''' @ Date: 2020-07-27 16:51:24 @ Author: Qing Shuai @ LastEditors: Qing Shuai @ LastEditTime: 2021-03-13 21:54:03 @ FilePath: /EasyMocapRelease/scripts/postprocess/convert2bvh.py ''' import sys import bpy from os.path import join import math import numpy as np from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Quaternion, Euler def deg2rad(angle): return -np.pi * (angle + 90) / 180. part_match = {'root': 'root', 'bone_00': 'Pelvis', 'bone_01': 'L_Hip', 'bone_02': 'R_Hip', 'bone_03': 'Spine1', 'bone_04': 'L_Knee', 'bone_05': 'R_Knee', 'bone_06': 'Spine2', 'bone_07': 'L_Ankle', 'bone_08': 'R_Ankle', 'bone_09': 'Spine3', 'bone_10': 'L_Foot', 'bone_11': 'R_Foot', 'bone_12': 'Neck', 'bone_13': 'L_Collar', 'bone_14': 'R_Collar', 'bone_15': 'Head', 'bone_16': 'L_Shoulder', 'bone_17': 'R_Shoulder', 'bone_18': 'L_Elbow', 'bone_19': 'R_Elbow', 'bone_20': 'L_Wrist', 'bone_21': 'R_Wrist', 'bone_22': 'L_Hand', 'bone_23': 'R_Hand'} def init_location(cam, theta, r): # Originally, theta is negtivate # the center of circle coord is (-1, 0), r is np.random.normal(8, 1) x, z = (math.cos(theta) * r, math.sin(theta) * r) cam.location = Vector((x, -2, z)) cam.rotation_euler = Euler((-np.pi / 20, -np.pi / 2 - theta, 0)) cam.scale = Vector((-1, -1, -1)) return cam def init_scene(scene, params, gender='male', angle=0): # load fbx model bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath=join(params['smpl_data_folder'], 'basicModel_%s_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.2.fbx' % gender[0]), axis_forward='-Y', axis_up='-Z', global_scale=100) print('success load') obname = '%s_avg' % gender[0] ob = bpy.data.objects[obname] ob.data.use_auto_smooth = False # autosmooth creates artifacts # assign the existing spherical harmonics material ob.active_material = bpy.data.materials['Material'] # delete the default cube (which held the material) bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') bpy.data.objects['Cube'].select = True bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False) # set camera properties and initial position bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') cam_ob = bpy.data.objects['Camera'] scn = bpy.context.scene scn.objects.active = cam_ob th = deg2rad(angle) # cam_ob = init_location(cam_ob, th, params['camera_distance']) ''' cam_ob.matrix_world = Matrix(((0., 0., 1, params['camera_distance']+dis), (0., -1, 0., -1.0), (-1., 0., 0., 0.), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) ''' cam_ob.data.angle = math.radians(60) cam_ob.data.lens = 60 cam_ob.data.clip_start = 0.1 cam_ob.data.sensor_width = 32 # setup an empty object in the center which will be the parent of the Camera # this allows to easily rotate an object around the origin scn.cycles.film_transparent = True scn.render.layers["RenderLayer"].use_pass_vector = True scn.render.layers["RenderLayer"].use_pass_normal = True scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_emit = True scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_emit = True scene.render.layers['RenderLayer'].use_pass_material_index = True # set render size # scn.render.resolution_x = params['resy'] # scn.render.resolution_y = params['resx'] scn.render.resolution_percentage = 100 scn.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG' # clear existing animation data ob.data.shape_keys.animation_data_clear() arm_ob = bpy.data.objects['Armature'] arm_ob.animation_data_clear() return(ob, obname, arm_ob, cam_ob) def setState0(): for ob in bpy.data.objects.values(): ob.select = False bpy.context.scene.objects.active = None def Rodrigues(rotvec): theta = np.linalg.norm(rotvec) r = (rotvec/theta).reshape(3, 1) if theta > 0. else rotvec cost = np.cos(theta) mat = np.asarray([[0, -r[2], r[1]], [r[2], 0, -r[0]], [-r[1], r[0], 0]]) return(cost*np.eye(3) + (1-cost)*r.dot(r.T) + np.sin(theta)*mat) def rodrigues2bshapes(pose): rod_rots = np.asarray(pose).reshape(24, 3) mat_rots = [Rodrigues(rod_rot) for rod_rot in rod_rots] bshapes = np.concatenate([(mat_rot - np.eye(3)).ravel() for mat_rot in mat_rots[1:]]) return(mat_rots, bshapes) # apply trans pose and shape to character def apply_trans_pose_shape(trans, pose, shape, ob, arm_ob, obname, scene, cam_ob, frame=None): # transform pose into rotation matrices (for pose) and pose blendshapes mrots, bsh = rodrigues2bshapes(pose) # set the location of the first bone to the translation parameter arm_ob.pose.bones[obname+'_Pelvis'].location = trans arm_ob.pose.bones[obname+'_root'].location = trans arm_ob.pose.bones[obname +'_root'].keyframe_insert('location', frame=frame) # set the pose of each bone to the quaternion specified by pose for ibone, mrot in enumerate(mrots): bone = arm_ob.pose.bones[obname+'_'+part_match['bone_%02d' % ibone]] bone.rotation_quaternion = Matrix(mrot).to_quaternion() if frame is not None: bone.keyframe_insert('rotation_quaternion', frame=frame) bone.keyframe_insert('location', frame=frame) # apply pose blendshapes for ibshape, bshape in enumerate(bsh): ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks['Pose%03d' % ibshape].value = bshape if frame is not None: ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks['Pose%03d' % ibshape].keyframe_insert( 'value', index=-1, frame=frame) # apply shape blendshapes for ibshape, shape_elem in enumerate(shape): ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks['Shape%03d' % ibshape].value = shape_elem if frame is not None: ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks['Shape%03d' % ibshape].keyframe_insert( 'value', index=-1, frame=frame) import os import json def read_json(path): with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) return data def read_smpl(outname): assert os.path.exists(outname), outname datas = read_json(outname) outputs = [] if isinstance(datas, dict): datas = datas['annots'] for data in datas: for key in ['Rh', 'Th', 'poses', 'shapes']: data[key] = np.array(data[key]) outputs.append(data) return outputs def merge_params(param_list, share_shape=True): output = {} for key in ['poses', 'shapes', 'Rh', 'Th', 'expression']: if key in param_list[0].keys(): output[key] = np.vstack([v[key] for v in param_list]) if share_shape: output['shapes'] = output['shapes'].mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) return output def load_motions(path): from glob import glob filenames = sorted(glob(join(path, '*.json'))) print(filenames) motions = {} # for filename in filenames[300:900]: for filename in filenames: infos = read_smpl(filename) for data in infos: pid = data['id'] if pid not in motions.keys(): motions[pid] = [] motions[pid].append(data) keys = list(motions.keys()) # BUG: not strictly equal: (Rh, Th, poses) != (Th, (Rh, poses)) for pid in motions.keys(): motions[pid] = merge_params(motions[pid]) motions[pid]['poses'][:, :3] = motions[pid]['Rh'] return motions def load_smpl_params(datapath): motions = load_motions(datapath) return motions def main(params): scene = bpy.data.scenes['Scene'] ob, obname, arm_ob, cam_ob = init_scene(scene, params, params['gender']) setState0() ob.select = True bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob # unblocking both the pose and the blendshape limits for k in ob.data.shape_keys.key_blocks.keys(): bpy.data.shape_keys["Key"].key_blocks[k].slider_min = -10 bpy.data.shape_keys["Key"].key_blocks[k].slider_max = 10 scene.objects.active = arm_ob motions = load_smpl_params(params['path']) for pid, data in motions.items(): # animation arm_ob.animation_data_clear() cam_ob.animation_data_clear() # load smpl params: nFrames = data['poses'].shape[0] for frame in range(nFrames): print(frame) scene.frame_set(frame) # apply trans = data['Th'][frame] shape = data['shapes'][0] pose = data['poses'][frame] apply_trans_pose_shape(Vector(trans), pose, shape, ob, arm_ob, obname, scene, cam_ob, frame) scene.update() bpy.ops.export_anim.bvh(filepath=join(params['out'], '{}.bvh'.format(pid)), frame_start=0, frame_end=nFrames-1) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': try: import argparse if bpy.app.background: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Create keyframed animated skinned SMPL mesh from VIBE output') parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='Input file or directory') parser.add_argument('--out', dest='out', type=str, required=True, help='Output file or directory') parser.add_argument('--smpl_data_folder', type=str, default='./data/smplx/SMPL_maya', help='Output file or directory') parser.add_argument('--gender', type=str, default='male') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--') + 1:]) print(vars(args)) main(vars(args)) except SystemExit as ex: if ex.code is None: exit_status = 0 else: exit_status = ex.code print('Exiting. Exit status: ' + str(exit_status)) # Only exit to OS when we are not running in Blender GUI if bpy.app.background: sys.exit(exit_status)