317 lines
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317 lines
14 KiB
@ Date: 2021-03-05 15:21:33
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditTime: 2021-03-31 23:02:58
@ FilePath: /EasyMocap/easymocap/pyfitting/optimize_mirror.py
from .optimize_simple import _optimizeSMPL, deepcopy_tensor, get_prepare_smplx, dict_of_tensor_to_numpy
from .lossfactory import LossRepro, LossInit, LossSmoothBody, LossSmoothPoses, LossSmoothBodyMulti, LossSmoothPosesMulti
from ..dataset.mirror import flipSMPLPoses, flipPoint2D, flipSMPLParams
import torch
import numpy as np
# 这里存在几种技术方案:
# 1. theta, beta, R, T, (a, b, c, d) || L_r
# 2. theta, beta, R, T, R', T' || L_r, L_s
# 3. theta, beta, R, T, theta', beta', R', T' || L_r, L_s
def flipSMPLPosesV(params, reverse=False):
# 前面部分是外面的人,后面部分是镜子里的人
nFrames = params['poses'].shape[0] // 2
if reverse:
params['poses'][:nFrames] = flipSMPLPoses(params['poses'][nFrames:])
params['poses'][nFrames:] = flipSMPLPoses(params['poses'][:nFrames])
return params
def flipSMPLParamsV(params, mirror):
params_mirror = flipSMPLParams(params, mirror)
params_new = {}
for key in params.keys():
if key == 'shapes':
params_new['shapes'] = params['shapes']
params_new[key] = np.vstack([params[key], params_mirror[key]])
return params_new
def calc_mirror_transform(m_):
""" From mirror vector to mirror matrix
m (bn, 4): (a, b, c, d)
M: (bn, 3, 4)
norm = torch.norm(m_[:, :3], dim=1, keepdim=True)
m = m_[:, :3] / norm
d = m_[:, 3]
coeff_mat = torch.zeros((m.shape[0], 3, 4), device=m.device)
coeff_mat[:, 0, 0] = 1 - 2*m[:, 0]**2
coeff_mat[:, 0, 1] = -2*m[:, 0]*m[:, 1]
coeff_mat[:, 0, 2] = -2*m[:, 0]*m[:, 2]
coeff_mat[:, 0, 3] = -2*m[:, 0]*d
coeff_mat[:, 1, 0] = -2*m[:, 1]*m[:, 0]
coeff_mat[:, 1, 1] = 1-2*m[:, 1]**2
coeff_mat[:, 1, 2] = -2*m[:, 1]*m[:, 2]
coeff_mat[:, 1, 3] = -2*m[:, 1]*d
coeff_mat[:, 2, 0] = -2*m[:, 2]*m[:, 0]
coeff_mat[:, 2, 1] = -2*m[:, 2]*m[:, 1]
coeff_mat[:, 2, 2] = 1-2*m[:, 2]**2
coeff_mat[:, 2, 3] = -2*m[:, 2]*d
return coeff_mat
class LossKeypointsMirror2D(LossRepro):
def __init__(self, keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, cfg) -> None:
super().__init__(bboxes, keypoints2d, cfg)
self.Pall = torch.Tensor(Pall).to(cfg.device)
self.nJoints = keypoints2d.shape[-2]
self.nViews, self.nFrames = self.keypoints2d.shape[0], self.keypoints2d.shape[1]
self.kpt_homo = torch.ones((keypoints2d.shape[0]*keypoints2d.shape[1], keypoints2d.shape[2], 1), device=cfg.device)
self.norm = 'l2'
def residual(self, kpts_est):
# kpts_est: (2xnFrames, nJoints, 3)
kpts_homo = torch.cat([kpts_est[..., :self.nJoints, :], self.kpt_homo], dim=2)
point_cam = torch.einsum('ab,fnb->fna', self.Pall, kpts_homo)
img_points = point_cam[..., :2]/point_cam[..., 2:]
img_points = img_points.view(self.nViews, self.nFrames, self.nJoints, 2)
residual = (img_points - self.keypoints2d) * self.conf
return residual
def __call__(self, kpts_est, **kwargs):
"reprojection error for mirror"
# kpts_est: (2xnFrames, 25, 3)
kpts_homo = torch.cat([kpts_est[..., :self.nJoints, :], self.kpt_homo], dim=2)
point_cam = torch.einsum('ab,fnb->fna', self.Pall, kpts_homo)
img_points = point_cam[..., :2]/point_cam[..., 2:]
img_points = img_points.view(self.nViews, self.nFrames, self.nJoints, 2)
return super().__call__(img_points)/self.nViews/self.nFrames
def __str__(self) -> str:
return 'Loss function for Reprojection error of Mirror'
class LossKeypointsMirror2DDirect(LossKeypointsMirror2D):
def __init__(self, keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, normal=None, cfg=None, mirror=None) -> None:
super().__init__(keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, cfg)
nFrames = 1
if mirror is None:
self.mirror = torch.zeros([nFrames, 4], device=cfg.device)
if normal is not None:
self.mirror[:, :3] = torch.Tensor(normal).to(cfg.device)
# roughly initialize the mirror => n = (0, -1, 0)
self.mirror[:, 2] = 1.
self.mirror[:, 3] = -10.
self.mirror = torch.Tensor(mirror).to(cfg.device)
self.norm = 'l2'
def __call__(self, kpts_est, **kwargs):
"reprojection error for direct mirror ="
# kpts_est: (nFrames, 25, 3)
M = calc_mirror_transform(self.mirror)
if M.shape[0] != kpts_est.shape[0]:
M = M.expand(kpts_est.shape[0], -1, -1)
homo = torch.ones((kpts_est.shape[0], kpts_est.shape[1], 1), device=kpts_est.device)
kpts_homo = torch.cat([kpts_est, homo], dim=2)
kpts_mirror = flipPoint2D(torch.bmm(M, kpts_homo.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2))
# 视频的时候注意拼接的顺序
kpts_new = torch.cat([kpts_est, kpts_mirror])
# 使用镜像进行翻转
return super().__call__(kpts_new)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return 'Loss function for Reprojection error of Mirror '
class LossMirrorSymmetry:
def __init__(self, N_JOINTS=25, normal=None, cfg=None) -> None:
idx0, idx1 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N_JOINTS), np.arange(N_JOINTS))
idx0, idx1 = idx0.reshape(-1), idx1.reshape(-1)
idx_diff = np.where(idx0!=idx1)[0]
self.idx00, self.idx11 = idx0[idx_diff], idx1[idx_diff]
self.idx0 = idx0
self.idx1 = idx1
if normal is not None:
self.normal = torch.Tensor(normal).to(cfg.device)
self.normal = self.normal.expand(-1, N_JOINTS, -1)
self.normal = None
self.device = cfg.device
def parallel_mirror(self, kpts_est, **kwargs):
"encourage parallel to mirror"
# kpts_est: (nFramesxnViews, nJoints, 3)
if self.normal is None:
return torch.tensor(0.).to(self.device)
nFrames = kpts_est.shape[0] // 2
kpts_out = kpts_est[:nFrames, ...]
kpts_in = kpts_est[nFrames:, ...]
kpts_in = flipPoint2D(kpts_in)
direct = kpts_in - kpts_out
direct_norm = direct/torch.norm(direct, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
loss = torch.sum(torch.norm(torch.cross(self.normal, direct_norm), dim=2))
return loss / nFrames / kpts_est.shape[1]
def parallel_self(self, kpts_est, **kwargs):
"encourage parallel to self"
# kpts_est: (nFramesxnViews, nJoints, 3)
nFrames = kpts_est.shape[0] // 2
kpts_out = kpts_est[:nFrames, ...]
kpts_in = kpts_est[nFrames:, ...]
kpts_in = flipPoint2D(kpts_in)
direct = kpts_in - kpts_out
direct_norm = direct/torch.norm(direct, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
loss = torch.sum(torch.norm(
torch.cross(direct_norm[:, self.idx0, :], direct_norm[:, self.idx1, :]), dim=2))/self.idx0.shape[0]
return loss / nFrames
def vertical_self(self, kpts_est, **kwargs):
"encourage vertical to self"
# kpts_est: (nFramesxnViews, nJoints, 3)
nFrames = kpts_est.shape[0] // 2
kpts_out = kpts_est[:nFrames, ...]
kpts_in = kpts_est[nFrames:, ...]
kpts_in = flipPoint2D(kpts_in)
direct = kpts_in - kpts_out
direct_norm = direct/torch.norm(direct, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
mid_point = (kpts_in + kpts_out)/2
inner = torch.abs(torch.sum((mid_point[:, self.idx00, :] - mid_point[:, self.idx11, :])*direct_norm[:, self.idx11, :], dim=2))
loss = torch.sum(inner)/self.idx00.shape[0]
return loss / nFrames
def __str__(self) -> str:
return 'Loss function for Mirror Symmetry'
class MirrorLoss():
def __init__(self, N_JOINTS=25) -> None:
N_JOINTS = min(N_JOINTS, 25)
idx0, idx1 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N_JOINTS), np.arange(N_JOINTS))
idx0, idx1 = idx0.reshape(-1), idx1.reshape(-1)
idx_diff = np.where(idx0!=idx1)[0]
self.idx00, self.idx11 = idx0[idx_diff], idx1[idx_diff]
self.idx0 = idx0
self.idx1 = idx1
def loss(self, lKeypoints, weight_loss):
loss_dict = {}
for key in ['parallel_self', 'parallel_mirror', 'vertical_self']:
if weight_loss[key] > 0.:
loss_dict[key] = 0.
# mirror loss for two person
kpts0 = lKeypoints[0][..., :self.N_JOINTS, :]
kpts1 = flipPoint(lKeypoints[1][..., :self.N_JOINTS, :])
# direct: (N, 25, 3)
direct = kpts1 - kpts0
direct_norm = direct/torch.norm(direct, dim=2, keepdim=True)
if weight_loss['parallel_self'] > 0.:
loss_dict['parallel_self'] += torch.sum(torch.norm(
torch.cross(direct_norm[:, self.idx0, :], direct_norm[:, self.idx1, :]), dim=2))/self.idx0.shape[0]
mid_point = (kpts0 + kpts1)/2
if weight_loss['vertical_self'] > 0:
inner = torch.abs(torch.sum((mid_point[:, self.idx00, :] - mid_point[:, self.idx11, :])*direct_norm[:, self.idx11, :], dim=2))
loss_dict['vertical_self'] += torch.sum(inner)/self.idx00.shape[0]
return loss_dict
def optimizeMirrorDirect(body_model, params, bboxes, keypoints2d, Pall, normal, weight, cfg):
simple function for optimizing mirror
# 先写图片的
body_model (SMPL model)
params (DictParam): poses(2, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(2, 3), Th(2, 3)
bboxes (nFrames, nViews, nJoints, 4): 2D bbox of each view,输入的时候是按照时序叠起来的
keypoints2d (nFrames, nViews, nJoints, 4): 2D keypoints of each view,输入的时候是按照时序叠起来的
weight (Dict): string:float
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
nViews, nFrames = keypoints2d.shape[:2]
assert nViews == 2, 'Please make sure that there exists only 2 views'
# keep the parameters of the real person
for key in ['poses', 'Rh', 'Th']:
# select the parameters of first person
params[key] = params[key][:nFrames]
prepare_funcs = [
get_prepare_smplx(params, cfg, nFrames),
loss_repro = LossKeypointsMirror2DDirect(keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, normal, cfg,
mirror=params.pop('mirror', None))
loss_funcs = {
'k2d': loss_repro,
'init_poses': LossInit(params, cfg).init_poses,
'init_shapes': LossInit(params, cfg).init_shapes,
postprocess_funcs = [
params = _optimizeSMPL(body_model, params, prepare_funcs, postprocess_funcs, loss_funcs,
weight_loss=weight, cfg=cfg)
mirror = loss_repro.mirror.detach().cpu().numpy()
params = flipSMPLParamsV(params, mirror)
params['mirror'] = mirror
return params
def viewSelection(params, body_model, loss_repro, nFrames):
# view selection
params_inp = {key: val.copy() for key, val in params.items()}
params_inp = flipSMPLPosesV(params_inp)
kpts_est = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=True, **params_inp)
residual = loss_repro.residual(kpts_est)
res_i = torch.norm(residual, dim=-1).mean(dim=-1).sum(dim=0)
params_rev = {key: val.copy() for key, val in params.items()}
params_rev = flipSMPLPosesV(params_rev, reverse=True)
kpts_est = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=True, **params_rev)
residual = loss_repro.residual(kpts_est)
res_o = torch.norm(residual, dim=-1).mean(dim=-1).sum(dim=0)
for nf in range(res_i.shape[0]):
if res_i[nf] < res_o[nf]: # 使用外面的
params['poses'][[nFrames+nf]] = flipSMPLPoses(params['poses'][[nf]])
params['poses'][[nf]] = flipSMPLPoses(params['poses'][[nFrames+nf]])
return params
def optimizeMirrorSoft(body_model, params, bboxes, keypoints2d, Pall, normal, weight, cfg):
simple function for optimizing mirror
body_model (SMPL model)
params (DictParam): poses(2, 72), shapes(1, 10), Rh(2, 3), Th(2, 3)
bboxes (nViews, nFrames, 5): 2D bbox of each view,输入的时候是按照时序叠起来的
keypoints2d (nViews, nFrames, nJoints, 3): 2D keypoints of each view,输入的时候是按照时序叠起来的
weight (Dict): string:float
cfg (Config): Config Node controling running mode
nViews, nFrames = keypoints2d.shape[:2]
assert nViews == 2, 'Please make sure that there exists only 2 views'
prepare_funcs = [
flipSMPLPosesV, #
get_prepare_smplx(params, cfg, nFrames*nViews)
loss_sym = LossMirrorSymmetry(normal=normal, cfg=cfg)
loss_repro = LossKeypointsMirror2D(keypoints2d, bboxes, Pall, cfg)
params = viewSelection(params, body_model, loss_repro, nFrames)
init = LossInit(params, cfg)
loss_funcs = {
'k2d': loss_repro.__call__,
'init_poses': init.init_poses,
'init_shapes': init.init_shapes,
'par_self': loss_sym.parallel_self,
'ver_self': loss_sym.vertical_self,
'par_mirror': loss_sym.parallel_mirror,
if nFrames > 1:
loss_funcs['smooth_body'] = LossSmoothBodyMulti([0, nFrames, nFrames*2], cfg)
loss_funcs['smooth_poses'] = LossSmoothPosesMulti([0, nFrames, nFrames*2], cfg)
postprocess_funcs = [
params = _optimizeSMPL(body_model, params, prepare_funcs, postprocess_funcs, loss_funcs, weight_loss=weight, cfg=cfg)
return params |