draft synchro

This commit is contained in:
davidpagnon 2024-03-19 10:33:07 +01:00
parent f4c764f3cb
commit c4773faa68
4 changed files with 206 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ exclude_from_batch = [] # List of trials to be excluded from batch analysis, ['<
pose_framework = 'openpose' # 'openpose', 'mediapipe', 'alphapose', 'deeplabcut'
pose_model = 'BODY_25B' #With openpose: BODY_25B, BODY_25, BODY_135, COCO, MPII
pose_model = 'BODY_25B' #With openpose: BODY_25B, BODY_25, BODY_135, COCO, MPII.
#With mediapipe: BLAZEPOSE.
#With alphapose: HALPE_26, HALPE_68, HALPE_136, COCO_133.
#With deeplabcut: CUSTOM. See example at the end of the file.
@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ openpose_path = '' # only checked if OpenPose is used
display_corr = true # true or false (lowercase)
reset_sync = true # Recalculate synchronization even if already done
# id_kpt = [10] # keypoint ID, to be found in skeleton.py. Example RWrist' BLAZEPOSE 16, BODY_25B 10, BODY_25 4 ; 'LWrist' BLAZEPOSE 15, BODY_25B 9, BODY_25 7
# weights_kpt = [1] # Only taken into account if you have several keypoints (Currently only one keypoint is supported).
sync_frame_range = [] # For example [0,150], or [] for all frames (default)
# limit synchronization search (to the beginning or to the end of the capture for example)
approx_time_maxspeed = 'auto' # Approximate time where to search for synchronization. Useful a sharp vertical movement is done (with any part of the body)
# For example [1.0, 0.2, 0.8, 1.1] (in seconds, one value per camera)
# If 'auto': automatic search (default)

View File

@ -210,26 +210,37 @@ else:
# plt.show()
for i in range(25):
for i in range(25):
for i in range(4):
# sum_speeds[i].plot(label=i)
df_speed[0].plot() # --> remove janky points
for json_dir in json_dirs:
old_file_names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(json_dir)), '*.json.old')
for old in old_file_names:
old_path = os.path.join( json_dir, old)
os.rename(old_path, old_path[:-4])

View File

@ -7,6 +7,16 @@
- no ref cam (least amount of frames), no kpt selection
- recap
- whole sequence or around approx time (if long)
- somehow fix demo (offset 0 frames when 0 frames offset)
Steps undergone in this script
0. Converting json files to pandas dataframe
1. Computing speeds (vertical)
@ -53,19 +63,25 @@ def convert_json2pandas(json_dir):
- df_json_coords: dataframe. Extracted coordinates in a pandas dataframe.
min_conf = 0.6
nb_coord = 25 # int(len(json_data)/3)
json_files_names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(json_dir)), '*.json') # modified ( 'json' to '*.json' )
json_files_names.sort(key=lambda name: int(re.search(r'(\d+)\.json', name).group(1)))
json_files_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number(json_files_names)
json_files_path = [os.path.join(json_dir, j_f) for j_f in json_files_names]
json_coords = []
for i, j_p in enumerate(json_files_path):
for j_p in json_files_path:
with open(j_p) as j_f:
json_data = json.load(j_f)['people'][0]['pose_keypoints_2d']
# remove points with low confidence
json_data = np.array([[json_data[3*i],json_data[3*i+1],json_data[3*i+2]] if json_data[3*i+2]>min_conf else [0.,0.,0.] for i in range(nb_coord)]).ravel().tolist()
print(f'No person found in {os.path.basename(json_dir)}, frame {i}')
json_data = [0]*75
# print(f'No person found in {os.path.basename(json_dir)}, frame {i}')
json_data = [0] * 25*3
df_json_coords = pd.DataFrame(json_coords)
return df_json_coords
@ -87,7 +103,7 @@ def drop_col(df, col_nb):
return df_dropped
def speed_vert(df, axis='y'):
def vert_speed(df, axis='y'):
Calculate the vertical speed of a DataFrame along a specified axis.
@ -107,23 +123,6 @@ def speed_vert(df, axis='y'):
return df_vert_speed
def speed_2D(df):
Calculate the 2D speed of a DataFrame.
- df: dataframe. DataFrame of 2D coordinates.
- DataFrame: The DataFrame containing the 2D speed values.
df_diff = df.diff()
df_diff = df_diff.fillna(df_diff.iloc[1]*2)
df_2Dspeed = pd.DataFrame([np.sqrt(df_diff.loc[:,2*k]*2 + df_diff.loc[:,2*k+1]*2) for k in range(int(df_diff.shape[1]*2))]).T
return df_2Dspeed
def interpolate_zeros_nans(col, kind):
Interpolate missing points (of value nan)
@ -143,10 +142,46 @@ def interpolate_zeros_nans(col, kind):
col_interp = np.where(mask, col, f_interp(col.index))
return col_interp
print('No good values to interpolate')
# print('No good values to interpolate')
return col
def time_lagged_cross_corr(camx, camy, lag_range, show=True):
pearson_r = [camx.corr(camy.shift(lag)) for lag in range(-lag_range, lag_range)]
offset = int(np.floor(len(pearson_r)/2)-np.argmax(pearson_r))
if not np.isnan(pearson_r).all():
max_corr = np.nanmax(pearson_r)
if show:
f, ax = plt.subplots(2,1)
# speed
camx.plot(ax=ax[0], label = f'ref cam')
camy.plot(ax=ax[0], label = f'compared cam')
ax[0].set(xlabel='Frame', ylabel='Speed (px/frame)')
# time lagged cross-correlation
ax[1].plot(list(range(-lag_range, lag_range)), pearson_r)
ax[1].axvline(np.ceil(len(pearson_r)/2) - lag_range,color='k',linestyle='--')
ax[1].axvline(np.argmax(pearson_r) - lag_range,color='r',linestyle='--',label='Peak synchrony')
plt.annotate(f'Max correlation={np.round(max_corr,2)}', xy=(0.05, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction')
ax[1].set(title=f'Offset = {offset} frames', xlabel='Offset (frames)',ylabel='Pearson r')
max_corr = 0
offset = 0
if show:
# print('No good values to interpolate')
return offset, max_corr
def find_highest_wrist_position(df_coords, wrist_index):
Find the frame with the highest wrist position in a list of coordinate DataFrames.
@ -325,6 +360,21 @@ def apply_offset(offset, json_dirs, reset_sync, cam1_nb, cam2_nb):
os.rename(os.path.join(json_dir_to_offset, json_files[i]), os.path.join(json_dir_to_offset, json_files[i] + '.del'))
def sort_stringlist_by_last_number(string_list):
Sort a list of strings based on the last number in the string.
Works if other numbers in the string, if strings after number. Ignores alphabetical order.
Example: ['json1', 'js4on2.b', 'eypoints_0000003.json', 'ajson0', 'json10']
gives: ['ajson0', 'json1', 'js4on2.b', 'eypoints_0000003.json', 'json10']
def sort_by_last_number(s):
return int(re.findall(r'\d+', s)[-1])
return sorted(string_list, key=sort_by_last_number)
def synchronize_cams_all(config_dict):
@ -333,15 +383,18 @@ def synchronize_cams_all(config_dict):
# get parameters from Config.toml
project_dir = config_dict.get('project').get('project_dir')
pose_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose'))
fps = config_dict.get('project').get('frame_rate') # frame rate of the cameras (Hz)
reset_sync = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('reset_sync') # Start synchronization over each time it is run
fps = config_dict.get('project').get('frame_rate')
reset_sync = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('reset_sync')
approx_time_maxspeed = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('approx_time_maxspeed')
filter_order = 4
filter_cutoff = 6
vmax = 20 # px/s
# vmax = 4 # px/s # in average for each keypoint -> vmax sum = 100 px/s
corr_threshold = 0.8
top_N_corr = 10
# List json files
pose_listdirs_names = next(os.walk(pose_dir))[1]
pose_listdirs_names.sort(key=lambda name: int(re.search(r'(\d+)', name).group(1)))
pose_listdirs_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number(pose_listdirs_names)
json_dirs_names = [k for k in pose_listdirs_names if 'json' in k]
json_dirs = [os.path.join(pose_dir, j_d) for j_d in json_dirs_names] # list of json directories in pose_dir
cam_nb = len(json_dirs)
@ -352,31 +405,121 @@ def synchronize_cams_all(config_dict):
for i, json_dir in enumerate(json_dirs):
df_coords[i] = drop_col(df_coords[i],3) # drop likelihood
df_coords[i] = df_coords[i].apply(interpolate_zeros_nans, axis=0, args = ['cubic'])
df_coords[i] = df_coords[i].apply(loess_filter_1d, axis=0, args = [30])
df_coords[i] = df_coords[i].apply(interpolate_zeros_nans, axis=0, args = ['linear'])
df_coords[i] = df_coords[i].bfill().ffill()
df_coords[i] = pd.DataFrame(signal.filtfilt(b, a, df_coords[i], axis=0))
# for i in range(25):
# df_coords[0].iloc[:,i*2+1].plot(label='0')
# df_coords[1].iloc[:,i*2+1].plot(label='1')
# df_coords[2].iloc[:,i*2+1].plot(label='2')
# df_coords[3].iloc[:,i*2+1].plot(label='3')
# plt.title(i)
# plt.legend()
# plt.show()
# Save keypoint coordinates to pickle
with open(os.path.join(pose_dir, 'coords'), 'wb') as fp:
pk.dump(df_coords, fp)
# with open(os.path.join(pose_dir, 'coords'), 'wb') as fp:
# pk.dump(df_coords, fp)
# with open(os.path.join(pose_dir, 'coords'), 'rb') as fp:
# df_coords = pk.load(fp)
# Compute vertical speed
df_speed = []
for i in range(cam_nb):
# df_speed[i] = df_speed[i].where(abs(df_speed[i])<vmax, other=np.nan) # replaces by nan if jumps in speed
# df_speed[i] = df_speed[i].apply(interpolate_nans, axis=0, args = ['cubic'])
# Set reference camera (with least amount of frames)
nb_frames_per_cam = [len(d) for d in df_coords]
ref_cam_id = nb_frames_per_cam.index(min(nb_frames_per_cam))
ref_frame_nb = len(df_coords[ref_cam_id])
cam_list = list(range(cam_nb))
# Frame with maximum of the sum of absolute speeds
max_speed_frame = []
for i in range(cam_nb):
max_speed_frame += [np.argmax(abs(df_speed[i].sum(axis=1)))]
# Detect best moment for synchronization search (highest correlation for sum of speeds for each camera)
approx_offset, approx_frame_maxspeed, search_sync_around_frame = [], [], []
# If auto approx_time_maxspeed, search approximate synchronization offset on the whole video sequence
if approx_time_maxspeed == 'auto':
# compute vertical speed
df_speed = []
sum_speeds = []
lag_range = int(ref_frame_nb/2)
for i in range(cam_nb):
# nb_coord = df_speed[i].shape[1]
# sum_speeds[i][ sum_speeds[i]>vmax*nb_coord ] = 0
sum_speeds[i] = pd.DataFrame(signal.filtfilt(b, a, sum_speeds[i], axis=0)).squeeze()
approx_frame_maxspeed_ref = np.argmax(sum_speeds[ref_cam_id])
# frame with highest correlation of sum of absolute speeds for each cam compared to reference cam
for cam_id in cam_list:
frame_nb = len(sum_speeds[cam_id])
approx_offset_cam, _ = time_lagged_cross_corr(sum_speeds[ref_cam_id], sum_speeds[cam_id], lag_range, show=True)
search_sync_around_frame.append([max(0,approx_frame_maxspeed_ref+approx_offset_cam-fps), min(frame_nb, approx_frame_maxspeed_ref+approx_offset_cam+fps)])
# Else search best synchronization offset around the time specified +/- 2 sec
approx_frame_maxspeed_ref = int(fps * approx_time_maxspeed[ref_cam_id])
for cam_id in cam_list:
frame_nb = len(df_coords[cam_id])
approx_frame_maxspeed_cam = int(fps * approx_time_maxspeed[cam_id])
search_sync_around_frame.append([max(0,approx_frame_maxspeed_cam-2*fps), min(frame_nb, approx_frame_maxspeed_cam+2*fps)])
approx_frame_maxspeed.insert(ref_cam_id, approx_frame_maxspeed_ref)
search_sync_around_frame.insert(ref_cam_id, [max(0,approx_frame_maxspeed_ref-2*fps), min(ref_frame_nb, approx_frame_maxspeed_ref+2*fps)])
approx_offset.insert(ref_cam_id, 0)
# Refine synchronization offset
offset = []
for cam_id in cam_list:
coords_nb = int(len(df_coords[cam_id].columns)/2)
lag_range = min(int(ref_frame_nb/2), fps)
offset_cam, corr_cam = [], []
for coord_id in range(coords_nb):
camx = df_speed[ref_cam_id][coord_id][search_sync_around_frame[ref_cam_id][0]:search_sync_around_frame[ref_cam_id][1]]
camy = df_speed[cam_id][coord_id][search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][0]:search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][1]]
offset_cam_coord, corr_cam_coord = time_lagged_cross_corr(camx, camy, lag_range, show=False)
# print(f'{coord_id} keypoint: offset = {offset_cam} frames and correlation = {corr_cam}.')
corr_cam = np.array(corr_cam)
offset_cam = np.array(offset_cam)
# take highest correlations and retrieve median offset
top_five_offset_coord = np.argpartition(-corr_cam, top_N_corr)[:top_N_corr]
top_five_offset_coord = top_five_offset_coord[np.argsort(corr_cam[top_five_offset_coord])][::-1]
top_five_corr_coord = corr_cam[top_five_offset_coord]
top_five_offset_coord = [c for i,c in enumerate(top_five_offset_coord) if top_five_corr_coord[i]>corr_threshold]
best_offset_cam = round(np.median(offset_cam[top_five_offset_coord]))
print('\n', best_offset_cam, offset_cam[top_five_offset_coord], corr_cam[top_five_offset_coord])
# def best_synchronization_offset(df_coords, fps, approx_time_maxspeed):
# '''
# '''
# pass
# test time-lagged c-c for sum_speeds
search_sync_min_frame_nb = min([(s[1]-s[0]) for s in search_sync_around_frame])
lag_range = min(int(search_sync_min_frame_nb/2), 2*fps)
ref_cam_selected = sum_speeds[ref_cam_id][search_sync_around_frame[ref_cam_id][0]:search_sync_around_frame[ref_cam_id][1]]
for cam_id in cam_list:
cam_selected = sum_speeds[cam_id][search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][0]:search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][1]].reset_index(drop=True)
lag_index = int((search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][1] - search_sync_around_frame[cam_id][0]) / 2)
offset, max_corr = time_lagged_cross_corr(ref_cam_selected, cam_selected, lag_index, show=True)
print(f'Camera {ref_cam_id} and camera {cam_id} have a max correlation of {max_corr} with an offset of {offset} frames.')
# time-lagged cross-correlation for each point, weighted by corr
@ -391,9 +534,7 @@ def synchronize_cams_all(config_dict):
# find the lowest position of the wrist
lowest_frames, lowest_y_coords = find_highest_wrist_position(df_coords, id_kpt)
# set reference camera
nb_frames_per_cam = [len(d) for d in df_speed]
ref_cam_id = nb_frames_per_cam.index(min(nb_frames_per_cam))
max_speeds = []

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def interpolate_zeros_nans(col, *args):
f_interp = interpolate.interp1d(idx_good, col[idx_good], kind=kind, fill_value='extrapolate', bounds_error=False)
col_interp = np.where(mask, col, f_interp(col.index)) #replace at false index with interpolated values
# Reintroduce nans if lenght of sequence > N
# Reintroduce nans if length of sequence > N
idx_notgood = np.where(~mask)[0]
gaps = np.where(np.diff(idx_notgood) > 1)[0] + 1 # where the indices of true are not contiguous
sequences = np.split(idx_notgood, gaps)