160 lines
6.8 KiB
160 lines
6.8 KiB
import os
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import cv2
# from mytools import save_json, merge
# from ..mytools import merge, plot_bbox, plot_keypoints
# from mytools.file_utils import read_json, save_json, read_annot, read_smpl, write_smpl, get_bbox_from_pose
from .vis_base import plot_bbox, plot_keypoints, merge
from .file_utils import write_keypoints3d, write_smpl, mkout, mkdir
class FileWriter:
This class provides:
| write | vis
- keypoints2d | x | o
- keypoints3d | x | o
- smpl | x | o
def __init__(self, output_path, config=None, basenames=[], cfg=None) -> None:
self.out = output_path
keys = ['keypoints3d', 'match', 'smpl', 'skel', 'repro', 'keypoints']
output_dict = {key:join(self.out, key) for key in keys}
self.output_dict = output_dict
self.basenames = basenames
if cfg is not None:
print(cfg, file=open(join(output_path, 'exp.yml'), 'w'))
self.save_origin = False
self.config = config
def write_keypoints2d(self, ):
def vis_keypoints2d_mv(self, images, lDetections, outname=None,
images_vis = []
for nv, image in enumerate(images):
img = image.copy()
for det in lDetections[nv]:
pid = det['id']
if 'keypoints2d' in det.keys():
keypoints = det['keypoints2d']
keypoints = det['keypoints']
if 'bbox' not in det.keys():
bbox = get_bbox_from_pose(keypoints, img)
bbox = det['bbox']
plot_bbox(img, bbox, pid=pid, vis_id=vis_id)
plot_keypoints(img, keypoints, pid=pid, config=self.config, use_limb_color=False, lw=2)
if len(images_vis) > 1:
images_vis = merge(images_vis, resize=not self.save_origin)
images_vis = images_vis[0]
if outname is not None:
# savename = join(self.output_dict[key], '{:06d}.jpg'.format(nf))
# savename = join(self.output_dict[key], '{:06d}.jpg'.format(nf))
cv2.imwrite(outname, images_vis)
return images_vis
def write_keypoints3d(self, results, outname):
write_keypoints3d(outname, results)
def vis_keypoints3d(self, result, outname):
# visualize the repro of keypoints3d
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
def vis_smpl(self, render_data, images, cameras, outname, add_back):
from ..visualize.renderer import Renderer
render = Renderer(height=1024, width=1024, faces=None)
render_results = render.render(render_data, cameras, images, add_back=add_back)
image_vis = merge(render_results, resize=not self.save_origin)
cv2.imwrite(outname, image_vis)
return image_vis
def _write_keypoints3d(self, results, nf=-1, base=None):
os.makedirs(self.output_dict['keypoints3d'], exist_ok=True)
if base is None:
base = '{:06d}'.format(nf)
savename = join(self.output_dict['keypoints3d'], '{}.json'.format(base))
save_json(savename, results)
def vis_detections(self, images, lDetections, nf, key='keypoints', to_img=True, vis_id=True):
os.makedirs(self.output_dict[key], exist_ok=True)
images_vis = []
for nv, image in enumerate(images):
img = image.copy()
for det in lDetections[nv]:
if key == 'match' and 'id_match' in det.keys():
pid = det['id_match']
pid = det['id']
if key not in det.keys():
keypoints = det['keypoints']
keypoints = det[key]
if 'bbox' not in det.keys():
bbox = get_bbox_from_pose(keypoints, img)
bbox = det['bbox']
plot_bbox(img, bbox, pid=pid, vis_id=vis_id)
plot_keypoints(img, keypoints, pid=pid, config=self.config, use_limb_color=False, lw=2)
image_vis = merge(images_vis, resize=not self.save_origin)
if to_img:
savename = join(self.output_dict[key], '{:06d}.jpg'.format(nf))
cv2.imwrite(savename, image_vis)
return image_vis
def write_smpl(self, results, outname):
write_smpl(outname, results)
def vis_keypoints3d(self, infos, nf, images, cameras, mode='repro'):
out = join(self.out, mode)
os.makedirs(out, exist_ok=True)
# cameras: (K, R, T)
images_vis = []
for nv, image in enumerate(images):
img = image.copy()
K, R, T = cameras['K'][nv], cameras['R'][nv], cameras['T'][nv]
P = K @ np.hstack([R, T])
for info in infos:
pid = info['id']
keypoints3d = info['keypoints3d']
# 重投影
kcam = np.hstack([keypoints3d[:, :3], np.ones((keypoints3d.shape[0], 1))]) @ P.T
kcam = kcam[:, :2]/kcam[:, 2:]
k2d = np.hstack((kcam, keypoints3d[:, -1:]))
bbox = get_bbox_from_pose(k2d, img)
plot_bbox(img, bbox, pid=pid, vis_id=pid)
plot_keypoints(img, k2d, pid=pid, config=self.config, use_limb_color=False, lw=2)
savename = join(out, '{:06d}.jpg'.format(nf))
image_vis = merge(images_vis, resize=False)
cv2.imwrite(savename, image_vis)
return image_vis
def _vis_smpl(self, render_data_, nf, images, cameras, mode='smpl', base=None, add_back=False, extra_mesh=[]):
out = join(self.out, mode)
os.makedirs(out, exist_ok=True)
from visualize.renderer import Renderer
render = Renderer(height=1024, width=1024, faces=None, extra_mesh=extra_mesh)
if isinstance(render_data_, list): # different view have different data
for nv, render_data in enumerate(render_data_):
render_results = render.render(render_data, cameras, images)
image_vis = merge(render_results, resize=not self.save_origin)
savename = join(out, '{:06d}_{:02d}.jpg'.format(nf, nv))
cv2.imwrite(savename, image_vis)
render_results = render.render(render_data_, cameras, images, add_back=add_back)
image_vis = merge(render_results, resize=not self.save_origin)
if nf != -1:
if base is None:
base = '{:06d}'.format(nf)
savename = join(out, '{}.jpg'.format(base))
cv2.imwrite(savename, image_vis)
return image_vis |