from tqdm import tqdm from .basic_callback import get_key def print_help(annotator, **kwargs): """print the help""" print('Here is the help:') print( '------------------') for key, val in annotator.register_keys.items(): # print(' {}: {}'.format(key, ': ', str(val.__doc__))) print(' {}: '.format(key, ': '), str(val.__doc__)) def close(annotator, param, **kwargs): """quit the annotation""" if annotator.working: annotator.clear_working() else: annotator.save_and_quit() # annotator.pbar.close() def get_move(wasd): get_frame = { 'a': lambda x, f: f - 1, 'd': lambda x, f: f + 1, 'w': lambda x, f: f - x.step, 's': lambda x, f: f + x.step }[wasd] text = { 'a': 'Move to last frame', 'd': 'Move to next frame', 'w': 'Move to last step frame', 's': 'Move to next step frame' } clip_frame = lambda x, f: max(0, min(x.nFrames-1, f)) def move(annotator, **kwargs): newframe = get_frame(annotator, annotator.frame) newframe = clip_frame(annotator, newframe) annotator.frame = newframe move.__doc__ = text[wasd] return move def set_personID(i): def func(self, param, **kwargs): active = param['select']['bbox'] if active == -1: return 0 else: param['annots']['annots'][active]['personID'] = i return 0 func.__doc__ = "set the bbox ID to {}".format(i) return func def delete_bbox(self, param, **kwargs): "delete the person" active = param['select']['bbox'] if active == -1: return 0 else: param['annots']['annots'].pop(active) param['select']['bbox'] = -1 return 0 def capture_screen(self, param): "capture the screen" if param['capture_screen']: param['capture_screen'] = False else: param['capture_screen'] = True def automatic(self, param): "Automatic running" keys = input('Enter the ordered key(separate with blank): ').split(' ') repeats = int(input('Input the repeat times: (0->{})'.format(len(self.dataset)-self.frame))) for nf in tqdm(range(repeats), desc='auto {}'.format('->'.join(keys))): for key in keys: if chr(get_key()) == 'q': break'd') register_keys = { 'h': print_help, 'q': close, 'x': delete_bbox, 'p': capture_screen, 'A': automatic } for key in 'wasd': register_keys[key] = get_move(key) for i in range(10): register_keys[str(i)] = set_personID(i)