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@ Date: 2021-11-22 15:16:14
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2022-09-28 21:40:17
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapPublic/easymocap/visualize/render_base.py
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from ..mytools.file_utils import read_json
from ..mytools.debug_utils import log
from ..mytools.reader import read_keypoints3d, read_smpl
import os
from ..mytools.camera_utils import read_cameras, Undistort
import cv2
from ..mytools.vis_base import merge, plot_keypoints_auto
from ..config.baseconfig import load_object
from .geometry import load_sphere
def imwrite(imgname, img):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(imgname)):
if img.shape[0] % 2 == 1 or img.shape[1] % 2 == 1:
img = cv2.resize(img, (img.shape[1]//2*2, img.shape[0]//2*2))
cv2.imwrite(imgname, img)
def compute_normals(vertices, faces):
normal = np.zeros_like(vertices)
# compute normal per triangle
normal_faces = np.cross(vertices[faces[:,1]] - vertices[faces[:,0]], vertices[faces[:,2]] - vertices[faces[:,0]])
# sum normals at vtx
normal[faces[:, 0]] += normal_faces[:]
normal[faces[:, 1]] += normal_faces[:]
normal[faces[:, 2]] += normal_faces[:]
# compute norms
normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
return normal
def get_dilation_of_mesh(delta):
def func(info):
vertices = info['vertices']
normals = compute_normals(info['vertices'], info['faces'])
vertices += delta * normals
return info
return func
class Results:
def __init__(self, body_model, path, rend_type,
operation='none') -> None:
self.path = path
self.body_model = body_model
self.skelnames = sorted(glob(join(path, '*.json')))
self.ismulti = False
if len(self.skelnames) == 0:
# 尝试找多视角的结果
subs = sorted(os.listdir(path))
assert len(subs) > 0, path
self.ismulti = True
self.subs = subs
self.skelnames = {}
for sub in subs:
skelnames = sorted(glob(join(path, sub, '*.json')))
self.skelnames[sub] = skelnames
self.rend_type = rend_type
self.read_func = {'skel': read_keypoints3d, 'mesh': read_smpl}[rend_type]
if operation.startswith('dilation'):
# TODO: 暂时直接解析
opfunc = get_dilation_of_mesh(float(operation.replace('dilation:', '')))
opfunc = lambda x:x
self.operation = opfunc
def process(self, info):
return info
def read(self, skelname):
results = self.read_func(skelname)
render_data = {}
trans = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.]])
for info in results:
info['vertices'] = self.body_model(return_verts=True, return_tensor=False, **info)[0]
info['keypoints3d'] = self.body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=False, **info)[0]
info['vertices'] += trans[:, :3]
info['faces'] = self.body_model.faces
d = self.operation(info)
render_data[d['id']] = {
'vertices': d['vertices'], 'keypoints3d': d['keypoints3d'],
'faces': info['faces'],
'vid': d['id'], 'name': 'human_{}'.format(d['id'])}
if self.rend_type == 'skel':
render_data[d['id']]['smooth'] = False
return render_data
def get_multi(self, index):
datas = {}
for sub in self.subs:
skelname = self.skelnames[sub][index]
basename = os.path.basename(skelname).replace('.json', '')
render_data = self.read(skelname)
datas[sub] = render_data
return basename, datas
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self.ismulti:
return self.get_multi(index)
skelname = self.skelnames[index]
basename = os.path.basename(skelname).replace('.json', '')
return basename, self.read(skelname)
def __len__(self):
if self.ismulti:
return len(self.skelnames[self.subs[0]])
return len(self.skelnames)
class ResultsObjects(Results):
def __init__(self, object,**kwargs) -> None:
self.object = object
def __getitem__(self, index):
basename, datas = super().__getitem__(index)
objectname = join(self.path, '..', '..', self.object, basename+'.json')
objects = read_json(objectname)
ret_objects = {}
for obj in objects:
pid = obj['id']
vertices, faces = load_sphere()
vertices *= 0.12
vertices += np.array(obj['keypoints3d'])[:, :3]
ret_objects[1000+pid] = {
'vertices': vertices,
'faces': faces,
'vid': pid,
'name': 'object_{}'.format(pid)
if self.ismulti:
for key, data in datas.items():
return basename, datas
class Images:
def __init__(self, path, subs, image_args) -> None:
if path == 'none':
self.images = path
# no need for images
assert len(subs) > 0, '{} must non-empty'.format(subs)
self.images = join(path, 'images')
if len(subs) == 0:
subs = sorted(os.listdir(self.images))
if subs[0].isdigit():
subs.sort(key=lambda x:int(x))
self.cameras = read_cameras(path)
self.subs = subs
self.image_args = image_args
self.cameras_vis = {sub:cam.copy() for sub, cam in self.cameras.items()}
# rescale the camera
for cam in self.cameras_vis.values():
K = cam['K'].copy()
cam['K'][:2, :] *= image_args.scale
self.distortMap = {}
def __call__(self, basename):
if self.images == 'none':
# 返回空的图像
imgs = {sub: self.blank.copy() for sub in self.subs}
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
imgs = {}
for sub in self.subs:
imgname = join(self.images, sub, basename+self.image_args.ext)
if not os.path.exists(imgname):
for ext in ['.jpg', '.png']:
imgname_ = imgname.replace(self.image_args.ext, ext)
if os.path.exists(imgname_):
self.image_args.ext = ext
imgname = imgname_
assert os.path.exists(imgname), imgname
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
if self.image_args.scale != 1:
img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=self.image_args.scale, fy=self.image_args.scale)
if self.image_args.undis:
camera = self.cameras_vis[sub]
K, D = camera['K'], camera['dist']
if sub not in self.distortMap.keys():
h, w = img.shape[:2]
mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(camera['K'], camera['dist'], None, camera['K'], (w,h), 5)
self.distortMap[sub] = (mapx, mapy)
mapx, mapy = self.distortMap[sub]
img = cv2.remap(img, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
imgs[sub] = img
return imgs, self.cameras_vis
class Repro:
def __init__(self, out, merge='none') -> None:
self.out = out
os.makedirs(self.out, exist_ok=True)
self.merge = merge
def repro(P, keypoints3d, img):
if keypoints3d.shape[1] == 3:
keypoints3d = np.hstack((keypoints3d, np.ones((keypoints3d.shape[0], 1))))
kcam = np.hstack([keypoints3d[:, :3], np.ones((keypoints3d.shape[0], 1))]) @ P.T
kcam = kcam[:, :]/kcam[:, 2:]
k2d = np.hstack((kcam, (keypoints3d[:, 3:]>0.)&(kcam[:, 2:] >0.1)))
from ..estimator.wrapper_base import bbox_from_keypoints
bbox = bbox_from_keypoints(k2d)
return k2d, bbox
def __call__(self, images, results, cameras, basename):
imgsout = {}
cams = list(images.keys())
for nv, cam in enumerate(cams):
img = images[cam]
outname = join(self.out, basename+'_' + cam +'.jpg')
# K可能缩放过了所以需要重新计算
P = cameras[cam]['K'] @ cameras[cam]['RT']
for pid, info in results.items():
keypoints3d = info['keypoints3d']
k2d, bbox = self.repro(P, keypoints3d, img)
lw = int(max(bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1])/50)
# plot_bbox(img, bbox, pid=pid, vis_id=pid)
plot_keypoints_auto(img, k2d, pid=pid, use_limb_color=False)
imgsout[outname] = img
if self.merge == 'none':
for outname, img in imgsout.items():
cv2.imwrite(outname, img)
outname = join(self.out, basename+'.jpg')
out = merge(list(imgsout.values()), square=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, out)
class Outputs:
def __init__(self, out, mode, backend, scene={}) -> None:
self.out = out
os.makedirs(self.out, exist_ok=True)
from .render_func import get_render_func, get_ext
self.render_func = get_render_func(mode, backend)
self.mode = mode
self.ext = get_ext(mode)
self.extra_mesh = {}
self.scene = []
for key, val in scene.items():
mesh = load_object(val.module, val.args)
log('[vis] Load extra mesh {}'.format(key))
def __call__(self, images, results, cameras, basename):
for i, mesh in enumerate(self.scene):
results[10000+i] = mesh
render_results = self.render_func(images, results, cameras, self.extra_mesh)
output = merge(list(render_results.values()), square=True)
if output.shape[0] > 10000:
scale = 5000./output.shape[0]
output = cv2.resize(output, None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
outname = join(self.out, basename+self.ext)
imwrite(outname, output)
return 0
class MIOutputs(Outputs):
def __init__(self, out, mode, backend, merge=True, scene={}) -> None:
super().__init__(out, mode, backend, scene=scene)
self.merge = merge
def __call__(self, images, results, cameras, basename):
# 传个subs进来
# save the results to individual folders
subs = list(images.keys())
outputs = {}
for nv, sub in enumerate(subs):
if sub in results.keys():
result = results[sub]
# consider the case that the result is not in the results
# especially in multiview results and render novel view
result = results
value0 = list(result.values())[0]
if 'vertices' not in value0.keys():
for i, mesh in enumerate(self.scene):
result[10000+i] = mesh
if self.mode == 'instance-mask' or self.mode == 'instance-depth':
# TODO: use depth to render instance mask and consider occlusion
for pid, value in result.items():
if 'vertices' not in value.keys():
print('[ERROR] vis view {}, pid {}'.format(sub, pid))
output = self.render_func({sub:images[sub]},
{sub:cameras[sub]}, self.extra_mesh)
outname = join(self.out, sub, basename + '_{}'.format(pid) + self.ext)
imwrite(outname, output[sub])
output = self.render_func({sub:images[sub]},
{sub:cameras[sub]}, self.extra_mesh)
outputs[sub] = output[sub]
if len(outputs.keys()) == 0:
return 0
if self.merge:
outname = join(self.out, basename + self.ext)
outputs = merge(list(outputs.values()), square=True)
imwrite(outname, outputs)
for nv, sub in enumerate(subs):
if sub not in outputs.keys():continue
outname = join(self.out, sub, basename + self.ext)
imwrite(outname, outputs[sub])
return 0