2024-03-16 22:49:40 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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2024-04-15 20:12:14 +08:00
Post - synchronize your cameras in case they are not natively synchronized .
For each camera , computes mean vertical speed for the chosen keypoints ,
and find the time offset for which their correlation is highest .
Depending on the analysed motion , all keypoints can be taken into account ,
or a list of them , or the right or left side .
All frames can be considered , or only those around a specific time ( typically ,
the time when there is a single participant in the scene performing a clear vertical motion ) .
Has also been successfully tested for synchronizing random walkswith random walks .
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If synchronization results are not satisfying , they can be reset to the original
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state and tried again with different parameters .
- json files from each camera folders
- a Config . toml file
- a skeleton model
- synchronized json files for each camera
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
from scipy import interpolate
import json
import os
import fnmatch
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from anytree import RenderTree
from anytree . importer import DictImporter
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import logging
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from Pose2Sim . common import sort_stringlist_by_last_number
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from Pose2Sim . skeletons import *
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2024-04-14 00:42:30 +08:00
__author__ = " David Pagnon, HunMin Kim "
2024-03-16 22:49:40 +08:00
__copyright__ = " Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim "
__credits__ = [ " David Pagnon " ]
__license__ = " BSD 3-Clause License "
2024-04-15 20:12:14 +08:00
__version__ = ' 0.8 '
2024-03-16 22:49:40 +08:00
__maintainer__ = " David Pagnon "
__email__ = " contact@david-pagnon.com "
__status__ = " Development "
2024-04-12 07:59:32 +08:00
def convert_json2pandas ( json_dir , min_conf = 0.6 , frame_range = [ ] ) :
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Convert JSON files in a directory to a pandas DataFrame .
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- json_dir : str . The directory path containing the JSON files .
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- min_conf : float . Drop values if confidence is below min_conf .
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- frame_range : select files within frame_range .
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- df_json_coords : dataframe . Extracted coordinates in a pandas dataframe .
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nb_coord = 25 # int(len(json_data)/3)
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json_files_names = fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json ' ) # modified ( 'json' to '*.json' )
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json_files_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number ( json_files_names )
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if len ( frame_range ) == 2 :
json_files_names = np . array ( json_files_names ) [ range ( frame_range [ 0 ] , frame_range [ 1 ] ) ] . tolist ( )
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json_files_path = [ os . path . join ( json_dir , j_f ) for j_f in json_files_names ]
json_coords = [ ]
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for j_p in json_files_path :
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with open ( j_p ) as j_f :
try :
json_data = json . load ( j_f ) [ ' people ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' pose_keypoints_2d ' ]
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# remove points with low confidence
json_data = np . array ( [ [ json_data [ 3 * i ] , json_data [ 3 * i + 1 ] , json_data [ 3 * i + 2 ] ] if json_data [ 3 * i + 2 ] > min_conf else [ 0. , 0. , 0. ] for i in range ( nb_coord ) ] ) . ravel ( ) . tolist ( )
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except :
2024-03-19 17:33:07 +08:00
# print(f'No person found in {os.path.basename(json_dir)}, frame {i}')
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json_data = [ np . nan ] * 25 * 3
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json_coords . append ( json_data )
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df_json_coords = pd . DataFrame ( json_coords )
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return df_json_coords
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def drop_col ( df , col_nb ) :
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Drops every nth column from a DataFrame .
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- df : dataframe . The DataFrame from which columns will be dropped .
- col_nb : int . The column number to drop .
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- dataframe : DataFrame with dropped columns .
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idx_col = list ( range ( col_nb - 1 , df . shape [ 1 ] , col_nb ) )
df_dropped = df . drop ( idx_col , axis = 1 )
df_dropped . columns = range ( df_dropped . columns . size )
return df_dropped
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def vert_speed ( df , axis = ' y ' ) :
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Calculate the vertical speed of a DataFrame along a specified axis .
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- df : dataframe . DataFrame of 2 D coordinates .
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- axis : str . The axis along which to calculate speed . ' x ' , ' y ' , or ' z ' , default is ' y ' .
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- df_vert_speed : DataFrame of vertical speed values .
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axis_dict = { ' x ' : 0 , ' y ' : 1 , ' z ' : 2 }
df_diff = df . diff ( )
df_diff = df_diff . fillna ( df_diff . iloc [ 1 ] * 2 )
df_vert_speed = pd . DataFrame ( [ df_diff . loc [ : , 2 * k + axis_dict [ axis ] ] for k in range ( int ( df_diff . shape [ 1 ] / 2 ) ) ] ) . T # modified ( df_diff.shape[1]*2 to df_diff.shape[1] / 2 )
df_vert_speed . columns = np . arange ( len ( df_vert_speed . columns ) )
return df_vert_speed
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def interpolate_zeros_nans ( col , kind ) :
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Interpolate missing points ( of value nan )
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- col : pandas column of coordinates
- kind : ' linear ' , ' slinear ' , ' quadratic ' , ' cubic ' . Default ' cubic '
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- col_interp : interpolated pandas column
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mask = ~ ( np . isnan ( col ) | col . eq ( 0 ) ) # true where nans or zeros
idx_good = np . where ( mask ) [ 0 ]
try :
f_interp = interpolate . interp1d ( idx_good , col [ idx_good ] , kind = kind , bounds_error = False )
col_interp = np . where ( mask , col , f_interp ( col . index ) )
return col_interp
except :
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# print('No good values to interpolate')
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return col
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2024-03-19 17:33:07 +08:00
def time_lagged_cross_corr ( camx , camy , lag_range , show = True ) :
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Compute the time - lagged cross - correlation between two pandas series .
- camx : pandas series . The first time series ( coordinates of reference camera ) .
- camy : pandas series . The second time series ( camera to compare ) .
- lag_range : int or list . The range of frames for which to compute cross - correlation .
- show : bool . If True , display the cross - correlation plot .
- offset : int . The time offset for which the correlation is highest .
- max_corr : float . The maximum correlation value .
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if isinstance ( lag_range , int ) :
lag_range = [ - lag_range , lag_range ]
pearson_r = [ camx . corr ( camy . shift ( lag ) ) for lag in range ( lag_range [ 0 ] , lag_range [ 1 ] ) ]
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offset = int ( np . floor ( len ( pearson_r ) / 2 ) - np . argmax ( pearson_r ) )
if not np . isnan ( pearson_r ) . all ( ) :
max_corr = np . nanmax ( pearson_r )
if show :
f , ax = plt . subplots ( 2 , 1 )
# speed
camx . plot ( ax = ax [ 0 ] , label = f ' ref cam ' )
camy . plot ( ax = ax [ 0 ] , label = f ' compared cam ' )
ax [ 0 ] . set ( xlabel = ' Frame ' , ylabel = ' Speed (px/frame) ' )
ax [ 0 ] . legend ( )
# time lagged cross-correlation
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ax [ 1 ] . plot ( list ( range ( lag_range [ 0 ] , lag_range [ 1 ] ) ) , pearson_r )
ax [ 1 ] . axvline ( np . ceil ( len ( pearson_r ) / 2 ) + lag_range [ 0 ] , color = ' k ' , linestyle = ' -- ' )
ax [ 1 ] . axvline ( np . argmax ( pearson_r ) + lag_range [ 0 ] , color = ' r ' , linestyle = ' -- ' , label = ' Peak synchrony ' )
2024-03-19 17:33:07 +08:00
plt . annotate ( f ' Max correlation= { np . round ( max_corr , 2 ) } ' , xy = ( 0.05 , 0.9 ) , xycoords = ' axes fraction ' )
ax [ 1 ] . set ( title = f ' Offset = { offset } frames ' , xlabel = ' Offset (frames) ' , ylabel = ' Pearson r ' )
plt . legend ( )
f . tight_layout ( )
plt . show ( )
else :
max_corr = 0
offset = 0
if show :
# print('No good values to interpolate')
return offset , max_corr
2024-04-14 00:42:30 +08:00
def apply_offset ( json_dir , offset_cam ) :
2024-04-15 20:12:14 +08:00
Apply an offset to the json files in a directory .
If offset_cam is positive , the first " offset_cam " frames are temporarily
trimmed ( json files become json . del files ) .
If offset_cam is negative , " offset_cam " new frames are padded with empty
json files ( del_ * . json ) .
- json_dir : str . The directory path containing the JSON files .
- offset_cam : int . The frame offset to apply .
- Trimmed or padded files in the directory .
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json_files_names = fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json ' )
json_files_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number ( json_files_names )
json_files_path = [ os . path . join ( json_dir , j_f ) for j_f in json_files_names ]
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if offset_cam > 0 : # trim first "offset_cam" frames
[ os . rename ( f , f + ' .del ' ) for f in json_files_path [ : offset_cam ] ]
elif offset_cam < 0 : # pad with "offset_cam" new frames
for i in range ( - offset_cam ) :
with open ( os . path . join ( json_dir , f ' del_ { i : 06 } _0.json ' ) , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( ' { " version " :1.3, " people " :[]} ' )
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def reset_offset ( json_dir ) :
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Reset offset by renaming . json . del files to . json
and removing the del_ * . json files
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- json_dir : str . The directory path containing the JSON files .
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- Renamed files in the directory .
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# padded files
padded_files_names = fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' del_*.json ' )
padded_files_path = [ os . path . join ( json_dir , f ) for f in padded_files_names ]
[ os . remove ( f ) for f in padded_files_path ]
# trimmed files
trimmed_files_names = fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json.del ' )
trimmed_files_path = [ os . path . join ( json_dir , f ) for f in trimmed_files_names ]
[ os . rename ( f , f [ : - 4 ] ) for f in trimmed_files_path ]
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def synchronize_cams_all ( config_dict ) :
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2024-04-15 20:12:14 +08:00
Post - synchronize your cameras in case they are not natively synchronized .
For each camera , computes mean vertical speed for the chosen keypoints ,
and find the time offset for which their correlation is highest .
Depending on the analysed motion , all keypoints can be taken into account ,
or a list of them , or the right or left side .
All frames can be considered , or only those around a specific time ( typically ,
the time when there is a single participant in the scene performing a clear vertical motion ) .
Has also been successfully tested for synchronizing random walkswith random walks .
If synchronization results are not satisfying , it can be reset to the original
state and tried again with different parameters .
- json files from each camera folders
- a Config . toml file
- a skeleton model
- synchronized json files for each camera
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# Get parameters from Config.toml
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project_dir = config_dict . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' project_dir ' )
pose_dir = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( project_dir , ' pose ' ) )
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pose_model = config_dict . get ( ' pose ' ) . get ( ' pose_model ' )
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fps = config_dict . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' frame_rate ' )
reset_sync = config_dict . get ( ' synchronization ' ) . get ( ' reset_sync ' )
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display_sync_plots = config_dict . get ( ' synchronization ' ) . get ( ' display_sync_plots ' )
2024-04-12 07:59:32 +08:00
keypoints_to_consider = config_dict . get ( ' synchronization ' ) . get ( ' keypoints_to_consider ' )
2024-03-19 17:33:07 +08:00
approx_time_maxspeed = config_dict . get ( ' synchronization ' ) . get ( ' approx_time_maxspeed ' )
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lag_range = 500 # frames
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min_conf = 0.4
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filter_order = 4
filter_cutoff = 6
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# Retrieve keypoints from model
try : # from skeletons.py
model = eval ( pose_model )
except :
try : # from Config.toml
model = DictImporter ( ) . import_ ( config_dict . get ( ' pose ' ) . get ( pose_model ) )
if model . id == ' None ' :
model . id = None
except :
raise NameError ( ' Model not found in skeletons.py nor in Config.toml ' )
keypoints_ids = [ node . id for _ , _ , node in RenderTree ( model ) if node . id != None ]
keypoints_names = [ node . name for _ , _ , node in RenderTree ( model ) if node . id != None ]
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# List json files
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pose_listdirs_names = next ( os . walk ( pose_dir ) ) [ 1 ]
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pose_listdirs_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number ( pose_listdirs_names )
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json_dirs_names = [ k for k in pose_listdirs_names if ' json ' in k ]
json_dirs = [ os . path . join ( pose_dir , j_d ) for j_d in json_dirs_names ] # list of json directories in pose_dir
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nb_frames_per_cam = [ len ( fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json ' ) ) for json_dir in json_dirs ]
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cam_nb = len ( json_dirs )
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cam_list = list ( range ( cam_nb ) )
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# Reset previous synchronization attempts
if reset_sync :
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logging . info ( ' Resetting synchronization... ' )
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[ reset_offset ( json_dir ) for json_dir in json_dirs ]
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logging . info ( ' Synchronization reset. ' )
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# Synchronize cameras
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else :
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# Determine frames to consider for synchronization
if isinstance ( approx_time_maxspeed , list ) : # search around max speed
approx_frame_maxspeed = [ int ( fps * t ) for t in approx_time_maxspeed ]
nb_frames_per_cam_excludingdel = [ len ( fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json ' ) ) - len ( fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( json_dir ) ) , ' *.json.del ' ) ) for json_dir in json_dirs ]
search_around_frames = [ [ a - lag_range if a - lag_range > 0 else 0 , a + lag_range if a + lag_range < nb_frames_per_cam_excludingdel [ i ] else nb_frames_per_cam_excludingdel [ i ] ] for i , a in enumerate ( approx_frame_maxspeed ) ]
elif approx_time_maxspeed == ' auto ' : # search on the whole sequence (slower if long sequence)
search_around_frames = [ [ 0 , nb_frames_per_cam [ i ] ] for i in range ( cam_nb ) ]
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else :
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raise ValueError ( ' approx_time_maxspeed should be a list of floats or " auto " ' )
# Extract, interpolate, and filter keypoint coordinates
df_coords = [ ]
b , a = signal . butter ( filter_order / 2 , filter_cutoff / ( fps / 2 ) , ' low ' , analog = False )
for i , json_dir in enumerate ( json_dirs ) :
df_coords . append ( convert_json2pandas ( json_dir , min_conf = min_conf , frame_range = search_around_frames [ i ] ) )
df_coords [ i ] = drop_col ( df_coords [ i ] , 3 ) # drop likelihood
if keypoints_to_consider == ' right ' :
kpt_indices = [ i for i , k in zip ( keypoints_ids , keypoints_names ) if k . startswith ( ' R ' ) or k . startswith ( ' right ' ) ]
kpt_indices = np . sort ( np . concatenate ( [ np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 , np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 + 1 ] ) )
df_coords [ i ] = df_coords [ i ] [ kpt_indices ]
elif keypoints_to_consider == ' left ' :
kpt_indices = [ i for i , k in zip ( keypoints_ids , keypoints_names ) if k . startswith ( ' L ' ) or k . startswith ( ' left ' ) ]
kpt_indices = np . sort ( np . concatenate ( [ np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 , np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 + 1 ] ) )
df_coords [ i ] = df_coords [ i ] [ kpt_indices ]
elif isinstance ( keypoints_to_consider , list ) :
kpt_indices = [ i for i , k in zip ( keypoints_ids , keypoints_names ) if k in keypoints_to_consider ]
kpt_indices = np . sort ( np . concatenate ( [ np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 , np . array ( kpt_indices ) * 2 + 1 ] ) )
df_coords [ i ] = df_coords [ i ] [ kpt_indices ]
elif keypoints_to_consider == ' all ' :
else :
raise ValueError ( ' keypoints_to_consider should be " all " , " right " , " left " , or a list of keypoint names. \n \
If you specified keypoints , make sure that they exist in your pose_model . ' )
df_coords [ i ] = df_coords [ i ] . apply ( interpolate_zeros_nans , axis = 0 , args = [ ' linear ' ] )
df_coords [ i ] = df_coords [ i ] . bfill ( ) . ffill ( )
df_coords [ i ] = pd . DataFrame ( signal . filtfilt ( b , a , df_coords [ i ] , axis = 0 ) )
# Compute sum of speeds
df_speed = [ ]
sum_speeds = [ ]
for i in range ( cam_nb ) :
df_speed . append ( vert_speed ( df_coords [ i ] ) )
sum_speeds . append ( abs ( df_speed [ i ] ) . sum ( axis = 1 ) )
# nb_coord = df_speed[i].shape[1]
# sum_speeds[i][ sum_speeds[i]>vmax*nb_coord ] = 0
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# # Replace 0 by random values, otherwise 0 padding may lead to unreliable correlations
# sum_speeds[i].loc[sum_speeds[i] < 1] = sum_speeds[i].loc[sum_speeds[i] < 1].apply(lambda x: np.random.normal(0,1))
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sum_speeds [ i ] = pd . DataFrame ( signal . filtfilt ( b , a , sum_speeds [ i ] , axis = 0 ) ) . squeeze ( )
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2024-04-14 00:42:30 +08:00
# Compute offset for best synchronization:
# Highest correlation of sum of absolute speeds for each cam compared to reference cam
ref_cam_id = nb_frames_per_cam . index ( min ( nb_frames_per_cam ) ) # ref cam: least amount of frames
ref_frame_nb = len ( df_coords [ ref_cam_id ] )
lag_range = int ( ref_frame_nb / 2 )
cam_list . pop ( ref_cam_id )
offset = [ ]
for cam_id in cam_list :
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offset_cam_section , max_corr_cam = time_lagged_cross_corr ( sum_speeds [ ref_cam_id ] , sum_speeds [ cam_id ] , lag_range , show = display_sync_plots )
offset_cam = offset_cam_section - ( search_around_frames [ ref_cam_id ] [ 0 ] - search_around_frames [ cam_id ] [ 0 ] )
if isinstance ( approx_time_maxspeed , list ) :
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logging . info ( f ' --> Camera { ref_cam_id } and { cam_id } : { offset_cam } frames offset ( { offset_cam_section } on the selected section), correlation { round ( max_corr_cam , 2 ) } . ' )
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else :
2024-04-15 21:36:47 +08:00
logging . info ( f ' --> Camera { ref_cam_id } and { cam_id } : { offset_cam } frames offset, correlation { round ( max_corr_cam , 2 ) } . ' )
2024-04-14 00:42:30 +08:00
apply_offset ( json_dirs [ cam_id ] , offset_cam )
offset . append ( offset_cam )
offset . insert ( ref_cam_id , 0 )