from .base import Model, Params from .lbs import lbs, batch_rodrigues import os import numpy as np import torch def to_tensor(array, dtype=torch.float32, device=torch.device('cpu')): if 'torch.tensor' not in str(type(array)): return torch.tensor(array, dtype=dtype).to(device) else: return def to_np(array, dtype=np.float32): if 'scipy.sparse' in str(type(array)): array = array.todense() return np.array(array, dtype=dtype) def read_pickle(name): import pickle with open(name, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1') return data def load_model_data(model_path): model_path = os.path.abspath(model_path) assert os.path.exists(model_path), 'Path {} does not exist!'.format( model_path) if model_path.endswith('.npz'): data = np.load(model_path) data = dict(data) elif model_path.endswith('.pkl'): data = read_pickle(model_path) return data def load_regressor(regressor_path): if regressor_path.endswith('.npy'): X_regressor = to_tensor(np.load(regressor_path)) elif regressor_path.endswith('.txt'): data = np.loadtxt(regressor_path) with open(regressor_path, 'r') as f: shape = f.readline().split()[1:] reg = np.zeros((int(shape[0]), int(shape[1]))) for i, j, v in data: reg[int(i), int(j)] = v X_regressor = to_tensor(reg) else: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() return X_regressor def save_regressor(fname, data): with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.writelines('{} {} {}\r\n'.format('#', data.shape[0], data.shape[1])) for i in range(data.shape[0]): for j in range(data.shape[1]): if(data[i, j] > 0): f.writelines('{} {} {}\r\n'.format(i, j, data[i, j])) class SMPLModel(Model): def __init__(self, model_path, regressor_path=None, device='cpu', use_pose_blending=True, use_shape_blending=True, use_joints=True, NUM_SHAPES=-1, NUM_POSES=-1, use_lbs=True, use_root_rot=False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__() = 'lbs' self.dtype = torch.float32 # not support fp16 now self.use_pose_blending = use_pose_blending self.use_shape_blending = use_shape_blending self.use_root_rot = use_root_rot self.NUM_SHAPES = NUM_SHAPES self.NUM_POSES = NUM_POSES self.NUM_POSES_FULL = NUM_POSES self.use_joints = use_joints if isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) if not torch.torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cpu') self.device = device self.model_type = 'smpl' # create the SMPL model self.lbs = lbs = load_model_data(model_path) self.register_any_lbs( # keypoints regressor if regressor_path is not None and use_joints: X_regressor = load_regressor(regressor_path) X_regressor =, X_regressor), dim=0) self.register_any_keypoints(X_regressor) elif regressor_path is None: self.register_any_keypoints(self.J_regressor) if not self.use_root_rot: self.NUM_POSES -= 3 # remove first 3 dims def register_any_lbs(self, data): self.faces = to_np(['f'], dtype=np.int64) self.register_buffer('faces_tensor', to_tensor(self.faces, dtype=torch.long)) for key in ['J_regressor', 'v_template', 'weights']: if key not in data.keys(): print('Warning: {} not in data'.format(key)) self.__setattr__(key, None) continue val = to_tensor(to_np(data[key]), dtype=self.dtype) self.register_buffer(key, val) self.NUM_POSES = self.weights.shape[-1] * 3 self.NUM_POSES_FULL = self.NUM_POSES # add poseblending if self.use_pose_blending: # Pose blend shape basis: 6890 x 3 x 207, reshaped to 6890*3 x 207 num_pose_basis = data['posedirs'].shape[-1] # 207 x 20670 data['posedirs_origin'] = data['posedirs'] data['posedirs'] = np.reshape(data['posedirs'], [-1, num_pose_basis]).T val = to_tensor(to_np(data['posedirs']), dtype=self.dtype) self.register_buffer('posedirs', val) else: self.posedirs = None # add shape blending if self.use_shape_blending: val = to_tensor(to_np(data['shapedirs']), dtype=self.dtype) if self.NUM_SHAPES != -1: val = val[..., :self.NUM_SHAPES] self.register_buffer('shapedirs', val) self.NUM_SHAPES = val.shape[-1] else: self.shapedirs = None if self.use_shape_blending: self.J_shaped = None else: val = to_tensor(to_np(data['J']), dtype=self.dtype) self.register_buffer('J_shaped', val) self.nVertices = self.v_template.shape[0] # indices of parents for each joints kintree_table = data['kintree_table'] if len(kintree_table.shape) == 2: kintree_table = kintree_table[0] parents = to_tensor(to_np(kintree_table)).long() parents[0] = -1 self.register_buffer('parents', parents) def register_any_keypoints(self, X_regressor): # set the parameter of keypoints level j_J_regressor = torch.zeros(self.J_regressor.shape[0], X_regressor.shape[0], device=self.device) for i in range(self.J_regressor.shape[0]): j_J_regressor[i, i] = 1 j_v_template = X_regressor @ self.v_template j_weights = X_regressor @ self.weights if self.use_pose_blending: posedirs =['posedirs_origin'] j_posedirs = torch.einsum('ab, bde->ade', X_regressor, torch.Tensor(posedirs)).numpy() j_posedirs = np.reshape(j_posedirs, [-1, posedirs.shape[-1]]).T j_posedirs = to_tensor(j_posedirs) self.register_buffer('j_posedirs', j_posedirs) else: self.j_posedirs = None if self.use_shape_blending: j_shapedirs = torch.einsum('vij,kv->kij', [self.shapedirs, X_regressor]) self.register_buffer('j_shapedirs', j_shapedirs) else: self.j_shapedirs = None self.register_buffer('j_weights', j_weights) self.register_buffer('j_v_template', j_v_template) self.register_buffer('j_J_regressor', j_J_regressor) def forward(self, return_verts=True, return_tensor=True, return_smpl_joints=False, only_shape=False, pose2rot=True, v_template=None, **params): params = self.check_params(params) poses, shapes = params['poses'], params['shapes'] poses = self.extend_poses(pose2rot=pose2rot, **params) Rh, Th = params['Rh'], params['Th'] # check if there are multiple person if len(shapes.shape) == 3: reshape = poses.shape[:2] Rh = Rh.reshape(-1, *Rh.shape[2:]) Th = Th.reshape(-1, *Th.shape[2:]) poses = poses.reshape(-1, *poses.shape[2:]) shapes = shapes.reshape(-1, *shapes.shape[2:]) else: reshape = None if len(Rh.shape) == 2: # angle-axis Rh = batch_rodrigues(Rh) Th = Th.unsqueeze(dim=1) if return_verts or not self.use_joints: if v_template is None: v_template = self.v_template if 'scale' in params.keys(): v_template = v_template * params['scale'][0] vertices, joints, T_joints, T_vertices = self.lbs(shapes, poses, v_template, self.shapedirs, self.posedirs, self.J_regressor, self.parents, self.weights, pose2rot=pose2rot, dtype=self.dtype, only_shape=only_shape, use_pose_blending=self.use_pose_blending, use_shape_blending=self.use_shape_blending, J_shaped=self.J_shaped) if not self.use_joints and not return_verts: vertices = joints else: # only forward joints if v_template is None: v_template = self.j_v_template if 'scale' in params.keys(): v_template = v_template * params['scale'][0] vertices, joints, _, _ = self.lbs(shapes, poses, v_template, self.j_shapedirs, self.j_posedirs, self.j_J_regressor, self.parents, self.j_weights, pose2rot=pose2rot, dtype=self.dtype, only_shape=only_shape, use_pose_blending=self.use_pose_blending, use_shape_blending=self.use_shape_blending, J_shaped=self.J_shaped) if return_smpl_joints: # vertices = vertices[:, :self.J_regressor.shape[0], :] vertices = joints else: vertices = vertices[:, self.J_regressor.shape[0]:, :] vertices = torch.matmul(vertices, Rh.transpose(1, 2)) + Th if not return_tensor: vertices = vertices.detach().cpu().numpy() if reshape is not None: vertices = vertices.reshape(*reshape, *vertices.shape[1:]) return vertices def transform(self, params, pose2rot=True, return_vertices=True): v_template = self.v_template params = self.check_params(params) shapes = params['shapes'] poses = self.extend_poses(**params) vertices, joints, T_joints, T_vertices = self.lbs(shapes, poses, v_template, self.shapedirs, self.posedirs, self.J_regressor, self.parents, self.weights, pose2rot=pose2rot, dtype=self.dtype, use_pose_blending=self.use_pose_blending, use_shape_blending=self.use_shape_blending, J_shaped=self.J_shaped, return_vertices=return_vertices) return T_joints, T_vertices def merge_params(self, params, **kwargs): return Params.merge(params, **kwargs) def convert_to_standard_smpl(self, params): params = self.check_params(params) poses, shapes = params['poses'], params['shapes'] Th = params['Th'] vertices, joints, _, _ = lbs(shapes, poses, self.v_template, self.shapedirs, self.posedirs, self.J_regressor, self.parents, self.weights, pose2rot=True, dtype=self.dtype, only_shape=True) # N x 3 j0 = joints[:, 0, :] Rh = params['Rh'] # N x 3 x 3 rot = batch_rodrigues(Rh) # change the rotate center min_xyz, _ = self.v_template.min(dim=0, keepdim=True) # X' = X + delta_center delta_center = torch.tensor([0., -min_xyz[0, 1], 0.]).reshape(1, 3).to(j0.device) # J' = J + delta_center j0new = j0 + delta_center # Tnew = T - (R(d - J0) + J0) Tnew = Th - (torch.einsum('bij,bj->bi', rot, delta_center-j0new) + j0new) if poses.shape[1] == 69: poses =[Rh, poses], dim=1) elif poses.shape[1] == 72: poses[:, :3] = Rh else: import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() res = dict(poses=poses.detach().cpu().numpy(), shapes=shapes.detach().cpu().numpy(), Th=Tnew.detach().cpu().numpy() ) return res def convert_from_standard_smpl(self, params): params = self.check_params(params) poses, shapes = params['poses'], params['shapes'] Th = params['Th'] vertices, joints, _, _ = lbs(shapes, poses, self.v_template, self.shapedirs, self.posedirs, self.J_regressor, self.parents, self.weights, pose2rot=True, dtype=self.dtype, only_shape=True) # N x 3 j0 = joints[:, 0, :] Rh = poses[:, :3].clone() # N x 3 x 3 rot = batch_rodrigues(Rh) Tnew = Th + j0 - torch.einsum('bij,bj->bi', rot, j0) poses[:, :3] = 0 res = dict(poses=poses.detach().cpu().numpy(), shapes=shapes.detach().cpu().numpy(), Rh=Rh.detach().cpu().numpy(), Th=Tnew.detach().cpu().numpy() ) return res def init_params(self, nFrames=1, nShapes=1, nPerson=1, ret_tensor=False, add_scale=False): params = { 'poses': np.zeros((nFrames, self.NUM_POSES)), 'shapes': np.zeros((nShapes, self.NUM_SHAPES)), 'Rh': np.zeros((nFrames, 3)), 'Th': np.zeros((nFrames, 3)), } if add_scale: params['scale'] = np.ones((1, 1)) if nPerson > 1: for key in params.keys(): params[key] = params[key][:, None].repeat(nPerson, axis=1) if ret_tensor: for key in params.keys(): params[key] = to_tensor(params[key], self.dtype, self.device) return params def check_params(self, body_params): # 预先拷贝一下,不要修改到原始数据了 body_params = body_params.copy() poses = body_params['poses'] nFrames = poses.shape[0] # convert to torch if 'torch' not in str(type(poses)): dtype, device = self.dtype, self.device for key in ['poses', 'handl', 'handr', 'shapes', 'expression', 'Rh', 'Th', 'scale']: if key not in body_params.keys(): continue body_params[key] = to_tensor(body_params[key], dtype, device) poses = body_params['poses'] # check Rh and Th for key in ['Rh', 'Th']: if key not in body_params.keys(): body_params[key] = torch.zeros((nFrames, 3), dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) # process shapes for key in ['shapes']: if body_params[key].shape[0] < nFrames and len(body_params[key].shape) == 2: body_params[key] = body_params[key].expand(nFrames, -1) elif body_params[key].shape[0] < nFrames and len(body_params[key].shape) == 3: body_params[key] = body_params[key].expand(*body_params['poses'].shape[:2], -1) return body_params def __str__(self) -> str: res = '- Model: {}\n'.format(self.model_type) res += ' poses: {}\n'.format(self.NUM_POSES) res += ' shapes: {}\n'.format(self.NUM_SHAPES) res += ' vertices: {}\n'.format(self.v_template.shape) res += ' faces: {}\n'.format(self.faces.shape) res += ' posedirs: {}\n'.format(self.posedirs.shape) res += ' shapedirs: {}\n'.format(self.shapedirs.shape) return res def extend_poses(self, poses, **kwargs): if poses.shape[-1] == self.NUM_POSES_FULL: return poses if not self.use_root_rot: if kwargs.get('pose2rot', True): zero_rot = torch.zeros((*poses.shape[:-1], 3), dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) poses =[zero_rot, poses], dim=-1) elif poses.shape[-3] != self.NUM_POSES_FULL // 3: # insert a blank rotation zero_rot = torch.zeros((*poses.shape[:-3], 1, 3), dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) zero_rot = batch_rodrigues(zero_rot) poses =[zero_rot, poses], dim=-3) return poses def jacobian_posesfull_poses(self, poses, poses_full): # TODO: cache this if self.use_root_rot: jacobian = torch.eye(poses.shape[-1], dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) else: zero_root = torch.zeros((3, poses.shape[-1]), dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) eye_right = torch.eye(poses.shape[-1], dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) jacobian =[zero_root, eye_right], dim=0) return jacobian def export_full_poses(self, poses, **kwargs): if not self.use_root_rot: poses = np.hstack([np.zeros((poses.shape[0], 3)), poses]) return poses def encode(self, body_params): # This function provide standard SMPL parameters to this model poses = body_params['poses'] if 'Rh' not in body_params.keys(): body_params['Rh'] = poses[:, :3].copy() if 'Th' not in body_params.keys(): if 'trans' in body_params.keys(): body_params['Th'] = body_params.pop('trans') else: body_params['Th'] = np.zeros((poses.shape[0], 3), dtype=poses.dtype) if not self.use_root_rot and poses.shape[1] == 72: body_params['poses'] = poses[:, 3:].copy() return body_params class SMPLLayerEmbedding(SMPLModel): def __init__(self, vposer_ckpt='data/body_models/vposer_v02', **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) from import load_model from human_body_prior.models.vposer_model import VPoser vposer, _ = load_model(vposer_ckpt, model_code=VPoser, remove_words_in_model_weights='vp_model.', disable_grad=True) vposer.eval() self.vposer = vposer self.vposer_dim = 32 self.NUM_POSES = self.vposer_dim def encode(self, body_params): # This function provide standard SMPL parameters to this model poses = body_params['poses'] if poses.shape[1] == self.vposer_dim: return body_params poses_tensor = torch.Tensor(poses).to(self.device) ret = self.vposer.encode(poses_tensor[:, :63]).mean body_params = super().encode(body_params) body_params['poses'] = ret.detach().cpu().numpy() return body_params def extend_poses(self, poses, **kwargs): if poses.shape[-1] == self.vposer_dim: ret = self.vposer.decode(poses) poses_body = ret['pose_body'].reshape(poses.shape[0], -1) elif poses.shape[-1] == self.NUM_POSES_FULL: return poses elif poses.shape[-1] == self.NUM_POSES_FULL - 3: poses_zero = torch.zeros((poses.shape[0], 3), dtype=poses.dtype, device=poses.device) poses =[poses_zero, poses], dim=-1) return poses poses_zero = torch.zeros((poses_body.shape[0], 3), dtype=poses_body.dtype, device=poses_body.device) poses =[poses_zero, poses_body, poses_zero, poses_zero], dim=1) return poses def export_full_poses(self, poses, **kwargs): poses = torch.Tensor(poses).to(self.device) poses = self.extend_poses(poses) return poses.detach().cpu().numpy() if __name__ == '__main__': vis = True test_config = { 'smpl':{ 'model_path': 'data/bodymodels/SMPL_python_v.1.1.0/smpl/models/basicmodel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.1.0.pkl', 'regressor_path': 'data/smplx/J_regressor_body25.npy', }, 'smplh':{ 'model_path': 'data/bodymodels/smplhv1.2/male/model.npz', 'regressor_path': None, }, 'mano':{ 'model_path': 'data/bodymodels/manov1.2/MANO_LEFT.pkl', 'regressor_path': None, }, 'flame':{ 'model_path': 'data/bodymodels/FLAME2020/FLAME_MALE.pkl', 'regressor_path': None, } } for name, cfg in test_config.items(): print('Testing {}...'.format(name)) model = SMPLModel(**cfg) print(model) params = model.init_params() for key in params.keys(): params[key] = (np.random.rand(*params[key].shape) - 0.5)*0.5 vertices = model.vertices(params, return_tensor=True)[0] if cfg['regressor_path'] is not None: keypoints = model.keypoints(params, return_tensor=True)[0] print(keypoints.shape) if vis: import open3d as o3d mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() mesh.vertices = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(vertices.reshape(-1, 3)) mesh.triangles = o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(model.faces.reshape(-1, 3)) mesh.compute_vertex_normals() o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([mesh])