2021-01-14 21:32:09 +08:00

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@ Date: 2020-11-19 17:46:04
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-01-14 15:02:39
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/code/pyfitting/lossfactory.py
import torch
from .operation import projection, batch_rodrigues
def ReprojectionLoss(keypoints3d, keypoints2d, K, Rc, Tc, inv_bbox_sizes):
img_points = projection(keypoints3d, K, Rc, Tc)
residual = (img_points - keypoints2d[:, :, :2]) * keypoints2d[:, :, 2:3]
squared_res = (residual ** 2) * inv_bbox_sizes
return torch.sum(squared_res)
class SMPLAngleLoss:
def __init__(self, keypoints):
use_feet = keypoints[:, [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], -1].sum() > 0.1
use_head = keypoints[:, [15, 16, 17, 18], -1].sum() > 0.1
SMPL_JOINT_ZERO_IDX = [3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23]
if not use_feet:
SMPL_JOINT_ZERO_IDX.extend([7, 8])
if not use_head:
SMPL_JOINT_ZERO_IDX.extend([12, 15])
SMPL_POSES_ZERO_IDX = [[j for j in range(3*i, 3*i+3)] for i in SMPL_JOINT_ZERO_IDX]
def loss(self, poses):
return torch.sum(torch.abs(poses[:, self.idx]))
def SmoothLoss(body_params, keys, weight_loss, span=4):
spans = [i for i in range(1, span)]
span_weights = {i:1/i for i in range(1, span)}
span_weights = {key: i/sum(span_weights) for key, i in span_weights.items()}
loss_dict = {}
nFrames = body_params['poses'].shape[0]
for key in ['poses', 'Th']:
k = 'smooth_' + key
if k in weight_loss.keys() and weight_loss[k] > 0.:
loss_dict[k] = 0.
for span in spans:
val = torch.sum((body_params[key][span:, :] - body_params[key][:nFrames-span, :])**2)
loss_dict[k] += span_weights[span] * val
# smooth rotation
rot = batch_rodrigues(body_params['Rh'])
key, k = 'Rh', 'smooth_Rh'
if k in weight_loss.keys() and weight_loss[k] > 0.:
loss_dict[k] = 0.
for span in spans:
val = torch.sum((rot[span:, :] - rot[:nFrames-span, :])**2)
loss_dict[k] += span_weights[span] * val
return loss_dict
def RegularizationLoss(body_params, body_params_init, weight_loss):
loss_dict = {}
for key in ['poses', 'shapes', 'Th']:
if 'init_'+key in weight_loss.keys() and weight_loss['init_'+key] > 0.:
loss_dict['init_'+key] = torch.sum((body_params[key] - body_params_init[key])**2)
for key in ['poses', 'shapes']:
if 'reg_'+key in weight_loss.keys() and weight_loss['reg_'+key] > 0.:
loss_dict['reg_'+key] = torch.sum((body_params[key])**2)
return loss_dict