Laizo 3d6dbfc6d5
Progress on the integration of sports2D & Real-time (#139)
* Renamed an internal variable move save_video from pose to project

* Rename of variables

* Start importing from sports2d

* setup_capture_directories import

* rename of display_detectiob

* Add deprecated warning message for display_detection

* Loop most import from sports2d

* Filed reorganized

* Fix variable initiation

* Move function to sports2d

* Fixed imports
TODO: fix file organisation

* update for webcam usage

* begin of parralelisation

* Advancement on parallel process

* Skeletons from sports2d

* Creation of the new process

* Combined display

* Forgot in commit

* Advancement on video connexion stabilisation

* Code simplified

* code simplififcation

* fixed multiple issues

* Progress on webcam connexion

* Update for thread managment

* Fix codec

* Progress on webcam connection

* fix display issues

* Optimisation attempt

* fix pose_tracker initiation

* blocking process while searching for webcam

* Common process

* Improve code stability

* try to fix video

* Code simplification and working on debug

* code simplifications

* fix return fonction issue

* Still try to fix issue of frames skipped

* Progress on new process

* Fix frame ixd number

* frame range fix

* move frame range
2024-11-15 17:30:43 +01:00

569 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Estimate pose from a video file or a folder of images and
write the results to JSON files, videos, and/or images.
Results can optionally be displayed in real time.
Supported models: HALPE_26 (default, body and feet), COCO_133 (body, feet, hands), COCO_17 (body)
Supported modes: lightweight, balanced, performance (edit paths at rtmlib/tools/solutions if you
need nother detection or pose models)
Optionally gives consistent person ID across frames (slower but good for 2D analysis)
Optionally runs detection every n frames and inbetween tracks points (faster but less accurate).
If a valid cuda installation is detected, uses the GPU with the ONNXRuntime backend. Otherwise,
uses the CPU with the OpenVINO backend.
- videos or image folders from the video directory
- a Config.toml file
- JSON files with the detected keypoints and confidence scores in the OpenPose format
- Optionally, videos and/or image files with the detected keypoints
import os
import glob
import json
import logging
import cv2
import time
import threading
import queue
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from rtmlib import draw_skeleton
from Sports2D.Utilities.config import setup_pose_tracker, setup_capture_directories
from Sports2D.Utilities.video_management import track_people
__author__ = "HunMin Kim, David Pagnon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim"
__credits__ = ["HunMin Kim", "David Pagnon"]
__license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License"
__version__ = "0.9.4"
__maintainer__ = "David Pagnon"
__email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com"
__status__ = "Development"
def rtm_estimator(config_dict):
Estimate pose from webcams, video files, or a folder of images, and write the results to JSON files, videos, and/or images.
Results can optionally be displayed in real-time.
Supported models: HALPE_26 (default, body and feet), COCO_133 (body, feet, hands), COCO_17 (body)
Supported modes: lightweight, balanced, performance (edit paths at rtmlib/tools/solutions if you need another detection or pose models)
Optionally gives consistent person ID across frames (slower but good for 2D analysis)
Optionally runs detection every n frames and in between tracks points (faster but less accurate).
If a valid CUDA installation is detected, uses the GPU with the ONNXRuntime backend. Otherwise, uses the CPU with the OpenVINO backend.
- videos or image folders from the video directory
- a Config.toml file
- JSON files with the detected keypoints and confidence scores in the OpenPose format
- Optionally, videos and/or image files with the detected keypoints
# Read config
output_dir = config_dict['project']['project_dir']
source_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'videos')
pose_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'pose')
show_realtime_results = config_dict['pose'].get('show_realtime_results', False)
vid_img_extension = config_dict['pose']['vid_img_extension']
webcam_ids = config_dict['pose'].get('webcam_ids', [])
overwrite_pose = config_dict['pose'].get('overwrite_pose', False)
# Check if pose estimation has already been done
if os.path.exists(pose_dir) and not overwrite_pose:
logging.info('Skipping pose estimation as it has already been done. Set overwrite_pose to true in Config.toml if you want to run it again.')
elif overwrite_pose:
logging.info('Overwriting previous pose estimation.')
logging.info('Estimating pose...')
# Prepare list of sources (webcams, videos, image folders)
sources = []
if vid_img_extension == 'webcam':
sources.extend({'type': 'webcam', 'id': cam_id, 'path': cam_id} for cam_id in (webcam_ids if isinstance(webcam_ids, list) else [webcam_ids]))
video_files = [str(f) for f in Path(source_dir).rglob('*' + vid_img_extension) if f.is_file()]
sources.extend({'type': 'video', 'id': idx, 'path': video_path} for idx, video_path in enumerate(video_files))
image_dirs = [str(f) for f in Path(source_dir).iterdir() if f.is_dir()]
sources.extend({'type': 'images', 'id': idx, 'path': folder} for idx, folder in enumerate(image_dirs, start=len(video_files)))
if not sources:
raise FileNotFoundError(f'No Webcams or no media files found in {source_dir}.')
process_functions = {}
for source in sources:
if source['type'] == 'webcam':
process_functions[source['id']] = process_single_frame
process_functions[source['id']] = process_single_frame
logging.info(f'Processing sources: {sources}')
# Initialize pose trackers
pose_trackers = {source['id']: setup_pose_tracker(config_dict['pose']['det_frequency'], config_dict['pose']['mode'], config_dict['pose']['pose_model']) for source in sources}
# Create display queue
display_queue = queue.Queue()
# Initialize streams
stream_manager = StreamManager(sources, config_dict, pose_trackers, display_queue, output_dir, process_functions)
# Start display thread only if show_realtime_results is True
display_thread = None
if show_realtime_results:
input_size = config_dict['pose'].get('input_size', (640, 480))
display_thread = CombinedDisplayThread(sources, input_size, display_queue)
while not stream_manager.stopped:
if display_thread and display_thread.stopped:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logging.info("Processing interrupted by user.")
if display_thread:
def process_single_frame(config_dict, frame, source_id, frame_idx, output_dirs, pose_tracker, multi_person, save_video, save_images, show_realtime_results, out_vid, output_format):
Processes a single frame from a source.
config_dict (dict): Configuration dictionary.
frame (ndarray): Frame image.
source_id (int): Source ID.
frame_idx (int): Frame index.
output_dirs (tuple): Output directories.
pose_tracker: Pose tracker object.
multi_person (bool): Whether to track multiple persons.
output_format (str): Output format.
save_video (bool): Whether to save the output video.
save_images (bool): Whether to save output images.
show_realtime_results (bool): Whether to display results in real time.
out_vid (cv2.VideoWriter): Video writer object.
tuple: (source_id, img_show, out_vid)
output_dir, output_dir_name, img_output_dir, json_output_dir, output_video_path = output_dirs
# Perform pose estimation on the frame
keypoints, scores = pose_tracker(frame)
# Tracking people IDs across frames (if needed)
keypoints, scores, _ = track_people(
keypoints, scores, multi_person, None, None, pose_tracker
if 'openpose' in output_format:
json_file_path = os.path.join(json_output_dir, f'{output_dir_name}_{frame_idx:06d}.json')
save_to_openpose(json_file_path, keypoints, scores)
# Draw skeleton on the frame
img_show = draw_skeleton(frame.copy(), keypoints, scores, kpt_thr=0.1)
# Save video and images
if save_video and out_vid:
if save_images:
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(img_output_dir, f'{output_dir_name}_{frame_idx:06d}.jpg'), img_show)
return source_id, img_show, out_vid
class CombinedDisplayThread(threading.Thread):
Thread for displaying combined images to avoid thread-safety issues with OpenCV.
def __init__(self, sources, input_size, display_queue):
self.display_queue = display_queue
self.stopped = False
self.sources = sources
self.input_size = input_size
self.window_name = "Combined Feeds"
self.grid_size = self.calculate_grid_size(len(sources))
self.img_placeholder = np.zeros((input_size[1], input_size[0], 3), dtype=np.uint8)
self.frames = {source['id']: self.get_placeholder_frame(source['id'], 'Not Connected') for source in sources}
self.source_ids = [source['id'] for source in self.sources]
def run(self):
while not self.stopped:
frames_dict = self.display_queue.get(timeout=0.1)
self.frames.update({source_id: frames_dict.get(source_id, self.frames[source_id]) for source_id in self.source_ids})
except queue.Empty:
def display_combined_image(self):
combined_image = self.combine_frames()
if combined_image is not None:
cv2.imshow(self.window_name, combined_image)
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF in [ord('q'), 27]:
logging.info("Display window closed by user.")
self.stopped = True
def combine_frames(self):
resized_frames = [cv2.resize(frame, self.input_size) if frame.shape[:2] != self.input_size else frame
for frame in (self.frames.get(source_id, self.img_placeholder) for source_id in self.source_ids)]
rows = [np.hstack(resized_frames[i:i + self.grid_size[1]]) for i in range(0, len(resized_frames), self.grid_size[1])]
return np.vstack(rows)
def calculate_grid_size(self, num_sources):
cols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_sources)))
rows = int(np.ceil(num_sources / cols))
return (rows, cols)
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
def get_placeholder_frame(self, source_id, message):
return cv2.putText(self.img_placeholder, f'Source {source_id}: {message}', (50, self.input_size[1] // 2),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
def __del__(self):
class StreamManager:
def __init__(self, sources, config_dict, pose_trackers, display_queue, output_dir, process_functions):
self.sources = sources
self.config_dict = config_dict
self.pose_trackers = pose_trackers
self.display_queue = display_queue
self.output_dir = output_dir
self.process_functions = process_functions
self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(sources) * 2)
self.active_streams = set()
self.streams, self.outputs, self.out_videos = {}, {}, {}
self.stopped = False
def initialize_streams_and_outputs(self):
for source in self.sources:
stream = GenericStream(source, self.config_dict)
self.streams[source['id']] = stream
self.outputs[source['id']] = setup_capture_directories(
source['path'], self.output_dir, 'to_images' in self.config_dict['project'].get('save_video', []))
self.out_videos[source['id']] = None
def start(self):
for source in self.sources:
threading.Thread(target=self.process_streams, daemon=True).start()
def process_streams(self):
logging.info("Début du traitement des flux")
while not self.stopped and any(stream.stopped is False for stream in self.streams.values()):
frames = {}
for source_id, stream in self.streams.items():
if not stream.stopped:
frame_idx, frame = stream.read()
if frame is not None:
frames[source_id] = (frame_idx, frame)
if frames:
futures = {self.executor.submit(self.process_frame, source_id, frame_idx, frame): source_id
for source_id, (frame_idx, frame) in frames.items()}
logging.info("Aucune frame disponible actuellement, attente...")
def process_frame(self, source_id, frame_idx, frame):
logging.info(f"Processing frame {frame_idx} from source {source_id}")
process_function = self.process_functions.get(source_id)
return process_function(self.config_dict,
'to_video' in self.config_dict['project'].get('save_video', []),
'to_images' in self.config_dict['project'].get('save_video', []),
self.config_dict['pose'].get('show_realtime_results', False),
self.config_dict['pose'].get('output_format', 'openpose'))
def handle_future_results(self, futures):
for future in as_completed(futures):
source_id = futures[future]
result = future.result()
source_id, processed_frame, out_vid = result
self.display_queue.put({source_id: processed_frame})
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing frame from source {source_id}: {e}")
def initialize_video_writer(self, img_show, source_id):
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
H, W = img_show.shape[:2]
fps = self.config_dict['pose'].get('fps', 30)
output_video_path = f"{self.outputs[source_id]}/{source_id}_output.mp4"
return cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_path, fourcc, fps, (W, H))
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
for stream in self.streams.values():
for out_vid in self.out_videos.values():
if out_vid is not None:
class GenericStream(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, source, config_dict):
self.source = source
self.input_size = config_dict['pose'].get('input_size', (640, 480))
self.image_extension = config_dict['pose']['vid_img_extension']
self.frame_ranges = self.parse_frame_ranges(config_dict['project'].get('frame_range', []))
self.stopped = False
self.frame_queue = queue.Queue()
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.frame_idx = 0
self.total_frames = 0
self.cap = None
self.image_files = []
self.image_index = 0
self.pbar = None
def parse_frame_ranges(self, frame_ranges):
if len(frame_ranges) == 2 and all(isinstance(x, int) for x in frame_ranges):
start_frame, end_frame = frame_ranges
return set(range(start_frame, end_frame + 1))
elif len(frame_ranges) == 0:
return set(range(0, int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))))
return set(frame_ranges)
def run(self):
if self.source['type'] == 'webcam':
elif self.source['type'] == 'video':
elif self.source['type'] == 'images':
logging.error(f"Unknown source type: {self.source['type']}")
self.stopped = True
while not self.stopped:
frame = self.capture_frame()
if frame is not None:
frame = cv2.resize(frame, self.input_size)
self.frame_queue.put((self.frame_idx, frame))
if self.pbar:
self.frame_idx += 1
def setup_webcam(self):
time.sleep(1) # Give time for the webcam to initialize
def open_video(self):
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.source['path'])
if not self.cap.isOpened():
logging.error(f"Cannot open video file {self.source['path']}")
self.stopped = True
self.total_frames = len(self.frame_ranges)
def load_images(self):
path_pattern = os.path.join(self.source['path'], f'*{self.image_extension}')
self.image_files = sorted(glob.glob(path_pattern))
self.total_frames = len(self.image_files)
def capture_frame(self):
frame = None
if self.source['type'] == 'webcam':
frame = self.read_webcam_frame()
elif self.source['type'] == 'video':
if self.frame_ranges and self.frame_idx not in self.frame_ranges:
self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, self.frame_idx + 1)
self.frame_idx += 1
return None
ret, frame = self.cap.read()
if not ret:
logging.info(f"End of video {self.source['path']}")
self.stopped = True
if self.pbar:
return None
elif self.source['type'] == 'images' and self.image_index < len(self.image_files):
frame = cv2.imread(self.image_files[self.image_index])
self.image_index += 1
return frame
def open_webcam(self):
self.connected = False
self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(int(self.source['id']), cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
if self.cap.isOpened():
self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, self.input_size[0])
self.cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, self.input_size[1])
logging.info(f"Webcam {self.source['id']} opened.")
self.connected = True
logging.error(f"Cannot open webcam {self.source['id']}.")
self.cap = None
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Exception occurred while opening webcam {self.source['id']}: {e}")
self.cap = None
def read_webcam_frame(self):
if self.cap is None or not self.cap.isOpened():
logging.warning(f"Webcam {self.source['id']} not opened. Attempting to open...")
if self.cap is None or not self.cap.isOpened():
with self.lock:
self.frame = None
return None
ret, frame = self.cap.read()
if not ret or frame is None:
logging.warning(f"Failed to read frame from webcam {self.source['id']}.")
self.cap = None
with self.lock:
self.frame = None
return None
return frame
def read(self):
return self.frame_queue.get(timeout=0.1)
except queue.Empty:
return None, None
def stop(self):
self.stopped = True
if self.cap:
if self.pbar:
def setup_progress_bar(self):
self.pbar = tqdm(total=self.total_frames, desc=f'Processing {os.path.basename(str(self.source["path"]))}', position=self.source['id'])
def setup_capture_directories(source_path, output_dir, save_images):
Set up output directories for saving images and JSON files.
tuple: (output_dir, output_dir_name, img_output_dir, json_output_dir, output_video_path)
if isinstance(source_path, int):
# Handle webcam source
current_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
output_dir_name = f'webcam{source_path}_{current_date}'
output_dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(str(source_path))[0])
# Define the full path for the output directory
output_dir_full = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, "pose"))
# Create output directories if they do not exist
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir_full):
# Prepare directories for images and JSON outputs
img_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir_full, f'{output_dir_name}_img')
json_output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir_full, f'{output_dir_name}_json')
if save_images and not os.path.isdir(img_output_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(json_output_dir):
# Define the path for the output video file
output_video_path = os.path.join(output_dir_full, f'{output_dir_name}_pose.mp4')
return output_dir, output_dir_name, img_output_dir, json_output_dir, output_video_path
def save_to_openpose(json_file_path, keypoints, scores):
Save the keypoints and scores to a JSON file in the OpenPose format
- json_file_path: Path to save the JSON file
- keypoints: Detected keypoints
- scores: Confidence scores for each keypoint
- JSON file with the detected keypoints and confidence scores in the OpenPose format
# Prepare keypoints with confidence scores for JSON output
nb_detections = len(keypoints)
detections = []
for i in range(nb_detections): # Number of detected people
keypoints_with_confidence_i = []
for kp, score in zip(keypoints[i], scores[i]):
keypoints_with_confidence_i.extend([kp[0].item(), kp[1].item(), score.item()])
"person_id": [-1],
"pose_keypoints_2d": keypoints_with_confidence_i,
"face_keypoints_2d": [],
"hand_left_keypoints_2d": [],
"hand_right_keypoints_2d": [],
"pose_keypoints_3d": [],
"face_keypoints_3d": [],
"hand_left_keypoints_3d": [],
"hand_right_keypoints_3d": []
# Create JSON output structure
json_output = {"version": 1.3, "people": detections}
# Save JSON output for each frame
with open(json_file_path, 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(json_output, json_file)