[calibration.calculate.board.intrinsics]# camera properties, only needs to be done once
intrinsics_board_type='checkerboard'# 'checkerboard' ('charucoboard' not supported yet)
overwrite_intrinsics=false# overwrite (or not) if they have already been calculated?
show_detection_intrinsics=true# true or false (lowercase)
intrinsics_extension='jpg'# any video or image extension
extract_every_N_sec=1# if video, extract frames every N seconds (can be <1 )
intrinsics_square_size=60# mm
intrinsics_marker_size=40# mm # only checked if charucoboard
intrinsics_aruco_dict='DICT_6X6_250'# only checked if charucoboard # see https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/dc/df7/dictionary_8hpp.html
[calibration.calculate.board.extrinsics]# camera placement, needs to be done every time
extrinsics_board_type='scene'# 'checkerboard', 'scene' ('charucoboard' not supported yet)
# 'board' should be large enough to be detected when laid on the floor.
# 'scene' involves manually clicking any point of know coordinates on scene. Usually more accurate if points are spread out
calculate_extrinsics=true# true or false (lowercase)
show_reprojection_error=true# true or false (lowercase)
extrinsics_extension='png'# any video or image extension
# if extrinsics_board_type = 'checkerboard' or 'charucoboard'
extrinsics_corners_nb=[4,7]# [H,W] rather than [w,h]
extrinsics_square_size=60# mm # [h,w] if square is actually a rectangle
extrinsics_marker_size=40# mm # only checked if 'charucoboard' (not supported yet)
extrinsics_aruco_dict='DICT_6X6_250'# only checked if 'charucoboard' # see https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/dc/df7/dictionary_8hpp.html
# if extrinsics_board_type = 'scene'
# list of 3D coordinates to be manually labelled on images. Can also be a 2 dimensional plane. # in m
object_coords_3d=[[-2.0,0.3,0.0],[-2.0,0.0,0.0],[-2.0,0.0,0.05],[-2.0,-0.3,0.0],[0.0,0.3,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.05],[0.0,-0.3,0.0]]# in meters -> Not in mm! <-