108 lines
4.5 KiB
108 lines
4.5 KiB
@ Date: 2021-04-15 16:57:53
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2022-09-15 21:58:57
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapPublic/easymocap/annotator/basic_dataset.py
from os.path import join
import os
import shutil
from .file_utils import getFileList
class ImageFolder:
def __init__(self, path, sub=None, image='images', annot='annots',
no_annot=False, share_annot=False, ext='.jpg', remove_tmp=True,
max_per_folder=-1) -> None:
self.root = path
self.image = image
self.annot = annot
self.image_root = join(path, self.image)
self.annot_root = join(path, self.annot)
if not os.path.exists(self.annot_root) or no_annot:
no_annot = True
self.share_annot = share_annot
self.annot_root_tmp = join(path, self.annot + '_tmp')
if os.path.exists(self.annot_root_tmp) and remove_tmp:
print('- Load data from {}'.format(path))
if sub is None:
print('- Try to find image names...')
self.imgnames = getFileList(self.image_root, ext=ext, max=max_per_folder)
print(' -> find {} images'.format(len(self.imgnames)))
if not no_annot:
print('- Try to find annot names...')
self.annnames = getFileList(self.annot_root, ext='.json')
print(' -> find {} annots'.format(len(self.annnames)))
print('- Try to find image names of camera {}...'.format(sub))
self.imgnames = getFileList(join(self.image_root, sub), ext=ext)
self.imgnames = [join(sub, name) for name in self.imgnames]
print(' -> find {} images'.format(len(self.imgnames)))
if not no_annot:
self.annnames = getFileList(join(self.annot_root, sub), ext='.json')
self.annnames = [join(sub, name) for name in self.annnames]
if len(self.annnames) != len(self.imgnames) and share_annot:
if len(self.annnames) == 1:
self.annnames = [self.annnames[0] for _ in range(len(self.imgnames))]
length = min(len(self.imgnames), len(self.annnames))
self.imgnames = self.imgnames[:length]
self.annnames = self.annnames[:length]
self.isTmp = True
self.no_annot = no_annot
def __getitem__(self, index):
if index > len(self.imgnames):
print('!!! You are try to read {} image from {} images'.format(index, len(self.imgnames)))
print('!!! Please check image path: {}'.format(self.image_root))
imgname = join(self.image_root, self.imgnames[index])
if self.no_annot:
annname = None
if self.isTmp:
annname = join(self.annot_root_tmp, self.annnames[index])
annname = join(self.annot_root, self.annnames[index])
return imgname, annname
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imgnames)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '{}: {} images'.format(self.root, len(self))
class MVBase:
def __init__(self, path, subs, annot='annots') -> None:
self.root = path
self.subs = subs
self.image = 'images'
self.annot = annot
self.image_root = join(path, self.image)
self.annot_root = join(path, self.annot)
self.annot_root_tmp = join(path, self.annot + '_tmp')
assert len(subs) > 0, subs
self.imgnames, self.annnames = {}, {}
for sub in subs:
imgnames = getFileList(join(self.image_root, sub), ext='.jpg')
annnames = getFileList(join(self.annot_root, sub), ext='.json')
imgnames = [join(sub, name) for name in imgnames]
annnames = [join(sub, name) for name in annnames]
self.imgnames[sub] = imgnames
self.annnames[sub] = annnames
self.isTmp = True
def __getitem__(self, index):
imgnames, annnames = {}, {}
for sub in self.subs:
imgnames[sub] = join(self.image_root, self.imgnames[sub][index])
if self.isTmp:
annname = join(self.annot_root_tmp, self.annnames[sub][index])
annname = join(self.annot_root, self.annnames[sub][index])
annnames[sub] = annname
return imgnames, annnames
def __len__(self):
return len(self.imgnames[self.subs[0]]) |