419 lines
18 KiB
419 lines
18 KiB
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
import os
from easymocap.visualize.pyrender_wrapper import plot_meshes
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from easymocap.datasets.base import add_logo
from easymocap.mytools.vis_base import merge, plot_bbox
from easymocap.mytools.camera_utils import Undistort
from .vis import VisBase
class Render(VisBase):
def __init__(self, name='render', scale=0.5, backend='pyrender', **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(name=name, scale=1., **kwargs)
self.scale3d = scale
def __call__(self, body_model, params, cameras, imgnames):
vertices = body_model.vertices(params, return_tensor=False)
faces = body_model.faces
for nf, img in enumerate(tqdm(imgnames, desc=self.name)):
basename = os.path.basename(img)
# 重新读入图片
assert os.path.exists(img), img
vis = cv2.imread(img)
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale3d, fy=self.scale3d)
vert = vertices[nf]
meshes = {}
meshes[0] = {
'vertices': vert,
'faces': faces,
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(0)
K = cameras['K'][nf].copy()
K[:2, :] *= self.scale3d
R = cameras['R'][nf]
T = cameras['T'][nf]
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode='image')
class Render_multiview(VisBase):
def __init__(self, view_list=[], name='vis_render', model_name='body_model', render_mode='image', backend='pyrender', shape=[-1,-1], scale=1., **kwargs):
self.scale3d = scale
super().__init__(name=name, scale=1., **kwargs)
self.view_list = view_list
self.render_mode = render_mode
self.model_name = model_name
self.shape = shape
def render_frame(self, imgname, vert, faces, cameras, pids=[]):
mv_ret = []
if not isinstance(imgname, list):
imgname = [imgname]
for nv in self.view_list:
basename = os.path.basename(imgname[nv])
assert os.path.exists(imgname[nv]), imgname[nv]
vis = cv2.imread(imgname[nv])
# undistort the images
if cameras['dist'] is not None:
vis = Undistort.image(vis, cameras['K'][nv], cameras['dist'][nv], sub=os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(imgname[nv])))
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale3d, fy=self.scale3d)
meshes = {}
if vert.ndim == 2:
meshes[0] = {
'vertices': vert,
'faces': faces,
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(0)
elif vert.ndim == 3:
if len(pids) == 0:
pids = list(range(vert.shape[0]))
for ipid, pid in enumerate(pids):
meshes[pid] = {
'vertices': vert[ipid],
'faces': faces,
'id': pid,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(pid)
K = cameras['K'][nv].copy()
K[:2, :] *= self.scale3d
R = cameras['R'][nv]
T = cameras['T'][nv]
# add ground
if self.render_mode == 'ground':
from easymocap.visualize.geometry import create_ground
ground = create_ground(
center=[0, 0, -0.05], xdir=[1, 0, 0], ydir=[0, 1, 0], # 位置
step=1, xrange=10, yrange=10, # 尺寸
white=[1., 1., 1.], black=[0.5,0.5,0.5], # 颜色
meshes[1001] = ground
vis = np.zeros((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255
focal = min(self.shape) * 1.2
K = np.array([
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode='rgb')
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode=self.render_mode)
def render_(self, vertices, faces, cameras, imgnames, pids=[]):
for nf, imgname in enumerate(tqdm(imgnames, desc=self.name)):
vert = vertices[nf]
camera_ = {cam: val[nf] for cam, val in cameras.items()}
self.render_frame(imgname, vert, faces, camera_, pids=pids)
def __call__(self, params, cameras, imgnames, **kwargs):
body_model = kwargs[self.model_name]
vertices = body_model.vertices(params, return_tensor=False)
faces = body_model.faces
self.render_(vertices, faces, cameras, imgnames)
class RenderAll_multiview(Render_multiview):
def __call__(self, results, cameras, imgnames, meta, **kwargs):
body_model = kwargs[self.model_name]
for index in tqdm(meta['index'], desc=self.name):
results_frame = []
for pid, result in results.items():
if index >= result['frames'][0] and index <= result['frames'][-1]:
frame_rel = result['frames'].index(index)
'id': pid,
for key in ['Rh', 'Th', 'poses', 'shapes']:
if result['params'][key].shape[0] == 1:
results_frame[-1][key] = result['params'][key]
results_frame[-1][key] = result['params'][key][frame_rel:frame_rel+1]
params = {}
for key in results_frame[0].keys():
if key != 'id':
params[key] = np.concatenate([res[key] for res in results_frame], axis=0)
pids = [res['id'] for res in results_frame]
vertices = body_model.vertices(params, return_tensor=False)
camera_ = {cam: val[index] for cam, val in cameras.items()}
self.render_frame(imgnames[index], vertices, body_model.faces, camera_, pids=pids)
# self.render_frame(vertices, body_model.faces, camera_, imgnames[index], pids=pids)
# self.render_frame(vertices, body_model.faces, camera_, imgnames[index], pids=pids)
class Render_nocam:
def __init__(self, scale=0.5, backend='pyrender',view_list=[0]) -> None:
self.name = 'render'
self.scale = scale
self.view_list = view_list
def __call__(self, hand_model, params, images):
vertices = hand_model(**params, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False)
faces = hand_model.faces
for nf, img in enumerate(tqdm(images, desc=self.name)):
for nv in self.view_list:
if isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
vis = img.copy()
basename = '{:06}.jpg'.format(nf)
basename = os.path.basename(img[nv])
# 重新读入图片
assert os.path.exists(img[nv]), img[nv]
vis = cv2.imread(img[nv])
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale)
vert = vertices[nf]
meshes = {}
meshes[0] = {
'vertices': vert,
'faces': faces,
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(0)
K = np.array([[vis.shape[0],0,vis.shape[0]/2],[0,vis.shape[1],vis.shape[1]/2],[0,0,1]])
K[:2, :] *= self.scale
R = np.eye(3)
T = np.array([0,0,0.3])
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode='image')
outname = join(self.output, self.name, basename)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, ret)
class Render_multiview_hand(Render_multiview):
def __call__(self, hand_model_l, params_l, cameras, imgnames):
vertices = hand_model_l(**params_l, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False)
faces = hand_model_l.faces
self.render_(vertices, faces, cameras, imgnames)
class Render_smplh(Render_multiview):
def __init__(self, path, at_step, scale=0.5, mode='image', backend='pyrender', view_list=[0]) -> None:
super().__init__(scale, mode, backend, view_list)
from easymocap.config import Config, load_object
cfg_data = Config.load(path)
self.model = load_object(cfg_data.module, cfg_data.args)
self.at_step = at_step
def __call__(self, params_smplh, cameras, imgnames):
vertices = self.model(return_verts=True, return_tensor=False, **params_smplh)
faces = self.model.faces
if self.at_step:
self.render_([vertices], faces, cameras, [imgnames])
self.render_(vertices, faces, cameras, imgnames)
class Render_smplh2(Render_smplh):
def __call__(self, params, cameras, imgnames):
super().__call__(params, cameras, imgnames)
def projectPoints(X, K, R, t, Kd):
x = R @ X + t
x[0:2,:] = x[0:2,:]/x[2,:]#到归一化平面
r = x[0,:]*x[0,:] + x[1,:]*x[1,:]
x[0,:] = x[0,:]*(1 + Kd[0]*r + Kd[1]*r*r + Kd[4]*r*r*r) + 2*Kd[2]*x[0,:]*x[1,:] + Kd[3]*(r + 2*x[0,:]*x[0,:])
x[1,:] = x[1,:]*(1 + Kd[0]*r + Kd[1]*r*r + Kd[4]*r*r*r) + 2*Kd[3]*x[0,:]*x[1,:] + Kd[2]*(r + 2*x[1,:]*x[1,:])
x[0,:] = K[0,0]*x[0,:] + K[0,1]*x[1,:] + K[0,2]
x[1,:] = K[1,0]*x[0,:] + K[1,1]*x[1,:] + K[1,2]
return x
class Render_multiview_handbyk3d(Render_multiview):
def __call__(self, hand_model_l, params_l, hand_model_r, params_r, cameras, imgnames, keypoints3d):
# breakpoint()
joint_regressor_r = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_r.npy') #右手
joint_regressor_l = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_l.npy') #右手
facesl = hand_model_l.faces
facesr = hand_model_r.faces
# for nf, img in enumerate(tqdm(imgnames, desc=self.name)):
img = imgnames
k3d = keypoints3d
vertices_l = hand_model_l(**params_l, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False) #[nf]
vertices_r = hand_model_r(**params_r, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False) #[nf]
# breakpoint()
joint_l = np.repeat(joint_regressor_l[None, :, :],vertices_l.shape[0],0) @ vertices_l
joint_r = np.repeat(joint_regressor_r[None, :, :],vertices_r.shape[0],0) @ vertices_r
params_l['Th']+=k3d[:,7,:3] - joint_l[:,0,:] #左手7右手4 #[nf]
params_r['Th']+=k3d[:,4,:3] - joint_r[:,0,:] #左手7右手4 #[nf]
vertices_l = hand_model_l(**params_l, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False) #[nf]
vertices_r = hand_model_r(**params_r, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False) #[nf]
faces = []
vert = []
pids = []
for i in range(k3d.shape[0]):
if k3d[i,7,-1]==0:
vv = vertices_l[i].copy()
for i in range(k3d.shape[0]):
if k3d[i,4,-1]==0:
vv = vertices_r[i].copy()
faces = np.stack(faces)
vert = np.stack(vert)
for nv in self.view_list:
basename = os.path.basename(img[nv])
# 重新读入图片
assert os.path.exists(img[nv]), img[nv]
vis = cv2.imread(img[nv])
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale)
# vert = vertices
meshes = {}
if vert.ndim == 2:
meshes[0] = {
'vertices': vert,
'faces': faces,
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(0)
elif vert.ndim == 3:
for pid in range(vert.shape[0]):
meshes[pid] = {
'vertices': vert[pid],
'faces': faces[pid],
'vid': pids[pid],
'name': 'human_{}'.format(pid)
K = cameras['K'][nv].copy()
K[:2, :] *= self.scale
R = cameras['R'][nv]
T = cameras['T'][nv]
# breakpoint()
from easymocap.mytools.vis_base import plot_keypoints_auto
for pid in range(keypoints3d.shape[0]):
keypoints_repro = projectPoints(keypoints3d[pid].T[:3,:], K, R, T, cameras['dist'][nv].reshape(5)).T
keypoints_repro[:,-1] = keypoints3d[pid,:,-1]
plot_keypoints_auto(vis, keypoints_repro, pid=pid, use_limb_color=False)
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode=self.mode)
outname = join(self.output, self.name, basename)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, ret)
class Render_selectview:
def __init__(self, scale=0.5, backend='pyrender', output='output',mode = 'image') -> None:
self.name = 'render_debug'
self.scale = scale
self.view_list = [5]
self.output = output
self.mode = mode
def __call__(self, hand_model_l, posel, match3d_l, cameras, imgnames, keypoints3d,bbox_handl, joint_regressor, wristid):
img = imgnames
k3d = keypoints3d
# joint_regressor_r = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_r.npy') #右手
# joint_regressor_l = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_l.npy')
joint_regressor_l = joint_regressor
facesl = hand_model_l.faces
# facesr = hand_model_r.faces
# breakpoint()
for pid in range(len(match3d_l)):
dt = match3d_l[pid]
# TODO:处理-1的情况,也就是没有找到合适的匹配到的手
# Merge_list=[]
out_img = []
for cid in range(len(dt['views'])):
nv = dt['views'][cid]
poseid = dt['indices'][cid]
pose = posel[nv][poseid].copy()
Rh = pose[:,:3].copy()
invR = np.linalg.inv(cameras['R'][nv])
Rh_m_old = np.matrix(cv2.Rodrigues(Rh)[0])
Rh_m_new = invR @ Rh_m_old
Rh = cv2.Rodrigues(Rh_m_new)[0]
pose_ = np.hstack((Rh.reshape(3),pose[:,3:].reshape(-1))).reshape(1,-1)
Rh = pose_[:,:3].copy()
pose_[:,:3] = 0
vertices_l = hand_model_l(**params_l, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False)
joint_l = np.repeat(joint_regressor_l[None, :, :],vertices_l.shape[0],0) @ vertices_l
params_l['Th']+=k3d[pid,wristid,:3] - joint_l[0,0,:]
vertices_l = hand_model_l(**params_l, return_verts=True, return_tensor=False)
vert = vertices_l[0]
faces = facesl
basename = os.path.basename(img[nv])
# 重新读入图片
assert os.path.exists(img[nv]), img[nv]
vis = cv2.imread(img[nv])
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale)
meshes = {}
if vert.ndim == 2:
meshes[0] = {
'vertices': vert,
'faces': faces,
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(0)
elif vert.ndim == 3:
for pid in range(vert.shape[0]):
meshes[pid] = {
'vertices': vert[pid],
'faces': faces[pid],
'id': pid,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(pid)
K = cameras['K'][nv].copy()
K[:2, :] *= self.scale
R = cameras['R'][nv]
T = cameras['T'][nv]
# breakpoint()
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, R, T, mode=self.mode)
out_img = merge(out_img)
outname = join(self.output, self.name, '{}-{:02d}.jpg'.format(basename.split('.jpg')[0],pid))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, out_img)
class Render_selectview_lr:
def __init__(self, scale=0.5, backend='pyrender', output='output',mode = 'image') -> None:
self.output = output
self.model_l = Render_selectview(scale=0.5, backend='pyrender', output = self.output,mode = mode)
self.model_r = Render_selectview(scale=0.5, backend='pyrender', output = self.output,mode = mode)
def __call__(self, hand_model_l, posel, poser, match3d_l, match3d_r, hand_model_r, cameras, imgnames, keypoints3d,bbox_handl,bbox_handr):
joint_regressor_r = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_r.npy') #右手
joint_regressor_l = np.load('models/handmesh/data/joint_regressor_l.npy')
self.model_l(hand_model_l, posel, match3d_l, cameras, imgnames, keypoints3d,bbox_handl, joint_regressor_l, 7)
self.model_r(hand_model_r, poser, match3d_r, cameras, imgnames, keypoints3d,bbox_handr, joint_regressor_r, 4)
class Render_mv(Render):
def __call__(self, body_model, params, cameras, imgnames):
# breakpoint()
super().__call__(body_model, params, cameras, [imgnames[0],imgnames[1]]) |