2022-08-21 16:11:59 +08:00

98 lines
3.6 KiB

@ Date: 2022-03-07 14:33:33
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ Mail: s_q@zju.edu.cn
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2022-07-21 15:27:52
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapPublic/apps/fit/triangulate1p.py
from easymocap.config.baseconfig import load_object, Config
from easymocap.mytools import Timer
from tqdm import tqdm
from easymocap.socket.base_client import BaseSocketClient
from easymocap.mytools.debug_utils import mywarn, run_cmd
import time
import numpy as np
def check_ip_port(address):
ip, port = address.split(':')[:2]
port = int(port)
flag = port != -1
return flag, ip, port
INDEX_HALF = [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20]
INDEX_HALF = sum([[3*i+d for d in range(3)] for i in INDEX_HALF], [])
def triangulate(triangulator, dataset, vis_client):
for nf in tqdm(range(len(dataset)), desc='recon'):
with Timer('require data', not args.timer):
data = dataset[nf]
with Timer('triangulate', not args.timer):
results = triangulator(data)
if vis_client is not None and results != -1 and args.half2total:
results = [r.copy() for r in results]
for res in results:
root = np.zeros((1, 3))
poses = np.zeros((1, 63))
poses[:, INDEX_HALF] = res['poses']
poses_full = np.hstack([root, poses, res['handl'], res['handr']])
res['poses'] = poses_full
results = {'annots': results}
elif vis_client is not None and results != -1:
if results != -1 and not args.no_write:
dataset.write_all(results, data)
elif results != -1:
mywarn('No results in frame {}'.format(nf))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='''
This script helps to triangulate the keypoints.
for name in ['data', 'exp']:
parser.add_argument('--cfg_{}'.format(name), type=str)
parser.add_argument('--opt_{}'.format(name), type=str, nargs='+', default=[])
parser.add_argument('--det2d', type=str, default='localhost:-1',
help='detector server address')
parser.add_argument('--vis3d', type=str, default='localhost:-1',
help='vis3d server address')
parser.add_argument('--no_write', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--half2total', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--timer', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
# open the 2d detector
flag_2d, ip_2d, port_2d = check_ip_port(args.det2d)
# check the 3d visualizer
flag_3d, ip_3d, port_3d = check_ip_port(args.vis3d)
if flag_3d:
vis_client = BaseSocketClient(args.vis3d)
cmd = 'python3 apps/vis/vis_server.py --cfg config/vis3d/o3d_scene_manol.yml host {} port {}'.format(ip_3d, port_3d)
run_cmd(cmd, bg=True)
vis_client = None
opt_data = args.opt_data
if flag_2d:
opt_data.extend(['args.host', [args.det2d]])
cfg_data = Config.load(args.cfg_data, args.opt_data)
cfg_exp = Config.load(args.cfg_exp, args.opt_exp)
if args.debug:
cfg_exp.args.debug = True
with Timer('Loading {}'.format(args.cfg_data)):
dataset = load_object(cfg_data.module, cfg_data.args)
triangulator = load_object(cfg_exp.module, cfg_exp.args)
triangulate(triangulator, dataset, vis_client)