nightly commit. Excluded cameras correctly calculated
This commit is contained in:
@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ def recap_triangulate(config, error, nb_cams_excluded, keypoints_names, cam_excl
show_interp_indices = config.get('triangulation').get('show_interp_indices')
interpolation_kind = config.get('triangulation').get('interpolation')
handle_LR_swap = config.get('triangulation').get('handle_LR_swap')
undistort_points = config.get('triangulation').get('undistort_points')
# Recap
calib_cam1 = calib[list(calib.keys())[0]]
@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ def recap_triangulate(config, error, nb_cams_excluded, keypoints_names, cam_excl
mean_cam_excluded = np.around(nb_cams_excluded['mean'].mean(), decimals=2)
||||'\n--> Mean reprojection error for all points on all frames is {mean_error_px} px, which roughly corresponds to {mean_error_mm} mm. ')
||||'Cameras were excluded if likelihood was below {likelihood_threshold} and if the reprojection error was above {error_threshold_triangulation} px. Limb swapping was {"handled" if handle_LR_swap else "not handled"}.')
||||'Cameras were excluded if likelihood was below {likelihood_threshold} and if the reprojection error was above {error_threshold_triangulation} px.')
||||'In average, {mean_cam_excluded} cameras had to be excluded to reach these thresholds.')
cam_excluded_count = {i: v for i, v in zip(cam_names, cam_excluded_count.values())}
str_cam_excluded_count = ''
@ -250,6 +251,9 @@ def recap_triangulate(config, error, nb_cams_excluded, keypoints_names, cam_excl
str_cam_excluded_count += f'Camera {k}: {int(np.round(v*100))}%, '
||||'\nLimb swapping was {"handled" if handle_LR_swap else "not handled"}.')
||||'Lens distortions were {"taken into account" if undistort_points else "not taken into account"}.')
||||'\n3D coordinates are stored at {trc_path}.')
@ -313,7 +317,7 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
y_files_filt = np.vstack([y_files.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
x_files_swapped_filt = np.vstack([x_files_swapped.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
y_files_swapped_filt = np.vstack([y_files_swapped.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
likelihood_files_filt = np.vstack([likelihood_files_swapped.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
likelihood_files_filt = np.vstack([likelihood_files.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
if nb_cams_off > 0:
for i in range(len(id_cams_off)):
@ -325,25 +329,34 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
nb_cams_excluded_filt = [np.count_nonzero(np.nan_to_num(x)==0) for x in likelihood_files_filt] # count nans and zeros
if undistort_points:
calib_params_K_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_K_filt) ]
calib_params_dist_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_dist_filt) ]
calib_params_R_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_R_filt) ]
calib_params_T_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_T_filt) ]
projection_matrices_filt = [ [ p[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) ] for j, p in enumerate(projection_matrices_filt) ]
x_files_filt = [ [ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) ] for x in x_files_filt ]
y_files_filt = [ [ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) ] for x in y_files_filt ]
x_files_swapped_filt = [ [ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) ] for x in x_files_swapped_filt ]
y_files_swapped_filt = [ [ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) ] for x in y_files_swapped_filt ]
likelihood_files_filt = [ [ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) ] for x in likelihood_files_filt ]
calib_params_K_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) and not x_files_filt[j][i]==0. ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_K_filt) ]
calib_params_dist_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) and not x_files_filt[j][i]==0. ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_dist_filt) ]
calib_params_R_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) and not x_files_filt[j][i]==0. ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_R_filt) ]
calib_params_T_filt = [ [ c[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) and not x_files_filt[j][i]==0. ] for j, c in enumerate(calib_params_T_filt) ]
projection_matrices_filt = [ [ p[i] for i in range(n_cams) if not np.isnan(x_files_filt[j][i]) and not x_files_filt[j][i]==0. ] for j, p in enumerate(projection_matrices_filt) ]
print('\nnb_cams_off', repr(nb_cams_off), 'nb_cams_excluded', repr(nb_cams_excluded_filt))
nb_cams_off_tot = nb_cams_excluded_filt[0]
id_cams_off_tot = [np.argwhere(np.isnan(x)).ravel() for x in x_files_filt]
print('x_files ', repr(x_files))
print('x_files_filt ', repr(x_files_filt))
print('id_cams_off_tot ', id_cams_off_tot)
print('id_cams_off ', id_cams_off)
x_files_filt = [ np.array([ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) and not xx==0. ]) for x in x_files_filt ]
y_files_filt = [ np.array([ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) and not xx==0. ]) for x in y_files_filt ]
x_files_swapped_filt = [ np.array([ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) and not xx==0. ]) for x in x_files_swapped_filt ]
y_files_swapped_filt = [ np.array([ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) and not xx==0. ]) for x in y_files_swapped_filt ]
likelihood_files_filt = [ np.array([ xx for ii, xx in enumerate(x) if not np.isnan(xx) and not xx==0. ]) for x in likelihood_files_filt ]
# print('nb_cams_off_tot ', nb_cams_off_tot)
print('x_files_filt ', repr(x_files_filt))
# Triangulate 2D points
Q_filt = [weighted_triangulation(projection_matrices_filt[i], x_files_filt[i], y_files_filt[i], likelihood_files_filt[i]) for i in range(len(id_cams_off))]
# Reprojection
if undistort_points:
coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt = np.array([[cv2.projectPoints(np.array(Q_filt[i][:-1]), calib_params_R_filt[i][j], calib_params_T_filt[i][j], calib_params_K_filt[i][j], calib_params_dist_filt[i][j])[0].ravel()
for j in range(n_cams-nb_cams_off)]
for j in range(n_cams-nb_cams_off_tot)]
for i in range(len(id_cams_off))])
coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt = [[coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt[i,:,0], coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt[i,:,1]] for i in range(len(id_cams_off))]
@ -358,6 +371,7 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
q_file = [(x_files_filt[config_off_id][i], y_files_filt[config_off_id][i]) for i in range(len(x_files_filt[config_off_id]))]
q_calc = [(x_calc_filt[config_off_id][i], y_calc_filt[config_off_id][i]) for i in range(len(x_calc_filt[config_off_id]))]
error.append( np.mean( [euclidean_distance(q_file[i], q_calc[i]) for i in range(len(q_file))] ) )
print('error ', error)
# Choosing best triangulation (with min reprojection error)
error_min = min(error)
@ -371,15 +385,16 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
if handle_LR_swap and error_min > error_threshold_triangulation:
n_cams_swapped = 1
error_off_swap_min = error_min
while error_off_swap_min > error_threshold_triangulation and n_cams_swapped < (n_cams - nb_cams_off) / 2: # more than half of the cameras switched: may triangulate twice the same side
while error_off_swap_min > error_threshold_triangulation and n_cams_swapped < (n_cams - nb_cams_off_tot) / 2: # more than half of the cameras switched: may triangulate twice the same side
print('nb_cams_off ', nb_cams_off, 'n_cams_swapped ', n_cams_swapped, 'nb_cams_off_tot ', nb_cams_off_tot)
# Create subsets
id_cams_swapped = np.array(list(it.combinations(range(n_cams-nb_cams_off), n_cams_swapped)))
id_cams_swapped = np.array(list(it.combinations(range(n_cams-nb_cams_off_tot), n_cams_swapped)))
x_files_filt_off_swap = np.array([[x] * len(id_cams_swapped) for x in x_files_filt])
y_files_filt_off_swap = np.array([[y] * len(id_cams_swapped) for y in y_files_filt])
for id_off in range(len(id_cams_off)): # for each configuration with nb_cams_off removed
for id_off in range(len(id_cams_off)): # for each configuration with nb_cams_off_tot removed
for id_swapped, config_swapped in enumerate(id_cams_swapped): # for each of these configurations, test all subconfigurations with with n_cams_swapped swapped
x_files_filt_off_swap[id_off, id_swapped, config_swapped] = x_files_swapped_filt[id_off, config_swapped]
y_files_filt_off_swap[id_off, id_swapped, config_swapped] = y_files_swapped_filt[id_off, config_swapped]
x_files_filt_off_swap[id_off][id_swapped, config_swapped] = x_files_swapped_filt[id_off][config_swapped]
y_files_filt_off_swap[id_off][id_swapped, config_swapped] = y_files_swapped_filt[id_off][config_swapped]
# Triangulate 2D points
Q_filt_off_swap = np.array([[weighted_triangulation(projection_matrices_filt[id_off], x_files_filt_off_swap[id_off, id_swapped], y_files_filt_off_swap[id_off, id_swapped], likelihood_files_filt[id_off])
@ -389,7 +404,7 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
# Reprojection
if undistort_points:
coords_2D_kpt_calc_off_swap = np.array([[[cv2.projectPoints(np.array(Q_filt_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped][:-1]), calib_params_R_filt[id_off][j], calib_params_T_filt[id_off][j], calib_params_K_filt[id_off][j], calib_params_dist_filt[id_off][j])[0].ravel()
for j in range(n_cams-nb_cams_off)]
for j in range(n_cams-nb_cams_off_tot)]
for id_swapped in range(len(id_cams_swapped))]
for id_off in range(len(id_cams_off))])
coords_2D_kpt_calc_off_swap = np.array([[[coords_2D_kpt_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,:,0], coords_2D_kpt_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,:,1]]
@ -403,15 +418,19 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
y_calc_off_swap = coords_2D_kpt_calc_off_swap[:,:,1]
# Reprojection error
print('x_files_filt_off_swap ', x_files_filt_off_swap)
error_off_swap = []
for id_off in range(len(id_cams_off)):
error_percam = []
for id_swapped, config_swapped in enumerate(id_cams_swapped):
q_file_off_swap = [(x_files_filt_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i], y_files_filt_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i]) for i in range(n_cams - nb_cams_off)]
q_calc_off_swap = [(x_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i], y_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i]) for i in range(n_cams - nb_cams_off)]
# print(id_off,id_swapped,n_cams,nb_cams_off)
# print(repr(x_files_filt_off_swap))
q_file_off_swap = [(x_files_filt_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i], y_files_filt_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i]) for i in range(n_cams - nb_cams_off_tot)]
q_calc_off_swap = [(x_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i], y_calc_off_swap[id_off,id_swapped,i]) for i in range(n_cams - nb_cams_off_tot)]
error_percam.append( np.mean( [euclidean_distance(q_file_off_swap[i], q_calc_off_swap[i]) for i in range(len(q_file_off_swap))] ) )
error_off_swap = np.array(error_off_swap)
print('error_off_swap ', error_off_swap)
# Choosing best triangulation (with min reprojection error)
error_off_swap_min = np.min(error_off_swap)
@ -431,12 +450,11 @@ def triangulation_from_best_cameras(config, coords_2D_kpt, coords_2D_kpt_swapped
nb_cams_off += 1
# Index of excluded cams for this keypoint
id_excluded_cams = id_cams_off[best_cams]
id_excluded_cams = id_cams_off_tot[best_cams]
# If triangulation not successful, error = 0, and 3D coordinates as missing values
# If triangulation not successful, error = nan, and 3D coordinates as missing values
if error_min > error_threshold_triangulation:
error_min = np.nan
# Q = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
Q = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
return Q, error_min, nb_cams_excluded, id_excluded_cams
@ -567,18 +585,21 @@ def triangulate_all(config):
for f in tqdm(range(*f_range)):
# Get x,y,likelihood values from files
json_tracked_files_f = [json_tracked_files[c][f] for c in range(n_cams)]
x_files, y_files, likelihood_files = extract_files_frame_f(json_tracked_files_f, keypoints_ids)
# undistort points
if undistort_points:
points = [np.array(tuple(zip(x_files[i],y_files[i]))).reshape(-1, 1, 2).astype('float32') for i in range(n_cams)]
undistorted_points = [cv2.undistortPoints(points[i], calib_params['K'][i], calib_params['dist'][i], None, calib_params['optim_K'][i]) for i in range(n_cams)]
x_files = np.array([[u[i][0][0] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points])
y_files = np.array([[u[i][0][1] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points])
x_files = np.array([[u[i][0][0] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points])
y_files = np.array([[u[i][0][1] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points])
# This is good for slight distortion. For fishey camera, the model does not work anymore. See there for an example
# Replace likelihood by 0 if under likelihood_threshold
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
x_files[likelihood_files<likelihood_threshold] = 0.
y_files[likelihood_files<likelihood_threshold] = 0.
likelihood_files[likelihood_files<likelihood_threshold] = 0.
Q, error, nb_cams_excluded, id_excluded_cams = [], [], [], []
@ -598,6 +619,7 @@ def triangulate_all(config):
print('LKJHLKJH ', id_excluded_cams)
id_excluded_cams = [item for sublist in id_excluded_cams for item in sublist]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user