Intagration of the function

This commit is contained in:
Anaaim 2024-04-09 09:53:07 +02:00
parent 8075224879
commit 3f580ee756

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@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ def calibrate_extrinsics(calib_dir, extrinsics_config_dict, C, S, K, D):
# H_cam = np.block([[r_mat,t.reshape(3,1)], [np.zeros(3), 1 ]])
# P_cam = Kh_cam @ H_cam
# proj_obj = [ ( P_cam[0] @ np.append(o, 1) / (P_cam[2] @ np.append(o, 1)), P_cam[1] @ np.append(o, 1) / (P_cam[2] @ np.append(o, 1)) ) for o in objp]
proj_obj = np.squeeze(cv2.projectPoints(objp,r,t,mtx,dist)[0])
proj_obj = np.squeeze(cv2.projectPoints(np.array(objp),r,t,mtx,dist)[0])
# Check calibration results
if show_reprojection_error:
@ -967,8 +967,11 @@ def imgp_objp_visualizer_clicker(img, imgp=[], objp=[], img_path=''):
If right click, last point is removed
global imgp_confirmed, objp_confirmed, objp_confirmed_notok, scat, ax_3d, fig_3d, events, count, xydata
global imgp_confirmed, objp_confirmed, objp_confirmed_notok, scat, ax_3d, fig_3d, events, count, xydata, in_prompt
# To avoid to much click during the prompt
in_prompt_not_exist = "in_prompt" not in globals()
if in_prompt_not_exist or not in_prompt:
# Left click: Add clicked point to imgp_confirmed
# Display it on image and on 3D plot
if event.button == 1:
@ -993,21 +996,56 @@ def imgp_objp_visualizer_clicker(img, imgp=[], objp=[], img_path=''):
objp_confirmed = [objp[count]]
ax_3d.scatter(*objp[count], marker='o', color='g')
elif count == len(objp) - 1:
in_prompt = True
objp_confirmed = \
[[objp[count]] if 'objp_confirmed' not in globals() else objp_confirmed + [objp[count]]][0]
ax_3d.scatter(*objp[count], marker='o', color='g')
msg_box = tkinter.messagebox.askquestion(
"Validate Calibration", "Are you satisfied with point positioning ? ", icon="warning"
if msg_box.lower() == "yes":
# close all
# retrieve objp_confirmed
objp_confirmed = np.array([[objp[count]] if 'objp_confirmed' not in globals() else objp_confirmed+[objp[count]]][0])
# objp_confirmed = np.array([[objp[count]] if 'objp_confirmed' not in globals() else objp_confirmed+[objp[count]]][0])
imgp_confirmed = np.array(imgp_confirmed, np.float32)
# delete all
for var_to_delete in ['events', 'count', 'scat', 'scat_3d', 'fig_3d', 'ax_3d', 'objp_confirmed_notok']:
in_prompt = False
for var_to_delete in ['events', 'count', 'scat', 'scat_3d', 'fig_3d', 'ax_3d',
if var_to_delete in globals():
del globals()[var_to_delete]
elif msg_box.lower() == "no":
in_prompt = False
# If last event was left click:
if 'button' in dir(events[-1]):
if events[-1].button == 1:
# Remove lastpoint from image
new_xydata = scat.get_offsets()[:-1]
# Remove last point from imgp_confirmed
imgp_confirmed = imgp_confirmed[:-1]
if len(objp) != 0:
if count >= 0:
count -= 1
# Remove last point from objp_confirmed
objp_confirmed = objp_confirmed[:-1]
# remove from plot
if len(ax_3d.collections) > len(objp):
# retrieve objp_confirmed and plot 3D
objp_confirmed = [[objp[count]] if 'objp_confirmed' not in globals() else objp_confirmed+[objp[count]]][0]
objp_confirmed = \
[[objp[count]] if 'objp_confirmed' not in globals() else objp_confirmed + [objp[count]]][0]
ax_3d.scatter(*objp[count], marker='o', color='g')
# Right click: