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import numpy as np
import cv2
from easymocap.mytools.camera_utils import Undistort
from easymocap.mytools.debug_utils import log, mywarn, myerror
from .iterative_triangulate import iterative_triangulate
from easymocap.mytools.triangulator import project_points
from easymocap.mytools.timer import Timer
class DistanceBase:
# 这个类用于计算affinity
# 主要基于关键点计算;未来可以考虑支持其他东西
def __init__(self, cfg) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
def calculate_affinity_MxM(self, keypoints, cameras):
raise NotImplementedError
def SimpleConstrain(dimGroups):
constrain = np.ones((dimGroups[-1], dimGroups[-1]))
for i in range(len(dimGroups)-1):
start, end = dimGroups[i], dimGroups[i+1]
constrain[start:end, start:end] = 0
N = constrain.shape[0]
constrain[range(N), range(N)] = 1
return constrain
def skew_op(x):
res = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=x.dtype)
# 0, -z, y
res[0, 1] = -x[2, 0]
res[0, 2] = x[1, 0]
# z, 0, -x
res[1, 0] = x[2, 0]
res[1, 2] = -x[0, 0]
# -y, x, 0
res[2, 0] = -x[1, 0]
res[2, 1] = x[0, 0]
return res
def fundamental_op(K0, K1, R_0, T_0, R_1, T_1):
invK0 = np.linalg.inv(K0)
return invK0.T @ (R_0 @ R_1.T) @ K1.T @ skew_op(K1 @ R_1 @ R_0.T @ (T_0 - R_0 @ R_1.T @ T_1))
class EpipolarDistance(DistanceBase):
def distance2d2d(pts0, pts1, K0, K1, R0, T0, R1, T1):
F = fundamental_op(K0, K1, R0, T0, R1, T1)
# Find epilines corresponding to points in left image (first image) and
# drawing its lines on right image
lines0 = cv2.computeCorrespondEpilines(pts0[..., :2].reshape (-1,1,2), 2, F)
# Find epilines corresponding to points in right image (second image) and
# drawing its lines on left image
lines1 = cv2.computeCorrespondEpilines(pts1[..., :2].reshape(-1,1,2), 1, F)
lines0 = lines0.reshape(pts0.shape)
lines1 = lines1.reshape(pts1.shape)
# dist: (D_v0, D_v1, nJoints)
# TODO: / sqrt(A^2 + B^2)
dist01 = np.abs(np.sum(lines0[:, None, :, :2] * pts1[None, :, :, :2], axis=-1) + lines0[:, None, :, 2])
conf = (pts0[:, None, :, 2] * pts1[None, :, :, 2]) > 0
dist10 = np.abs(np.sum(lines1[:, None, :, :2] * pts0[None, :, :, :2], axis=-1) + lines1[:, None, :, 2])
dist = np.sum(dist01 * conf + dist10.transpose(1, 0, 2) * conf, axis=-1)/(conf.sum(axis=-1) + 1e-5)/2
return dist
def vis_affinity(self, aff, dimGroups, scale=10):
aff = cv2.resize(aff, (aff.shape[1]*scale, aff.shape[0]*scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
aff_float = aff.copy()
aff = (aff * 255).astype(np.uint8)
aff = cv2.applyColorMap(aff, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
transp = (aff_float * 255).astype(np.float32)
for dim in dimGroups[1:-1]:
cv2.line(aff, (0, dim*scale), (aff.shape[0], dim*scale), (255, 255, 255), thickness=1)
cv2.line(aff, (dim*scale, 0), (dim*scale, aff.shape[0]), (255, 255, 255), thickness=1)
cv2.line(transp, (0, dim*scale), (aff.shape[0], dim*scale), (255,), thickness=1)
cv2.line(transp, (dim*scale, 0), (dim*scale, aff.shape[0]), (255,), thickness=1)
# last line
cv2.rectangle(aff, (0, 0), (aff.shape[0]-1, aff.shape[0]-1), (0, 0, 255), thickness=1)
cv2.rectangle(transp, (0, 0), (aff.shape[0]-1, aff.shape[0]-1), (255,), thickness=1)
aff = np.dstack([aff, transp])
return aff
def calculate_affinity_MxM(self, keypoints, cameras):
# 计算一下总长度
dims = [d.shape[0] for d in keypoints]
dimGroups = np.cumsum([0] + dims)
M = dimGroups[-1]
distance = np.eye((M), dtype=np.float32)
nViews = len(keypoints)
for v0 in range(nViews-1):
# set the diag block
for v1 in range(1, nViews):
# calculate distance between (v0, v1)
if v0 >= v1:
pts0 = keypoints[v0]
pts1 = keypoints[v1]
if pts0.shape[0] == 0 or pts1.shape[0] == 0:
K0, K1 = cameras['K'][v0], cameras['K'][v1] # K0, K1: (3, 3)
R0, T0 = cameras['R'][v0], cameras['T'][v0]
R1, T1 = cameras['R'][v1], cameras['T'][v1]
dist = self.distance2d2d(pts0, pts1, K0, K1, R0, T0, R1, T1)
conf0 = pts0[..., -1]
conf1 = pts1[..., -1]
common_count = ((conf0[:, None] > 0) & (conf1[None] > 0)).sum(axis=-1)
common_affinity = np.sqrt(conf0[:, None] * conf1[None])
dist /= (K0[0, 0] + K1[0, 0])/2
dist[common_count < self.cfg.min_common_joints] = self.cfg.threshold * 10
aff_geo = (self.cfg.threshold - dist)/self.cfg.threshold
aff_conf = common_affinity.mean(axis=-1)
aff_compose = aff_geo * aff_conf
distance[dimGroups[v0]:dimGroups[v0+1], dimGroups[v1]:dimGroups[v1+1]] = aff_compose
distance[dimGroups[v1]:dimGroups[v1+1], dimGroups[v0]:dimGroups[v0+1]] = aff_compose.T
affinity = np.clip(distance, 0, 1)
return affinity, dimGroups
def _calculate_affinity_MxN(self, keypoints3d, keypoints, cameras):
dims = [d.shape[0] for d in keypoints]
dimGroups = np.cumsum([0] + dims)
M = dimGroups[-1]
N = keypoints3d.shape[0]
distance = np.zeros((M, N), dtype=np.float32)
nViews = len(keypoints)
kpts_proj = project_points(keypoints3d, cameras['P'], einsum='vab,pkb->vpka')
depth = kpts_proj[..., -1]
kpts_proj[depth<DEPTH_NEAR] = -10000
# TODO: constrain the depth far
affinity_all = []
for v in range(nViews):
if dims[v] == 0:
focal = (cameras['K'][v][0, 0] + cameras['K'][v][1, 1])/2
# pts2d: (N, J, 3)
pts2d = keypoints[v]
# pts_repro: (N3D, J, 3)
pts_repro = kpts_proj[v]
# conf: (N2D, N3D, J)
conf = np.sqrt(pts2d[:, None, ..., -1]*keypoints3d[None, ..., -1])
diff = np.linalg.norm(pts2d[:, None, ..., :2] - pts_repro[None, ..., :2], axis=-1)
# (N2D, N3D)
diff = np.sum(diff*conf, axis=-1)/(1e-5 + np.sum(conf, axis=-1))
dist = diff / focal
aff_geo = (self.cfg.threshold_track - dist)/self.cfg.threshold_track
aff = np.vstack(affinity_all)
aff = np.clip(aff, 0, 1)
return aff
def low_rank_optimization(self, affinity, dimGroups, vis=False):
if True:
import pymatchlr
observe = np.ones_like(affinity)
aff_svt = pymatchlr.matchSVT(affinity, dimGroups, self.SimpleConstrain(dimGroups), observe, self.cfg.cfg_svt)
aff_svt = affinity
aff_svt[aff_svt<self.cfg.cfg_svt.aff_min] = 0.
if vis:
cv2.imwrite('debug.png', np.hstack([self.vis_affinity(affinity, dimGroups), self.vis_affinity(aff_svt, dimGroups)]))
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return aff_svt
class MatchBase:
def __init__(self, cfg) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
if cfg.distance.mode == 'epipolar':
self.distance = EpipolarDistance(cfg.distance)
raise NotImplementedError
def set_previous(self, previous):
prev_ids = [p['id'] for p in previous]
prev_keypoints = [p['keypoints3d'] for p in previous]
self.prev_ids = prev_ids
self.prev_keypoints = prev_keypoints
if len(prev_ids) > 0:
self.prev_keypoints = np.stack(prev_keypoints)
def undistort(points, cameras):
nViews = len(points)
pelvis_undis = []
for nv in range(nViews):
K = cameras['K'][nv]
dist = cameras['dist'][nv]
points_nv = points[nv]
points_nv_flat = points_nv.reshape(-1, 3)
if points_nv_flat.shape[0] > 0:
points_nv_flat = Undistort.points(points_nv_flat, K, dist)
return pelvis_undis
def _prepare_associate(self, affinity, keypoints):
dimGroups = [0]
views = []
nViews = len(keypoints)
affinity_sum = np.zeros((affinity.shape[0],))
for nv in range(nViews):
dimGroups.append(dimGroups[-1] + keypoints[nv].shape[0])
views.extend([nv] * keypoints[nv].shape[0])
start, end = dimGroups[nv], dimGroups[nv+1]
if end > start:
affinity_sum += affinity[:, start:end].max(axis=-1)
return affinity_sum, dimGroups, views
def try_to_triangulate(self, keypoints, cameras, indices, previous=None):
Pall, keypoints2d = [], []
for nv in range(indices.shape[0]):
if indices[nv] == -1:
keypoints2d.append(np.zeros((25, 3), dtype=np.float32))
# keypoints2d.append(keypoints[nv][indices[nv]])
Pall = np.stack(Pall)
keypoints2d = np.stack(keypoints2d)
if previous is not None:
kpts_proj = project_points(previous, cameras['P'], einsum='vab,kb->vka')
# 注意,这里需要考虑深度,因为深度是已知的
# 越近的地方这个阈值应该越大,越远的地方阈值越小
# radius / depth * focal
depth = kpts_proj[..., -1]
# 超出这个track阈值的直接丢掉了这样可以保证三角化出来的一定是小于阈值的
# 如果对这个阈值有意见,应该增大这个阈值条件
radius = self.cfg.triangulate.dist_track * cameras['K'][:, 0, 0][:, None] / depth
dist = np.linalg.norm(kpts_proj[..., :2] - keypoints2d[..., :2], axis=-1)
conf = np.sqrt(kpts_proj[..., -1] * keypoints2d[..., -1]) > 0
not_track = (dist > radius) & conf
if not_track.sum() > 0:
log('[Tri] {} 2d joints not tracked'.format(not_track.sum()))
keypoints2d[not_track] = 0.
keypoints3d, k2d = iterative_triangulate(keypoints2d, Pall, previous=previous, **self.cfg.triangulate)
not_valid_view = np.where((k2d[..., -1] < 0.1).all(axis=1))[0]
indices[not_valid_view] = -1
result = {
'keypoints3d': keypoints3d,
'indices': indices,
'keypoints2d': k2d
return result, indices
def _indices_from_affinity(dimGroups, affinit_row, assigned, visited, nViews):
proposals = []
indices = np.zeros((nViews), dtype=np.int) - 1
for nv in range(nViews):
start, end = dimGroups[nv], dimGroups[nv+1]
block = affinit_row[start:end]
to_select = np.where((block>0.1) & \
(~assigned[start:end]) & \
if to_select.shape[0] == 1:
# 只有唯一的一个候选
indices[nv] = to_select[0]
elif to_select.shape[0] > 1:
to_select_sort = sorted(to_select, key=lambda x:-block[x])
indices[nv] = to_select_sort[0]
for select_id in to_select_sort[1:]:
proposals.append((nv, select_id, block[select_id]))
elif to_select.shape[0] == 0:
# empty
return indices, proposals
def _check_indices(self, indices):
return (indices > -1).sum() >= self.cfg.triangulate.min_view_body
def _simple_associate2d_triangulate(self, affinity, keypoints, cameras, assigned=None):
# sum1 = affinity.sum(axis=1)
# 注意:这里的排序应该是对每个视角,挑选最大的一个
affinity_sum, dimGroups, views = self._prepare_associate(affinity, keypoints)
nViews = len(keypoints)
n2d = affinity.shape[0]
# the assigned results of each person
if assigned is None:
assigned = np.zeros(n2d, dtype=np.bool)
visited = np.zeros(n2d, dtype=np.bool)
sortidx = np.argsort(-affinity_sum)
k3dresults = []
for idx in sortidx:
if assigned[idx]:continue
log('[Tri] Visited view{}: {}'.format(views[idx], idx-dimGroups[views[idx]]))
affinit_row = affinity[idx]
indices, proposals = self._indices_from_affinity(dimGroups, affinit_row, assigned, visited, nViews)
# 注意要再生成所有的proposal之后再设置visited
visited[idx] = True
if not self._check_indices(indices):continue
# 只考虑有候选的;不考虑移除某个视角的
log('[Tri] First try to triangulate of {}'.format(indices))
indices_origin = indices.copy()
result, indices = self.try_to_triangulate(keypoints, cameras, indices)
if not self._check_indices(indices):
# if the proposals is valid
if len(proposals) > 0:
proposals.sort(key=lambda x:-x[2])
for (nviews, select_id, conf) in proposals:
indices = indices_origin.copy()
indices[nviews] = select_id
log('[Tri] Max fail, then try to triangulate of {}'.format(indices))
result, indices = self.try_to_triangulate(keypoints, cameras, indices)
if self._check_indices(indices):
# overall proposals, not find any valid
for nv in range(nViews):
if indices[nv] == -1:
assigned[indices[nv]+dimGroups[nv]] = True
result['id'] = -1
return k3dresults
def _check_speed(self, previous, current, verbo=False):
conf = np.sqrt(previous[:, -1] * current[:, -1])
conf[conf < self.cfg.triangulate.min_conf_3d] = 0.
dist = np.linalg.norm(previous[:, :3] - current[:, :3], axis=-1)
conf_mean = (conf * dist).sum()/(1e-5 + conf.sum()) * 1000
if verbo:
log('Track distance of each joints:')
return conf_mean < self.cfg.triangulate.dist_track
def _simple_associate2d3d_triangulate(self, keypoints3d, affinity, keypoints, dimGroups, cameras):
nViews = len(keypoints)
n2d = affinity.shape[0]
# the assigned results of each person
assigned = np.zeros(n2d, dtype=np.bool)
visited = np.zeros(n2d, dtype=np.bool)
affinity_sum = affinity.sum(axis=0)
sortidx = np.argsort(-affinity_sum)
k3dresults = []
for idx3d in sortidx:
log('[Tri] Visited 3D {}'.format(self.prev_ids[idx3d]))
affinit_row = affinity[:, idx3d]
indices, proposals = self._indices_from_affinity(dimGroups, affinit_row, assigned, visited, nViews)
if not self._check_indices(indices):continue
# 只考虑有候选的;不考虑移除某个视角的
log('[Tri] First try to triangulate of {}'.format(indices))
indices_origin = indices.copy()
result, indices = self.try_to_triangulate(keypoints, cameras, indices, previous=keypoints3d[idx3d])
if not (self._check_indices(indices) and self._check_speed(keypoints3d[idx3d], result['keypoints3d'])):
# if the proposals is valid
previous = keypoints3d[idx3d]
# select the best keypoints of each view
previous_proj = project_points(previous, cameras['P'])
dist_all = np.zeros((previous_proj.shape[0],)) + 999.
indices_all = np.zeros((previous_proj.shape[0],), dtype=int)
for nv in range(previous_proj.shape[0]):
dist = np.linalg.norm(previous_proj[nv, :, :2][None] - keypoints[nv][:, :, :2], axis=-1)
conf = (previous[..., -1] > 0.1)[None] & (keypoints[nv][:, :, -1] > 0.1)
dist_mean = (dist * conf).sum(axis=-1) / (1e-5 + conf.sum(axis=-1))
dist_all[nv] = dist_mean.min()
indices_all[nv] = dist_mean.argmin()
want_view = dist_all.argsort()[:self.cfg.triangulate.min_view_body]
# TODO: add proposal
proposal = (want_view, indices_all[want_view], -dist_all[want_view])
proposals = [proposal]
if len(proposals) > 0:
proposals.sort(key=lambda x:-x[2])
for (nv, select_id, conf) in proposals:
indices = np.zeros_like(indices_origin) - 1
indices[nv] = select_id
log('[Tri] Max fail, then try to triangulate of {}'.format(indices))
result, indices = self.try_to_triangulate(keypoints, cameras, indices, previous=keypoints3d[idx3d])
if (self._check_indices(indices) and self._check_speed(keypoints3d[idx3d], result['keypoints3d'])):
# overall proposals, not find any valid
mywarn('[Tri] {} Track fail after {} proposal'.format(idx3d, len(proposals)))
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
mywarn('[Tri] Track fail {}'.format(indices))
self._check_speed(keypoints3d[idx3d], result['keypoints3d'], verbo=True)
log('[Tri] finally used indices: {}'.format(indices))
for nv in range(nViews):
if indices[nv] == -1:
assigned[indices[nv]+dimGroups[nv]] = True
result['id'] = self.prev_ids[idx3d]
return k3dresults, assigned
def associate(self, cameras, keypoints):
keypoints = self.undistort(keypoints, cameras)
for kpts in keypoints:
conf = kpts[..., -1]
conf[conf < self.cfg.min_conf] = 0.
if len(self.prev_ids) > 0:
# naive track
with Timer('affinity 2d'):
affinity2d2d, dimGroups = self.distance.calculate_affinity_MxM(keypoints, cameras)
with Timer('affinity 3d'):
affinity2d3d = self.distance._calculate_affinity_MxN(self.prev_keypoints, keypoints, cameras)
affinity_comp = np.vstack([
np.hstack([affinity2d2d, affinity2d3d]),
np.hstack([affinity2d3d.T, np.eye(len(self.prev_ids))])
with Timer('svt'):
affinity2d2d_2d3d = self.distance.low_rank_optimization(
dimGroups.tolist() + [dimGroups[-1] + len(self.prev_ids)],
# 先associate2d 3d
affinity2d3d = affinity2d2d_2d3d[:affinity2d2d.shape[0], affinity2d2d.shape[1]:]
with Timer('associate 3d'):
k3dresults, assigned = self._simple_associate2d3d_triangulate(self.prev_keypoints, affinity2d3d, keypoints, dimGroups, cameras)
# 再associate2d 2d
with Timer('associate 2d'):
affinity2d2d = affinity2d2d_2d3d[:affinity2d2d.shape[0], :affinity2d2d.shape[1]]
match_results = self._simple_associate2d_triangulate(affinity2d2d, keypoints, cameras, assigned=assigned)
match_results = k3dresults + match_results
affinity2d2d, dimGroups = self.distance.calculate_affinity_MxM(keypoints, cameras)
affinity2d2d = self.distance.low_rank_optimization(affinity2d2d, dimGroups)
# 直接associate2d
match_results = self._simple_associate2d_triangulate(affinity2d2d, keypoints, cameras)
return match_results
class TrackBase:
# 这个类用于维护一般的track操作
# 主要提供的接口:
# 1. add
# 2. remove
# 3. smooth
# 4. naive fit
def __init__(self, cfg) -> None:
self.cfg = cfg
self.kintree = np.array(cfg.kintree)
self.max_id = 0
self.current_frame = -1
self.record = {}
def update_frame(self, frame):
# remove the results that are not in the frame
self.current_frame = frame
remove_id = []
for pid, record in self.record.items():
if frame - record['frames'][-1] > self.cfg.max_missing:
mywarn('[Track] remove track {} with frames {}'.format(pid, record['frames']))
for pid in remove_id:
return True
def query_current(self, ret_final=False):
# return the results that are in the frame
prevs = []
for pid, record in self.record.items():
k3d = record['records'][-1]
valid = k3d[:, -1] > 0.1
if ret_final:
# 判断一下valid range
k3d_valid = k3d[valid]
flag = (k3d_valid[:, 0] > self.cfg.final_ranges[0][0]) & \
(k3d_valid[:, 0] < self.cfg.final_ranges[1][0]) & \
(k3d_valid[:, 1] > self.cfg.final_ranges[0][1]) & \
(k3d_valid[:, 1] < self.cfg.final_ranges[1][1]) & \
(k3d_valid[:, 2] > self.cfg.final_ranges[0][2]) & \
(k3d_valid[:, 2] < self.cfg.final_ranges[1][2])
if flag.sum() < 5:
'id': pid,
'keypoints3d': record['records'][-1],
'ages': len(record['frames'])
if ret_final:
prevs.sort(key=lambda x:-x['ages'])
prevs = prevs[:self.cfg.final_max_person]
prevs.sort(key=lambda x:x['id'])
return prevs
def add_track(self, res):
# add a new track
pid = self.max_id
res['id'] = pid
self.record[pid] = {
'frames': [self.current_frame],
'records': [res['keypoints3d']]
self.max_id += 1
def update_track(self, res):
pid = res['id']
if len(self.record[pid]['frames']) >= N_UPDATE_LENGTH and len(self.record[pid]['frames']) % N_UPDATE_LENGTH == 0:
# 更新骨长
# (nFrames, nJoints, 4)
history = np.stack(self.record[pid]['records'])
left = history[:, self.kintree[:, 0]]
right = history[:, self.kintree[:, 1]]
conf = np.minimum(left[..., -1], right[..., -1])
conf[conf < 0.1] = 0.
limb_length = np.linalg.norm(left[..., :3] - right[..., :3], axis=-1)
limb_mean = (conf * limb_length).sum(axis=0)/(1e-5 + conf.sum(axis=0))
conf_mean = conf.sum(axis=0)
log('[Track] Update limb length of {} to \n {}'.format(pid, limb_mean))
self.record[pid]['limb_length'] = (limb_mean, conf_mean)
k3d = res['keypoints3d']
if 'limb_length' in self.record[pid].keys():
left = k3d[self.kintree[:, 0]]
right = k3d[self.kintree[:, 1]]
limb_now = np.linalg.norm(left[:, :3] - right[:, :3], axis=-1)
limb_mean, conf_mean = self.record[pid]['limb_length']
not_valid = ((limb_now > limb_mean * 1.5) | (limb_now < limb_mean * 0.5)) & (conf_mean > 0.1)
if not_valid.sum() > 0:
leaf = self.kintree[not_valid, 1]
res['keypoints3d'][leaf] = 0.
mywarn('[Track] {} remove {} joints'.format(pid, leaf))
mywarn('[Track] mean: {}'.format(limb_mean[not_valid]))
mywarn('[Track] current: {}'.format(limb_now[not_valid]))
def track(self, match_results):
wo_id_results = [r for r in match_results if r['id'] == -1]
w_id_results = [r for r in match_results if r['id'] != -1]
wo_id_results.sort(key=lambda x:-(x['indices']!=-1).sum())
for res in wo_id_results:
for res in w_id_results:
return w_id_results + wo_id_results
class MatchAndTrack():
def __init__(self, cfg_match, cfg_track) -> None:
self.matcher = MatchBase(cfg_match)
self.tracker = TrackBase(cfg_track)
def __call__(self, cameras, keypoints, meta):
frame = meta['frame']
# 1. query the previous frame
previous = self.tracker.query_current()
# 2. associate the current frame
match_results = self.matcher.associate(cameras, keypoints)
# 3. update the tracker
results = self.tracker.query_current(ret_final=True)
pids = [p['id'] for p in results]
if len(pids) > 0:
keypoints3d = np.stack([p['keypoints3d'] for p in results])
keypoints3d = []
log('[Match&Triangulate] Current ID: {}'.format(pids))
return {'results': results, 'keypoints3d': keypoints3d, 'pids': pids}