diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index a8fa341..b0e4fb5 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ If you can only use one single camera and don't mind losing some accuracy, pleas 3. [With DeepLabCut](#with-deeplabcut) 4. [With AlphaPose](#with-alphapose) 3. [Camera calibration](#camera-calibration) - 1. [Convert from Qualisys, Optitrack, Vicon, OpenCap, EasyMocap, or bioCV](#convert-from-qualisys-optitrack-vicon-opencap-easymocap--or-biocv) + 1. [Convert from Qualisys, Optitrack, Vicon, OpenCap, EasyMocap, or bioCV](#convert-from-qualisys-optitrack-vicon-opencap-easymocap-or-biocv) 2. [Calculate from scratch](#calculate-from-scratch) 4. [Camera synchronization](#camera-synchronization) 5. [Tracking, Triangulating, Filtering](#tracking-triangulating-filtering) @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ If you can only use one single camera and don't mind losing some accuracy, pleas 3. [Utilities](#utilities) 4. [How to cite and how to contribute](#how-to-cite-and-how-to-contribute) 1. [How to cite](#how-to-cite) - 2. [How to contribute](#how-to-contribute) + 2. [How to contribute and to-do list](#how-to-contribute-and-to-do-list) # Installation and Demonstration @@ -811,11 +811,97 @@ If you use this code or data, please cite [Pagnon et al., 2022b](https://doi.org URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/19/6530} } -### How to contribute +### How to contribute and to-do list I would happily welcome any proposal for new features, code improvement, and more!\ If you want to contribute to Pose2Sim, please follow [this guide](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/contributing-to-projects) on how to fork, modify and push code, and submit a pull request. I would appreciate it if you provided as much useful information as possible about how you modified the code, and a rationale for why you're making this pull request. Please also specify on which operating system and on which Python version you have tested the code. +
+ +**Main to-do list** +- Graphical User Interface +- Multiple person triangulation +- Synchronization +- Self-calibration based on keypoint detection + +
+ Detailed to-do list (CLICK TO SHOW) +
+✔ **Pose:** Support OpenPose [body_25b](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/tree/master/experimental_models#body_25b-model---option-2-recommended) for more accuracy, [body_135](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/tree/master/experimental_models#single-network-whole-body-pose-estimation-model) for pronation/supination.
+✔ **Pose:** Support [BlazePose](https://developers.google.com/mediapipe/solutions/vision/pose_landmarker) for faster inference (on mobile device).
+✔ **Pose:** Support [DeepLabCut](http://www.mackenziemathislab.org/deeplabcut) for training on custom datasets.
+✔ **Pose:** Support [AlphaPose](https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose) as an alternative to OpenPose.
+▢ **Pose:** Support [MMPose](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose), [SLEAP](https://sleap.ai/), etc.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [Qualisys](https://www.qualisys.com) .qca.txt calibration file.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [Optitrack](https://optitrack.com/) extrinsic calibration file.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [Vicon](http://www.vicon.com/Software/Nexus) .xcp calibration file.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [OpenCap](https://www.opencap.ai/) .pickle calibration files.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [EasyMocap](https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap/) .yml calibration files.
+✔ **Calibration:** Convert [bioCV](https://github.com/camera-mc-dev/.github/blob/main/profile/mocapPipe.md) calibration files.
+✔ **Calibration:** Easier and clearer calibration procedure: separate intrinsic and extrinsic parameter calculation, edit corner detection if some are wrongly detected (or not visible). 
+✔ **Calibration:** Possibility to evaluate extrinsic parameters from cues on scene.
+▢ **Calibration:** Once object points have been detected or clicked once, track them for live calibration of moving cameras. Propose to click again when they are lost.
+▢ **Calibration:** Fine-tune calibration with bundle adjustment.
+▢ **Calibration:** Support ChArUco board detection (see [there](https://mecaruco2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks_rst/Aruco/sandbox/ludovic/aruco_calibration_rotation.html)).
+▢ **Calibration:** Calculate calibration with points rather than board. (1) SBA calibration with wand (cf [Argus](https://argus.web.unc.edu), see converter [here](https://github.com/backyardbiomech/DLCconverterDLT/blob/master/DLTcameraPosition.py)). Set world reference frame in the end.
+▢ **Calibration:** Alternatively, self-calibrate with [OpenPose keypoints](https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1049/cvi2.12130). Set world reference frame in the end.
+▢ **Synchronization:** Synchronize cameras on 2D keypoint speeds. Cf [this draft script](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim/blob/draft/Pose2Sim/Utilities/synchronize_cams.py).
+✔ **Person Association:** Automatically choose the main person to triangulate.
+▢ **Person Association:** Multiple persons association. 1. Triangulate all the persons whose reprojection error is below a certain threshold (instead of only the one with minimum error), and then track in time with speed cf [Slembrouck 2020](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40605-9_15)? or 2. Based on affinity matrices [Dong 2021](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.04111.pdf)? or 3. Based on occupancy maps [Yildiz 2012](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-35749-7_10)? or 4. With a neural network [Huang 2023](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.09471.pdf)?
+✔ **Triangulation:** Triangulation weighted with confidence.
+✔ **Triangulation:** Set a likelihood threshold below which a camera should not be used, a reprojection error threshold, and a minimum number of remaining cameras below which triangulation is skipped for this frame.
+✔ **Triangulation:** Show mean reprojection error in px and in mm for each keypoint.
+✔ **Triangulation:** Show how many cameras on average had to be excluded for each keypoint.
+✔ **Triangulation:** Evaluate which cameras were the least reliable.
+✔ **Triangulation:** Show which frames had to be interpolated for each keypoint.
+▢ **Triangulation:** [Undistort](https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga887960ea1bde84784e7f1710a922b93c) 2D points before triangulating (and [distort](https://github.com/lambdaloop/aniposelib/blob/d03b485c4e178d7cff076e9fe1ac36837db49158/aniposelib/cameras.py#L301) them before computing reprojection error).
+▢ **Triangulation:** Multiple person kinematics (output multiple .trc coordinates files). Triangulate all persons with reprojection error above threshold, and identify them by minimizing their displacement across frames.
+▢ **Triangulation:** Offer the possibility of triangulating with Sparse Bundle Adjustment (SBA), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Full Trajectory Estimation (FTE) (see [AcinoSet](https://github.com/African-Robotics-Unit/AcinoSet)).
+▢ **Triangulation:** Solve limb swapping (although not really an issue with Body_25b) by using RANSAC or SDS triangulation ignoring right and left, and then decide which side points are by majority voting + giving more confidence to cameras whose plane is the most coplanar to the right/left line.
+▢ **Triangulation:** Implement normalized DLT and RANSAC triangulation, Outlier rejection (sliding z-score?), as well as a [triangulation refinement step](https://doi.org/10.1109/TMM.2022.3171102).
+✔ **Filtering:** Available filtering methods: Butterworth, Butterworth on speed, Gaussian, Median, LOESS (polynomial smoothing).
+✔ **Filtering:** Implement Kalman filter and Kalman smoother.
+✔ **OpenSim:** Integrate better spine from [lifting fullbody model](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30714401) to the [gait full-body model](https://nmbl.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/07505900.pdf), more accurate for the knee.
+✔ **OpenSim:** Optimize model marker positions as compared to ground-truth marker-based positions.
+✔ **OpenSim:** Add scaling and inverse kinematics setup files.
+▢ **OpenSim:** Add muscles from OpenSim [lifting full-body model](https://simtk.org/projects/lfbmodel), add Hertzian footground contacts, for inverse dynamics and more.
+▢ **OpenSim:** Implement optimal fixed-interval Kalman smoothing for inverse kinematics ([this OpenSim fork](https://github.com/antoinefalisse/opensim-core/blob/kalman_smoother/OpenSim/Tools/InverseKinematicsKSTool.cpp)), or [Biorbd](https://github.com/pyomeca/biorbd/blob/f776fe02e1472aebe94a5c89f0309360b52e2cbc/src/RigidBody/KalmanReconsMarkers.cpp))
+▢ **GUI:** 3D plot of cameras and of triangulated keypoints.
+▢ **GUI:** Demo on Google Colab (see [Sports2D](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab) for OpenPose and Python package installation on Google Drive).
+▢ **GUI:** Blender add-on (cf [MPP2SOS](https://blendermarket.com/products/mocap-mpp2soss)), or webapp (e.g., with [Napari](https://napari.org/stable). See my draft project [Maya-Mocap](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Maya-Mocap) and [BlendOsim](https://github.com/JonathanCamargo/BlendOsim).
+✔ **Demo:** Provide Demo data for users to test the code.
+▢ **Demo:** Add videos for users to experiment with other pose detection frameworks
+▢ **Demo:** Time shift videos and json to demonstrate synchronization
+▢ **Demo:** Add another virtual person to demonstrate personAssociation
+▢ **Tutorials:** Make video tutorials.
+▢ **Doc:** Use [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master) or [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org) for clearer documentation.
+▢ **Catch errors**
+✔ **Pip package**
+▢ **Conda package** 
+▢ **Docker image**
+▢ Run pose estimation and OpenSim from within Pose2Sim
+▢ **Run from command line via click or typer**
+▢ **Utilities**: Export other data from c3d files into .mot or .sto files (angles, powers, forces, moments, GRF, EMG...)
+▢ **Bug:** common.py, class plotWindow(). Python crashes after a few runs of `Pose2Sim.filtering()` when `display_figures=true`. See [there](https://github.com/superjax/plotWindow/issues/7).
+▢ **Bug:** calibration.py. FFMPEG error message when calibration files are images. See [there](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim/issues/33#:~:text=In%20order%20to%20check,filter%20this%20message%20yet.).
+ +
+ +**Acknowledgements:** - Supervised my PhD: @lreveret (INRIA, Université Grenoble Alpes), and @mdomalai (Université de Poitiers). - Provided the Demo data: @aaiaueil from Université Gustave Eiffel. - Tested the code and provided feedback: @simonozan, @daeyongyang, @ANaaim, @rlagnsals @@ -824,109 +910,12 @@ If you want to contribute to Pose2Sim, please follow [this guide](https://docs.g
-**Here is a to-do list, for general guidance purposes only:**\ -*The main projects are (see details below):*\ -*- Graphical User Interface*\ -*- Multiple person triangulation*\ -*- Synchronization*\ -*- Self-calibration based on keypoint detection* - -> - [x] **Pose:** Support OpenPose [body_25b](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/tree/master/experimental_models#body_25b-model---option-2-recommended) for more accuracy, [body_135](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose_train/tree/master/experimental_models#single-network-whole-body-pose-estimation-model) for pronation/supination. -> - [x] **Pose:** Support [BlazePose](https://developers.google.com/mediapipe/solutions/vision/pose_landmarker) for faster inference (on mobile device). -> - [x] **Pose:** Support [DeepLabCut](http://www.mackenziemathislab.org/deeplabcut) for training on custom datasets. -> - [x] **Pose:** Support [AlphaPose](https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose) as an alternative to OpenPose. -> - [ ] **Pose:** Support [MMPose](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmpose), [SLEAP](https://sleap.ai/), etc. - -
- -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [Qualisys](https://www.qualisys.com) .qca.txt calibration file. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [Optitrack](https://optitrack.com/) extrinsic calibration file. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [Vicon](http://www.vicon.com/Software/Nexus) .xcp calibration file. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [OpenCap](https://www.opencap.ai/) .pickle calibration files. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [EasyMocap](https://github.com/zju3dv/EasyMocap/) .yml calibration files. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Convert [bioCV](https://github.com/camera-mc-dev/.github/blob/main/profile/mocapPipe.md) calibration files. -> - [x] **Calibration:** Easier and clearer calibration procedure: separate intrinsic and extrinsic parameter calculation, edit corner detection if some are wrongly detected (or not visible). -> - [x] **Calibration:** Possibility to evaluate extrinsic parameters from cues on scene. -> - [ ] **Calibration:** Once object points have been detected or clicked once, track them for live calibration of moving cameras. Propose to click again when they are lost. -> - [ ] **Calibration:** Fine-tune calibration with bundle adjustment. -> - [ ] **Calibration:** Support ChArUco board detection (see [there](https://mecaruco2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks_rst/Aruco/sandbox/ludovic/aruco_calibration_rotation.html)). -> - [ ] **Calibration:** Calculate calibration with points rather than board. (1) SBA calibration with wand (cf [Argus](https://argus.web.unc.edu), see converter [here](https://github.com/backyardbiomech/DLCconverterDLT/blob/master/DLTcameraPosition.py)). Set world reference frame in the end. -> - [ ] **Calibration:** Alternatively, self-calibrate with [OpenPose keypoints](https://ietresearch.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1049/cvi2.12130). Set world reference frame in the end. - -
- -> - [ ] **Synchronization:** Synchronize cameras on 2D keypoint speeds. Cf [this draft script](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim/blob/draft/Pose2Sim/Utilities/synchronize_cams.py). - -
- -> - [x] **Person Association:** Automatically choose the main person to triangulate. -> - [ ] **Person Association:** Multiple persons association. 1. Triangulate all the persons whose reprojection error is below a certain threshold (instead of only the one with minimum error), and then track in time with speed cf [Slembrouck 2020](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40605-9_15)? or 2. Based on affinity matrices [Dong 2021](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.04111.pdf)? or 3. Based on occupancy maps [Yildiz 2012](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-35749-7_10)? or 4. With a neural network [Huang 2023](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2304.09471.pdf)? - -
- -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Triangulation weighted with confidence. -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Set a likelihood threshold below which a camera should not be used, a reprojection error threshold, and a minimum number of remaining cameras below which triangulation is skipped for this frame. -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Show mean reprojection error in px and in mm for each keypoint. -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Show how many cameras on average had to be excluded for each keypoint. -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Evaluate which cameras were the least reliable. -> - [x] **Triangulation:** Show which frames had to be interpolated for each keypoint. -> - [ ] **Triangulation:** [Undistort](https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/da/d54/group__imgproc__transform.html#ga887960ea1bde84784e7f1710a922b93c) 2D points before triangulating (and [distort](https://github.com/lambdaloop/aniposelib/blob/d03b485c4e178d7cff076e9fe1ac36837db49158/aniposelib/cameras.py#L301) them before computing reprojection error). -> - [ ] **Triangulation:** Multiple person kinematics (output multiple .trc coordinates files). Triangulate all persons with reprojection error above threshold, and identify them by minimizing their displacement across frames. -> - [ ] **Triangulation:** Offer the possibility of triangulating with Sparse Bundle Adjustment (SBA), Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Full Trajectory Estimation (FTE) (see [AcinoSet](https://github.com/African-Robotics-Unit/AcinoSet)). -> - [ ] **Triangulation:** Solve limb swapping (although not really an issue with Body_25b) by using RANSAC or SDS triangulation ignoring right and left, and then decide which side points are by majority voting + giving more confidence to cameras whose plane is the most coplanar to the right/left line. -> - [ ] **Triangulation:** Implement normalized DLT and RANSAC triangulation, Outlier rejection (sliding z-score?), as well as a [triangulation refinement step](https://doi.org/10.1109/TMM.2022.3171102). - -
- -> - [x] **Filtering:** Available filtering methods: Butterworth, Butterworth on speed, Gaussian, Median, LOESS (polynomial smoothing). -> - [x] **Filtering:** Implement Kalman filter and Kalman smoother. - -
- -> - [x] **OpenSim:** Integrate better spine from [lifting fullbody model](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30714401) to the [gait full-body model](https://nmbl.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/07505900.pdf), more accurate for the knee. -> - [x] **OpenSim:** Optimize model marker positions as compared to ground-truth marker-based positions. -> - [x] **OpenSim:** Add scaling and inverse kinematics setup files. -> - [ ] **OpenSim:** Add muscles from OpenSim [lifting full-body model](https://simtk.org/projects/lfbmodel), add Hertzian footground contacts, for inverse dynamics and more. -> - [ ] **OpenSim:** Implement optimal fixed-interval Kalman smoothing for inverse kinematics ([this OpenSim fork](https://github.com/antoinefalisse/opensim-core/blob/kalman_smoother/OpenSim/Tools/InverseKinematicsKSTool.cpp)), or [Biorbd](https://github.com/pyomeca/biorbd/blob/f776fe02e1472aebe94a5c89f0309360b52e2cbc/src/RigidBody/KalmanReconsMarkers.cpp)) - -
- -> - [ ] **GUI:** 3D plot of cameras and of triangulated keypoints. -> - [ ] **GUI:** Demo on Google Colab (see [Sports2D](https://bit.ly/Sports2D_Colab) for OpenPose and Python package installation on Google Drive). -> - [ ] **GUI:** Blender add-on (cf [MPP2SOS](https://blendermarket.com/products/mocap-mpp2soss)), or webapp (e.g., with [Napari](https://napari.org/stable). See my draft project [Maya-Mocap](https://github.com/davidpagnon/Maya-Mocap) and [BlendOsim](https://github.com/JonathanCamargo/BlendOsim). - -
- -> - [x] **Demo:** Provide Demo data for users to test the code. -> - [ ] **Demo:** Add videos for users to experiment with other pose detecction frameworks -> - [ ] **Demo:** Time shift videos and json to demonstrate synchronization -> - [ ] **Demo:** Add another virtual person to demonstrate personAssociation -> - [ ] **Tutorials:** Make video tutorials. -> - [ ] **Doc:** Use [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master) or [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org) for clearer documentation. - -
- -> - [ ] **Catch errors** -> - [x] **Pip package** -> - [ ] **Conda package** -> - [ ] **Docker image** -> - [ ] **** Run pose estimation and OpenSim from within Pose2Sim -> - [ ] **Run from command line via click or typer** -> - [ ] **Utilities**: Export other data from c3d files into .mot or .sto files (angles, powers, forces, moments, GRF, EMG...) - -
- -> - [ ] **Bug:** common.py, class plotWindow(). Python crashes after a few runs of `Pose2Sim.filtering()` when `display_figures=true`. See [there](https://github.com/superjax/plotWindow/issues/7). -> - [ ] **Bug:** calibration.py. FFMPEG error message when calibration files are images. See [there](https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim/issues/33#:~:text=In%20order%20to%20check,filter%20this%20message%20yet.). - -
- **Pose2Sim releases:** -> - v0.1: Published online -> - v0.2: Published associated paper -> - v0.3: Supported other pose estimation algorithms -> - v0.4: New calibration tool - +- [x] v0.1: Published online +- [x] v0.2: Published associated paper +- [x] v0.3: Supported other pose estimation algorithms +- [x] v0.4: New calibration tool +- [ ] v0.5: Supports multi-person analysis +- [ ] v0.6: New synchronization tool +- [ ] v0.7: Graphical User Interface +- [ ] v1.0: First accomplished release