from typing import Any import numpy as np import cv2 LOG_FILE = 'log_hand_select.txt' LOG_LEVEL = 2 #0 2 FULL_LOG = (lambda x: print(x, file=open(LOG_FILE, 'a'))) if LOG_LEVEL > 1 else (lambda x: None) LOG = (lambda x: print(x, file=open(LOG_FILE, 'a'))) if LOG_LEVEL > 0 else (lambda x: None) def views_from_dimGroups(dimGroups): views = np.zeros(dimGroups[-1], for nv in range(len(dimGroups) - 1): views[dimGroups[nv]:dimGroups[nv+1]] = nv return views class Select_Views: def __init__(self, camtoworld, handtype) -> None: self.camtoworld = camtoworld self.results = [] self.DIST_MAX = 50 self.threshold = 2 self.handtype = handtype self.threshold2 = 0.3 self.count = 0 self.mode = 0 #[0,1] 0-sum 1-max&sum def cvt_Rh_Rot(self, Rh): import cv2 RotList = [] for i in range(Rh.shape[0]): RotList.append(cv2.Rodrigues(Rh[i])[0]) return np.stack(RotList) def get_dis_Rh(self, Rh1, Rh2): rh_dis = (self.cvt_Rh_Rot(Rh1) - self.cvt_Rh_Rot(Rh2))**2 return rh_dis.sum(axis=(1,2)) def match_with_lastframe(self, lastpose, new_poses): # breakpoint() if self.mode==0: rh_dis = self.get_dis_Rh(np.array(new_poses)[:,:3], lastpose[None][:,:3]) dis = ((np.array(new_poses)[:,3:] - lastpose[None][:,3:])**2).sum(axis=1) dis+=rh_dis minid = np.argmin(dis) return new_poses[minid], dis[minid], minid, dis else: # breakpoint() dis1 = ((np.array(new_poses) - lastpose[None])**2).sum(axis=1) dis2 = ((np.array(new_poses) - lastpose[None])**2).max(axis=1) dis = np.stack([dis2,dis1]).T val_idx = dis[:,0]threshold): break id1 = int(out[i][0]) id2 = int(out[i][1]) vis[id1]=1 vis[id2]=1 vis.append(0) ret.append(ret[id1]+ret[id2]) groups = [] for i in range(len(ret)): if vis[i]==1: continue groups.append(ret[i]) return groups def aff_to_groups(data, affinity, dimGroups, prev_id): sum1 = np.zeros((affinity.shape[0])) for i in range(len(dimGroups)-1): start, end = dimGroups[i], dimGroups[i+1] if end == start:continue sum1 += affinity[:, start:end].max(axis=-1) n2d = affinity.shape[0] nViews = len(dimGroups) - 1 idx_zero = np.zeros(nViews, - 1 views = views_from_dimGroups(dimGroups) # the assigned results of each person p2dAssigned = np.zeros(n2d, - 1 visited = np.zeros(n2d, sortidx = np.argsort(-sum1) pid = 0 k3dresults = [] breakpoint() return k3dresults def __call__(self, posel , cameras, match3d_l): hand_list=[] # breakpoint() for pid in range(len(match3d_l)): dt = match3d_l[pid] Merge_list=[] Merge_list_rot = [] if(isinstance(dt,int)): # TODO:处理-1的情况,也就是没有找到合适的匹配到的手 # hand_list.append(np.zeros((48,))) Merge_list_rot.append(np.zeros((54,))) # continue else: for cid in range(len(dt['views'])): nv = dt['views'][cid] poseid = dt['indices'][cid] pose = posel[nv][poseid].copy() if self.camtoworld: Rh = pose[:,:3].copy() invR = np.linalg.inv(cameras['R'][nv]) Rh_m_old = np.matrix(cv2.Rodrigues(Rh)[0]) Rh_m_new = invR @ Rh_m_old Rh = cv2.Rodrigues(Rh_m_new)[0] Merge_list.append(np.hstack((Rh.reshape(3),pose[:,3:].reshape(-1)))) # breakpoint() Merge_list_rot.append(np.hstack((np.array(Rh_m_new).reshape(-1),pose[:,3:].reshape(-1)))) else: Merge_list.append(pose.reshape(-1)) Rh = pose[:,:3].copy() Rh_m_old = np.matrix(cv2.Rodrigues(Rh)[0]) Merge_list_rot.append(np.hstack((np.array(Rh_m_old).reshape(-1),pose[:,3:].reshape(-1)))) #将坐标系转换,及视角选择完的pose整理成新的集合。 # breakpoint() # self.count, pid, self.handtype, str(groups), (0,1) 0的话是,选了哪一组? 1 xuanle怎么选择的 #用层次聚类的方法进行视角的选择 # groups = self.Hierarchical_Cluster(Merge_list, self.threshold) groups = self.Hierarchical_Cluster(Merge_list_rot, self.threshold) # #求亲和矩阵,即任意两个pose之间的距离。 # affinity = self.calculate_aff(Merge_list,self.DIST_MAX) # N2D = affinity.shape[0] # prev_id = np.zeros(N2D) - 1 # dims = [1]*N2D # dimGroups = np.cumsum([0] + dims) # groups = self.aff_to_groups(Merge_list, affinity, dimGroups, prev_id) # # #根据亲和矩阵进行分组,这里可以考虑将分组的结果Merge起来。 # groups = [] FULL_LOG('[select views] frame:{}, pid:{}, handtype:{}'.format(self.count, pid, self.handtype)) FULL_LOG('[groups] groups:{}'.format(str(groups))) #合并分组结果 new_poses = [] for gp in groups: # merge_pose = np.array(Merge_list)[gp].mean(axis=0) merge_pose = np.array(Merge_list_rot)[gp].mean(axis=0) # breakpoint() Rot = merge_pose[:9].reshape((3,3)) Rh = cv2.Rodrigues(Rot)[0] merge_pose = np.hstack((Rh.reshape(3),merge_pose[9:].reshape(-1))) new_poses.append(merge_pose) #多个组,求每个组和上一帧结果之间的距离。(找出上一帧匹配的手,和这帧对应的手) #根据该距离在多个组之间进行选择。选出距离更小的组。 # if self.handtype == 'handr': # breakpoint() if (len(self.results)>pid): # False and # TODO 求与前一帧的距离,如果发现距离过大?则尝试重启跟踪?即选择视角最多的 pose_, dis, minid, dis_ = self.match_with_lastframe(self.results[pid],new_poses) FULL_LOG('[select 0 ] minid:{}'.format(minid)) FULL_LOG('[select 0 ] dis:{}'.format(str(dis_.tolist()))) if isinstance(dt,int) or dis_.min()>10: # 没有合适的视角检测到手,或者所有视角检测到的都与上一帧差的很远 FULL_LOG('[select 0 ] las pose') pose_ = self.results[pid].copy() else: threshold_=0.3 if self.mode==1: threshold_=1 if(dis>threshold_):# 超过一定阈值,假定上一帧不是很好,则这帧重选 array_len = np.array([len(gp) for gp in groups]) a_max = array_len.max() d_max = 500 idx=0 for gid in range(array_len.shape[0]): # breakpoint() if array_len[gid]==a_max and dis_[gid] None: self.camtoworld = camtoworld self.model_l = Select_Views(camtoworld, 'handl') self.model_r = Select_Views(camtoworld, 'handr') def __call__(self, posel, poser, match3d_l, match3d_r, cameras) -> Any: params_l = self.model_l(posel, cameras, match3d_l) params_r = self.model_r(poser, cameras, match3d_r) return {'params_l':params_l['params'], 'params_r':params_r['params']}