232 lines
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232 lines
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import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
import argparse
from calib_tools import read_json, DataPath
from calib_tools import read_img_paths
from calibrate_extri import findChessboardCorners
# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# detect_chessboard
# 检测棋盘格上的所有2d角点,存储到dict中,key是相机名,value是2d角点的列表
def detect_chessboard(check_img_path, pattern):
imgPaths = read_img_paths(check_img_path)
if not imgPaths:
print("No images found!")
return {}
data = {}
for imgPath in imgPaths:
camname = osp.splitext(osp.basename(imgPath))[0]
keypoints2d = findChessboardCorners(imgPath, pattern, False)
if keypoints2d is not None:
data[camname] = keypoints2d.tolist()
print(f"Failed to find chessboard corners in image: {imgPath}")
return data
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
def read_cameras(intri_path, extri_path):
cameras = {}
intri = read_json(intri_path)
extri = read_json(extri_path)
for key in intri:
cameras[key] = {
'intri': intri[key],
'extri': extri[key]
return cameras
def plot_line(img, pt1, pt2, lw, col):
cv.line(img, (int(pt1[0] + 0.5), int(pt1[1] + 0.5)), (int(pt2[0] + 0.5), int(pt2[1] + 0.5)),
col, lw)
def plot_cross(img, x, y, col, width=-1, lw=-1):
if lw == -1:
lw = max(1, int(round(img.shape[0] / 1000)))
width = lw * 5
cv.line(img, (int(x - width), int(y)), (int(x + width), int(y)), col, lw)
cv.line(img, (int(x), int(y - width)), (int(x), int(y + width)), col, lw)
def plot_points2d(img, points2d, lines, lw=-1, col=(0, 255, 0), putText=True, style='+'):
# Draw 2D points on the image
if points2d.shape[1] == 2:
points2d = np.hstack([points2d, np.ones((points2d.shape[0], 1))])
if lw == -1:
lw = img.shape[0] // 200
for i, (x, y, v) in enumerate(points2d):
if v < 0.01:
c = col
if '+' in style:
plot_cross(img, x, y, width=10, col=c, lw=lw * 2)
if 'o' in style:
cv.circle(img, (int(x), int(y)), 10, c, lw * 2)
cv.circle(img, (int(x), int(y)), lw, c, lw)
if putText:
c = col[::-1]
font_scale = img.shape[0] / 1000
cv.putText(img, '{}'.format(i), (int(x), int(y)), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale, c, 2)
for i, j in lines:
if points2d[i][2] < 0.01 or points2d[j][2] < 0.01:
plot_line(img, points2d[i], points2d[j], max(1, lw // 2), col)
# 对一批关键点进行三角化
def batch_triangulate(keypoints_, Pall, min_view=2):
""" triangulate the keypoints of whole body
keypoints_ (nViews, nJoints, 3): 2D detections
Pall (nViews, 3, 4) | (nViews, nJoints, 3, 4): projection matrix of each view
min_view (int, optional): min view for visible points. Defaults to 2.
keypoints3d: (nJoints, 4)
# keypoints: (nViews, nJoints, 3)
# Pall: (nViews, 3, 4)
# A: (nJoints, nViewsx2, 4), x: (nJoints, 4, 1); b: (nJoints, nViewsx2, 1)
# 计算关键点的可见性,提取有效的关键点
v = (keypoints_[:, :, -1] > 0).sum(axis=0) # 每个关键点在多少个视角中被检测到
valid_joint = np.where(v >= min_view)[0] # 至少被 min_view 个视角捕获的点的索引
keypoints = keypoints_[:, valid_joint] # 筛选有效的关键点
conf3d = keypoints[:, :, -1].sum(axis=0) / v[valid_joint]
# P2: P矩阵的最后一行:(1, nViews, 1, 4)
if len(Pall.shape) == 3:
P0 = Pall[None, :, 0, :]
P1 = Pall[None, :, 1, :]
P2 = Pall[None, :, 2, :]
P0 = Pall[:, :, 0, :].swapaxes(0, 1)
P1 = Pall[:, :, 1, :].swapaxes(0, 1)
P2 = Pall[:, :, 2, :].swapaxes(0, 1)
# uP2: x坐标乘上P2: (nJoints, nViews, 1, 4)
uP2 = keypoints[:, :, 0].T[:, :, None] * P2
vP2 = keypoints[:, :, 1].T[:, :, None] * P2
conf = keypoints[:, :, 2].T[:, :, None]
Au = conf * (uP2 - P0)
Av = conf * (vP2 - P1)
A = np.hstack([Au, Av])
u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(A)
X = v[:, -1, :]
X = X / X[:, 3:]
# out: (nJoints, 4)
result = np.zeros((keypoints_.shape[1], 4))
result[valid_joint, :3] = X[:, :3]
result[valid_joint, 3] = conf3d # * (conf[..., 0].sum(axis=-1)>min_view)
return result
def reprojectN3(kpts3d, Pall):
# kpts3d: (N, 3) 或 (N, 4)
# Pall: (nViews, 3, 4) ,投影矩阵r|t
nViews = len(Pall)
# 在xyz坐标后面添加一个1,转换为齐次坐标
kp3d = np.hstack((kpts3d[:, :3], np.ones((kpts3d.shape[0], 1)))) # 转换为齐次坐标 (N, 4)
kp2ds = []
for nv in range(nViews):
kp2d = Pall[nv] @ kp3d.T # 投影到 2D (3, N)
kp2d[:2, :] /= kp2d[2:, :] # 归一化齐次坐标
kp2ds.append(kp2d.T[None, :, :]) # 添加视角维度 (1, N, 3)
kp2ds = np.vstack(kp2ds) # 拼接所有视角 (nViews, N, 3)
if kpts3d.shape[-1] == 4:
kp2ds[..., -1] = kp2ds[..., -1] * (kpts3d[None, :, -1] > 0.) # 保留置信度信息
return kp2ds
# 输入:内外参,图像上标注的2d点数据
# 将输入的2d点进行三角化,得到3d点,然后投影到图像上,与标注的2d点进行比较,计算重投影误差
# 输出:重投影误差,平均误差,最大误差
# 每个相机视角一张图像,计算重投影误差
def check_match(pattern):
# 读取内参和外参
cameras = read_cameras(DataPath.intri_json_path, DataPath.extri_json_path)
# 格式:{"cam1": {[x1, y1,conf], [x2, y2,conf], ...}, "cam2": {[x1, y1,conf], [x2, y2,conf], ...]}, ...},每个相机对应一张图片
kpts2d = detect_chessboard(DataPath.check_data, pattern)
# 去畸变
for cam in cameras:
K = np.array(cameras[cam]['intri']['K'])
dist = np.array(cameras[cam]['intri']['dist'])
points2d = np.array(kpts2d[cam])[:, :2]
# 将 points2d 数组在第一个轴上扩展一个维度,使其形状从 (N, 2) 变为 (N, 1, 2)
points2d_undistorted = cv.undistortPoints(np.expand_dims(points2d, axis=1), K, dist)
# 将去畸变后的点与原始数据中的置信度信息水平拼接,形成新的数组。
kpts2d[cam] = np.hstack((points2d_undistorted.squeeze(), np.array(kpts2d[cam])[:, 2:]))
# 三角化
# Prepare projection matrices (Pall)
Pall = []
keypoints = []
for cam in cameras:
K = np.array(cameras[cam]['intri']['K'])
R = np.array(cameras[cam]['extri']['R'])
T = np.array(cameras[cam]['extri']['T']).reshape(3, 1)
P = K @ np.hstack((R, T))
Pall = np.array(Pall)
keypoints = np.array(keypoints)
# Triangulate 3D points
keypoints3d = batch_triangulate(keypoints, Pall)
# Calculate reprojection error and plot results
# 计算重投影误差并绘制结果
reprojection_errors = []
for i, cam in enumerate(cameras):
P = Pall[i]
kpts2d_proj = keypoints3d[:, :3] @ P[:, :3].T + P[:, 3] # 将三维关键点投影到二维平面
kpts2d_proj /= kpts2d_proj[:, 2:3] # Normalize by z
# Compare with original 2D keypoints
kpts2d_actual = keypoints[i, :, :2]
kpts2d_error = np.linalg.norm(kpts2d_proj[:, :2] - kpts2d_actual, axis=1)
# Plot reprojection results
# img = np.zeros((480, 640, 3), dtype=np.uint8) # Placeholder for the actual image
# 换成原图
img_path = osp.join(DataPath.check_data, f"{cam}.jpg")
img = cv.imread(img_path)
plot_points2d(img, np.hstack((kpts2d_proj[:, :2], np.ones((kpts2d_proj.shape[0], 1)))), [], col=(0, 255, 0))
mean_error_per_image = np.mean(kpts2d_error)
font_scale = img.shape[0] / 1000
cv.putText(img, f'Mean Error: {mean_error_per_image:.2f}', (50, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, font_scale,
(0, 0, 255), 2)
cv.imwrite(osp.join(DataPath.check_vis, f"{cam}.jpg"), img)
# Combine errors for statistics
reprojection_errors = np.hstack(reprojection_errors)
mean_error = np.mean(reprojection_errors)
max_error = np.max(reprojection_errors)
return {
'mean_error': mean_error,
'max_error': max_error
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check camera calibration")
parser.add_argument("--pattern", type=str, default="11,8",
help="Chessboard pattern size (columns, rows), e.g., '11,8'")
args = parser.parse_args()
pattern = tuple(map(int, args.pattern.split(','))) # Convert pattern string to tuple
result = check_match(pattern)
print(f"Mean Reprojection Error: {result['mean_error']:.2f}")
print(f"Max Reprojection Error: {result['max_error']:.2f}")