2023-07-10 22:11:18 +08:00

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import os
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import cv2
from os.path import join
from easymocap.mytools.vis_base import plot_keypoints_auto, merge, plot_bbox, get_rgb, plot_cross
from easymocap.datasets.base import add_logo
from easymocap.mytools.camera_utils import Undistort
def projectPoints(k3d, camera):
k3d0 = np.ascontiguousarray(k3d[:, :3])
k3d_rt = np.dot(k3d0, camera['R'].T) + camera['T'].T
depth = k3d_rt[:, -1:]
k2d, _ = cv2.projectPoints(k3d0, camera['R'], camera['T'], camera['K'], camera['dist'])
k2d = np.hstack([k2d[:, 0], k3d[:, -1:]])
return k2d, depth
class VisBase:
def __init__(self, scale=1, lw_factor=1, name='vis', mode='none', mode_args={}):
self.scale = scale
self.output = '/tmp'
self.name = name
self.lw = lw_factor
self.count = 0
self.mode = mode
self.mode_args = mode_args
def merge_and_write(self, vis):
vis = [v for v in vis if not isinstance(v, str)]
if self.mode == 'center':
for i, v in enumerate(vis):
# crop the center region
left = int(v.shape[1] - v.shape[0]) // 2
v = v[:, left:left+v.shape[0], :]
vis[i] = v
elif self.mode == 'crop':
for i, v in enumerate(vis):
t, b, l, r = self.mode_args[i]
v = v[t:b, l:r]
vis[i] = v
if len(vis) == 0:
return 0
if len(vis) == 3: # 只有3个的时候的merge方案第一个不变后面两个缩小了放在右边
vis_0 = vis[0]
vis_1 = cv2.resize(vis[1], None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
vis_2 = cv2.resize(vis[2], None, fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
vis_12 = np.vstack([vis_1, vis_2])
vis = np.hstack([vis_0, vis_12])
vis = merge(vis)
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=self.scale, fy=self.scale)
vis = add_logo(vis)
# TODO: 从输入的Meta里面读入图片名字
outname = join(self.output, self.name, '{:06d}.jpg'.format(self.count))
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, vis)
self.count += 1
class Vis3D(VisBase):
def __init__(self, scale, lw_factor=1, name='vis_repro', **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scale, lw_factor, name, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, images, cameras, keypoints3d=None, results=None):
# keypoints3d: (nJoints, 4)
undist = False
vis_all = []
for nv in range(len(images)):
if isinstance(images[nv], str): continue
camera = {key:cameras[key][nv] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist']}
if undist:
vis = Undistort.image(images[nv], cameras['K'][nv], cameras['dist'][nv])
camera['dist'] = np.zeros_like(camera['dist'])
vis = images[nv].copy()
if results is None:
if len(keypoints3d.shape) == 2:
keypoints_repro, depth = projectPoints(keypoints3d, {key:cameras[key][nv] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist']})
plot_keypoints_auto(vis, keypoints_repro, pid=0, use_limb_color=True)
for pid in range(keypoints3d.shape[0]):
keypoints_repro, depth = projectPoints(keypoints3d[pid], {key:cameras[key][nv] for key in ['R', 'T', 'K', 'dist']})
if (depth < 0.5).all():
plot_keypoints_auto(vis, keypoints_repro, pid=pid, use_limb_color=True)
for res in results:
k3d = res['keypoints3d']
k3d_rt = np.dot(k3d[:, :3], camera['R'].T) + camera['T'].T
keypoints_repro, depth = projectPoints(k3d, camera)
depth = k3d_rt[..., -1]
if k3d.shape[0] == 1:
x, y = keypoints_repro[0,0], keypoints_repro[0,1]
plot_cross(vis, x, y, col=get_rgb(res['id']), lw=self.lw, width=self.lw * 5)
elif k3d.shape[0] == 2: # limb
x1, y1 = keypoints_repro[0,0], keypoints_repro[0,1]
x2, y2 = keypoints_repro[1,0], keypoints_repro[1,1]
cv2.line(vis, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), get_rgb(res['id']), self.lw)
plot_keypoints_auto(vis, keypoints_repro, pid=res['id'], use_limb_color=True, lw_factor=self.lw)
cv2.putText(vis, '{}'.format(res['id']), (int(keypoints_repro[0,0]), int(keypoints_repro[0,1])),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, get_rgb(res['id']), self.lw)
class VisRoot(VisBase):
def __call__(self, images, pelvis):
vis = []
for nv in range(len(images)):
if isinstance(images[nv], str): continue
v = images[nv].copy()
for i in range(pelvis[nv].shape[0]):
color = get_rgb(i)
x, y = pelvis[nv][i][0], pelvis[nv][i][1]
x, y = int(x), int(y)
plot_cross(v, x, y , col=color, lw=self.lw, width=self.lw * 10)
cv2.putText(v, '{}'.format(i), (int(x), int(y)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, color, self.lw)
class VisPAF(VisBase):
def __call__(self, images, openpose, openpose_paf):
# openpose [nViews, nJoints, 3]
# openpose_paf [nViews, dict, MxN]
vis_limb = [(8, 1)]
vis = []
nViews = len(images)
for nv in range(nViews):
if isinstance(images[nv], str): continue
v = images[nv].copy()
k2d = openpose[nv]
paf = openpose_paf[nv]
for (src, dst) in vis_limb:
# (M, N)
paf_ = paf[(src, dst)]
for i in range(paf_.shape[0]):
for j in range(paf_.shape[1]):
if paf_[i, j] < 0.1:
x1, y1 = k2d[src][i, :2]
x2, y2 = k2d[dst][j, :2]
lw = int(paf_[i, j] * 10)
cv2.line(v, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), get_rgb(src), lw)
class VisBirdEye(VisBase):
def __init__(self, xranges, yranges, resolution=1024, name='bird', **kwargs):
super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)
self.xranges = xranges
self.yranges = yranges
self.resolution = resolution
self.blank = np.zeros((resolution, resolution, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255
x0, y0 = self.map_x_y(0, 0)
cv2.line(self.blank, (x0, 0), (x0, resolution), (0, 0, 0), 1)
cv2.line(self.blank, (0, y0), (resolution, y0), (0, 0, 0), 1)
def map_x_y(self, x, y):
x = (x - self.xranges[0]) / (self.xranges[1] - self.xranges[0]) * self.resolution
y = (y - self.yranges[0]) / (self.yranges[1] - self.yranges[0]) * self.resolution
y = self.resolution - y
x, y = int(x), int(y)
return x, y
def __call__(self, results, cameras):
vis = self.blank.copy()
R = cameras['R']
T = cameras['T']
# 这里要兼容将来的相机运动的情况,所以不能预先可视化好
center = - np.einsum('bmn,bnj->bmj', R.swapaxes(1, 2), T)
for nv in range(center.shape[0]):
x, y = center[nv, 0], center[nv, 1]
x, y = self.map_x_y(x, y)
plot_cross(vis, x, y, col=(0,0,255), lw=self.lw, width=20)
cv2.putText(vis, 'cam{}'.format(nv), (int(x), int(y)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0,0,255), self.lw//4)
for res in results:
pid = res['id']
color = get_rgb(pid)
x, y, z = res['pelvis'][0, 0], res['pelvis'][0, 1], res['pelvis'][0, 2]
length = 0.5 * (np.clip(z - 1., 0, 1) + 1)
length = int(length/(self.xranges[1] - self.xranges[0]) * self.resolution)
x, y = self.map_x_y(x, y)
plot_cross(vis, x, y, col=color, lw=self.lw, width=self.lw * 5)
cv2.rectangle(vis, (x - length, y - length), (x + length, y + length), color, self.lw)
cv2.putText(vis, '{}'.format(pid), (int(x), int(y)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, color, self.lw)
class VisMatch(VisBase):
def __call__(self, images, pelvis, results):
vis = []
for nv in range(len(images)):
if isinstance(images[nv], str):
for res in results:
pid = res['id']
for nv, ind in zip(res['views'], res['indices']):
v = vis[nv]
if isinstance(v, str): continue
x, y = pelvis[nv][ind][0], pelvis[nv][ind][1]
plot_cross(v, pelvis[nv][ind][0], pelvis[nv][ind][1], col=get_rgb(pid), lw=self.lw, width=self.lw * 5)
cv2.putText(v, '{}'.format(pid), (int(x), int(y)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, get_rgb(pid), self.lw)
class Vis_det(VisBase):
def __call__(self, images, **kwargs):
vis = []
for nv in range(len(images)):
if isinstance(images[nv], str):
v = images[nv].copy()
for key, bbox in kwargs.items():
_bbox = bbox[nv]
for idet in range(_bbox.shape[0]):
plot_bbox(v, _bbox[idet], idet)
class Vis2D(VisBase):
def __call__(self, images, **kwargs):
if 'keypoints' in kwargs:
keypoints = kwargs['keypoints']
if len(kwargs.keys()) == 1:
keypoints = list(kwargs.values())[0]
raise NotImplementedError
if 'bbox' in kwargs:
bbox = kwargs['bbox']
bbox = None
if not isinstance(images, list):
images = [images]
keypoints = [keypoints]
bbox = [bbox]
vis = []
for nv in range(len(images)):
if isinstance(images[nv], str): continue
k2d = keypoints[nv]
vis_ = images[nv].copy()
if len(k2d.shape) == 2:
plot_keypoints_auto(vis_, k2d, pid=0, use_limb_color=False)
if bbox is not None:
if len(bbox[nv].shape) == 2:
plot_bbox(vis_, bbox[nv][0], 0)
plot_bbox(vis_, bbox[nv], 0)
for pid in range(k2d.shape[0]):
plot_keypoints_auto(vis_, k2d[pid], pid=pid, use_limb_color=True)
if bbox is not None:
plot_bbox(vis_, bbox[nv][pid], pid=pid)