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import numpy as np
import cv2
import math
from collections import namedtuple
def get_rays(H, W, K, R, T):
# calculate the camera origin
rays_o = -np.dot(R.T, T).ravel()
# calculate the world coodinates of pixels
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(W, dtype=np.float32),
np.arange(H, dtype=np.float32),
xy1 = np.stack([i, j, np.ones_like(i)], axis=2)
pixel_camera = np.dot(xy1, np.linalg.inv(K).T)
pixel_world = np.dot(pixel_camera - T.ravel(), R)
# calculate the ray direction
rays_d = pixel_world - rays_o[None, None]
# ATTN: dont't normalize here
# rays_d = rays_d / np.linalg.norm(rays_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
rays_o = np.broadcast_to(rays_o, rays_d.shape)
rays_o = rays_o.astype(np.float32)
rays_d = rays_d.astype(np.float32)
return rays_o, rays_d
def project(xyz, K, R, T):
xyz: [N, 3]
K: [3, 3]
RT: [3, 4]
xyz = np.dot(xyz, R.T) + T.T
xyz = np.dot(xyz, K.T)
xy = xyz[:, :2] / xyz[:, 2:]
return xy
def get_bound_corners(bounds):
min_x, min_y, min_z = bounds[0]
max_x, max_y, max_z = bounds[1]
corners_3d = np.array([
[min_x, min_y, min_z],
[min_x, min_y, max_z],
[min_x, max_y, min_z],
[min_x, max_y, max_z],
[max_x, min_y, min_z],
[max_x, min_y, max_z],
[max_x, max_y, min_z],
[max_x, max_y, max_z],
return corners_3d
def get_bounds(xyz, delta=0.05):
min_xyz = np.min(xyz, axis=0)
max_xyz = np.max(xyz, axis=0)
if isinstance(delta, list):
delta = np.array(delta, dtype=np.float32).reshape(1, 3)
min_xyz -= delta
max_xyz += delta
can_bounds = np.stack([min_xyz, max_xyz], axis=0)
return can_bounds.astype(np.float32)
# get the body
def sample_rays(bound_sum, mask_back, split, nrays=1024, **kwargs):
coord_body = np.argwhere(bound_sum*mask_back > 0)
if split == 'train':
coord_body = coord_body[np.random.randint(0, len(coord_body), nrays)]
return coord_body
def generate_weight_coords(bounds, rates, back_mask):
coords = []
for key in bounds.keys():
coord_ = np.argwhere(bounds[key]*back_mask > 0)
if rates[key] == 1.:
elif rates[key] >= 1.:
# repeat the interger part
coord_r = np.vstack([coord_ for _ in range(math.floor(rates[key]))])
if not isinstance(rates[key], int):
# repeat the float part
nsample2 = int(len(coord_)*(rates[key] - math.floor(rates[key])))
coord_f = coord_[np.random.randint(0, len(coord_), nsample2)]
coord_ = np.vstack([coord_r, coord_f])
coord_ = coord_
# sample
coord_ = coord_[np.random.randint(0, len(coord_), int(len(coord_)*rates[key]))]
coords = np.vstack(coords)
return coords
def sample_rays_rate(bounds, rates, back_mask, nrays=1024, **kwargs):
if 'method' in kwargs and kwargs['method'] == 'patch':
cv2.imwrite('debug/back.jpg', (back_mask*255).astype(np.uint8))
mask_valid = back_mask
# 腐蚀一下
mask_valid[:, 0] = 0
mask_valid[:, -1] = 0
mask_valid[0, :] = 0
mask_valid[-1, :] = 0
# inp = mask_valid.astype(np.uint8) * 255
patch_size = kwargs['patch_size']
kernel = np.ones((2*patch_size//2+1, 2*patch_size//2+1), np.uint8)
back_mask = cv2.erode(mask_valid, kernel, iterations=1)
# TODO: 这里每个object的mask并不会被erode掉
# 导致object的边缘也是会被选中的
coords = generate_weight_coords(bounds, rates, back_mask)
if 'method' in kwargs and kwargs['method'] == 'patch':
patch_size = kwargs['patch_size']
if False:
canvas = np.zeros_like(back_mask)
for (i, j) in coords:
canvas[i, j] += 1
canvas /= canvas.max()
cv2.imwrite('debug.jpg', (canvas*255).astype(np.uint8))
center = coords[np.random.randint(0, len(coords), kwargs['num_patch'])]
coords_list = []
for n_patch in range(center.shape[0]):
cx, cy = center[n_patch]
x_min = cx - patch_size//2
x_max = x_min + patch_size
y_min = cy - patch_size//2
y_max = y_min + patch_size
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, dtype=coords.dtype),
np.arange(y_min, y_max, dtype=coords.dtype),
coord = np.stack([i.reshape(-1), j.reshape(-1)], axis=1)
coords = np.vstack(coords_list)
coords = coords[np.random.randint(0, len(coords), nrays)]
return coords
class BaseSampler:
def __init__(self, split) -> None:
self.split = split
self._mask = None
self.feature = {}
self.feature_input = {}
self.bounds = np.array([
[-100., -100., -100.],
[ 100., 100., 100.],
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
mask = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.uint8) + 1
return mask
class ComposeSampler(BaseSampler):
def __init__(self, split, objlist) -> None:
self.objlist = objlist
self.bounds = objlist[0].bounds
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
mask = None
for obj in self.objlist:
mask_ = obj.mask(K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs).astype(np.uint8)
if mask is None and mask_ is not None:
mask = mask_
elif mask_ is not None:
mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask, mask_)
return mask
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
"""calculate intersections with 3d bounding box"""
near = np.zeros((ray_o.shape[0])) + 1e5
far = np.zeros((ray_o.shape[0])) + 0
mask = np.zeros((ray_o.shape[0]), dtype=bool)
for obj in self.objlist:
near_, far_, mask_at_box_ = obj(ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth)
near[mask_at_box_] = np.minimum(near[mask_at_box_], near_)
far[mask_at_box_] = np.maximum(far[mask_at_box_], far_)
mask[mask_at_box_] = True
near = near.astype(np.float32)
far = far.astype(np.float32)
return near[mask], far[mask], mask
RTBBox = namedtuple('RTBBox', ['aabb', 'R', 'T'])
class NearFarSampler(BaseSampler):
def __init__(self, split, near, far, depth=None) -> None:
self.near = near
self.far = far
self.depth = depth
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=False)
near, far = self.near/norm_d, self.far/norm_d
mask_at_box = near > 0
if self.depth is not None:
depth = self.depth[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]]
self.feature['depth'] = depth
return near, far, mask_at_box
class AABBSampler(BaseSampler):
def from_vertices(cls, split, vertices, delta=0.05, **cfg):
bounds = get_bounds(vertices, delta)
return cls(split=split, bounds=bounds, **cfg)
def __init__(self, split, bounds=None, center=None, scale=None):
if bounds is None and center is not None:
center = center.reshape(1, 3)
scale = np.array(scale).reshape(1, 3)
bounds = np.concatenate([center - scale, center + scale], axis=0)
self.bounds = np.array(bounds).astype(np.float32)
self.depth_min = 0.05 # 限定最近距离
# self.method = method
# self.no_mask = no_mask
# self.instance = instance
self._mask = None
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
corners_3d = get_bound_corners(self.bounds)
corners_3d = np.dot(corners_3d, R.T) + T.T
if (corners_3d[..., -1] < 0.).any(): # some points is behind the camera
# render the plane by mesh renderer
ray_o, ray_d = get_rays(H, W, K, R, T)
_, _, mask = self.get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, self.bounds, coord=None)
xyz = np.dot(corners_3d, K.T)
corners_2d = xyz[:, :2] / xyz[:, 2:]
corners_2d = np.round(corners_2d).astype(int)
mask = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.uint8)
for lines in [[0, 1, 3, 2, 0], [4, 5, 7, 6, 5], [0, 1, 5, 4, 0], [2, 3, 7, 6, 2], [0, 2, 6, 4, 0], [1, 3, 7, 5, 1]]:
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [corners_2d[lines]], 1)
self._mask = mask
return mask
def get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, bounds, coord, depth_min=0.1):
""" get near and far
ray_o (np):
ray_d ([type]): [description]
bounds ([type]): [description]
near, far, mask_at_box
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
viewdir = ray_d/norm_d
viewdir[(viewdir<1e-5)&(viewdir>-1e-10)] = 1e-5
viewdir[(viewdir>-1e-5)&(viewdir<1e-10)] = -1e-5
inv_dir = 1.0/viewdir
tmin = (bounds[:1] - ray_o[:1])*inv_dir
tmax = (bounds[1:2] - ray_o[:1])*inv_dir
# 限定时间是增加的
t1 = np.minimum(tmin, tmax)
t2 = np.maximum(tmin, tmax)
near = np.max(t1, axis=-1)
far = np.min(t2, axis=-1)
near = np.maximum(near, depth_min)
mask_at_box = near < far
return near, far, mask_at_box
def get_near_far_RTBBox(ray_o, ray_d, rtbbox, coord, depth_min=0.1):
# sample the near far in canonical coordinate
R, T = rtbbox.R, rtbbox.T
bounds = rtbbox.aabb
ray_o_rt = (ray_o - T) @ (R.T).T
ray_d_rt = ray_d @ (R.T).T
near, far, mask_at_box = AABBSampler.get_near_far(ray_o_rt, ray_d_rt, bounds, coord=coord)
return near, far, mask_at_box
def uniform_sample(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
near, far, mask_at_box = self.get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, self.bounds, coord=coord)
if depth is not None:
# 暂时只考虑修改near
flag = mask_at_box & (depth > 0.05) & (depth<9999.)
near[flag] = np.maximum(near[flag], depth[flag])
# 返回的near, far是以mask_at_box为大小的
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# 返回的near far是去掉长度的
near = near[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
far = far[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
return near, far, mask_at_box
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
"""calculate intersections with 3d bounding box"""
return self.uniform_sample(ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth)
class AABBwMask(AABBSampler):
def __init__(self, mask=None, label=None, dilate=True, rate_body=-1, **kwargs):
self.instance = mask
self.label = label
self.dilate = dilate
self.rate_body = rate_body
if mask is not None:
self.feature['coord_mask'] = mask
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
mask_bounds = super().mask(K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs)
if self.split != 'train' or self.rate_body < 0:
return mask_bounds
# mask_bounds: the mask of SMPL body
mask_bounds = mask_bounds > 0
if self.instance is not None:
ys, xs = np.where(self.instance)
bbox = np.array([np.min(xs), np.min(ys), np.max(xs)+1, np.max(ys)+1])
mask_bounds = np.zeros_like(mask_bounds)
padding = max(mask_bounds.shape[0]//50, 32)
mask_bounds[bbox[1]-padding:bbox[3]+padding, bbox[0]-padding:bbox[2]+padding] = True
# mask_out_body: the mask in the bounds and out of the human mask
mask_out_body = mask_bounds^self.instance
instance = self.instance.copy().astype(np.uint8)
if self.dilate:
border = 5
kernel = np.ones((border, border), np.uint8)
msk_erode = cv2.erode(instance.copy(), kernel)
msk_dilate = cv2.dilate(instance.copy(), kernel)
instance[(msk_dilate - msk_erode) == 1] = 0
mask_out_body[(msk_dilate-msk_erode)==1] = 0
size_body = instance.sum()
size_outer = mask_out_body.sum()
# 身体部分0.9, 身体以外的部分0.1
rate_body = self.rate_body
rate_outer = 1 - rate_body
if size_body < 10 or size_outer < 10:
return {'bound': {'mask': mask_out_body, 'rate': rate_outer}}
rate_body = rate_body*(size_body +size_outer)/size_body
rate_outer = rate_outer*(size_body+size_outer)/size_outer
return {
'body': {'mask': instance, 'rate': rate_body},
'bound': {'mask': mask_out_body, 'rate': rate_outer}
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
if self.label is not None:
label = self.label[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]]
label[label<0.1] = -1.
self.feature['label'] = label
if 'semantic' in self.feature_input.keys() and self.feature_input['semantic'] is not None:
self.feature['semantic'] = self.feature_input['semantic'][coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]]
if 'R' in self.feature.keys() and 'bounds_canonical' in self.feature.keys():
# sample the near far in canonical coordinate
R = self.feature['R']
T = self.feature['Th']
bounds = self.feature['bounds_canonical']
ray_o_rt = (ray_o - T) @ (R.T).T
ray_d_rt = ray_d @ (R.T).T
near, far, mask_at_box = self.get_near_far(ray_o_rt, ray_d_rt, bounds, coord=coord)
# 返回的near, far是以mask_at_box为大小的
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# 返回的near far是去掉长度的
near = near[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
far = far[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
return near, far, mask_at_box
return super().__call__(ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth)
class TwoAABBSampler(BaseSampler):
def __init__(self, split, bbox_inter, bbox_outer):
self.bbox_inter = np.array(bbox_inter).astype(np.float32)
self.bbox_outer = np.array(bbox_outer).astype(np.float32)
self.bounds = self.bbox_outer
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
mask = np.ones((H, W), dtype=np.uint8)
self._mask = mask
return mask
def get_near_far(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord):
near_inter, far_inter, mask_inter = AABBSampler.get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, self.bbox_inter, coord)
near_outer, far_outer, mask_outer = AABBSampler.get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, self.bbox_outer, coord)
mask_at_box = mask_inter & mask_outer & (far_inter < far_outer)
# 返回的near, far是以mask_at_box为大小的
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# 返回的near far是去掉长度的
near = far_inter[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
far = far_outer[mask_at_box] / norm_d[mask_at_box, 0]
return near, far, mask_at_box
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
near, far, mask_at_box = self.get_near_far(ray_o, ray_d, coord)
return near, far, mask_at_box
class PlaneSampler(AABBSampler):
cache = {}
def __init__(self, center, radius, zranges, xybounds=None, **kwargs):
bounds = np.array([[center[0]-radius, center[1]-radius, center[2]+zranges[0]], [center[0]+radius, center[1]+radius, center[2]+zranges[1]]])
super().__init__(bounds=bounds, **kwargs)
self.center = center
self.radius = radius
self.xybounds = xybounds
self.zranges = zranges
self.feature = {'bounds': self.bounds}
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs):
_KRT = tuple((K @ np.hstack([R, T])).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1).tolist())
if _KRT in self.cache.keys():
mask_bounds = self.cache[_KRT]
mask_bounds = super().mask(K, R, T, H, W, **kwargs)
self.cache[_KRT] = mask_bounds
return mask_bounds
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth=None):
near, far, mask = super().__call__(ray_o, ray_d, coord, depth)
# filter the ray out the xyranges
if self.xybounds is not None:
pts = ray_o[mask] + ray_d[mask] * near[:, None]
mask_xy = (pts[:, 0] > self.xybounds[0])&(pts[:, 1] > self.xybounds[0])&(pts[:, 0] < self.xybounds[1])&(pts[:, 1] < self.xybounds[1])
mask[mask] &= mask_xy
near = near[mask_xy]
far = far[mask_xy]
return near, far, mask
class CylinderSampler(BaseSampler):
cache = {}
def __init__(self, center, split, zranges, radius=(3., 7), **cfg):
self.radius = radius
self.zranges = zranges
# TODO:consider the center of the cylinder
self.center = center
self.bounds = np.array([[self.center[0] - self.radius[1],
self.center[1] - self.radius[1],
self.center[2] + self.zranges[0]],
[self.center[0] + self.radius[1],
self.center[1] + self.radius[1],
self.center[2] + self.zranges[1]]], dtype=np.float32)
self.feature = {'bounds': self.bounds}
def mask(self, K, R, T, H, W, ray_o, ray_d, **kwargs):
_KRT = tuple((K @ np.hstack([R, T])).astype(np.int32).reshape(-1).tolist())
if _KRT in self.cache.keys():
mask, near, far = self.cache[_KRT]
norm_d = np.linalg.norm(ray_d, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
viewdirs = ray_d/norm_d
near, far = self.get_near_far_cylinder(ray_o, ray_d, viewdirs, self.radius)
near = near/norm_d[..., 0]
far = far/norm_d[..., 0]
# mask: near < far and the intersection is in the zranges
zval_near = ray_o[..., 2] +ray_d[..., 2]*near
mask = (near < far) & (zval_near > self.zranges[0]) & (zval_near < self.zranges[1])
self.cache[_KRT] = (mask, near, far)
self._mask = mask
self.near = near
self.far = far
return mask
def get_near_far_cylinder(ray_o, ray_d, viewdirs, radius):
# 计算与圆柱的交点
radius0, radius1 = radius
# 1. 计算xy方向的单位向量
ray_d_xy = ray_d[..., :2]
viewdirs_xy = ray_d_xy/np.linalg.norm(ray_d_xy, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
# d1: 相机中心到原点的向量在射线方向的投影
d1 = - (viewdirs_xy * ray_o[..., :2]).sum(axis=-1)
# d0_dir: 直线 x=0, y=0到射线的距离
d_0_dir = np.sqrt(np.maximum((ray_o[..., :2]*ray_o[..., :2]).sum(axis=-1) - d1 * d1, 1e-5))
# 计算与内圆交点:确保到射线的距离小于半径
# assert d_0_dir.max() < radius0, d_0_dir.max()
# 计算与圆的第二个交点
dr0 = np.sqrt(np.clip(radius0*radius0 - d_0_dir*d_0_dir, 0., 1e5)) + d1
dr1 = np.sqrt(np.clip(radius1*radius1 - d_0_dir*d_0_dir, 0., 1e5)) + d1
# 现在这个距离是二维的,需要变成三维的
# 由于计算的是时间t所以这个除的时候直接除以归一化xy平面的就好
# 得到的值也是绝对时间
norm_xy = np.linalg.norm(viewdirs[..., :2], axis=-1)
dr0, dr1 = dr0/norm_xy, dr1/norm_xy
return dr0, dr1
def __call__(self, ray_o, ray_d, coord):
near, far, mask = self.near[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]], self.far[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]], self._mask[coord[:, 0], coord[:, 1]]
near, far = near[mask], far[mask]
# 注意这里都是当作背景来处理的所以mask_at_box一定是全是True的
return near, far, mask
def create_cameras_mean(cameras, camera_args):
Told = np.stack([d['T'] for d in cameras])
Rold = np.stack([d['R'] for d in cameras])
Kold = np.stack([d['K'] for d in cameras])
Cold = - np.einsum('bmn,bnp->bmp', Rold.transpose(0, 2, 1), Told)
center = Cold.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
radius = np.linalg.norm(Cold - center, axis=1).mean()
zmean = Rold[:, 2, 2].mean()
xynorm = np.sqrt(1. - zmean**2)
thetas = np.linspace(0., 2*np.pi, camera_args['allstep'])
# 计算第一个相机对应的theta
dir0 = Cold[0] - center[0]
dir0[2, 0] = 0.
dir0 = dir0 / np.linalg.norm(dir0)
theta0 = np.arctan2(dir0[1,0], dir0[0,0]) + np.pi/2
thetas += theta0
sint = np.sin(thetas)
cost = np.cos(thetas)
R1 = np.stack([cost, sint, np.zeros_like(sint)]).T
R3 = xynorm * np.stack([-sint, cost, np.zeros_like(sint)]).T
R3[:, 2] = zmean
R2 = - np.cross(R1, R3)
Rnew = np.stack([R1, R2, R3], axis=1)
# set locations
loc = np.stack([radius * sint, -radius * cost, np.zeros_like(sint)], axis=1)[..., None] + center
print('[sample] camera centers: ', center[0].T[0])
print('[sample] camera radius: ', radius)
print('[sample] camera start theta: ', theta0)
Tnew = -np.einsum('bmn,bnp->bmp', Rnew, loc)
K = Kold.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True).repeat(Tnew.shape[0], 0)
return K, Rnew, Tnew
def create_center_radius(center, radius=5., up='y', ranges=[0, 360, 36], angle_x=0, **kwargs):
center = np.array(center).reshape(1, 3)
thetas = np.deg2rad(np.linspace(*ranges))
st = np.sin(thetas)
ct = np.cos(thetas)
zero = np.zeros_like(st)
Rotx = cv2.Rodrigues(np.deg2rad(angle_x) * np.array([1., 0., 0.]))[0]
if up == 'z':
center = np.stack([radius*ct, radius*st, zero], axis=1) + center
R = np.stack([-st, ct, zero, zero, zero, zero-1, -ct, -st, zero], axis=-1)
elif up == 'y':
center = np.stack([radius*ct, zero, radius*st, ], axis=1) + center
R = np.stack([
+st, zero, -ct,
zero, zero-1, zero,
-ct, zero, -st], axis=-1)
R = R.reshape(-1, 3, 3)
R = np.einsum('ab,fbc->fac', Rotx, R)
center = center.reshape(-1, 3, 1)
T = - R @ center
RT = np.dstack([R, T])
return RT