2022-08-21 16:11:59 +08:00

1136 lines
48 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# This file provides the base class for dataset
from os.path import join
import os
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
from easymocap.dataset.config import coco17tobody25
from ..mytools.vis_base import merge, plot_keypoints_auto, plot_keypoints_total
from ..mytools.camera_utils import Undistort, unproj, read_cameras
from ..mytools.file_utils import read_json, write_keypoints3d, save_json
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..estimator.wrapper_base import bbox_from_keypoints
from ..annotator.file_utils import save_annot
from ..mytools.debug_utils import log_time, myerror, mywarn, log
import time
smooth_bbox_cache = {}
def smooth_bbox(bbox, name, W=5):
if name not in smooth_bbox_cache.keys():
smooth_bbox_cache[name] = [bbox] * W
bbox_ = np.stack(smooth_bbox_cache[name][-W:] + [bbox])
bbox_mean = np.sum(bbox_[:, :4] * bbox_[:, 4:], axis=0)/(1e-5 + np.sum(bbox_[:, 4:], axis=0))
vel_mean = (bbox_[1:, :4] - bbox_[:-1, :4]).mean()
bbox_pred = bbox_mean[:4] + vel_mean * (W-1)//2
conf_mean = bbox_[:, 4].mean()
bbox_ = list(bbox_pred[:4]) + [conf_mean]
return bbox_
def get_allname(root0, subs, ranges, root, ext, **kwargs):
image_names = []
count = 0
for sub in subs:
imgnames = sorted(glob(join(root0, root, sub, '*'+ext)))
if len(imgnames) == 0:
myerror('No image found in {}'.format(join(root0, root, sub)))
if ranges[1] == -1:
_ranges = [ranges[0], len(imgnames), ranges[-1]]
_ranges = ranges
nv = subs.index(sub)
for nnf, nf in enumerate(range(*_ranges)):
'sub': sub,
'index': count,
'frame': int(os.path.basename(imgnames[nf]).split('.')[0]),
'nv': subs.index(sub),
'nf': nnf,
'imgname': imgnames[nf],
count += 1
return image_names
def crop_image(img, bbox, crop_square=True):
l, t, r, b, c = bbox
if c <0.001: # consider the failed bbox
l, t = 0, 0
r, b = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
if crop_square:
if b - t > r - l:
diff = (b - t) - (r - l)
l -= diff//2
r += diff//2
diff = (r - l) - (b - t)
t -= diff//2
b += diff//2
l = max(0, int(l+0.5))
t = max(0, int(t+0.5))
r = min(img.shape[1], int(r+0.5))
b = min(img.shape[0], int(b+0.5))
crop_img = img[t:b, l:r, :]
if crop_square:
# 先padding黑边
if crop_img.shape[0] < crop_img.shape[1] - 1:
length = crop_img.shape[1] - crop_img.shape[0]
padding0 = np.zeros((length//2, crop_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
padding1 = np.zeros((length - length//2, crop_img.shape[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
crop_img = np.concatenate([padding0, crop_img, padding1], axis=0)
elif crop_img.shape[0] > crop_img.shape[1] + 1:
length = crop_img.shape[0] - crop_img.shape[1]
padding0 = np.zeros((crop_img.shape[0], length//2, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
padding1 = np.zeros((crop_img.shape[0], length - length//2, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
crop_img = np.concatenate([padding0, crop_img, padding1], axis=1)
crop_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (256, 256))
return crop_img
logo = cv2.imread(join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'logo.png'), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
def add_logo(img, logo_size=0.1):
H, W = img.shape[:2]
scale = H*logo_size / logo.shape[0]
logo_ = cv2.resize(logo, (int(logo.shape[1]*scale), int(logo.shape[0]*scale)), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
local = img[:logo_.shape[0], :logo_.shape[1], :]
mask = logo_[..., 3:]/255.
local = 1.*logo_[..., :3]*mask + local*(1.-mask)
local = local.astype(np.uint8)
img[:logo_.shape[0], :logo_.shape[1], :] = local
return img
class BaseData:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.cache_shape = {}
def annots_to_numpy(annots, filter):
filters = []
height, width = annots['height'], annots['width']
for data in annots['annots']:
for key, val in data.items():
if isinstance(val, list) and len(val) == 0:
raise NotImplementedError
if isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(val[0], list):
data[key] = np.array(val, dtype=np.float32)
if 'bound' in filter.keys():
thres = filter['bound']
kpts = data['keypoints']
valid = (kpts[:, 0] > thres * width) & (kpts[:, 0] < (1-thres)*width) & (kpts[:, 1] > thres * height) & (kpts[:, 1] < (1-thres)*height)
kpts[~valid] = 0
if 'min_conf' in filter.keys():
conf = data['keypoints'][:, -1]
data['keypoints'][conf<filter['min_conf']] = 0
if 'min_joint' in filter.keys():
valid = data['keypoints'][:, -1] > 0
if valid.sum() < filter['min_joint']:
if 'coco17tobody25' in filter.keys() and 'keypoints' in data.keys() and data['keypoints'].shape[0] == 17:
data['keypoints'] = coco17tobody25(data['keypoints'])
annots['annots'] = filters
return annots
def read_image_with_scale(imgname, scale=1):
assert os.path.exists(imgname), '{} not exists'.format(imgname)
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
if scale != 1:
img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
return img
# TODO: 多视角多人的拆分成单独的数据
def collect_data(self, data_all):
keys = list(set(sum([list(d.keys()) for d in data_all], [])))
if len(keys) < len(list(self.cache_shape.keys())):
mywarn('Not enough key, {}'.format(data_all[0]['imgname']))
keys = list(set(keys + list(self.cache_shape.keys())))
ret = {}
for key in keys:
ret[key] = []
for d in data_all:
if key not in d:
mywarn('Not enough key {}: {}'.format(d['imgname'], key))
if self.loadmp:
if key not in self.cache_shape.keys():
if key.endswith('_distort') or key.endswith('_unproj'):
self.cache_shape[key] = self.cache_shape[key.replace('_distort', '').replace('_unproj', '')]
mywarn('{} not in {}'.format(key, self.cache_shape.keys()))
ret[key].append(np.zeros((0, *self.cache_shape[key].shape[1:])))
# 单人的情况读入一个全是0的
if key not in self.cache_shape.keys():
if key in ['dist', 'K', 'RT', 'Tc', 'Rc', 'annname', 'imgname', 'KRT', 'pid', 'annots']:
self.cache_shape[key] = np.zeros_like(ret[key][0][0])
log('[Info] Load {} with shape {}'.format(key, self.cache_shape[key].shape))
if self.loadmp: # TODO: compose datasets in multi view
for key in ['K', 'RT', 'Rc', 'Tc', 'KRT']:
if key not in ret.keys(): continue
ret[key] = np.stack(ret[key], axis=0)
return ret
for key in keys:
if isinstance(ret[key][0], np.ndarray):
ret[key] = np.stack(ret[key])
if key not in self.cache_shape.keys():
self.cache_shape[key] = np.zeros_like(ret[key][0])
log('[Info] Load {} with shape {}'.format(key, self.cache_shape[key].shape))
return ret
def write_image(outname, img):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(outname, add_logo(img))
def write_params(outname, params, camera=None):
out = ['{']
if camera is not None:
for val in str(camera).split('\n'):
out.append(' '*4+val)
out[-1] += ','
out.append(' "annots": [')
for i, human in enumerate(params):
out.append(' '*8+'{')
for val in str(human).split('\n'):
out.append(' '*12+val)
out.append(' '*8+'}')
if i != len(params) - 1:
out[-1] += ','
out.append(' ]')
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outname), exist_ok=True)
print('\n'.join(out), file=open(outname, 'w'))
class Base(BaseData):
def __init__(self, path, subs, ranges,
reader, writer, subs_vis,
out=None) -> None:
self.root = path
self.image_args = reader.image
self.annot_args = reader.annot
self.subs = self.check_subs(path, subs)
self.subs_vis = subs_vis if len(subs_vis) > 0 else self.subs
self.ranges = self.check_ranges(path, ranges)
self.image_names = get_allname(self.root, self.subs, self.ranges, **reader.image)
if len(self.image_names) == 0 and reader.image.ext == 'jpg':
mywarn('Try to find png images')
reader.image.ext = 'png'
self.image_names = get_allname(self.root, self.subs, self.ranges, **reader.image)
self.reader = reader
self.writer = writer
if camera != 'none' and os.path.exists(camera):
cameras = read_cameras(camera)
cameras = None
self.cameras = cameras
self.distortMap = {}
self.out = out
self.cache_shape = {}
self.filter = filter
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '''dataset {} has {} items
- in {}\n - views: {}\n - ranges: {}'''.format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self), self.root, self.subs, self.ranges)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.image_names)
def check_subs(self, path, subs):
if len(subs) == 0:
subs = sorted(os.listdir(join(path, self.image_args['root'])))
log('[Info] Load {} folders: {}...'.format(len(subs), ' '.join(subs[:4])))
return subs
def check_ranges(self, path, ranges):
log('[Info] Load {} frames'.format(ranges))
return ranges
def get_view(self, index):
data = self.image_names[index]
return data['nv'], data['sub']
def get_frame(self, index):
data = self.image_names[index]
return data['nf'], data['frame']
def get_anyname(self, root, sub, frame, ext):
name = join(self.root, root, sub, '{:06d}.{}'.format(frame, ext))
# assert os.path.exists(name), name
return name
def get_imgname(self, sub, frame):
return self.get_anyname(self.image_args['root'], sub, frame, self.image_args['ext'])
def get_annname(self, sub, frame):
return self.get_anyname(self.annot_args['root'], sub, frame, self.annot_args['ext'])
def add_dimension(self, data):
for key, val in data.items():
if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
data[key] = np.expand_dims(val, axis=0)
return data
def show(self, vis):
cv2.imshow('vis', vis)
def __getitem__(self, index):
# just return data in one image
# Note: nv, nf represent the index of view andn frame
# not the actual view and frame
nv, sub = self.get_view(index)
nf, frame = self.get_frame(index)
imgname = self.get_imgname(sub, frame)
annname = self.get_annname(sub, frame)
if not os.path.exists(annname) and not self.annot_args.read:
annname = annname
annots = {}
annots = read_json(annname)
annots = self.annots_to_numpy(annots, self.filter)
ret = {
'imgname': imgname,
'annname': annname,
'annots': annots
if self.image_args.read_image:
ret['img'] = cv2.imread(ret['imgname'])
if self.cameras is not None:
ret['K'] = self.cameras[sub]['K'].astype(np.float32)
ret['dist'] = self.cameras[sub]['dist'].astype(np.float32)
ret['Rc'] = self.cameras[sub]['R'].astype(np.float32)
ret['Tc'] = self.cameras[sub]['T'].astype(np.float32)
ret['RT'] = np.hstack([ret['Rc'], ret['Tc']])
ret['KRT'] = ret['K'] @ ret['RT']
return ret
def vis_body(self, body_model, params, img, camera, scale=1, mode='image'):
vis = img.copy()
K = camera.K.copy()
if scale != 1:
vis = cv2.resize(vis, None, fx=scale, fy=scale)
K[:2, :] *= scale
meshes = {}
from ..visualize.pyrender_wrapper import plot_meshes
for param in params:
vertices = body_model.vertices(param, return_tensor=False)[0]
meshes[param.id+1] = {
'vertices': vertices,
'faces': body_model.faces,
'id': param.id,
'name': 'human_{}'.format(param.id)
ret = plot_meshes(vis, meshes, K, camera.R, camera.T, mode=mode)
return ret
def reshape_data(self, infos):
return infos
def read_image(self, imgname):
assert os.path.exists(imgname), "image {} not exists".format(imgname)
sub = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(imgname))
img = cv2.imread(imgname)
if self.cameras is None:
return img
K, D = self.cameras[sub]['K'], self.cameras[sub]['dist']
if np.linalg.norm(D) < 1e-3:
return img
if sub not in self.distortMap.keys():
h, w = img.shape[:2]
mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, None, K, (w,h), 5)
self.distortMap[sub] = (mapx, mapy)
mapx, mapy = self.distortMap[sub]
img = cv2.remap(img, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
return img
def write(self, body_model, body_params, data, cameras):
annnames = data['annname']
if len(annnames) > 1:
annnames = tqdm(annnames, desc='writing')
for index, annname in enumerate(annnames):
# get output name
splitname = annname.split(os.sep)
splitname = splitname[splitname.index(self.annot_args.root)+1:]
splitname[-1] = splitname[-1].replace('.json', '')
camera = cameras[index]
imgname = data['imgname'][index]
params = body_params[index]
if params.poses.shape[0] == 1:
params = [params]
params[0]['id'] = 0
params = params.to_multiperson(self.pids)
if 'render' in self.writer.keys():
img = self.read_image(imgname)
vis_mesh = self.vis_body(body_model, params, img, camera, scale=self.writer.render.scale, mode=self.writer.render.mode)
meshname = join(self.out, self.writer['render']['root'], *splitname) + self.writer['render']['ext']
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(meshname), exist_ok=True)
self.write_image(meshname, vis_mesh)
# write json
outname = join(self.out, 'smpl', *splitname) +'.json'
self.write_params(outname, params, camera)
# write full pose
fullname = join(self.out, 'smplfull', *splitname) +'.json'
for i, _param in enumerate(params):
_param['poses'] = body_model.export_full_poses(**_param)
self.write_params(fullname, params, camera)
class ImageFolder(Base):
def __init__(self, keys, pid=0, loadmp=False, compose_mp=False, **kwargs):
self.keys = keys
self.loadmp = loadmp
self.compose_mp = compose_mp
self.pid = pid
self.read_flag = {k:True for k in keys.keys()}
self.bboxmap = {'keypoints2d': 'bbox', 'keypoints': 'bbox',
'handl2d': 'bbox_handl2d', 'handr2d': 'bbox_handr2d', 'face2d': 'bbox_face2d'}
def __getitem__(self, index, K=None, dist=None):
data = super().__getitem__(index)
if 'K' in data.keys():
K, dist = data['K'], data['dist']
if K is not None:
invK = np.linalg.inv(K)
for key, keyname in self.keys.items():
if not self.read_flag[key]: continue
if len(data['annots']['annots']) < 1:
mywarn("no annotations in {}".format(data['imgname']))
if index == 0 and len(data['annots']['annots']) >= 1 and keyname not in data['annots']['annots'][0].keys():
# self.read_flag[key] = False
mywarn("[data] Disable loading {}".format(key))
# continue
if self.loadmp:
for i, data_ in enumerate(data['annots']['annots']):
if keyname not in data_.keys():
if key not in self.cache_shape.keys():
cache_shape = {
'handl2d': np.zeros((21, 3)),
'handr2d': np.zeros((21, 3)),
'face2d': np.zeros((21, 3))
mywarn("no {} in {}".format(keyname, data['imgname']))
data_[key] = cache_shape[key].copy()
data_[key] = self.cache_shape[key].copy()
data_[key] = data_[keyname]
if isinstance(data_[key], np.ndarray):
self.cache_shape[key] = np.zeros_like(data_[key])
data_[key+'_distort'] = data_[key].copy()
if K is not None:
data_[key] = Undistort.points(data_[key], K, dist)
data_[key+'_unproj'] = unproj(data_[key], invK)
if len(data['annots']['annots']) > 0:
annots = [d for d in data['annots']['annots'] if d['personID']==self.pid]
if len(annots) == 0:
data[key] = self.cache_shape[key].copy()
elif keyname not in annots[0].keys():
mywarn("no {} in {}".format(keyname, data['imgname']))
if key not in self.cache_shape.keys():
mywarn("no {} in cache_shape".format(key))
cache_shape = {
'handl2d': np.zeros((21, 3)),
'handr2d': np.zeros((21, 3)),
'face2d': np.zeros((21, 3))
data[key] = cache_shape[key].copy()
data[key] = self.cache_shape[key].copy()
data[key] = annots[0][keyname]
data[key+'_distort'] = data[key].copy()
if K is not None:
data[key] = Undistort.points(data[key], K, dist)
data[key+'_unproj'] = unproj(data[key], invK)
for _key in [key, key+'_distort', key+'_unproj']:
self.cache_shape[_key] = np.zeros_like(data[_key])
if self.loadmp:
data['annots'] = data['annots']['annots']
# compose the data
data['pid'] = [d['personID'] for d in data['annots']]
for key, keyname in self.keys.items():
if not self.read_flag[key]: continue
if len(data['annots']) == 0: continue
data[key] = np.stack([d[key] for d in data['annots']])
if len(data['annots']) > 0 and key+'_unproj' in data['annots'][0].keys():
data[key+'_unproj'] = np.stack([d[key+'_unproj'] for d in data['annots']])
data[key+'_distort'] = np.stack([d[key+'_distort'] for d in data['annots']])
return data
def vis_data(self, data, img=None):
if img is None:
img = self.read_image(data['imgname'])
from easymocap.mytools.vis_base import plot_keypoints_auto
plot_keypoints_auto(img, data['keypoints2d'], pid=0)
return img
class MultiVideo(ImageFolder):
def __init__(self, pids=[0], **kwargs):
if 'camera' in kwargs['reader'].keys():
kwargs['camera'] = 'none'
# get image names for each video
self.image_dict = {}
self.pids = pids
for sub in self.subs:
self.image_dict[sub] = [d for d in self.image_names if d['sub']==sub]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.subs)
def __getitem__(self, index):
# collect the data for each video
data_all = []
sub = self.subs[index]
camera_for_each_image = False
if 'camera' in self.reader.keys():
camera_for_each_image = True
cameras = read_cameras(join(self.root, self.reader['camera'], sub))
for info in tqdm(self.image_dict[sub], 'Loading {}'.format(sub)):
basename = os.path.basename(info['imgname']).split('.')[0]
if camera_for_each_image:
K, dist = cameras[basename]['K'], cameras[basename]['dist']
data = super().__getitem__(info['index'], K=K, dist=dist)
for oldkey, newkey in [('K', 'K'), ('dist', 'dist'), ('R', 'Rc'), ('T', 'Tc')]:
data[newkey] = cameras[basename][oldkey].astype(np.float32)
data = super().__getitem__(info['index'])
# load camera for each sub
ret = self.collect_data(data_all)
if self.loadmp and self.compose_mp: # 针对镜子的情况需要load多人的数据
for key in ['keypoints2d', 'keypoints2d_distort', 'keypoints2d_unproj']:
ret[key] = np.stack(ret[key])
ret['pid'] = self.pids
return ret
def reshape_data(self, infos):
for key in ['imgname', 'annname']:
infos[key] = [d[0] for d in infos[key]]
for key, val in infos.items():
if 'torch' in str(type(val)):
infos[key] = val[0]
infos['nFrames'] = infos['keypoints2d'].shape[0]
return infos
class MultiView(ImageFolder):
def __init__(self, pids=[], *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs['camera'] == 'none':
kwargs['camera'] = kwargs['path']
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.frames = list(range(*self.ranges))
self.pids = pids
if 'keypoints3d' in self.reader.keys():
k3ddir = join(self.root, self.reader.keypoints3d.root)
if not os.path.exists(k3ddir):
self.reader.keypoints3d.read = False
self.cache_3dshape = {}
# from ..mytools.camera_utils import get_fundamental_matrix
# F = get_fundamental_matrix(self.cameras, self.subs)
def check_ranges(self, path, ranges):
if ranges[1] == -1:
subs = self.subs
maxlength = 999999
for sub in subs:
length = len(os.listdir(join(path, self.image_args['root'], sub)))
if self.annot_args['check_length']:
length_ = len(os.listdir(join(path, self.annot_args['root'], sub)))
length = min(length, length_)
if length < maxlength:
maxlength = length
ranges = [ranges[0], maxlength, ranges[-1]]
return ranges
def collect_data(self, data_all):
ret = super().collect_data(data_all)
pids = self.pids
if self.loadmp and self.compose_mp:
nViews = ret['K'].shape[0]
ret_compose = {'pid': pids}
for key, zero_shape in self.cache_shape.items():
# for fix in ['', '_unproj', '_distort']:
if True:
fix = ''
# output shape: (nPerson, nViews, nJoints, 3)
val = np.zeros((nViews, len(pids), *zero_shape.shape), dtype=np.float32)
for nv in range(nViews):
pids_now = ret['pid']
if isinstance(pids_now, list):
pids_now = ret['pid'][nv]
for npid, pid, in enumerate(pids_now):
if pid not in pids:continue
val[nv][pids.index(pid)] = ret[key+fix][nv][npid]
ret_compose[key+fix] = val
return ret
def padding_keypoints3d(self, k3ds):
ret = {}
for key in self.reader.keypoints3d.key:
if key not in k3ds.keys() and key in self.cache_3dshape.keys():
ret[key] = self.cache_3dshape[key].copy()
elif key not in k3ds.keys():
ret[key] = np.array(k3ds[key], dtype=np.float32)
if key not in self.cache_3dshape.keys():
self.cache_3dshape[key] = np.zeros_like(ret[key])
return ret
def reshape_data(self, infos):
infos['nFrames'] = infos['K'].shape[0]
if self.compose_mp:
infos['nPerson'] = len(self.pids)
log('[Info] Load person {}'.format(self.pids))
return super().reshape_data(infos)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.frames)
def __getitem__(self, index):
data_all = []
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
idx = nv * len(self.frames) + index
data = super().__getitem__(idx)
ret = self.collect_data(data_all)
if 'keypoints3d' in self.reader.keys() and self.reader.keypoints3d.read:
k3ddir = join(self.root, self.reader.keypoints3d.root)
if os.path.exists(k3ddir):
basename = os.path.basename(data_all[0]['annname'])
k3ds = read_json(join(k3ddir, basename))
if self.loadmp:
if len(self.pids) == 0:
myerror('You do not input pids in the multi-person mode!')
raise NotImplementedError
k3ds = {k['id']:k for k in k3ds}
k3ds = [self.padding_keypoints3d(k3ds[pid]) for pid in self.pids]
for key in self.reader.keypoints3d.key:
if key not in k3ds[0].keys():continue
ret[key] = np.stack([k[key] for k in k3ds], axis=0)
k3ds = k3ds[0]
# for key, val in ret.items():
# try:
# print(key, val.shape)
# except:
# pass
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
return ret
def project(self, res3ds, data):
reproj_allviews = []
nViews = data['K'].shape[0]
for nv in range(nViews):
K, dist = data['K'][nv], data['dist'][nv]
R, T = data['Rc'][nv], data['Tc'][nv]
Rvec = cv2.Rodrigues(R)[0]
annots = []
for i3d, res3d in enumerate(res3ds):
res2d = {'personID': res3d['id']}
for key in ['keypoints3d', 'handl3d', 'handr3d', 'face3d']:
if key not in res3d.keys():continue
k3d = res3d[key]
k3d0 = np.ascontiguousarray(k3d[:, :3])
points2d_repro, _ = cv2.projectPoints(
k3d0, Rvec, T, K, dist)
k2d = np.hstack([points2d_repro[:, 0], k3d[:, -1:]])
bbox = bbox_from_keypoints(k2d)
k = key.replace('3d', '2d').replace('keypoints2d', 'keypoints')
res2d[self.bboxmap[k]] = bbox
res2d[k] = k2d
return reproj_allviews
def write_keypoints3d(self, results, data):
basename = os.path.basename(data['annname'][0])
write_ = {'id': 0}
write_ = [write_]
outname = join(self.out, self.writer.keypoints3d.root, basename)
write_keypoints3d(outname, write_, keys=['keypoints3d',
'handl3d', 'handr3d', 'face3d'])
def write_all(self, results, data):
images = {}
results_all = []
for res_ in results:
res3d = {'id': res_['id']}
for key in ['keypoints3d', 'handl3d', 'handr3d', 'face3d']:
if key in res_.keys():
res3d[key] = res_[key]
annnames = data['annname']
if 'keypoints2d' in data.keys():
data['keypoints'] = data['keypoints2d'] # for compatibility
basename = os.path.basename(annnames[0])
outname = join(self.out, self.writer.keypoints3d.root, basename)
write_keypoints3d(outname, results_all, keys=['keypoints3d',
'handl3d', 'handr3d', 'face3d'])
# make compatible for old name
annots_origin, annots_match = [], []
for nv, annname in enumerate(annnames):
annots_ori = read_json(annname)
res2d_all = []
for res_ in results:
if 'keypoints2d' in res_.keys():
res_['keypoints'] = res_['keypoints2d']
res2d = {'personID': res_['id']}
for key in ['keypoints', 'handl2d', 'handr2d', 'face2d']:
if key not in data.keys() or key not in res_.keys():continue
if len(res_[key][nv]) == 1:
# only have 1 points
# caclulate the bbox from size
k3d = res_['keypoints3d'].copy()
k3d[:, -1] = 1.
k3drt = data['RT'][nv] @ k3d.T
k2d = data['K'][nv] @ k3drt
k2d /= k2d[2,0]
radius = 0.5 # 0.1meter
scale = data['K'][nv][0,0] * radius/k3drt[2, 0]
res2d[self.bboxmap[key]] = [k2d[0,0]-scale, k2d[1,0]-scale, k2d[0,0]+scale, k2d[1,0]+scale, 1.]
res2d[self.bboxmap[key]] = bbox_from_keypoints(res_[key][nv])
res2d[key] = res_[key][nv]
annots_ori['annots'] = res2d_all
outname = join(self.out, self.writer.keypoints2d.root, os.sep.join(annname.split(os.sep)[-2:]))
save_annot(outname, annots_ori)
reproj_allviews = self.project(results_all, data)
images_cache = {}
for key, params in self.writer.items():
if key == 'keypoints3d':
elif key == 'vismatch':
if not params['enable'] and not self.writer.visrepro['enable']:
if params.crop:
params.scale = 1
visall = []
for sub in self.subs_vis:
nv = self.subs.index(sub)
imgname = data['imgname'][nv]
if imgname not in images_cache.keys():
images_cache[imgname] = self.read_image_with_scale(imgname, params.scale)
img = images_cache[imgname].copy()
if self.writer.vismatch.enable:
vis = plot_keypoints_total(img, annots_match[nv]['annots'], params.scale)
if self.writer.visrepro.enable:
vis = plot_keypoints_total(img, reproj_allviews[nv], params.scale)
# if params.crop and len(annots_match[nv]['annots']) == 1:
if params.crop and 'bbox' in reproj_allviews[nv][0]:
bbox = reproj_allviews[nv][0]['bbox']
bbox = smooth_bbox(bbox, name='{}_{}_body'.format(key, nv))
vis = crop_image(vis, bbox)
# elif params.crop and len(annots_match[nv]['annots']) > 1:
# bbox = smooth_bbox(annots_match[nv]['annots'][0]['bbox'], name='{}_{}_body'.format(key, nv))
# vis = crop_image(vis, bbox)
visall = merge(visall, resize=False)
elif key == 'visdetect':
if not params['enable']:
if params.crop:
params.scale = 1
visall = []
for sub in self.subs_vis:
nv = self.subs.index(sub)
imgname = data['imgname'][nv]
if imgname not in images_cache.keys():
images_cache[imgname] = self.read_image_with_scale(imgname, params.scale)
img = images_cache[imgname].copy()
vis = plot_keypoints_total(img, annots_origin[nv]['annots'], params.scale)
if params.crop and 'bbox' in annots_match[nv]['annots'][0].keys():
bbox = smooth_bbox(annots_match[nv]['annots'][0]['bbox'], name='{}_{}_body'.format(key, nv))
vis = crop_image(vis, bbox)
visall = merge(visall, resize=False)
elif key == 'visrepro':
outname = join(self.out, params.root, os.path.basename(data['imgname'][0]))
self.write_image(outname, visall)
def vis_data(self, data):
from easymocap.mytools.vis_base import merge
imgnames = data['imgname']
out = []
for nv, imgname in enumerate(imgnames):
img = self.read_image(imgname)
vis = super().vis_data({'keypoints2d': data['keypoints2d'][nv]}, img)
for key in ['handl3d', 'handr3d']:
vis2 = img.copy()
if key in data.keys():
k3d = data[key]
k2d_proj = k3d @ data['KRT'][nv].T
k2d_proj = k2d_proj[:, :2] / k2d_proj[:, 2:]
k2d = np.hstack([k2d_proj, k3d[:, 3:]])
plot_keypoints_auto(vis2, k2d, pid=0)
# vis = np.hstack([vis, vis2])
vis = cv2.addWeighted(vis, 0.5, vis2, 0.5, 0)
out = merge(out, resize=True)
return out
def write_offset(self, offset):
output = {}
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
output[sub] = float(offset[nv])
if os.path.exists(join(self.root, 'offset.json')):
gt = read_json(join(self.root, 'offset.json'))
sub0 = self.subs[0]
output = {sub:output[sub] - output[sub0] for sub in self.subs}
gt = {sub:gt[sub] - gt[sub0] for sub in self.subs}
mean_gt = sum([abs(gt[sub]) for sub in self.subs])/len(self.subs)
mean_err = sum([abs(gt[sub] - output[sub]) for sub in self.subs])/len(self.subs)
output['error'] = [mean_gt, mean_err]
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
print('{:s}: est = {:5.2f}, gt = {:5.2f}'.format(sub, output[sub], gt[sub]))
save_json(join(self.out, 'time_offset.json'), output)
def write(self, body_model, body_params, data, cameras):
nFrames = body_params['poses'].shape[0]
if nFrames > 10:
iterator = tqdm(range(nFrames), desc='writing')
iterator = range(nFrames)
for index in iterator:
annname0 = data['annname'][0][index]
basename = os.path.basename(annname0).replace('.json', '')
outname = join(self.out, 'smpl', basename) +'.json'
params = body_params[index]
# 单个视角 + 单个人
# 多个视角 + 单个人
# 单个视角 + 多个人
# 多个视角 + 多个人
if self.loadmp:
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
if len(params.poses.shape) == 3: # with different views
param_v = params[nv]
param_v = params
outname = join(self.out, 'smpl', sub, basename+'.json')
_params = param_v.to_multiperson(self.pids)
self.write_params(outname, _params)
fullname = join(self.out, self.writer.fullpose.root, sub, basename+'.json')
for i, _param in enumerate(_params):
_param['poses'] = body_model.export_full_poses(**_param)
self.write_params(fullname, _param)
if params.poses.shape[0] == 1:
# if the model is 'manolr', the shape is (2, ndim)
self.write_params(outname, [params])
# write full poses
outname = join(self.out, self.writer.fullpose.root, basename) +'.json'
params['poses'] = body_model.export_full_poses(**params)
self.write_params(outname, [params])
else: # 单人的;每个视角都不相同的情况
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
param_v = params[nv]
outname = join(self.out, 'smpl', sub, basename+'.json')
self.write_params(outname, [param_v])
fullname = join(self.out, self.writer.fullpose.root, sub, basename+'.json')
param_v['poses'] = body_model.export_full_poses(**param_v)
self.write_params(fullname, [param_v])
# 可视化
if not self.writer.render.enable:
vis = []
subs_all = self.subs
if 'subs' in self.writer.render.keys():
_subs = self.writer.render.subs
subs = [s for s in _subs if s in self.subs]
if len(subs) == 0:
subs = self.subs
subs = subs[::len(subs)//len(_subs)]
subs = self.subs_vis
if len(subs) > 100:
subs = subs[::len(subs)//25]
for sub in subs:
nv = subs_all.index(sub)
img = self.read_image(data['imgname'][nv][index])
camera = cameras[index][nv]
if self.loadmp:
params = body_params[index]
if len(params.poses.shape) == 3:
params = params[nv]
params = params.to_multiperson(self.pids)
params = body_params[index]
if len(params.poses.shape) == 3 or (params.poses.shape[0] != 1):
params = params[nv]
params = [params]
vis_mesh = self.vis_body(body_model, params, img, camera, scale=self.writer.render.scale, mode=self.writer.render.mode)
from ..mytools.vis_base import merge
vis = merge(vis, resize=False)
outname = join(self.out, self.writer['render']['root'], basename) + self.writer['render']['ext']
self.write_image(outname, vis)
def create_skeleton_model(nJoints):
config = {
'body_type': 'body25vis',
'joint_radius': 0.02,
'vis_type': 'cone',
'res': 20,
from ..visualize.skelmodel import SkelModelFast
if nJoints == 21:
config['body_type'] = 'handvis'
config['joint_radius'] = 0.005
return SkelModelFast(**config)
class Keypoints3D(BaseData):
def __init__(self, path, out, ranges, reader, writer):
self.root = path
self.out = out
self.ranges = ranges
self.reader = reader
self.writer = writer
self.data_all = self.cache_all_data(ranges)
def cache_all_data(self, ranges):
cfg = self.reader.keypoints3d
names = sorted(glob(join(self.root, cfg.root, '*'+cfg.ext)))
ranges[1] = len(names) if ranges[1] == -1 else ranges[1]
names = [names[i] for i in range(ranges[0], ranges[1], ranges[2])]
data_all = []
for name in tqdm(names, desc='cache keypoints3d'):
annots = read_json(name)
'annname': name,
'annots': annots,
return data_all
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data_all)
def __getitem__(self, index):
data = self.data_all[index]
annots = data['annots'][0]
ret = {
'annname': data['annname'],
for outname, inpname in self.reader.keypoints3d.map.items():
inp = np.array(annots[inpname], dtype=np.float32)
ret[outname] = inp
return ret
def reshape_data(self, data):
data['nFrames'] = data['keypoints3d'].shape[0]
return data
def write(self, body_model, body_params, data):
config = {
'align_first': True,
'vis_skel': True,
'vis_size': 1024,
'z_offset': 1.5,
'x_offset': 0.15,
'rot_axis': [0., 1., 0.],
'rot_angle': np.pi/2
if config['vis_skel']:
vis_W = config['vis_size'] * 2
vis_H = config['vis_size']
vis_W, vis_H = config['vis_size'], config['vis_size']
vis = np.zeros((vis_H, vis_W, 3), dtype=np.uint8) + 255
K = np.eye(3)
K[0, 0] = 5*config['vis_size']
K[1, 1] = 5*config['vis_size']
K[0, 2] = vis_W//2
K[1, 2] = vis_H//2
R = np.eye(3)
T = np.zeros((3, 1))
T[2, 0] = config['z_offset']
x_offset = config['x_offset']
invRot = cv2.Rodrigues(np.array(config['rot_axis'])*config['rot_angle'])[0]
left = np.array([[-x_offset, 0., 0.]]).reshape(1, 3)
right = np.array([[x_offset, 0., 0.]]).reshape(1, 3)
keypoints3d_gt = data['keypoints3d'].cpu().numpy()
traj_gt = keypoints3d_gt.mean(axis=1)
keypoints3d = body_model.keypoints(body_params, return_tensor=False)
skel_model = create_skeleton_model(keypoints3d.shape[-2])
traj = keypoints3d.mean(axis=1)
annnames = data['annname']
if len(annnames) > 1:
annnames = tqdm(annnames, desc='writing')
from ..visualize.pyrender_wrapper import plot_meshes
for nf, annname in enumerate(annnames):
basename = os.path.basename(annname).replace('.json', '')
if config['align_first']:
invT = - traj[:1]
invT = - traj_gt[nf:nf+1]
params = body_params[nf]
params['id'] = 0
outname = join(self.out, 'smpl', basename) +'.json'
self.write_params(outname, [params])
outname = join(self.out, self.writer.fullpose.root, basename) +'.json'
params['poses'] = body_model.export_full_poses(**params)
self.write_params(outname, [params])
# write image
vertices = body_model.vertices(params, return_tensor=False)[0] + invT
vertices = vertices @ invRot.T + right
keypoints = keypoints3d[nf]
mesh = {
'id': 0,
'name': 'human_0',
'vertices': vertices,
'faces': body_model.faces,
kpts_gt = keypoints3d_gt[nf]
vertices_skel = skel_model(kpts_gt)[0] + invT
vertices_skel = vertices_skel @ invRot.T + left
mesh_skel = {
'id': 1,
'name': 'skel_0',
'vertices': vertices_skel,
'faces': skel_model.faces,
ret = plot_meshes(vis.copy(), {0:mesh, 1:mesh_skel}, K, R, T)
outname = join(self.out, self.writer['render']['root'], basename) + self.writer['render']['ext']
self.write_image(outname, ret)
class MultiViewSocket(BaseData):
def __init__(self, host, nFrames, keys, camera) -> None:
self.loadmp = False
from ..socket.detect_client import BaseSocketClient
self.socket = BaseSocketClient(host)
self.nFrames = nFrames
if camera == 'none':
self.cameras = self.socket.cameras
self.cameras = read_cameras(camera)
self.subs = list(self.cameras.keys())
self.keys = keys
self.read_flag = {k:True for k in keys.keys()}
self.nViews = len(self.subs)
def __len__(self):
return self.nFrames
def getitem_asbase(self, data):
if 'K' in data.keys():
K, dist = data['K'], data['dist']
if K is not None:
invK = np.linalg.inv(K)
for key, keyname in self.keys.items():
if not self.read_flag[key]: continue
if keyname not in data['annots']['annots'][0].keys():
self.read_flag[key] = False
data[key] = data['annots']['annots'][0][keyname]
data[key+'_distort'] = data[key].copy()
if K is not None:
data[key] = Undistort.points(data[key], K, dist)
data[key+'_unproj'] = unproj(data[key], invK)
return data
def __getitem__(self, index):
while len(self.socket.results_all) < 1:
# mywarn('Waiting for camera')
if len(self.socket.results_all) > 3:
self.socket.results_all = self.socket.results_all[-3:]
result = self.socket.results_all.pop(0)
# log_time("pop data from queue {}".format(len(self.socket.results_all)))
mapkeys = {
if '4' in result.keys():
result = {mapkeys[k]:result[k] for k in result.keys()}
# self.cameras = self.socket.cameras
data_all = []
frame = index
# log('frame: {}: {}'.format(frame, result.keys()))
for nv, sub in enumerate(self.subs):
annots = result[sub]
# log('Load {} {} {}'.format(frame, sub, len(annots['annots'])))
# log('{}'.format(annots['annots'][0].keys()))
# print(annots)
annots = self.annots_to_numpy(annots, filter={'coco17tobody25': True})
ret = {
'imgname': 'images/{}/{:06d}.jpg'.format(sub, frame),
'annname': 'annots/{}/{:06d}.jpg'.format(sub, frame),
'annots': annots
if False:
blank = np.zeros((720, 1280, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
plot_keypoints_auto(blank, annots['annots'][0]['keypoints'], 0)
plot_keypoints_auto(blank, annots['annots'][0]['handl2d'], 1)
plot_keypoints_auto(blank, annots['annots'][0]['handr2d'], 2)
cv2.imshow(sub, blank)
if self.cameras is not None:
ret['K'] = self.cameras[sub]['K'].astype(np.float32)
ret['dist'] = self.cameras[sub]['dist'].astype(np.float32)
ret['Rc'] = self.cameras[sub]['R'].astype(np.float32)
ret['Tc'] = self.cameras[sub]['T'].astype(np.float32)
ret['RT'] = np.hstack([ret['Rc'], ret['Tc']])
ret['KRT'] = ret['K'] @ ret['RT']
ret = self.getitem_asbase(ret)
data_all = self.collect_data(data_all)
return data_all
class MV1Psocket(MultiViewSocket):
def __init__(self, pid=0, **cfg) -> None:
self.pid = pid
def __getitem__(self, index):
data = super().__getitem__(index)
return data
def vis_keypoints2d_mv(self, images, detections, outname=None,
return super().vis_keypoints2d_mv(images, {self.pid:detections},
outname=outname, vis_id=vis_id, use_limb_color=True)
def write_keypoints3d(self, keypoints3d, outname):
return super().write_keypoints3d([{'id': self.pid, 'keypoints3d':keypoints3d}], outname)
def write_all(self, results, data):
if __name__ == '__main__':