#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ######################################### ## SYNCHRONIZE CAMERAS ## ######################################### Post-synchronize your cameras in case they are not natively synchronized. For each camera, computes mean vertical speed for the chosen keypoints, and find the time offset for which their correlation is highest. Depending on the analysed motion, all keypoints can be taken into account, or a list of them, or the right or left side. All frames can be considered, or only those around a specific time (typically, the time when there is a single participant in the scene performing a clear vertical motion). Has also been successfully tested for synchronizing random walkswith random walks. Keypoints whose likelihood is too low are filtered out; and the remaining ones are filtered with a butterworth filter. INPUTS: - json files from each camera folders - a Config.toml file - a skeleton model OUTPUTS: - synchronized json files for each camera ''' ## INIT import numpy as np import pandas as pd import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal from scipy import interpolate import json import os import glob import fnmatch import re import shutil from anytree import RenderTree from anytree.importer import DictImporter import logging from Pose2Sim.common import sort_stringlist_by_last_number from Pose2Sim.skeletons import * ## AUTHORSHIP INFORMATION __author__ = "David Pagnon, HunMin Kim" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim" __credits__ = ["David Pagnon"] __license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License" __version__ = "0.9.4" __maintainer__ = "David Pagnon" __email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com" __status__ = "Development" # FUNCTIONS def convert_json2pandas(json_files, likelihood_threshold=0.6): ''' Convert a list of JSON files to a pandas DataFrame. INPUTS: - json_files: list of str. Paths of the the JSON files. - likelihood_threshold: float. Drop values if confidence is below likelihood_threshold. - frame_range: select files within frame_range. OUTPUTS: - df_json_coords: dataframe. Extracted coordinates in a pandas dataframe. ''' nb_coord = 25 # int(len(json_data)/3) json_coords = [] for j_p in json_files: with open(j_p) as j_f: try: json_data = json.load(j_f)['people'] max_confidence_person = max(json_data, key=lambda p: np.mean(p['pose_keypoints_2d'][2::3])) json_data = max_confidence_person['pose_keypoints_2d'] # remove points with low confidence json_data = np.array([[json_data[3*i],json_data[3*i+1],json_data[3*i+2]] if json_data[3*i+2]>likelihood_threshold else [0.,0.,0.] for i in range(nb_coord)]).ravel().tolist() except: # print(f'No person found in {os.path.basename(json_dir)}, frame {i}') json_data = [np.nan] * 25*3 json_coords.append(json_data) df_json_coords = pd.DataFrame(json_coords) return df_json_coords def drop_col(df, col_nb): ''' Drops every nth column from a DataFrame. INPUTS: - df: dataframe. The DataFrame from which columns will be dropped. - col_nb: int. The column number to drop. OUTPUTS: - dataframe: DataFrame with dropped columns. ''' idx_col = list(range(col_nb-1, df.shape[1], col_nb)) df_dropped = df.drop(idx_col, axis=1) df_dropped.columns = range(df_dropped.columns.size) return df_dropped def vert_speed(df, axis='y'): ''' Calculate the vertical speed of a DataFrame along a specified axis. INPUTS: - df: dataframe. DataFrame of 2D coordinates. - axis: str. The axis along which to calculate speed. 'x', 'y', or 'z', default is 'y'. OUTPUTS: - df_vert_speed: DataFrame of vertical speed values. ''' axis_dict = {'x':0, 'y':1, 'z':2} df_diff = df.diff() df_diff = df_diff.fillna(df_diff.iloc[1]*2) df_vert_speed = pd.DataFrame([df_diff.loc[:, 2*k + axis_dict[axis]] for k in range(int(df_diff.shape[1] / 2))]).T # modified ( df_diff.shape[1]*2 to df_diff.shape[1] / 2 ) df_vert_speed.columns = np.arange(len(df_vert_speed.columns)) return df_vert_speed def interpolate_zeros_nans(col, kind): ''' Interpolate missing points (of value nan) INPUTS: - col: pandas column of coordinates - kind: 'linear', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'. Default 'cubic' OUTPUTS: - col_interp: interpolated pandas column ''' mask = ~(np.isnan(col) | col.eq(0)) # true where nans or zeros idx_good = np.where(mask)[0] try: f_interp = interpolate.interp1d(idx_good, col[idx_good], kind=kind, bounds_error=False) col_interp = np.where(mask, col, f_interp(col.index)) return col_interp except: # print('No good values to interpolate') return col def time_lagged_cross_corr(camx, camy, lag_range, show=True, ref_cam_id=0, cam_id=1): ''' Compute the time-lagged cross-correlation between two pandas series. INPUTS: - camx: pandas series. Coordinates of reference camera. - camy: pandas series. Coordinates of camera to compare. - lag_range: int or list. Range of frames for which to compute cross-correlation. - show: bool. If True, display the cross-correlation plot. - ref_cam_id: int. The reference camera id. - cam_id: int. The camera id to compare. OUTPUTS: - offset: int. The time offset for which the correlation is highest. - max_corr: float. The maximum correlation value. ''' if isinstance(lag_range, int): lag_range = [-lag_range, lag_range] pearson_r = [camx.corr(camy.shift(lag)) for lag in range(lag_range[0], lag_range[1])] offset = int(np.floor(len(pearson_r)/2)-np.argmax(pearson_r)) if not np.isnan(pearson_r).all(): max_corr = np.nanmax(pearson_r) if show: f, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) # speed camx.plot(ax=ax[0], label = f'Reference: camera #{ref_cam_id}') camy.plot(ax=ax[0], label = f'Compared: camera #{cam_id}') ax[0].set(xlabel='Frame', ylabel='Speed (px/frame)') ax[0].legend() # time lagged cross-correlation ax[1].plot(list(range(lag_range[0], lag_range[1])), pearson_r) ax[1].axvline(np.ceil(len(pearson_r)/2) + lag_range[0],color='k',linestyle='--') ax[1].axvline(np.argmax(pearson_r) + lag_range[0],color='r',linestyle='--',label='Peak synchrony') plt.annotate(f'Max correlation={np.round(max_corr,2)}', xy=(0.05, 0.9), xycoords='axes fraction') ax[1].set(title=f'Offset = {offset} frames', xlabel='Offset (frames)',ylabel='Pearson r') plt.legend() f.tight_layout() plt.show() else: max_corr = 0 offset = 0 if show: # print('No good values to interpolate') pass return offset, max_corr def synchronize_cams_all(config_dict): ''' Post-synchronize your cameras in case they are not natively synchronized. For each camera, computes mean vertical speed for the chosen keypoints, and find the time offset for which their correlation is highest. Depending on the analysed motion, all keypoints can be taken into account, or a list of them, or the right or left side. All frames can be considered, or only those around a specific time (typically, the time when there is a single participant in the scene performing a clear vertical motion). Has also been successfully tested for synchronizing random walkswith random walks. Keypoints whose likelihood is too low are filtered out; and the remaining ones are filtered with a butterworth filter. INPUTS: - json files from each camera folders - a Config.toml file - a skeleton model OUTPUTS: - synchronized json files for each camera ''' # Get parameters from Config.toml project_dir = config_dict.get('project').get('project_dir') pose_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose')) pose_model = config_dict.get('pose').get('pose_model') multi_person = config_dict.get('project').get('multi_person') fps = config_dict.get('project').get('frame_rate') frame_range = config_dict.get('project').get('frame_range') display_sync_plots = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('display_sync_plots') keypoints_to_consider = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('keypoints_to_consider') approx_time_maxspeed = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('approx_time_maxspeed') time_range_around_maxspeed = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('time_range_around_maxspeed') likelihood_threshold = config_dict.get('synchronization').get('likelihood_threshold') filter_cutoff = int(config_dict.get('synchronization').get('filter_cutoff')) filter_order = int(config_dict.get('synchronization').get('filter_order')) # Determine frame rate video_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'videos') vid_img_extension = config_dict['pose']['vid_img_extension'] video_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_dir, '*'+vid_img_extension)) if fps == 'auto': try: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_files[0]) cap.read() if cap.read()[0] == False: raise fps = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) except: fps = 60 lag_range = time_range_around_maxspeed*fps # frames # Warning if multi_person if multi_person: logging.warning('\nYou set your project as a multi-person one: make sure you set `approx_time_maxspeed` and `time_range_around_maxspeed` at times where one single person is in the scene, or you may get inaccurate results.') do_synchro = input('Do you want to continue? (y/n)') if do_synchro.lower() not in ["y","yes"]: logging.warning('Synchronization cancelled.') return else: logging.warning('Synchronization will be attempted.\n') # Retrieve keypoints from model try: # from skeletons.py model = eval(pose_model) except: try: # from Config.toml model = DictImporter().import_(config_dict.get('pose').get(pose_model)) if model.id == 'None': model.id = None except: raise NameError('Model not found in skeletons.py nor in Config.toml') keypoints_ids = [node.id for _, _, node in RenderTree(model) if node.id!=None] keypoints_names = [node.name for _, _, node in RenderTree(model) if node.id!=None] # List json files try: pose_listdirs_names = next(os.walk(pose_dir))[1] os.listdir(os.path.join(pose_dir, pose_listdirs_names[0]))[0] except: raise ValueError(f'No json files found in {pose_dir} subdirectories. Make sure you run Pose2Sim.poseEstimation() first.') pose_listdirs_names = sort_stringlist_by_last_number(pose_listdirs_names) json_dirs_names = [k for k in pose_listdirs_names if 'json' in k] json_dirs = [os.path.join(pose_dir, j_d) for j_d in json_dirs_names] # list of json directories in pose_dir json_files_names = [fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(pose_dir, js_dir)), '*.json') for js_dir in json_dirs_names] json_files_names = [sort_stringlist_by_last_number(j) for j in json_files_names] nb_frames_per_cam = [len(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(json_dir)), '*.json')) for json_dir in json_dirs] cam_nb = len(json_dirs) cam_list = list(range(cam_nb)) # frame range selection f_range = [[0, min([len(j) for j in json_files_names])] if frame_range==[] else frame_range][0] # json_files_names = [[j for j in json_files_cam if int(re.split(r'(\d+)',j)[-2]) in range(*f_range)] for json_files_cam in json_files_names] # Determine frames to consider for synchronization if isinstance(approx_time_maxspeed, list): # search around max speed approx_frame_maxspeed = [int(fps * t) for t in approx_time_maxspeed] nb_frames_per_cam = [len(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(json_dir)), '*.json')) for json_dir in json_dirs] search_around_frames = [[int(a-lag_range) if a-lag_range>0 else 0, int(a+lag_range) if a+lag_rangevmax*nb_coord ] = 0 # # Replace 0 by random values, otherwise 0 padding may lead to unreliable correlations # sum_speeds[i].loc[sum_speeds[i] < 1] = sum_speeds[i].loc[sum_speeds[i] < 1].apply(lambda x: np.random.normal(0,1)) sum_speeds[i] = pd.DataFrame(signal.filtfilt(b, a, sum_speeds[i], axis=0)).squeeze() # Compute offset for best synchronization: # Highest correlation of sum of absolute speeds for each cam compared to reference cam ref_cam_id = nb_frames_per_cam.index(min(nb_frames_per_cam)) # ref cam: least amount of frames ref_frame_nb = len(df_coords[ref_cam_id]) lag_range = int(ref_frame_nb/2) cam_list.pop(ref_cam_id) offset = [] for cam_id in cam_list: offset_cam_section, max_corr_cam = time_lagged_cross_corr(sum_speeds[ref_cam_id], sum_speeds[cam_id], lag_range, show=display_sync_plots, ref_cam_id=ref_cam_id, cam_id=cam_id) offset_cam = offset_cam_section - (search_around_frames[ref_cam_id][0] - search_around_frames[cam_id][0]) if isinstance(approx_time_maxspeed, list): logging.info(f'--> Camera {ref_cam_id} and {cam_id}: {offset_cam} frames offset ({offset_cam_section} on the selected section), correlation {round(max_corr_cam, 2)}.') else: logging.info(f'--> Camera {ref_cam_id} and {cam_id}: {offset_cam} frames offset, correlation {round(max_corr_cam, 2)}.') offset.append(offset_cam) offset.insert(ref_cam_id, 0) # rename json files according to the offset and copy them to pose-sync sync_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(pose_dir, '..', 'pose-sync')) os.makedirs(sync_dir, exist_ok=True) for d, j_dir in enumerate(json_dirs): os.makedirs(os.path.join(sync_dir, os.path.basename(j_dir)), exist_ok=True) for j_file in json_files_names[d]: j_split = re.split(r'(\d+)',j_file) j_split[-2] = f'{int(j_split[-2])-offset[d]:06d}' if int(j_split[-2]) > 0: json_offset_name = ''.join(j_split) shutil.copy(os.path.join(pose_dir, os.path.basename(j_dir), j_file), os.path.join(sync_dir, os.path.basename(j_dir), json_offset_name)) logging.info(f'Synchronized json files saved in {sync_dir}.')