157 lines
7.1 KiB
157 lines
7.1 KiB
from operator import imod
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from os.path import join
from easymocap.dataset.mv1pmf_mirror import ImageFolderMirror as ImageFolder
from easymocap.mytools import Timer
from easymocap.smplmodel import load_model, merge_params, select_nf
from easymocap.estimator import SPIN, init_with_spin
from easymocap.pipeline.mirror import multi_stage_optimize
def demo_1v1p1f_smpl_mirror(path, body_model, spin_model, args):
"Optimization for single image"
# 0. construct the dataset
dataset = ImageFolder(path, out=args.out, kpts_type=args.body)
if args.gtK:
dataset.gtK = True
start, end = args.start, min(args.end, len(dataset))
for nf in tqdm(range(start, end, args.step), desc='Optimizing'):
image, annots = dataset[nf]
if len(annots) < 2:
annots = annots[:2]
camera = dataset.camera(nf)
# initialize the SMPL parameters
body_params_all = []
bboxes, keypoints2d, pids = [], [], []
for i, annot in enumerate(annots):
assert annot['id'] == i, (i, annot['id'])
result = init_with_spin(body_model, spin_model, image,
annot['bbox'], annot['keypoints'], camera)
bboxes = np.vstack(bboxes)
keypoints2d = np.stack(keypoints2d)
body_params = merge_params(body_params_all)
# bboxes: (nViews(2), 1, 5); keypoints2d: (nViews(2), 1, nJoints, 3)
bboxes = bboxes[:, None]
keypoints2d = keypoints2d[:, None]
if args.normal:
normal = dataset.normal(nf)[None, :, :]
normal = None
body_params = multi_stage_optimize(body_model, body_params, bboxes, keypoints2d, Pall=camera['P'], normal=normal, args=args)
vertices = body_model(return_verts=True, return_tensor=False, **body_params)
keypoints = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=False, **body_params)
write_data = [{'id': pids[i], 'keypoints3d': keypoints[i]} for i in range(len(pids))]
# write out the results
dataset.write_keypoints3d(write_data, nf)
for i in range(len(pids)):
write_data[i].update(select_nf(body_params, i))
if args.vis_smpl:
# render the results
render_data = {pids[i]: {
'vertices': vertices[i],
'faces': body_model.faces,
'vid': 0, 'name': 'human_{}'.format(pids[i])} for i in range(len(pids))}
dataset.vis_smpl(render_data, image, camera, nf)
dataset.write_smpl(write_data, nf)
def demo_1v1pmf_smpl_mirror(path, body_model, spin_model, args):
subs = args.sub
assert len(subs) > 0
# 遍历所有文件夹
for sub in subs:
dataset = ImageFolder(path, subs=[sub], out=args.out, kpts_type=args.body)
start, end = args.start, min(args.end, len(dataset))
frames = list(range(start, end, args.step))
nFrames = len(frames)
pids = [0, 1]
body_params_all = {pid:[None for nf in frames] for pid in pids}
bboxes = {pid:[None for nf in frames] for pid in pids}
keypoints2d = {pid:[None for nf in frames] for pid in pids}
for nf in tqdm(frames, desc='loading'):
image, annots = dataset[nf]
# 这个时候如果annots不够 不能够跳过了,需要进行补全
camera = dataset.camera(nf)
# 初始化每个人的SMPL参数
for i, annot in enumerate(annots):
pid = annot['id']
if pid not in pids:
result = init_with_spin(body_model, spin_model, image,
annot['bbox'], annot['keypoints'], camera)
body_params_all[pid][nf-start] = result['body_params']
bboxes[pid][nf-start] = annot['bbox']
keypoints2d[pid][nf-start] = annot['keypoints']
# stack [p1f1, p1f2, p1f3, ..., p1fn, p2f1, p2f2, p2f3, ..., p2fn]
# TODO:for missing bbox
body_params = merge_params([merge_params(body_params_all[pid]) for pid in pids])
# bboxes: (nViews, nFrames, 5)
bboxes = np.stack([np.stack(bboxes[pid]) for pid in pids])
# keypoints: (nViews, nFrames, nJoints, 3)
keypoints2d = np.stack([np.stack(keypoints2d[pid]) for pid in pids])
# optimize
P = dataset.camera(start)['P']
if args.normal:
normal = dataset.normal_all(start=start, end=end)
normal = None
body_params = multi_stage_optimize(body_model, body_params, bboxes, keypoints2d, Pall=P, normal=normal, args=args)
# write
vertices = body_model(return_verts=True, return_tensor=False, **body_params)
keypoints = body_model(return_verts=False, return_tensor=False, **body_params)
dataset.no_img = not args.vis_smpl
for nf in tqdm(frames, desc='rendering'):
idx = nf - start
write_data = [{'id': pids[i], 'keypoints3d': keypoints[i*nFrames+idx]} for i in range(len(pids))]
dataset.write_keypoints3d(write_data, nf)
for i in range(len(pids)):
write_data[i].update(select_nf(body_params, i*nFrames+idx))
dataset.write_smpl(write_data, nf)
# 保存结果
if args.vis_smpl:
image, annots = dataset[nf]
camera = dataset.camera(nf)
render_data = {pids[i]: {
'vertices': vertices[i*nFrames+idx],
'faces': body_model.faces,
'vid': 0, 'name': 'human_{}'.format(pids[i])} for i in range(len(pids))}
dataset.vis_smpl(render_data, image, camera, nf)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from easymocap.mytools import load_parser, parse_parser
parser = load_parser()
parser.add_argument('--skel', type=str, default=None,
help='path to keypoints3d')
parser.add_argument('--direct', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--video', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--gtK', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--normal', action='store_true',
help='set to use the normal of the mirror')
args = parse_parser(parser)
helps = '''
Demo code for single view and one person with mirror:
- Input : {}: [{}]
- Output: {}
- Body : {} => {}, {}
'''.format(args.path, ', '.join(args.sub), args.out,
args.model, args.gender, args.body)
with Timer('Loading {}, {}'.format(args.model, args.gender)):
body_model = load_model(args.gender, model_type=args.model)
with Timer('Loading SPIN'):
spin_model = SPIN(
if args.video:
demo_1v1pmf_smpl_mirror(args.path, body_model, spin_model, args)
demo_1v1p1f_smpl_mirror(args.path, body_model, spin_model, args) |