283 lines
9.7 KiB
283 lines
9.7 KiB
"""Manages the movement and use of data files."""
import os
import warnings
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import append_fields
class TRCFile(object):
"""A plain-text file format for storing motion capture marker trajectories.
TRC stands for Track Row Column.
The metadata for the file is stored in attributes of this object.
for more information.
def __init__(self, fpath=None, **kwargs):
fpath : str
Valid file path to a TRC (.trc) file.
self.marker_names = []
if fpath != None:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def read_from_file(self, fpath):
# Read the header lines / metadata.
# ---------------------------------
# Split by any whitespace.
# TODO may cause issues with paths that have spaces in them.
f = open(fpath)
# These are lists of each entry on the first few lines.
first_line = f.readline().split()
# Skip the 2nd line.
third_line = f.readline().split()
fourth_line = f.readline().split()
# First line.
if len(first_line) > 3:
self.path = first_line[3]
self.path = ''
# Third line.
self.data_rate = float(third_line[0])
self.camera_rate = float(third_line[1])
self.num_frames = int(third_line[2])
self.num_markers = int(third_line[3])
self.units = third_line[4]
self.orig_data_rate = float(third_line[5])
self.orig_data_start_frame = int(third_line[6])
self.orig_num_frames = int(third_line[7])
# Marker names.
# The first and second column names are 'Frame#' and 'Time'.
self.marker_names = fourth_line[2:]
len_marker_names = len(self.marker_names)
if len_marker_names != self.num_markers:
warnings.warn('Header entry NumMarkers, %i, does not '
'match actual number of markers, %i. Changing '
'NumMarkers to match actual number.' % (
self.num_markers, len_marker_names))
self.num_markers = len_marker_names
# Load the actual data.
# ---------------------
col_names = ['frame_num', 'time']
# This naming convention comes from OpenSim's Inverse Kinematics tool,
# when it writes model marker locations.
for mark in self.marker_names:
col_names += [mark + '_tx', mark + '_ty', mark + '_tz']
dtype = {'names': col_names,
'formats': ['int'] + ['float64'] * (3 * self.num_markers + 1)}
usecols = [i for i in range(3 * self.num_markers + 1 + 1)]
self.data = np.loadtxt(fpath, delimiter='\t', skiprows=5, dtype=dtype,
self.time = self.data['time']
# Check the number of rows.
n_rows = self.time.shape[0]
if n_rows != self.num_frames:
warnings.warn('%s: Header entry NumFrames, %i, does not '
'match actual number of frames, %i, Changing '
'NumFrames to match actual number.' % (fpath,
self.num_frames, n_rows))
self.num_frames = n_rows
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""See `marker()`.
return self.marker(key)
def units(self):
return self.units
def time(self):
this_dat = np.empty((self.num_frames, 1))
this_dat[:, 0] = self.time
return this_dat
def marker(self, name):
"""The trajectory of marker `name`, given as a `self.num_frames` x 3
array. The order of the columns is x, y, z.
this_dat = np.empty((self.num_frames, 3))
this_dat[:, 0] = self.data[name + '_tx']
this_dat[:, 1] = self.data[name + '_ty']
this_dat[:, 2] = self.data[name + '_tz']
return this_dat
def add_marker(self, name, x, y, z):
"""Add a marker, with name `name` to the TRCFile.
name : str
Name of the marker; e.g., 'R.Hip'.
x, y, z: array_like
Coordinates of the marker trajectory. All 3 must have the same
if (len(x) != self.num_frames or len(y) != self.num_frames or len(z) !=
raise Exception('Length of data (%i, %i, %i) is not '
'NumFrames (%i).', len(x), len(y), len(z), self.num_frames)
self.marker_names += [name]
self.num_markers += 1
if not hasattr(self, 'data'):
self.data = np.array(x, dtype=[('%s_tx' % name, 'float64')])
self.data = append_fields(self.data,
['%s_t%s' % (name, s) for s in 'yz'],
[y, z], usemask=False)
self.data = append_fields(self.data,
['%s_t%s' % (name, s) for s in 'xyz'],
[x, y, z], usemask=False)
def marker_at(self, name, time):
x = np.interp(time, self.time, self.data[name + '_tx'])
y = np.interp(time, self.time, self.data[name + '_ty'])
z = np.interp(time, self.time, self.data[name + '_tz'])
return [x, y, z]
def marker_exists(self, name):
exists : bool
Is the marker in the TRCFile?
return name in self.marker_names
def write(self, fpath):
"""Write this TRCFile object to a TRC file.
fpath : str
Valid file path to which this TRCFile is saved.
f = open(fpath, 'w')
# Line 1.
f.write('PathFileType 4\t(X/Y/Z) %s\n' % os.path.split(fpath)[0])
# Line 2.
# Line 3.
f.write('%.1f\t%.1f\t%i\t%i\t%s\t%.1f\t%i\t%i\n' % (
self.data_rate, self.camera_rate, self.num_frames,
self.num_markers, self.units, self.orig_data_rate,
self.orig_data_start_frame, self.orig_num_frames))
# Line 4.
for imark in range(self.num_markers):
f.write('%s\t\t\t' % self.marker_names[imark])
# Line 5.
for imark in np.arange(self.num_markers) + 1:
f.write('X%i\tY%s\tZ%s\t' % (imark, imark, imark))
# Line 6.
# Data.
for iframe in range(self.num_frames):
f.write('%i' % (iframe + 1))
f.write('\t%.7f' % self.time[iframe])
for mark in self.marker_names:
idxs = [mark + '_tx', mark + '_ty', mark + '_tz']
f.write('\t%.7f\t%.7f\t%.7f' % tuple(
self.data[coln][iframe] for coln in idxs))
def add_noise(self, noise_width):
""" add random noise to each component of the marker trajectory
The noise mean will be zero, with the noise_width being the
standard deviation.
noise_width : int
for imarker in range(self.num_markers):
components = ['_tx', '_ty', '_tz']
for iComponent in range(3):
# generate noise
noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_width, self.num_frames)
# add noise to each component of marker data.
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + components[iComponent]] += noise
def rotate(self, axis, value):
""" rotate the data.
axis : rotation axis
value : angle in degree
for imarker in range(self.num_markers):
temp = np.zeros((self.num_frames, 3))
temp[:,0] = self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tx']
temp[:,1] = self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_ty']
temp[:,2] = self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tz']
r = R.from_euler(axis, value, degrees=True)
temp_rot = r.apply(temp)
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tx'] = temp_rot[:,0]
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_ty'] = temp_rot[:,1]
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tz'] = temp_rot[:,2]
def offset(self, axis, value):
""" offset the data.
axis : rotation axis
value : offset in m
for imarker in range(self.num_markers):
if axis.lower() == 'x':
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tx'] += value
elif axis.lower() == 'y':
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_ty'] += value
elif axis.lower() == 'z':
self.data[self.marker_names[imarker] + '_tz'] += value
raise ValueError("Axis not recognized")