.071 -0.448 -0.891
-0.000 -0.454 -0.891
0.071 -0.448 -0.891
0.140 -0.432 -0.891
0.206 -0.405 -0.891
0.267 -0.367 -0.891
0.321 -0.321 -0.891
0.367 -0.267 -0.891
0.405 -0.206 -0.891
0.432 -0.140 -0.891
0.448 -0.071 -0.891
0.309 0.000 -0.951
0.305 0.048 -0.951
0.294 0.095 -0.951
0.275 0.140 -0.951
0.250 0.182 -0.951
0.219 0.219 -0.951
0.182 0.250 -0.951
0.140 0.275 -0.951
0.095 0.294 -0.951
0.048 0.305 -0.951
0.000 0.309 -0.951
-0.048 0.305 -0.951
-0.095 0.294 -0.951
-0.140 0.275 -0.951
-0.182 0.250 -0.951
-0.219 0.219 -0.951
-0.250 0.182 -0.951
-0.275 0.140 -0.951
-0.294 0.095 -0.951
-0.305 0.048 -0.951
-0.309 0.000 -0.951
-0.305 -0.048 -0.951
-0.294 -0.095 -0.951
-0.275 -0.140 -0.951
-0.250 -0.182 -0.951
-0.219 -0.219 -0.951
-0.182 -0.250 -0.951
-0.140 -0.275 -0.951
-0.095 -0.294 -0.951
-0.048 -0.305 -0.951
-0.000 -0.309 -0.951
0.048 -0.305 -0.951
0.095 -0.294 -0.951
0.140 -0.275 -0.951
0.182 -0.250 -0.951
0.219 -0.219 -0.951
0.250 -0.182 -0.951
0.275 -0.140 -0.951
0.294 -0.095 -0.951
0.305 -0.048 -0.951
0.156 0.000 -0.988
0.155 0.024 -0.988
0.149 0.048 -0.988
0.139 0.071 -0.988
0.127 0.092 -0.988
0.111 0.111 -0.988
0.092 0.127 -0.988
0.071 0.139 -0.988
0.048 0.149 -0.988
0.024 0.155 -0.988
0.000 0.156 -0.988
-0.024 0.155 -0.988
-0.048 0.149 -0.988
-0.071 0.139 -0.988
-0.092 0.127 -0.988
-0.111 0.111 -0.988
-0.127 0.092 -0.988
-0.139 0.071 -0.988
-0.149 0.048 -0.988
-0.155 0.024 -0.988
-0.156 0.000 -0.988
-0.155 -0.024 -0.988
-0.149 -0.048 -0.988
-0.139 -0.071 -0.988
-0.127 -0.092 -0.988
-0.111 -0.111 -0.988
-0.092 -0.127 -0.988
-0.071 -0.139 -0.988
-0.048 -0.149 -0.988
-0.024 -0.155 -0.988
-0.000 -0.156 -0.988
0.024 -0.155 -0.988
0.048 -0.149 -0.988
0.071 -0.139 -0.988
0.092 -0.127 -0.988
0.111 -0.111 -0.988
0.127 -0.092 -0.988
0.139 -0.071 -0.988
0.149 -0.048 -0.988
0.155 -0.024 -0.988

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
@ Date: 2021-03-02 16:53:55
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-14 15:17:28
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapRelease/setup.py
@ LastEditTime: 2021-04-14 16:20:10
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/setup.py
from setuptools import setup
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ setup(