#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ################################################## ## YML CALIBRATION TO TOML CALIBRATION ## ################################################## Converts OpenCV intrinsic and extrinsic .yml calibration files to an OpenCV .toml calibration file N.B. : Size is calculated as twice the position of the optical center. Please correct in the resulting .toml file if needed. Take your image size as a reference. Usage: import calib_yml_to_toml; calib_yml_to_toml.calib_yml_to_toml_func(r'', r'') OR python -m calib_yml_to_toml -i -e OR python -m calib_yml_to_toml -i -e -o "" ''' ## INIT import os import argparse import numpy as np import cv2 ## AUTHORSHIP INFORMATION __author__ = "David Pagnon" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim" __credits__ = ["David Pagnon"] __license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License" __version__ = '0.4' __maintainer__ = "David Pagnon" __email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com" __status__ = "Development" ## FUNCTIONS def read_intrinsic_yml(intrinsic_path): ''' Reads an intrinsic .yml calibration file Returns 3 lists of size N (N=number of cameras): - S (image size) - K (intrinsic parameters) - D (distorsion) N.B. : Size is calculated as twice the position of the optical center. Please correct in the .toml file if needed. ''' intrinsic_yml = cv2.FileStorage(intrinsic_path, cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ) N = intrinsic_yml.getNode('names').size() S, D, K = [], [], [] for i in range(N): name = intrinsic_yml.getNode('names').at(i).string() K.append(intrinsic_yml.getNode(f'K_{name}').mat()) D.append(intrinsic_yml.getNode(f'dist_{name}').mat().flatten()[:-1]) S.append([K[i][0,2]*2, K[i][1,2]*2]) return S, K, D def read_extrinsic_yml(extrinsic_path): ''' Reads an intrinsic .yml calibration file Returns 3 lists of size N (N=number of cameras): - R (extrinsic rotation, Rodrigues vector) - T (extrinsic translation) ''' extrinsic_yml = cv2.FileStorage(extrinsic_path, cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ) N = extrinsic_yml.getNode('names').size() R, T = [], [] for i in range(N): name = extrinsic_yml.getNode('names').at(i).string() R.append(extrinsic_yml.getNode(f'R_{name}').mat().flatten()) # R_1 pour Rodrigues, Rot_1 pour matrice T.append(extrinsic_yml.getNode(f'T_{name}').mat().flatten()) return R, T def read_calib_yml(intrinsic_path, extrinsic_path): ''' Reads OpenCV .yml calibration files Returns 5 lists of size N (N=number of cameras): - C (camera name), - S (image size), - D (distorsion), - K (intrinsic parameters), - R (extrinsic rotation), - T (extrinsic translation) ''' S, K, D = read_intrinsic_yml(intrinsic_path) R, T = read_extrinsic_yml(extrinsic_path) C = np.array(range(len(S)))+1 return C, S, D, K, R, T def toml_write(toml_path, C, S, D, K, R, T): ''' Writes calibration parameters to a .toml file. ''' with open(os.path.join(toml_path), 'w+') as cal_f: for c in range(len(C)): cam=f'[cam_{c+1}]\n' name = f'name = "{C[c]}"\n' size = f'size = [ {S[c][0]}, {S[c][1]},]\n' mat = f'matrix = [ [ {K[c][0,0]}, 0.0, {K[c][0,2]},], [ 0.0, {K[c][1,1]}, {K[c][1,2]},], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,],]\n' dist = f'distortions = [ {D[c][0]}, {D[c][1]}, {D[c][2]}, {D[c][3]},]\n' rot = f'rotation = [ {R[c][0]}, {R[c][1]}, {R[c][2]},]\n' tran = f'translation = [ {T[c][0]}, {T[c][1]}, {T[c][2]},]\n' fish = f'fisheye = false\n\n' cal_f.write(cam + name + size + mat + dist + rot + tran + fish) meta = '[metadata]\nadjusted = false\nerror = 0.0\n' cal_f.write(meta) def calib_yml_to_toml_func(*args): ''' Converts OpenCV intrinsic and extrinsic .yml calibration files to an OpenCV .toml calibration file N.B. : Size is calculated as twice the position of the optical center. Please correct in the resulting .toml file if needed. Take your image size as a reference. Usage: import calib_yml_to_toml; calib_yml_to_toml.calib_yml_to_toml_func(r'', r'') OR python -m calib_yml_to_toml -i -e OR python -m calib_yml_to_toml -i -e -o "" ''' try: intrinsic_path = os.path.realpath(args[0].get('intrinsic_file')) # invoked with argparse extrinsic_path = os.path.realpath(args[0].get('extrinsic_file')) if args[0]['toml_file'] == None: toml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(intrinsic_path), 'Calib.toml') else: toml_path = os.path.realpath(args[0]['toml_file']) except: intrinsic_path = os.path.realpath(args[0]) # invoked as a function extrinsic_path = os.path.realpath(args[1]) toml_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(intrinsic_path), 'Calib.toml') C, S, D, K, R, T = read_calib_yml(intrinsic_path, extrinsic_path) toml_write(toml_path, C, S, D, K, R, T) print(f'Calibration file generated at {toml_path}.\n') if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i', '--intrinsic_file', required = True, help='OpenCV intrinsic .yml calibration file') parser.add_argument('-e', '--extrinsic_file', required = True, help='OpenCV extrinsic .yml calibration file') parser.add_argument('-t', '--toml_file', required=False, help='OpenCV .toml output calibration file') args = vars(parser.parse_args()) calib_yml_to_toml_func(args)