import numpy as np import cv2 from easymocap.mytools.camera_utils import Undistort from easymocap.mytools.debug_utils import mywarn from .triangulate import batch_triangulate, project_wo_dist from collections import defaultdict LOG_FILE = 'log.txt' LOG_LEVEL = 0 #2 FULL_LOG = (lambda x: print(x, file=open(LOG_FILE, 'a'))) if LOG_LEVEL > 1 else (lambda x: None) LOG = (lambda x: print(x, file=open(LOG_FILE, 'a'))) if LOG_LEVEL > 0 else (lambda x: None) def LOG_ARRAY(array2d, format='{:>8.2f} '): res = '' for i in range(array2d.shape[0]): for j in range(array2d.shape[1]): res += format.format(array2d[i, j]) res += '\n' return res class MatchBase: def __init__(self, mode, cfg) -> None: self.mode = mode self.cfg = cfg print('[{}]'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) print(self.cfg) self.max_id = 0 def make_grids(self, grids, grids_step): grid_x = np.arange(grids[0][0], grids[1][0], grids_step) grid_y = np.arange(grids[0][1], grids[1][1], grids_step) grid_z = np.arange(grids[0][2], grids[1][2], grids_step) grid_xyz = np.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y, grid_z) grid_xyz = np.stack(grid_xyz, axis=-1) grids = grid_xyz.reshape(-1, 3) print('[{}] Generate {} => {} grids'.format(self.__class__.__name__, grid_xyz.shape, grids.shape[0])) return grids @staticmethod def stack_array(arrays): dimGroups = [0] results = [] views_all = [] for nv, array in enumerate(arrays): dimGroups.append(dimGroups[-1] + array.shape[0]) views_all.extend([nv for _ in range(array.shape[0])]) results.append(array) results = np.concatenate(results, axis=0) return results, np.array(views_all), np.array(dimGroups) @staticmethod def undistort(points, cameras): nViews = len(points) pelvis_undis = [] for nv in range(nViews): camera = {key:cameras[key][nv] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist']} if points[nv].shape[0] > 0: pelvis = Undistort.points(points[nv], camera['K'], camera['dist']) else: pelvis = points[nv].copy() pelvis_undis.append(pelvis) return pelvis_undis @staticmethod def distance_by_triangulate(p_src, p_dst, camera_src, camera_dst, ranges): dist = np.zeros((p_src.shape[0], p_dst.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32) # generate (m, n) points and distance idx_src = np.arange(p_src.shape[0]) idx_dst = np.arange(p_dst.shape[0]) idx_src, idx_dst = np.meshgrid(idx_src, idx_dst) idx_src = idx_src.reshape(-1) idx_dst = idx_dst.reshape(-1) p_src = p_src[idx_src] p_dst = p_dst[idx_dst] keypoints = np.stack([p_src, p_dst], axis=0) keypoints_flat = keypoints.reshape(keypoints.shape[0], -1, keypoints.shape[-1]) P = np.stack([camera_src['P'], camera_dst['P']], axis=0) k3d = batch_triangulate(keypoints_flat, P, min_view=2) repro, depth = project_wo_dist(k3d, P) dist_repro = np.linalg.norm(repro[..., :2] - keypoints_flat[..., :2], axis=-1).mean(axis=0) valid = (k3d[:, 0] > ranges[0][0]) & (k3d[:, 0] < ranges[1][0]) & \ (k3d[:, 1] > ranges[0][1]) & (k3d[:, 1] < ranges[1][1]) & \ (k3d[:, 2] > ranges[0][2]) & (k3d[:, 2] < ranges[1][2]) dist_repro[~valid] = 1e5 dist[idx_src, idx_dst] = dist_repro return dist def calculate_distance(self, pelvis_undis, cameras, dimGroups): DIST_MAX = 10000. distance = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1], dimGroups[-1]), dtype=np.float32) + DIST_MAX nViews = len(dimGroups) - 1 ray0 = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 3, 1) ray_cam = cameras['R'].transpose(0, 2, 1) @ ray0 ray_cam = ray_cam[..., 0] cos_theta = np.sum(ray_cam[:, None] * ray_cam[None], axis=-1) theta = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(np.clip(cos_theta, -1., 1.))) valid_theta = np.logical_and(theta > self.cfg.valid_angle[0], theta < self.cfg.valid_angle[1]) for src in range(nViews - 1): for dst in range(src + 1, nViews): # TODO: 计算两个射线的夹角 # 这里对于不相邻或者对角的视角,我们直接跳过距离的计算 # 这样后面在进行初始化的时候就无法挑到两个比较接近的视角了 # if not valid_theta[src, dst]: # continue p_src = pelvis_undis[src][:, None] #(m, 2) p_dst = pelvis_undis[dst][:, None] #(n, 2) if p_src.shape[0] == 0 or p_dst.shape[0] == 0: continue camera_src = {key:cameras[key][src] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist', 'P']} camera_dst = {key:cameras[key][dst] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist', 'P']} dist = self.distance_by_triangulate(p_src, p_dst, camera_src, camera_dst, self.cfg.valid_ranges) distance[dimGroups[src]:dimGroups[src+1], dimGroups[dst]:dimGroups[dst+1]] = dist distance[dimGroups[dst]:dimGroups[dst+1], dimGroups[src]:dimGroups[src+1]] = dist.T cameras['valid_theta'] = valid_theta return distance def calculate_repro(self, results, pelvis_undis, cameras, views_all): nViews = len(cameras['P']) n3D = len(results) distance = np.zeros((pelvis_undis.shape[0], n3D), dtype=np.float32) if n3D == 0: return distance keypoints3d = np.stack([d['pelvis'] for d in results], axis=0) Pall = np.stack([cameras['P'][nv] for nv in range(nViews)]) # k2d: (nViews, nPerson, nPoints, 3) k2d, depth = project_wo_dist(keypoints3d, Pall, einsum='vab,pkb->vpka') repro_select = k2d[views_all] # dist: (nPoints, n3D) dist = np.linalg.norm(repro_select[..., :2] - pelvis_undis[:, None, None, :2], axis=-1).mean(axis=2) # for nv in range(nViews): return dist def triangulate_and_repro(self, cameras, views, proposals): Pall = np.stack([cameras['P'][v] for v in views]) kpts = np.stack(proposals) kpts = kpts[:, None] k3d = batch_triangulate(kpts, Pall) k2d, depth = project_wo_dist(k3d, Pall) dist_repro = np.linalg.norm(k2d[..., :2] - kpts[..., :2], axis=-1).mean(axis=-1) return k3d, dist_repro, depth @staticmethod def check_is_best_3d_of_2d(distance, idx3d, idx2d, visited3d): isbest3d = True distance_2d = distance[idx2d] for i3d in distance_2d.argsort(): if i3d != idx3d and i3d not in visited3d: isbest3d = False break elif i3d == idx3d: break return isbest3d @staticmethod def sort_with_affinity(distance, dimGroups, INLIER_REPRO): nViews = len(dimGroups) - 1 # 排序计算affinity count_rows = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1]), dtype=int) distance_rows = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1])) for nv in range(nViews): if dimGroups[nv] == dimGroups[nv+1]:continue valid_view = np.clip((distance[:, dimGroups[nv]:dimGroups[nv+1]] < INLIER_REPRO).sum(axis=-1), 0, 1) count_rows += valid_view # 最多也只累计一个 distance_rows += valid_view * (distance[:, dimGroups[nv]:dimGroups[nv+1]].min(axis=-1)) index = list(range(dimGroups[-1])) # index.sort(key=lambda x: (-count_rows[x], distance_rows[x])) # sort with 2D confidence # index.sort(key=lambda x: -pelvis_all[x, 2]) # sort with valid matches # 选择2D的依据改为:根据有效的2D重投影距离的数量 valid_count = (distance < INLIER_REPRO * 2).sum(axis=0) index = (-valid_count).argsort() return index def assign_by_3D(self, used_index, distance, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups, cameras): INLIER_TRACK = self.cfg.track_pixel INLIER_REPRO = self.cfg.max_pixel # 使用前一帧的可见性来进行排序 index_3d = list(range(len(self.results))) index_3d.sort(key=lambda x:-len(self.results[x]['views'])) results = [] visited3d = set() for idx3d in index_3d: visited3d.add(idx3d) self.results[idx3d]['tracked'] = False pid = self.results[idx3d]['id'] dist = distance[:, idx3d] FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] Check 3D {}'.format(pid)) FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] Distance {}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(dist[None]))) current = [] views = [] proposal = dist.argsort() # 初始化一下: for idx2d in proposal: # 不满足视角关系 # if not valid_theta[views_all[row], views_all[idx2d]]: # continue # 不满足距离关系 if dist[idx2d] > INLIER_TRACK: break if used_index[idx2d] > -1: continue if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue if not self.check_is_best_3d_of_2d(distance, idx3d, idx2d, visited3d): continue if len(current) == 1: # 已经有一个了,如果还要再添加,那么需要判断一下三角化出来的距离关系 k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views + [views_all[idx2d]], current + [pelvis_all[idx2d]]) _dist = np.linalg.norm(k3d[:, :3] - self.results[idx3d]['pelvis'][:, :3], axis=-1).mean() if _dist > self.cfg.max_movement: continue # 找到了合理的pair,作为一个良好的初始化 current.append(pelvis_all[idx2d]) views.append(views_all[idx2d]) used_index[idx2d] = pid FULL_LOG(f'[Assign 3D] First track 3D {pid} with {idx2d}, view ({views_all[idx2d]})') if len(current) == 2: break if len(current) < 2: # 没有找到良好的初始化 continue for idx2d in proposal: # 这个视角已经有了 | 这个2D已经被使用过了 if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue if used_index[idx2d] > -1: continue if not self.check_is_best_3d_of_2d(distance, idx3d, idx2d, visited3d): continue # 尝试添加 FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] 3D {} add {}, distance={:.2f}'.format(pid, idx2d, dist[idx2d])) new = current + [pelvis_all[idx2d]] views_new = views + [views_all[idx2d]] k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views_new, new) _dist = np.linalg.norm(k3d[:, :3] - self.results[idx3d]['pelvis'][:, :3], axis=-1).mean() flag_movement = _dist < self.cfg.max_movement flag_depth = (depth > 0.5).all() flag_repro = dist_repro.mean() < INLIER_REPRO flag = flag_repro & flag_depth FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] repro: \n{}, \ndepth: \n{}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(dist_repro[None]), LOG_ARRAY(depth.T))) if flag: # 添加 current = new views = views_new used_index[idx2d] = pid FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] {} => {}'.format(idx2d, np.where(used_index == pid)[0])) else: FULL_LOG('[Assign 3D] Failed') # check the results if len(views) < self.cfg.min_views: #不足以添加 continue k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views, current) select = np.where(used_index == pid)[0] results.append({ 'id': pid, 'pelvis': k3d, 'keypoints3d': k3d, # 这里保存两个,这样即使后面覆盖掉了keypoints3d还能取出pelvis来 'views': views_all[select], 'select': select, 'indices': select - dimGroups[views_all[select]], 'frames': self.results[idx3d]['frames'] + [self.frames] }) self.results[idx3d]['tracked'] = True for res in results: text = f''' - Track {res['id']} with {len(res['views'])} views views: {' '.join(list(map(lambda x:'{:2d}'.format(x), res['views'])))} id : {' '.join(list(map(lambda x:'{:2d}'.format(x), res['select'])))}''' LOG(text) print(text) for res in self.results: if not res['tracked']: mywarn('- 3D {} not tracked'.format(res['id'])) # 对于没有被跟踪到的:检查是否有两个距离很小的视角 # 如果有,并且被其他人占用了,那么把这个2D也给他;在极端情况下,有的视角下会有人恰好被另一个人挡住 print(res) if len(res['frames']) < 3: mywarn('- 3D {} not tracked, but only {} frames'.format(res['id'], len(res['frames']))) else: pass # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() return results def find_initial_3_pair(self, distance, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups): # 生成所有可能的候选的3个pair index_0 = np.arange(pelvis_all.shape[0]) index_0 = np.stack(np.meshgrid(index_0, index_0, index_0), axis=-1).reshape(-1, 3) flag_order = (index_0[:, 0] < index_0[:, 1]) & (index_0[:, 1] < index_0[:, 2]) # flag_views = (views_all[index_0[:, 0]] != views_all[index_0[:, 1]]) & \ # (views_all[index_0[:, 1]] != views_all[index_0[:, 2]]) & \ # (views_all[index_0[:, 0]] != views_all[index_0[:, 2]]) valid_index = index_0[flag_order] distance_circle = distance[valid_index[:, 0], valid_index[:, 1]] + \ distance[valid_index[:, 1], valid_index[:, 2]] + \ distance[valid_index[:, 2], valid_index[:, 0]] distance_circle = distance_circle / 3 valid_dist = distance_circle < self.cfg.max_pixel valid_ = valid_index[valid_dist] dist_sum = distance_circle[valid_dist] arg_idx = dist_sum.argsort() FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] find {} 3 pair: '.format(len(arg_idx))) return valid_[arg_idx], dist_sum[arg_idx] def try_to_add_index(self, dist_row, cameras, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups, used_index, views, current, pid): INLIER_REPRO = self.cfg.max_pixel proposal = dist_row.argsort() indices = [] for idx2d in proposal: if dist_row[idx2d] > INLIER_REPRO: break # 这个视角已经有了 | 这个2D已经被使用过了 if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue if used_index[idx2d] > -1: continue FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Try to add {}, distance={:.2f}'.format(idx2d, dist_row[idx2d])) # 尝试三角化并进行重投影 new = current + [pelvis_all[idx2d]] views_new = views + [views_all[idx2d]] k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views_new, new) flag_depth = (depth > 0.5).all() flag_repro = dist_repro.mean() < INLIER_REPRO flag = flag_repro & flag_depth FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] repro: \n{}, \ndepth: \n{}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(dist_repro[None]), LOG_ARRAY(depth.T))) if flag: # 添加 current.append(pelvis_all[idx2d]) views.append(views_all[idx2d]) indices.append(idx2d) FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Add {}'.format(idx2d )) else: FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Failed') return indices def assign_by_2D_3pair(self, results, distance, dimGroups, used_index, valid_3pairs, views_all, pelvis_all, cameras): INLIER_REPRO = self.cfg.max_pixel for ipair, valid_3pair in enumerate(valid_3pairs): # 先检查是否被使用过了 if (used_index[valid_3pair] > -1).any(): continue # 先检查是否是合理的 FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Check 3 pair {}'.format(valid_3pair)) k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views_all[valid_3pair], pelvis_all[valid_3pair]) flag_depth = (depth > 0.5).all() flag_repro = dist_repro.mean() < INLIER_REPRO # TODO: flag range flag = flag_repro & flag_depth if not flag: continue # 添加其余的点 pid = self.max_id self.max_id += 1 dist_pair = distance[valid_3pair].mean(axis=0) views = views_all[valid_3pair].tolist() current = [pelvis_all[i] for i in valid_3pair] indices = self.try_to_add_index(dist_pair, cameras, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups, used_index, views, current, pid) select = np.array(valid_3pair.tolist() + indices) k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views, current) used_index[select] = pid results.append({ 'id': pid, 'pelvis': k3d, 'keypoints3d': k3d, # 这里保存两个,这样即使后面覆盖掉了keypoints3d还能取出pelvis来 'views': views_all[select], 'select': select, 'indices': select - dimGroups[views_all[select]], 'frames': [self.frames], }) return results def assign_by_2D(self, used_index, distance, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups, cameras): def log_index_2d(index2d): return '({}|{}-{})'.format(index2d, views_all[index2d], index2d-dimGroups[views_all[index2d]]) def log_indexes_2d(index2d_): return ', '.join(['({}|{}-{})'.format(index2d, views_all[index2d], index2d-dimGroups[views_all[index2d]]) for index2d in index2d_]) INLIER_REPRO = self.cfg.max_pixel new_id_start = 10000 new_max_id = new_id_start valid_3pairs, dist_3pair = self.find_initial_3_pair(distance, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups=dimGroups) results = [] if valid_3pairs.sum() > 0: results = self.assign_by_2D_3pair(results, distance, dimGroups, used_index, valid_3pairs, views_all, pelvis_all, cameras) valid_theta = cameras['valid_theta'] nViews = len(dimGroups)-1 # 排序计算affinity count_rows = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1]), dtype=int) distance_rows = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1])) for nv in range(nViews): if dimGroups[nv] == dimGroups[nv+1]:continue valid_view = np.clip((distance[:, dimGroups[nv]:dimGroups[nv+1]] < INLIER_REPRO).sum(axis=-1), 0, 1) count_rows += valid_view # 最多也只累计一个 distance_rows += valid_view * (distance[:, dimGroups[nv]:dimGroups[nv+1]].min(axis=-1)) index = list(range(dimGroups[-1])) # index.sort(key=lambda x: (-count_rows[x], distance_rows[x])) # sort with 2D confidence # index.sort(key=lambda x: -pelvis_all[x, 2]) # sort with valid matches # 选择2D的依据改为:根据有效的2D重投影距离的数量 valid_count = (distance < INLIER_REPRO * 2).sum(axis=0) index = (-valid_count).argsort() visited2d = set() for row in index: visited2d.add(row) if used_index[row] > -1:continue FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Check 2D {}'.format(log_index_2d(row))) pid = new_max_id new_max_id += 1 dist_row = distance[row] proposal = dist_row.argsort() current = [pelvis_all[row]] views = [views_all[row]] used_index[row] = pid # 初始化一下: for idx2d in proposal: # 不满足视角关系 if not valid_theta[views_all[row], views_all[idx2d]]: continue # 不满足距离关系 if dist_row[idx2d] > INLIER_REPRO: break if used_index[idx2d] > -1: continue if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue # self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, [views_all[18], views_all[34]], [pelvis_all[18], pelvis_all[34]]) # 2D的时候不能选择是最好的,因为2D可能还有其他视角的在 # 顶多判断一下,是对于这个视角来说最好的 # if not self.check_is_best_3d_of_2d(distance, row, idx2d, visited2d): # continue # 找到了合理的pair,作为一个良好的初始化 current.append(pelvis_all[idx2d]) views.append(views_all[idx2d]) used_index[idx2d] = pid FULL_LOG(f'[Assign 2D] Init with {log_index_2d(idx2d)}') break if len(current) < 2: # 没有找到良好的初始化 continue for idx2d in proposal: if dist_row[idx2d] > INLIER_REPRO: break # 这个视角已经有了 | 这个2D已经被使用过了 if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue if used_index[idx2d] > -1: continue # if not self.check_is_best_3d_of_2d(distance, row, idx2d, visited2d): # continue # 尝试三角化并进行重投影 new = current + [pelvis_all[idx2d]] views_new = views + [views_all[idx2d]] k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views_new, new) flag_depth = (depth > 0.5).all() flag_repro = dist_repro.mean() < INLIER_REPRO flag = flag_repro & flag_depth FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] repro: \n{}, \ndepth: \n{}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(dist_repro[None]), LOG_ARRAY(depth.T))) if flag: # 添加 current = new views = views_new used_index[idx2d] = pid _current_id = np.where(used_index == pid)[0] FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] {} => {}'.format(idx2d, log_indexes_2d(_current_id))) else: FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Failed') if len(views) < self.cfg.min_views_init: #不足以添加 continue k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views, current) select = np.where(used_index == pid)[0] final_id = self.max_id self.max_id += 1 used_index[select] = final_id results.append({ 'id': final_id, 'pelvis': k3d, 'keypoints3d': k3d, # 这里保存两个,这样即使后面覆盖掉了keypoints3d还能取出pelvis来 'views': views_all[select], 'select': select, 'indices': select - dimGroups[views_all[select]], 'frames': [self.frames], }) for res in results: text = f''' - Init {res['id']} with {len(res['views'])} views views: {res['views']} id : {res['select']}''' LOG(text) print(text) return results class MatchRoot(MatchBase): def __init__(self, mode, cfg): super().__init__(mode, cfg) self.results = [] self.frames = -1 def __call__(self, pelvis, cameras, self_results=None): """ cameras: {K, R, T, dist, P} """ self.frames += 1 LOG('>>> Current frames: {}'.format(self.frames)) if self_results is None: self_results = self.results nViews = len(pelvis) pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups = self.stack_array(pelvis) # Undistort pelvis_undis = self.undistort(pelvis, cameras) pelvis_undis_all, _, _ = self.stack_array(pelvis_undis) # distance3D => 2D distance3d_2d = self.calculate_repro(self_results, pelvis_all, cameras, views_all) # FULL_LOG('distance3d_2d: {}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(distance3d_2d))) # distance: triangulate and project distance2d_2d = self.calculate_distance(pelvis_undis, cameras, dimGroups) # FULL_LOG('distance2d_2d: {}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(distance2d_2d))) # set assign index used_index = np.zeros((dimGroups[-1]), dtype=int) - 1 results = [] # assign by 3D => 2D results3d = self_results if len(results3d) > 0: results3d = self.assign_by_3D(used_index, distance3d_2d, pelvis_undis_all, views_all, dimGroups, cameras) # assign by 2D + 2D results2d = self.assign_by_2D(used_index, distance2d_2d, pelvis_undis_all, views_all, dimGroups, cameras) results = results3d + results2d # distance = np.linalg.norm(keypoints3d[:, None, ..., :3] - keypoints3d[None, ..., :3], axis=-1).mean(axis=-1) # print(LOG_ARRAY(distance, format='{:6.2f}')) results.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x['views'])) results = results[:self.cfg.max_person] if self.mode == 'track': self.results = results results.sort(key=lambda x:x['id']) # TODO: 增加结果的NMS检查和合并 if len(results) == 0: keypoints3d = np.zeros((0, 25, 3)) else: keypoints3d = np.stack([d['keypoints3d'] for d in results]) return {'keypoints3d': keypoints3d, 'results': results} class MatchTwoRoot(MatchRoot): def __init__(self, mode, cfg): keys = ['pelvis', 'neck'] self._max_id_add = -1 self._max_id = {key: 0 for key in keys} self.current = 'pelvis' self._results = {key: [] for key in keys} super().__init__(mode, cfg) self.results_limb = [] self.mapping = {key: {} for key in keys} @property def max_id_add(self): self._max_id_add += 1 return self._max_id_add @property def max_id(self): return self._max_id[self.current] @max_id.setter def max_id(self, index): self._max_id[self.current] = index @property def results(self): return self._results[self.current] @results.setter def results(self, val): self._results[self.current] = val @staticmethod def check_tracked(key, record_pelvis, current_3d, mapping): for ires, res in enumerate(record_pelvis): pid = res['id'] res['limb_id'] = -1 if pid in mapping[key]: p3d = mapping[key][pid] res['limb_id'] = p3d current_3d[p3d][key] = ires def __call__(self, cameras, openpose): pelvis_id = 8 neck_id = 1 pelvis = [openpose[v][pelvis_id] for v in range(len(openpose))] neck = [openpose[v][neck_id] for v in range(len(openpose))] self.current = 'pelvis' record_pelvis = super().__call__(pelvis, cameras)['results'] self.current = 'neck' record_neck = super().__call__(neck, cameras)['results'] current_3d = {p['id']: {'pelvis': -1, 'neck': -1} for p in self.results_limb} # 先检查是否已经track过了 self.check_tracked('pelvis', record_pelvis, current_3d, self.mapping) self.check_tracked('neck', record_neck, current_3d, self.mapping) # 先整体记录一下ID;然后如果某一帧有丢掉的;就更新 for p in self.results_limb: # 检查一下当前帧 current_a, current_b = current_3d[p['id']]['pelvis'], current_3d[p['id']]['neck'] if current_a != -1 and current_b != -1: assert current_a < len(record_pelvis) and current_b < len(record_neck), 'Index Error {}/{}, {}/{}'.format(current_a, current_b, len(record_pelvis), len(record_neck)) p['pelvis'] = record_pelvis[current_a]['pelvis'] p['neck'] = record_neck[current_b]['pelvis'] elif current_a == -1 and current_b != -1: # a没有检测到,但b检测到了 # 保持相对值 mywarn('Missing Pelvis') p['neck'] = record_neck[current_b]['pelvis'] pre_direc = p['pelvis'][:, :3] - p['neck'][:, :3] p['pelvis'][:, :3] = p['neck'][:, :3] + pre_direc # 得把补全的这个点设置回去 self._results['pelvis'].append({ 'id': p['pelvis_id'], 'pelvis': p['pelvis'], 'views': [], 'frames': [], 'indices': [], 'limb_id': p['id'], }) elif current_a != -1 and current_b == -1: mywarn('Missing Neck') pre_direc = p['neck'][:, :3] - p['pelvis'][:, :3] p['pelvis'] = record_pelvis[current_a]['pelvis'] p['neck'][:, :3] = p['pelvis'][:, :3] + pre_direc # 得把补全的这个点设置回去 self._results['neck'].append({ 'id': p['neck_id'], 'pelvis': p['neck'], 'views': [], 'frames': [], 'indices': [], 'limb_id': p['id'], }) else: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() raise NotImplementedError # 遍历所有没有跟踪上的组合 n_pelvis = len(record_pelvis) n_neck = len(record_neck) dist = np.zeros((n_pelvis, n_neck)) # TODO: 用2D PAF来关联 for i in range(n_pelvis): if record_pelvis[i]['limb_id'] > -1: continue for j in range(n_neck): if record_neck[j]['limb_id'] > -1: continue pa = record_pelvis[i]['pelvis'] pb = record_neck[j]['pelvis'] length = np.linalg.norm(pa[:, :3] - pb[:, :3]) dist[i, j] = length LIMB_MEAN = 0.489 dist_to_mean = np.exp(-(dist - LIMB_MEAN)**2/(2*(LIMB_MEAN/3)**2)) for i in range(n_pelvis): if record_pelvis[i]['limb_id'] > -1: continue for j in range(n_neck): if record_neck[j]['limb_id'] > -1: continue pa = record_pelvis[i]['pelvis'] pb = record_neck[j]['pelvis'] if dist_to_mean[i, j] > 0.8: # 可以接受 limb = { 'id': self.max_id_add, 'pelvis_id': record_pelvis[i]['id'], 'neck_id': record_neck[j]['id'], 'pelvis': pa, 'neck': pb, 'frames': [self.frames], } self.mapping['pelvis'][limb['pelvis_id']] = limb['id'] self.mapping['neck'][limb['neck_id']] = limb['id'] self.results_limb.append(limb) # 丢掉没有跟踪上的 results = [] for limb in self.results_limb: k3d = np.vstack([limb['pelvis'], limb['neck']]) results.append({ 'id': limb['id'], 'keypoints3d': k3d, }) return {'results': results} class MatchTorso(MatchBase): def __init__(self, mode, cfg): super().__init__(mode, cfg) self.results = [] self.frames = -1 @staticmethod def stack_pafs(pafs): dimGroups = [0] results = defaultdict(list) views_all = [] for nv, paf in enumerate(pafs): src = paf['src'] dimGroups.append(dimGroups[-1] + src.shape[0]) views_all.extend([nv for _ in range(src.shape[0])]) results['src'].append(src) results['dst'].append(paf['dst']) results['value'].append(paf['value']) results = {key: np.concatenate(val, axis=0) for key, val in results.items()} return results, np.array(views_all), np.array(dimGroups) def check_used_index(self, info_limb, index, info_joints): idx_src = info_limb['src'][index] idx_dst = info_limb['dst'][index] if info_joints['src']['used_index'][idx_src] > -1: return True if info_joints['dst']['used_index'][idx_dst] > -1: return True return False def set_used_index(self, info_limb, index, info_joints, pid): idx_src = info_limb['src'][index] idx_dst = info_limb['dst'][index] info_joints['src']['used_index'][idx_src] = pid info_joints['dst']['used_index'][idx_dst] = pid return True def triangulate_limb(self, info_limb, info_joints, index, views, cameras): flag = True k3d_all = [] dist_all = [] for key in ['src', 'dst']: proposals = [] for idx in index: idx_ = info_limb[key][idx] proposals.append(info_joints[key]['detect_undis'][idx_]) k3d, dist_repro, depth = self.triangulate_and_repro(cameras, views, proposals) dist_all.append(dist_repro) k3d_all.append(k3d) k3d_all = np.vstack(k3d_all) limb_length = np.linalg.norm(k3d_all[1, ..., :3] - k3d_all[0, ..., :3]) if limb_length < 0.3 or limb_length > 0.7: flag = False dist_all = np.stack(dist_all) dist_all = np.max(dist_all, axis=0) return flag, k3d_all, dist_all # def assign_limb_by_2D(self, used_index, distance, pelvis_all, views_all, dimGroups, cameras): def assign_limb_by_2D(self, info_limb, info_joints, distance, views_all, dimGroups, cameras): def log_index_2d(index2d): src = info_limb['src'][index2d] dst = info_limb['dst'][index2d] src = src - info_joints['src']['dimGroups'][views_all[index2d]] dst = dst - info_joints['dst']['dimGroups'][views_all[index2d]] return '({}|{}-({},{}))'.format(index2d, views_all[index2d], src, dst) # def log_indexes_2d(index2d_): # return ', '.join(['({}|{}-{})'.format(index2d, views_all[index2d], index2d-dimGroups[views_all[index2d]]) for index2d in index2d_]) INLIER_REPRO = self.cfg.max_pixel valid_theta = cameras['valid_theta'] index = self.sort_with_affinity(distance, dimGroups, INLIER_REPRO) visited2d = set() results = [] new_id_start = 10000 new_max_id = new_id_start for row in index: visited2d.add(row) if self.check_used_index(info_limb, row, info_joints): continue pid = new_max_id new_max_id += 1 FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Check 2D {}'.format(log_index_2d(row))) dist_row = distance[row] proposal = dist_row.argsort() # 尝试初始化 views = [views_all[row]] current = [row] for idx2d in proposal: # 不满足视角关系 if not valid_theta[views_all[row], views_all[idx2d]]: continue # 不满足距离关系 if dist_row[idx2d] > INLIER_REPRO: break if self.check_used_index(info_limb, idx2d, info_joints): continue if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue # 检查骨长 flag, k3d, repro_error = self.triangulate_limb(info_limb, info_joints, [row, idx2d], [views_all[row], views_all[idx2d]], cameras) length = np.linalg.norm(k3d[1, ..., :3] - k3d[0, ..., :3]) if flag: views.append(views_all[idx2d]) current.append(idx2d) FULL_LOG(f'[Assign 2D] Init with {log_index_2d(idx2d)}, length={length:.4f}') break else: FULL_LOG(f'[Assign 2D] Init failed with {log_index_2d(idx2d)}, length = {length:.4f}') if len(current) < 2: # 没有找到良好的初始化 FULL_LOG(f'[Assign 2D] Cannot find a good initialization pair {log_index_2d(row)}') continue for idx2d in proposal: if dist_row[idx2d] > INLIER_REPRO:break # 这个视角已经有了 | 这个2D已经被使用过了 if views_all[idx2d] in views: continue if self.check_used_index(info_limb, idx2d, info_joints): continue FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Try to add 2D {} => {}'.format(idx2d, log_index_2d(idx2d))) # 尝试三角化并进行重投影 new = current + [idx2d] views_new = views + [views_all[idx2d]] flag_limb, k3d, dist_repro = self.triangulate_limb(info_limb, info_joints, new, views_new, cameras) # flag_depth = (depth > 0.5).all() flag_depth = True flag_repro = dist_repro.mean() < INLIER_REPRO flag = flag_repro & flag_depth & flag_limb FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] repro: \n{}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(dist_repro[None]))) if flag: # 添加 current = new views = views_new self.set_used_index(info_limb, idx2d, info_joints, pid) FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] {} => {}'.format(idx2d, current)) else: FULL_LOG('[Assign 2D] Failed') new = None views_new = None if len(views) < self.cfg.min_views: #不足以添加 continue flag_limb, k3d, dist_repro = self.triangulate_limb(info_limb, info_joints, current, views, cameras) final_id = self.max_id self.max_id += 1 results.append({ 'id': final_id, 'torso': k3d, 'keypoints3d': k3d, # 这里保存两个,这样即使后面覆盖掉了keypoints3d还能取出pelvis来 'views': views, 'select': current, # 'indices': select - dimGroups[views_all[select]], 'frames': [self.frames], }) for res in results: text = f''' - Init {res['id']} with {len(res['views'])} views views: {res['views']} id : {res['select']}''' LOG(text) print(text) return results def calculte_distance_src_dst(self, src, dst, cameras): info = {} for name, detect in zip(['src', 'dst'], [src, dst]): detect_all, views_all, dimGroups = self.stack_array(detect) # Undistort detect_undis = self.undistort(detect, cameras) detect_undis_all, _, _ = self.stack_array(detect_undis) # # distance3D => 2D # distance3d_2d = self.calculate_repro(self.results, pelvis_all, cameras, views_all) # FULL_LOG('distance3d_2d: {}'.format(LOG_ARRAY(distance3d_2d))) # distance: triangulate and project distance2d_2d = self.calculate_distance(detect_undis, cameras, dimGroups) info[name] = { 'detect_all': detect_all, 'views_all': views_all, 'dimGroups': dimGroups, 'distance2d_2d': distance2d_2d, 'detect_undis': detect_undis_all, 'used_index': np.zeros((dimGroups[-1]), dtype=int) - 1 } return info def get_valid_limbs(self, pafs, info_joint): nViews = len(pafs) valid_paf = [] for nv in range(nViews): paf = pafs[nv] src, dst = np.where(paf > 0.3) value = paf[src, dst] valid_paf.append({ 'src': src + info_joint['src']['dimGroups'][nv], 'dst': dst + info_joint['dst']['dimGroups'][nv], 'value': value, 'view': nv, }) results, views_all, dimGroups = self.stack_pafs(valid_paf) return results, views_all, dimGroups def calculate_distance_limb(self, results, cameras, dimGroups, distance_src, distance_dst): src_idx, dst_idx = results['src'], results['dst'] src_idx0, src_idx1 = np.meshgrid(src_idx, src_idx) dist_src_src = distance_src[src_idx0, src_idx1] dst_idx0, dst_idx1 = np.meshgrid(dst_idx, dst_idx) dist_dst_dst = distance_dst[dst_idx0, dst_idx1] # TODO: 考虑每个视角的 limb的置信度,joint的置信度 dist_spatial = np.maximum(dist_src_src, dist_dst_dst) return dist_spatial def __call__(self, cameras, openpose, openpose_paf): """ cameras: {K, R, T, dist, P} """ self.frames += 1 pelvis_id = 8 neck_id = 1 nViews = len(openpose) LOG('>>> Current frames: {}'.format(self.frames)) pelvis = [openpose[v][pelvis_id] for v in range(len(openpose))] neck = [openpose[v][neck_id] for v in range(len(openpose))] info_joint = self.calculte_distance_src_dst(pelvis, neck, cameras) pafs = [openpose_paf[v][(pelvis_id, neck_id)] for v in range(len(openpose_paf))] info_limb, views_all, dimGroups = self.get_valid_limbs(pafs, info_joint) distance2d_2d = self.calculate_distance_limb(info_limb, cameras, dimGroups, info_joint['src']['distance2d_2d'], info_joint['dst']['distance2d_2d']) results = self.assign_limb_by_2D(info_limb, info_joint, distance2d_2d, views_all, dimGroups, cameras) results.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x['views'])) results = results[:self.cfg.max_person] # if self.mode == 'track': # self.results = results results.sort(key=lambda x:x['id']) # TODO: 增加结果的NMS检查和合并 if len(results) == 0: keypoints3d = np.zeros((0, 2, 3)) else: keypoints3d = np.stack([d['keypoints3d'] for d in results]) return {'keypoints3d': keypoints3d, 'results': results} class TriangulateAll: def __init__(self, mode) -> None: self.mode = mode def __call__(self, bbox, keypoints, cameras, results): for res in results: bbox_, k2d, Pall = [], [], [] for i in range(len(res['views'])): v = res['views'][i] bbox_.append(bbox[v][res['indices'][i]]) k2d.append(keypoints[v][res['indices'][i]]) Pall.append(cameras['P'][v]) k2d = np.stack(k2d) Pall = np.stack(Pall) bbox_ = np.stack(bbox_) if self.mode == 'naive': k3d = batch_triangulate(k2d, Pall) elif self.mode == 'robust': from easymocap.mytools.triangulator import iterative_triangulate k3d, k2d = iterative_triangulate(k2d, Pall, dist_max=25) res['keypoints3d'] = k3d res['keypoints2d'] = k2d res['bbox'] = bbox_ return {'keypoints3d': np.stack([d['keypoints3d'] for d in results]), 'results': results} class MatchHandLR: def __init__(self, mode, cfg): self.model_l = MatchRoot(mode,cfg) self.model_r = MatchRoot(mode,cfg) def __call__(self, pelvis_l, pelvis_r, cameras): ret = {} outl = self.model_l(pelvis_l, cameras) outr = self.model_r(pelvis_r, cameras) for k in outl.keys(): ret[k+'_l'] = outl[k] for k in outr.keys(): ret[k+'_r'] = outr[k] return ret class MatchBodyHand: def __init__(self, mode) -> None: pass def projectPoints(self, X, K, R, t, Kd): x = R @ X + t x[0:2,:] = x[0:2,:]/x[2,:]#到归一化平面 r = x[0,:]*x[0,:] + x[1,:]*x[1,:] x[0,:] = x[0,:]*(1 + Kd[0]*r + Kd[1]*r*r + Kd[4]*r*r*r) + 2*Kd[2]*x[0,:]*x[1,:] + Kd[3]*(r + 2*x[0,:]*x[0,:]) x[1,:] = x[1,:]*(1 + Kd[0]*r + Kd[1]*r*r + Kd[4]*r*r*r) + 2*Kd[3]*x[0,:]*x[1,:] + Kd[2]*(r + 2*x[1,:]*x[1,:]) x[0,:] = K[0,0]*x[0,:] + K[0,1]*x[1,:] + K[0,2] x[1,:] = K[1,0]*x[0,:] + K[1,1]*x[1,:] + K[1,2] return x def match3d_step(self, results, keypoints3d,wristid): match_results=(np.zeros((len(keypoints3d)), vis = (np.zeros((len(keypoints3d)))-1).tolist() dis = [] for i in range(len(keypoints3d)): for j in range(len(results)): dis.append([i,j,((keypoints3d[i][wristid][:3]-results[j]['pelvis'][0,:3].reshape(-1))**2).sum()]) if(len(dis)>0): dis = np.array(dis) dis = dis[np.argsort(dis[:,-1])] for i in range(len(dis)): bid =int(dis[i][0]) hid =int(dis[i][1]) if vis[bid]>=0 or hid in vis: continue if dis[i][2]>0.5: continue tmp_results = results[hid].copy() # tmp_results['dis_bh'] = dis[i][2] match_results[bid]=tmp_results vis[bid]=hid return match_results def match2d_step(self, bbox_hand, keypoints3d, wristid, results_match_l, cameras): lack_body_id=[] mv_use_hand=[] for i in range(cameras['R'].shape[0]): mv_use_hand.append([]) for i in range(len(results_match_l)): if isinstance(results_match_l[i],int) and results_match_l[i]==-1: lack_body_id.append(i) else: mv = results_match_l[i]['views']#[cid] indices = results_match_l[i]['indices']#[cid] for j in range(len(mv)): mv_use_hand[mv[j]].append(indices[j]) wrist3dkpts = keypoints3d[lack_body_id,wristid,:3] #(nperson,3)每个人呢的wrist关键点 dis = [] for nv in range(len(bbox_hand)): for hid in range(len(bbox_hand[nv])): if hid in mv_use_hand[nv]: continue if bbox_hand[nv][hid][-1]==0: continue bx_ = bbox_hand[nv][hid] k2d = np.array([(bx_[0]+bx_[2])/2,(bx_[1]+bx_[3])/2,bx_[-1]]) K = cameras['K'][nv] Kd = cameras['dist'][nv].reshape(5) R = cameras['R'][nv] t = cameras['T'][nv] wristkpts2d = self.projectPoints(wrist3dkpts.T[0:3,:], K, R, t, Kd).T for bid in range(len(lack_body_id)): D = ((wristkpts2d[bid][:2]-k2d[:2])**2).sum() dis.append([D,lack_body_id[bid],nv,hid]) # 误差,3d身体id ,视角编号 ,2d图像上手box id if(len(dis)>0): vis = (np.zeros((len(keypoints3d)))-1).tolist() dis = np.array(dis) dis = dis[np.argsort(dis[:,0])] # TODO 判断dis大小,将dis过大的删除掉 for i in range(len(dis)): bid = int(dis[i][1]) nv = int(dis[i][2]) hid = int(dis[i][3]) if vis[bid]>=0 or hid in vis or results_match_l[bid]!=-1: continue if dis[i][0]>50: #人和手的在2D中距离 continue results_match_l[bid]={ 'views': np.array([nv]), 'indices': np.array([hid]), # ?indices是在对应的视角下第几个Box # 'dis_bh': dis[i][0] } vis[bid]=hid return results_match_l def __call__(self, results_l, results_r, keypoints3d, cameras, bbox_handl, bbox_handr): ''' results: list nhand keypoints3d: (nperson,25,3) ''' results_match_l = self.match3d_step(results_l, keypoints3d, 7) results_match_r = self.match3d_step(results_r, keypoints3d, 4) if(-1 in results_match_l): # TODO: dis为空,则表示没有身体,或者所有视角都未检测到手,尝试启动单视角检测 # TODO: dis不为空,也有可能有的身体缺少与手的匹配,可以尝试单视角检测,或者之后尝试补全。 # 单视角匹配,从匹配列表中找出-1的部分,将其投影到多视角中,在多视角找出未被选择的box,然后匹配,记录在a results_match_l = self.match2d_step(bbox_handl, keypoints3d, 7, results_match_l, cameras) if(-1 in results_match_r): results_match_r = self.match2d_step(bbox_handr, keypoints3d, 4, results_match_r, cameras) return {'match3d_l':results_match_l ,'match3d_r':results_match_r}