319 lines
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319 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Use this module to calibrate your cameras from checkerboard images and
save results to a .toml file.
Based on https://docs.opencv.org/3.4.15/dc/dbb/tutorial_py_calibration.html.
/!\ Beware that corners must be detected on all frames, or else extrinsic
parameters may be wrong. Set show_corner_detection to 1 to verify.
python -m calib_from_checkerboard -d "calib_path" -v False -e jpg -n 6 9 -S 1000
OR python -m calib_from_checkerboard -d "calib_path" -v True -e mp4 -n 6 9 -S 1000 1000 -s 1 -O 0 -f 50 -o Test.toml
OR from Pose2Sim.Utilities import calib_from_checkerboard; calib_from_checkerboard.calibrate_cams_func(calib_dir=r"calib_path",
video=False, extension="jpg", corners_nb=(6,9), square_size=[1000])
import os
import numpy as np
import cv2
import glob
import toml
import argparse
__author__ = "David Pagnon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim"
__credits__ = ["David Pagnon"]
__license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License"
__version__ = "0.8.2"
__maintainer__ = "David Pagnon"
__email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com"
__status__ = "Development"
def euclidean_distance(q1, q2):
Euclidean distance between 2 points (N-dim).
- q1: list of N_dimensional coordinates of point
- q2: idem
- euc_dist: float. Euclidian distance between q1 and q2
q1 = np.array(q1)
q2 = np.array(q2)
dist = q2 - q1
euc_dist = np.sqrt(np.sum( [d**2 for d in dist] ))
return euc_dist
def rotate_cam(r, t, ang_x=np.pi, ang_y=0, ang_z=0):
Apply rotations around x, y, z in cameras coordinates
if r.shape == (3,3):
rt_h = np.block([[r,t.reshape(3,1)], [np.zeros(3), 1 ]])
elif r.shape == (3,):
rt_h = np.block([[cv2.Rodrigues(r)[0],t.reshape(3,1)], [np.zeros(3), 1 ]])
r_ax_x = np.array([1,0,0, 0,np.cos(ang_x),-np.sin(ang_x), 0,np.sin(ang_x),np.cos(ang_x)]).reshape(3,3)
r_ax_y = np.array([np.cos(ang_y),0,np.sin(ang_y), 0,1,0, -np.sin(ang_y),0,np.cos(ang_y)]).reshape(3,3)
r_ax_z = np.array([np.cos(ang_z),-np.sin(ang_z),0, np.sin(ang_z),np.cos(ang_z),0, 0,0,1]).reshape(3,3)
r_ax = r_ax_z @ r_ax_y @ r_ax_x
r_ax_h = np.block([[r_ax,np.zeros(3).reshape(3,1)], [np.zeros(3), 1]])
r_ax_h__rt_h = r_ax_h @ rt_h
r = r_ax_h__rt_h[:3,:3]
t = r_ax_h__rt_h[:3,3]
return r, t
def findCorners(img, corners_nb, criteria, show):
Find corners _of internal squares_ in the checkerboard
- img: image read by opencv
- corners_nb: [H, W] internal corners in checkerboard: list of two integers [9,6]
- criteria: when to stop optimizing corners localization
- show: choose whether to show corner detections
- imgp: 2d corner points in image plane
# Find corners
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, corners_nb, None)
# Refine corners
if ret == True:
imgp = cv2.cornerSubPix(gray, corners, (11,11), (-1,-1), criteria)
# Draw and display the corners
if show:
cv2.drawChessboardCorners(img, corners_nb, imgp, ret)
print('Corners found.')
cv2.imshow('img', img)
return imgp
if show:
print('Corners not found.')
def calib_checkerboard(criteria, **args):
Calibrates from images or videos of a checkerboard
- criteria: (int, int, float): Type of criteria, max iterations, min error
- calib_dir: string: directory of camera folders with checkerboard images
- video: bool: True if video, False if images
- extension: string: jpg, mpa, etc
- corners_nb: (int, int): number of internal corners in the checkerboard (h, w)
- square_size: (int) or (int, int): square or rectangle size in mm (h,w)
- frame_for origin: int: checkerboard placed at world origin at frame N
- vid_snapshot_every_N_frames: int: if video, calibrate on each N frame
- ret: residual reprojection error in _px_: list of floats
- C: camera name: list of strings
- S: image size: list of list of floats
- D: distorsion: list of arrays of floats
- K: intrinsic parameters: list of 3x3 arrays of floats
- R: extrinsic rotation: list of arrays of floats (Rodrigues)
- T: extrinsic translation: list of arrays of floats
calib_dir = args.get('calib_dir')
cam_listdirs_names = next(os.walk(calib_dir))[1]
video = True if args.get('video')==True or args.get('video')=='True' else False
extension = args.get('extension')
corners_nb = args.get('corners_nb')
square_size = args.get('square_size')
square_size = square_size*2 if len(square_size)==1 else square_size
frame_for_origin = 0 if args.get('frame_for_origin')==None else args.get('frame_for_origin')
if video:
vid_snapshot_every_N_frames = args.get('vid_snapshot_every_N_frames')
show = args.get('show_corner_detection')
# Prepare object points
objp = np.zeros((corners_nb[0]*corners_nb[1],3), np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:corners_nb[0],0:corners_nb[1]].T.reshape(-1,2)
objp[:,0] = objp[:,0]*square_size[0]
objp[:,1] = objp[:,1]*square_size[1]
objpoints = [] # 3d points in world space
imgpoints = [] # 2d points in image plane
ret, C, S, D, K, R, T = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
for cam in cam_listdirs_names:
# Find corners in vid
if video:
video = glob.glob(os.path.join(calib_dir, cam, '*.'+ extension))[0]
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
ret_vid, img = cap.read()
while ret_vid:
count = int(round(cap.get(1)))
ret_vid, img_vid = cap.read()
if count % vid_snapshot_every_N_frames == 0:
img = img_vid
imgp = findCorners(img, corners_nb, criteria, show)
if isinstance(imgp, np.ndarray):
# Find corners in images
images = glob.glob(os.path.join(calib_dir, cam, '*.'+ extension))
for image_f in images:
img = cv2.imread(image_f)
imgp = findCorners(img, corners_nb, criteria, show)
if isinstance(imgp, np.ndarray):
# Calibration
r, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, img.shape[1::-1],
None, None, flags=cv2.CALIB_FIX_K3)
h, w = img.shape[:-1]
S.append([w, h])
# Object view to camera view
RT = [rotate_cam(r, t, ang_x=np.pi, ang_y=0, ang_z=0) for r, t in zip(R, T)]
R = [rt[0] for rt in RT]
T = [rt[1] for rt in RT]
R = [np.array(cv2.Rodrigues(r)[0]).flatten() for r in R]
T = np.array(T)/1000
return ret, C, S, D, K, R, T
def toml_write(calib_path, C, S, D, K, R, T):
Writes calibration parameters to a .toml file
- calib_path: path to the output calibration file: string
- C: camera name: list of strings
- S: image size: list of list of floats
- D: distorsion: list of arrays of floats
- K: intrinsic parameters: list of 3x3 arrays of floats
- R: extrinsic rotation: list of arrays of floats (Rodrigues)
- T: extrinsic translation: list of arrays of floats
- a .toml file cameras calibrations
with open(os.path.join(calib_path), 'w+') as cal_f:
for c in range(len(C)):
name = f'name = "{C[c]}"\n'
size = f'size = [ {S[c][0]}, {S[c][1]},]\n'
mat = f'matrix = [ [ {K[c][0,0]}, 0.0, {K[c][0,2]},], [ 0.0, {K[c][1,1]}, {K[c][1,2]},], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,],]\n'
dist = f'distortions = [ {D[c][0]}, {D[c][1]}, {D[c][2]}, {D[c][3]},]\n'
rot = f'rotation = [ {R[c][0]}, {R[c][1]}, {R[c][2]},]\n'
tran = f'translation = [ {T[c][0]}, {T[c][1]}, {T[c][2]},]\n'
fish = f'fisheye = false\n\n'
cal_f.write(cam + name + size + mat + dist + rot + tran + fish)
meta = '[metadata]\nadjusted = false\nerror = 0.0\n'
def recap_calibrate(ret, calib_path):
Print a log message giving filtering parameters.
- Message in console
calib = toml.load(calib_path)
ret_m, ret_px = [], []
for c, cam in enumerate(calib.keys()):
if cam != 'metadata':
fm = calib[cam]['matrix'][0][0]
Dm = euclidean_distance(calib[cam]['translation'], [0,0,0])
ret_px.append( np.around(ret[c], decimals=3) )
ret_m.append( np.around(ret[c]*1000 * Dm / fm, decimals=3) )
print(f'--> Residual (RMS) calibration errors for each camera are respectively {ret_px} px, which corresponds to {ret_m} mm.')
print(f'Calibration file is stored at {calib_path}.')
def calibrate_cams_func(**args):
Calibration from a checkerboard.
Stores it in a .toml file
Prints recap.
calib_from_checkerboard -d "calib_path" -v False -e jpg -n 6 9 -s 1000
OR calib_from_checkerboard -d "calib_path" -v True -e mp4 -n 6 9 -s 1000 1000 -O 0 -f 50 -o Test.toml
OR import calib_from_checkerboard; calib_from_checkerboard.calibrate_cams_func(calib_dir=r"calib_path",
video=False, extension="jpg", corners_nb=(6,9), square_size=[1000])
calib_dir = args.get('calib_dir')
output_file = 'Calib.toml' if args.get('output_file')==None else args.get('output_file')
calib_path = os.path.join(calib_dir, output_file)
# Calibrate
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001) # stop refining after 30 iterations or if error less than 0.001px
ret, C, S, D, K, R, T = calib_checkerboard(criteria, **args)
# Write calibration file
toml_write(calib_path, C, S, D, K, R, T)
# Recap message
recap_calibrate(ret, calib_path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--calib_dir', required = True, help='Directory of checkerboard images or videos (one folder per camera)')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--video', required = True, help='True if calibrate from videos, False if calibrate from images')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--extension', required=True, help='Video or image files extension (jpg, png, mp4, etc)')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--corners_nb', nargs=2, type=int, required=True, help='Number of (internal) square corners in the checkerboard: h,w')
parser.add_argument('-S', '--square_size', nargs='*', type=int, required=True, help='Square or rectangle size in mm (int or int int)')
parser.add_argument('-O', '--frame_for_origin', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='Checkerboard placed at world origin at frame N (-1 if last frame)')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--vid_snapshot_every_N_frames', type=int, required=False, help='Calibrate on each N frame of the video (if applicable)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--show_corner_detection', type=int, required=False, default=0, help='Display corners detection overlayed on image')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_file', required=False, default="Calib.toml", help='Output calibration file name')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())