279 lines
12 KiB
279 lines
12 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Augment trc 3D coordinates.
Estimate the position of 43 additional markers.
- a trc file
- filtering parameters in Config.toml
- a filtered trc file
import os
import numpy as np
import copy
import tensorflow as tf
import glob
import logging
from Pose2Sim.MarkerAugmenter import utilsDataman
from Pose2Sim.MarkerAugmenter.utils import TRC2numpy
from Pose2Sim.common import convert_to_c3d, natural_sort_key
__author__ = "Antoine Falisse, adapted by HunMin Kim and David Pagnon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022, OpenCap"
__credits__ = ["Antoine Falisse", "HunMin Kim"]
__license__ = "Apache-2.0 License"
__version__ = "0.9.4"
__maintainer__ = "David Pagnon"
__email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com"
__status__ = "Development"
# subject_height must be in meters
def check_midhip_data(trc_file):
# Find MidHip data
midhip_data = trc_file.marker("CHip")
if midhip_data is None or len(midhip_data) == 0:
raise ValueError("MidHip data is empty")
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# If MidHip data is not found, calculate it from RHip and LHip
rhip_data = trc_file.marker("RHip")
lhip_data = trc_file.marker("LHip")
midhip_data = (rhip_data + lhip_data) / 2
trc_file.add_marker('CHip', *midhip_data.T)
return trc_file
def check_neck_data(trc_file):
# Find Neck data
neck_data = trc_file.marker("Neck")
if neck_data is None or len(neck_data) == 0:
raise ValueError("Neck data is empty")
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# If Neck data is not found, calculate it from RShoulder and LShoulder
rshoulder_data = trc_file.marker("RShoulder")
lshoulder_data = trc_file.marker("LShoulder")
neck_data = (rshoulder_data + lshoulder_data) / 2
trc_file.add_marker('Neck', *neck_data.T)
return trc_file
def augmentTRC(config_dict):
# get parameters from Config.toml
project_dir = config_dict.get('project').get('project_dir')
pathInputTRCFile = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose-3d'))
pathOutputTRCFile = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose-3d'))
subject_height = config_dict.get('project').get('participant_height')
if subject_height is None or subject_height == 0 or subject_height==0:
raise ValueError("Subject height is not set or is invalid.")
subject_mass = config_dict.get('project').get('participant_mass')
if not type(subject_height) == list:
subject_height = [subject_height]
subject_mass = [subject_mass]
make_c3d = config_dict.get('markerAugmentation').get('make_c3d')
augmenterDir = os.path.dirname(utilsDataman.__file__)
augmenterModelName = 'LSTM'
augmenter_model = 'v0.3'
offset = True
# Apply all trc files
all_trc_files = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(pathInputTRCFile, '*.trc')) if '_LSTM' not in f]
trc_no_filtering = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(pathInputTRCFile, '*.trc')) if
'_LSTM' not in f and 'filt' not in f]
trc_filtering = [f for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(pathInputTRCFile, '*.trc')) if '_LSTM' not in f and 'filt' in f]
if len(all_trc_files) == 0:
raise ValueError('No trc files found.')
if len(trc_filtering) > 0:
trc_files = trc_filtering
trc_files = trc_no_filtering
sorted(trc_files, key=natural_sort_key)
for p in range(len(subject_mass)):
pathInputTRCFile = trc_files[p]
pathOutputTRCFile = os.path.splitext(pathInputTRCFile)[0] + '_LSTM.trc'
# This is by default - might need to be adjusted in the future.
featureHeight = True
featureWeight = True
# Augmenter types
if augmenter_model == 'v0.3':
# Lower body
augmenterModelType_lower = '{}_lower'.format(augmenter_model)
from Pose2Sim.MarkerAugmenter.utils import getOpenPoseMarkers_lowerExtremity2
feature_markers_lower, response_markers_lower = getOpenPoseMarkers_lowerExtremity2()
# Upper body
augmenterModelType_upper = '{}_upper'.format(augmenter_model)
from Pose2Sim.MarkerAugmenter.utils import getMarkers_upperExtremity_noPelvis2
feature_markers_upper, response_markers_upper = getMarkers_upperExtremity_noPelvis2()
augmenterModelType_all = [augmenterModelType_lower, augmenterModelType_upper]
feature_markers_all = [feature_markers_lower, feature_markers_upper]
response_markers_all = [response_markers_lower, response_markers_upper]
raise ValueError('Augmenter models other than 0.3 are not supported.')
logging.info('Using Stanford augmenter model: {}'.format(augmenter_model))
# %% Process data.
# Import TRC file
trc_file = utilsDataman.TRCFile(pathInputTRCFile)
raise ValueError('Cannot read TRC file. You may need to enable interpolation in Config.toml while triangulating.')
# add neck and midhip data if not in file
trc_file = check_midhip_data(trc_file)
trc_file = check_neck_data(trc_file)
# Verify that all feature markers are present in the TRC file.
feature_markers_joined = set(feature_markers_all[0]+feature_markers_all[1])
trc_markers = set(trc_file.marker_names)
missing_markers = list(feature_markers_joined - trc_markers)
if len(missing_markers) > 0:
raise ValueError(f'Marker augmentation requires {missing_markers} markers and they are not present in the TRC file.')
# Loop over augmenter types to handle separate augmenters for lower and
# upper bodies.
outputs_all = {}
n_response_markers_all = 0
for idx_augm, augmenterModelType in enumerate(augmenterModelType_all):
outputs_all[idx_augm] = {}
feature_markers = feature_markers_all[idx_augm]
response_markers = response_markers_all[idx_augm]
augmenterModelDir = os.path.join(augmenterDir, augmenterModelName,
# %% Pre-process inputs.
# Step 1: import .trc file with OpenPose marker trajectories.
trc_data = TRC2numpy(pathInputTRCFile, feature_markers)
trc_data_data = trc_data[:,1:]
# Step 2: Normalize with reference marker position.
referenceMarker_data = trc_file.marker("CHip") # instead of trc_file.marker(referenceMarker) # change by HunMin
norm_trc_data_data = np.zeros((trc_data_data.shape[0],
for i in range(0,trc_data_data.shape[1],3):
norm_trc_data_data[:,i:i+3] = (trc_data_data[:,i:i+3] -
# Step 3: Normalize with subject's height.
norm2_trc_data_data = copy.deepcopy(norm_trc_data_data)
norm2_trc_data_data = norm2_trc_data_data / subject_height[p]
# Step 4: Add remaining features.
inputs = copy.deepcopy(norm2_trc_data_data)
if featureHeight:
inputs = np.concatenate(
(inputs, subject_height[p]*np.ones((inputs.shape[0],1))), axis=1)
if featureWeight:
inputs = np.concatenate(
(inputs, subject_mass[p]*np.ones((inputs.shape[0],1))), axis=1)
# Step 5: Pre-process data
pathMean = os.path.join(augmenterModelDir, "mean.npy")
pathSTD = os.path.join(augmenterModelDir, "std.npy")
if os.path.isfile(pathMean):
trainFeatures_mean = np.load(pathMean, allow_pickle=True)
inputs -= trainFeatures_mean
if os.path.isfile(pathSTD):
trainFeatures_std = np.load(pathSTD, allow_pickle=True)
inputs /= trainFeatures_std
# Step 6: Reshape inputs if necessary (eg, LSTM)
if augmenterModelName == "LSTM":
inputs = np.reshape(inputs, (1, inputs.shape[0], inputs.shape[1]))
# %% Load model and weights, and predict outputs.
json_file = open(os.path.join(augmenterModelDir, "model.json"), 'r')
pretrainedModel_json = json_file.read()
model = tf.keras.models.model_from_json(pretrainedModel_json, custom_objects={
'Sequential': tf.keras.models.Sequential,
'Dense': tf.keras.layers.Dense
model.load_weights(os.path.join(augmenterModelDir, "weights.h5"))
outputs = model.predict(inputs)
# %% Post-process outputs.
# Step 1: Reshape if necessary (eg, LSTM)
if augmenterModelName == "LSTM":
outputs = np.reshape(outputs, (outputs.shape[1], outputs.shape[2]))
# Step 2: Un-normalize with subject's height.
unnorm_outputs = outputs * subject_height[p]
# Step 2: Un-normalize with reference marker position.
unnorm2_outputs = np.zeros((unnorm_outputs.shape[0],
for i in range(0,unnorm_outputs.shape[1],3):
unnorm2_outputs[:,i:i+3] = (unnorm_outputs[:,i:i+3] +
# %% Add markers to .trc file.
for c, marker in enumerate(response_markers):
x = unnorm2_outputs[:,c*3]
y = unnorm2_outputs[:,c*3+1]
z = unnorm2_outputs[:,c*3+2]
trc_file.add_marker(marker, x, y, z)
# %% Gather data for computing minimum y-position.
outputs_all[idx_augm]['response_markers'] = response_markers
outputs_all[idx_augm]['response_data'] = unnorm2_outputs
n_response_markers_all += len(response_markers)
# %% Extract minimum y-position across response markers. This is used
# to align feet and floor when visualizing.
responses_all_conc = np.zeros((unnorm2_outputs.shape[0],
idx_acc_res = 0
for idx_augm in outputs_all:
idx_acc_res_end = (idx_acc_res +
responses_all_conc[:,idx_acc_res:idx_acc_res_end] = (
idx_acc_res = idx_acc_res_end
# Minimum y-position across response markers.
min_y_pos = np.min(responses_all_conc[:,1::3])
# %% If offset
if offset:
trc_file.offset('y', -(min_y_pos-0.01))
# %% Return augmented .trc file
logging.info(f'Augmented marker coordinates are stored at {pathOutputTRCFile}.')
# Save c3d
if make_c3d:
logging.info(f'Augmented trc files have been converted to c3d.')
return min_y_pos