
138 lines
5.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import json
def read_json(input):
with open(input, "r") as f:
data = json.load(f)
return data
def solvePnP(k3d, k2d, K, dist, flag, tryextri=False):
k2d = np.ascontiguousarray(k2d[:, :2]) # 保留前两列
# try different initial values:
if tryextri: # 尝试不同的初始化外参
def closure(rvec, tvec):
ret, rvec, tvec = cv.solvePnP(k3d, k2d, K, dist, rvec, tvec, True, flags=flag)
points2d_repro, xxx = cv.projectPoints(k3d, rvec, tvec, K, dist)
kpts_repro = points2d_repro.squeeze()
err = np.linalg.norm(points2d_repro.squeeze() - k2d, axis=1).mean()
return err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro
# create a series of extrinsic parameters looking at the origin
height_guess = 2.7 # 相机的初始高度猜测
radius_guess = 4. # 相机的初始水平距离猜测,圆的半径,需要根据自己的实际情况调整
infos = []
for theta in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 180):
st = np.sin(theta)
ct = np.cos(theta)
center = np.array([radius_guess * ct, radius_guess * st, height_guess]).reshape(3, 1)
R = np.array([
[-st, ct, 0],
[0, 0, -1],
[-ct, -st, 0]
tvec = - R @ center
rvec = cv.Rodrigues(R)[0]
err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro = closure(rvec, tvec)
'err': err,
'repro': kpts_repro,
'rvec': rvec,
'tvec': tvec
infos.sort(key=lambda x: x['err'])
err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro = infos[0]['err'], infos[0]['rvec'], infos[0]['tvec'], infos[0]['repro']
# 直接求解的初值是零向量
ret, rvec, tvec = cv.solvePnP(k3d, k2d, K, dist, flags=flag)
points2d_repro, xxx = cv.projectPoints(k3d, rvec, tvec, K, dist)
kpts_repro = points2d_repro.squeeze()
err = np.linalg.norm(points2d_repro.squeeze() - k2d, axis=1).mean()
# print(err)
return err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro
# 对单个相机进行外参标定
def _calibrate_extri(k3d, k2d, K, dist, flag, tryfocal=False):
extri = {}
# 检查关键点数据的数量是否匹配
if k3d.shape[0] != k2d.shape[0]:
print('k3d {} doesnot match k2d {}'.format(k3d.shape, k2d.shape))
length = min(k3d.shape[0], k2d.shape[0])
k3d = k3d[:length]
k2d = k2d[:length]
valididx = k2d[:, 2] > 0 # k2d第三列是置信度检查是否大于0
if valididx.sum() < 4: # 筛选出有效的2D和3D关键点数量大于4
rvec = np.zeros((1, 3)) # 初始话旋转和平移为0并标记为失败
tvec = np.zeros((3, 1))
extri['Rvec'] = rvec
extri['R'] = cv.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]
extri['T'] = tvec
print('[ERROR] Failed to initialize the extrinsic parameters')
return extri
k3d = k3d[valididx]
k2d = k2d[valididx]
# 优化相机焦距
# 如果启用焦距优化
if tryfocal:
infos = []
for focal in range(500, 5000, 10): # 遍历焦距范围
# 设置焦距值
K[0, 0] = focal # 更新 K 的 fx
K[1, 1] = focal # 更新 K 的 fy
for method in methods:
# 调用 solvePnP
err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro = solvePnP(k3d, k2d, K, dist, method)
# 保存结果
'focal': focal,
'err': err,
'rvec': rvec,
'tvec': tvec,
'repro': kpts_repro
# 根据重投影误差选择最佳焦距
infos.sort(key=lambda x: x['err'])
best_result = infos[0]
focal = best_result['focal']
err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro = best_result['err'], best_result['rvec'], best_result['tvec'], best_result['repro']
# 更新内参中的焦距
K[0, 0] = focal
K[1, 1] = focal
print(f'[INFO] Optimal focal length found: {focal}, reprojection error: {err:.3f}')
# 如果不优化焦距,直接调用 solvePnP
err, rvec, tvec, kpts_repro = solvePnP(k3d, k2d, K, dist, flag)
# 保存外参结果
extri['Rvec'] = rvec
extri['R'] = cv.Rodrigues(rvec)[0]
extri['T'] = tvec
center = - extri['R'].T @ tvec
print(f'[INFO] Camera center: {center.squeeze()}, reprojection error: {err:.3f}')
return extri
def calibrate_extri(kpts_path, intri_path, flag, tryfocal=False, tryextri=False):
extri = {}
intri_data = read_json(intri_path)
kpts_data = read_json(kpts_path)
# 获取内参
camnames = list(intri_data.keys())
for cam in camnames:
print(f'[INFO] Processing camera: {cam}')
K = np.array(intri_data[cam]['K'])
dist = np.array(intri_data[cam]['dist'])
k3d = np.array(kpts_data[cam]['keypoints3d'])
k2d = np.array(kpts_data[cam]['keypoints2d'])
extri[cam] = _calibrate_extri(k3d, k2d, K, dist, flag, tryfocal=tryfocal)
return extri
if __name__ == "__main__":