213 lines
7.7 KiB
213 lines
7.7 KiB
import numpy as np
def findNearestPoint(points, click):
# points: (N, 2)
# click : [x, y]
click = np.array(click)
if len(points.shape) == 2:
click = click[None, :]
elif len(points.shape) == 3:
click = click[None, None, :]
dist = np.linalg.norm(points - click, axis=-1)
if dist.min() < MIN_PIXEL:
idx = np.unravel_index(dist.argmin(), dist.shape)
return True, idx
return False, (-1, -1)
def callback_select_bbox_corner(start, end, annots, select, bbox_name, **kwargs):
if start is None or end is None:
select['corner'] = -1
return 0
if start[0] == end[0] and start[1] == end[1]:
return 0
# 判断选择了哪个角点
annots = annots['annots']
# not select a bbox
if select[bbox_name] == -1 and select['corner'] == -1:
corners = []
for i in range(len(annots)):
l, t, r, b = annots[i][bbox_name][:4]
corner = np.array([(l, t), (l, b), (r, t), (r, b), ((l+r)/2, (t+b)/2)])
corners = np.stack(corners)
flag, minid = findNearestPoint(corners, start)
if flag:
select[bbox_name] = minid[0]
select['corner'] = minid[1]
select['corner'] = -1
# have selected a bbox, not select a corner
elif select[bbox_name] != -1 and select['corner'] == -1:
i = select[bbox_name]
l, t, r, b = annots[i][bbox_name][:4]
corners = np.array([(l, t), (l, b), (r, t), (r, b), ((l+r)/2, (t+b)/2)])
flag, minid = findNearestPoint(corners, start)
if flag:
select['corner'] = minid[0]
# have selected a bbox, and select a corner
elif select[bbox_name] != -1 and select['corner'] != -1:
x, y = end
# Move the corner
if select['corner'] < 4:
(i, j) = [(0, 1), (0, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3)][select['corner']]
data = annots[select[bbox_name]]
data[bbox_name][i] = x
data[bbox_name][j] = y
# Move the center
bbox = annots[select[bbox_name]][bbox_name]
w = (bbox[2] - bbox[0])/2
h = (bbox[3] - bbox[1])/2
bbox[0] = x - w
bbox[1] = y - h
bbox[2] = x + w
bbox[3] = y + h
elif select[bbox_name] == -1 and select['corner'] != -1:
select['corner'] = -1
def callback_select_bbox_center(click, annots, select, bbox_name, **kwargs):
if click is None:
return 0
annots = annots['annots']
bboxes = np.array([d[bbox_name] for d in annots])
center = (bboxes[:, [2, 3]] + bboxes[:, [0, 1]])/2
click = np.array(click)[None, :]
dist = np.linalg.norm(click - center, axis=1)
mindist, minid = dist.min(), dist.argmin()
if mindist < MIN_PIXEL:
select[bbox_name] = minid
def get_auto_track(mode='kpts'):
if mode == 'bbox':
def auto_track(self, param, **kwargs):
if self.frame == 0:
return 0
previous = self.previous()
annots = param['annots']['annots']
bbox_name = param['bbox_name']
kpts_name = param['kpts_name']
if len(annots) == 0:
return 0
if len(previous['annots']) == 0:
return 0
if mode == 'kpts':
keypoints_pre = np.array([d[kpts_name] for d in previous['annots']])
keypoints_now = np.array([d[kpts_name] for d in annots])
conf = np.sqrt(keypoints_now[:, None, :, -1] * keypoints_pre[None, :, :, -1])
diff = np.linalg.norm(keypoints_now[:, None, :, :2] - keypoints_pre[None, :, :, :2], axis=-1)
dist = np.sum(diff * conf, axis=-1)/np.sum(conf, axis=-1)
elif mode == bbox_name:
# 计算IoU
bbox_pre = np.array([d[bbox_name] for d in previous['annots']])
bbox_now = np.array([d[bbox_name] for d in annots])
bbox_pre = bbox_pre[None]
bbox_now = bbox_now[:, None]
areas_pre = (bbox_pre[..., 2] - bbox_pre[..., 0]) * (bbox_pre[..., 3] - bbox_pre[..., 1])
areas_now = (bbox_now[..., 2] - bbox_now[..., 0]) * (bbox_now[..., 3] - bbox_now[..., 1])
# 左边界的大值
xx1 = np.maximum(bbox_pre[..., 0], bbox_now[..., 0])
yy1 = np.maximum(bbox_pre[..., 1], bbox_now[..., 1])
# 右边界的小值
xx2 = np.minimum(bbox_pre[..., 2], bbox_now[..., 2])
yy2 = np.minimum(bbox_pre[..., 3], bbox_now[..., 3])
w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1)
h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1)
inter = w * h
over = inter / (areas_pre + areas_now - inter)
dist = 1 - over
# diff = np.linalg.norm(bbox_now[:, None, :4] - bbox_pre[None, :, :4], axis=-1)
# bbox_size = np.max(bbox_pre[:, [2, 3]] - bbox_pre[:, [0, 1]], axis=1)[None, :]
# diff = diff / bbox_size
# dist = diff
raise NotImplementedError
nows, pres = np.where(dist < MAX_SPEED)
edges = []
for n, p in zip(nows, pres):
edges.append((n, p, dist[n, p]))
edges.sort(key=lambda x:x[2])
used_n, used_p = [], []
for n, p, _ in edges:
if n in used_n or p in used_p:
annots[n]['personID'] = previous['annots'][p]['personID']
# TODO:stop when missing
pre_ids = [d['personID'] for d in previous['annots']]
if len(used_p) != len(pre_ids):
param['stop'] = True
print('>>> Stop because missing key: {}'.format(
[i for i in pre_ids if i not in used_p]))
max_id = max(pre_ids) + 1
for i in range(len(annots)):
if i in used_n:
annots[i]['personID'] = max_id
max_id += 1
auto_track.__doc__ = 'auto track the {}'.format(mode)
return auto_track
def copy_previous_missing(self, param, **kwargs):
"copy the missing person of previous frame"
if self.frame == 0:
return 0
previous = self.previous()
annots = param['annots']['annots']
pre_ids = [d['personID'] for d in previous['annots']]
now_ids = [d['personID'] for d in annots]
for i in range(len(pre_ids)):
if pre_ids[i] not in now_ids:
def copy_previous_bbox(self, param, **kwargs):
"copy the annots of previous frame"
if self.frame == 0:
return 0
previous = self.previous()
annots = param['annots']['annots'] = previous['annots']
def create_bbox(self, param, **kwargs):
"add new boundbox"
start, end = param['start'], param['end']
if start is None or end is None:
return 0
annots = param['annots']['annots']
nowids = [d['personID'] for d in annots]
bbox_name, kpts_name = param['bbox_name'], param['kpts_name']
if len(nowids) == 0:
maxID = 0
maxID = max(nowids) + 1
data = {
'personID': maxID,
bbox_name: [start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1], 1],
kpts_name: [[0., 0., 0.] for _ in range(25)]
param['start'], param['end'] = None, None
def delete_bbox(self, param, **kwargs):
"delete the person"
bbox_name = param['bbox_name']
active = param['select'][bbox_name]
if active == -1:
return 0
param['select'][bbox_name] = -1
return 0
def delete_all_bbox(self, param, **kwargs):
"delete the person"
bbox_name = param['bbox_name']
param['annots']['annots'] = []
param['select'][bbox_name] = -1
return 0 |