2024-07-23 00:14:15 +02:00

172 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Build trc from mot and osim files ##
Build a trc file which stores real and virtual markers
calculated from a .mot motion file and a .osim model file.
If no marker list is specified, all markers are included.
from Pose2Sim.Utilities import trc_from_mot_osim; trc_from_mot_osim.trc_from_mot_osim_func(input_mot_file=r'<input_mot_file>', input_osim_file=r'<output_osim_file>', trc_output_file=r'<trc_output_file>', marker_list=['_rknee', 'r_hip'])
python -m trc_from_mot_osim -m input_mot_file -o input_osim_file
python -m trc_from_mot_osim -m input_mot_file -o input_osim_file -t trc_output_file -l r_knee r_hip
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import opensim as osim
import argparse
__author__ = "David Pagnon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim"
__credits__ = ["David Pagnon"]
__license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License"
__version__ = "0.9.4"
__maintainer__ = "David Pagnon"
__email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com"
__status__ = "Development"
def get_marker_positions(motion_data, model, in_degrees=True, marker_list=[]):
Get dataframe of marker positions
- motion_data: .mot file opened with osim.TimeSeriesTable
- model: .osim file opened with osim.Model
- in_degrees: True if the motion data is in degrees, False if in radians
- marker_list: list of marker names to include in the trc file. All if not specified
- marker_positions_pd: DataFrame of marker positions
# Markerset
marker_set = model.getMarkerSet()
marker_set_names = [mk.getName() for mk in list(marker_set)]
if len(marker_list)>0:
marker_set_names = [marker for marker in marker_list if marker in marker_set_names]
absent_markers = [marker for marker in marker_list if marker not in marker_set_names]
if len(absent_markers)>0:
print(f'The following markers were not found in the model: {absent_markers}')
marker_set_names_xyz = np.array([[m+'_x', m+'_y', m+'_z'] for m in marker_set_names]).flatten()
# Data
times = motion_data.getIndependentColumn()
joint_angle_set_names = motion_data.getColumnLabels() # or [c.getName() for c in model.getCoordinateSet()]
joint_angle_set_names = [j for j in joint_angle_set_names if not j.endswith('activation')]
motion_data_pd = pd.DataFrame(motion_data.getMatrix().to_numpy()[:,:len(joint_angle_set_names)], columns=joint_angle_set_names)
# Get marker positions at each state
state = model.initSystem()
marker_positions = []
print('Time frame:')
for n,t in enumerate(times):
print('t = ', t, 's')
# put the model in the right position
for coord in joint_angle_set_names:
if in_degrees and not coord.endswith('_tx') and not coord.endswith('_ty') and not coord.endswith('_tz'):
value = motion_data_pd.loc[n,coord]*np.pi/180
value = motion_data_pd.loc[n,coord]
model.getCoordinateSet().get(coord).setValue(state,value, enforceContraints=False)
# get marker positions
marker_positions += [np.array([marker_set.get(mk_name).findLocationInFrame(state, model.getGround()).to_numpy() for mk_name in marker_set_names]).flatten()]
marker_positions_pd = pd.DataFrame(marker_positions, columns=marker_set_names_xyz)
marker_positions_pd.insert(0, 'time', times)
marker_positions_pd.insert(0, 'frame', np.arange(len(times))+1)
return marker_positions_pd, marker_set_names
def trc_from_mot_osim_func(**args):
Build a trc file which stores real and virtual markers
calculated from a .mot motion file and a .osim model file.
If no marker list is specified, all markers are included.
from Pose2Sim.Utilities import trc_from_mot_osim; trc_from_mot_osim.trc_from_mot_osim_func(input_mot_file=r'<input_mot_file>', input_osim_file=r'<output_osim_file>', trc_output_file=r'<trc_output_file>', marker_list=['_rknee', 'r_hip'])
python -m trc_from_mot_osim -m input_mot_file -o input_osim_file
python -m trc_from_mot_osim -m input_mot_file -o input_osim_file -t trc_output_file -l r_knee r_hip
motion_path = args.get('input_mot_file') # invoked with argparse
osim_path = args.get('input_osim_file')
trc_path = args.get('trc_output_file')
if trc_path == None:
trc_path = motion_path.replace('.mot', '.trc')
marker_list = args.get('marker_list')
if marker_list == None:
marker_list = []
# Create dataframe with marker positions
model = osim.Model(osim_path)
motion_data = osim.TimeSeriesTable(motion_path)
# In degrees or radians
with open(motion_path) as m_p:
while True:
line = m_p.readline()
if 'inDegrees' in line:
if 'yes' in line:
in_degrees = True
in_degrees = False
marker_positions_pd, marker_set_names = get_marker_positions(motion_data, model, in_degrees=in_degrees, marker_list=marker_list)
# Trc header
times = motion_data.getIndependentColumn()
fps = str( int(1/ ((times[-1]-times[0]) / (len(times)-1))))
nb_frames = str(len(times))
nb_markers = str(len(marker_set_names))
header0_str = 'PathFileType\t4\t(X/Y/Z)\t' + os.path.basename(trc_path)
header1 = {}
header1['DataRate'] = fps
header1['CameraRate'] = fps
header1['NumFrames'] = nb_frames
header1['NumMarkers'] = nb_markers
header1['Units'] = 'm'
header1['OrigDataRate'] = fps
header1['OrigDataStartFrame'] = '0'
header1['OrigNumFrames'] = nb_frames
header1_str1 = '\t'.join(header1.keys())
header1_str2 = '\t'.join(header1.values())
header2_str1 = 'Frame#\tTime\t' + '\t\t\t'.join([mk.strip() for mk in marker_set_names]) + '\t\t'
header2_str2 = '\t\t'+'\t'.join(['X{i}\tY{i}\tZ{i}'.format(i=i+1) for i in range(int(header1['NumMarkers']))])
header_trc = '\n'.join([header0_str, header1_str1, header1_str2, header2_str1, header2_str2])
# write data
with open(trc_path, 'w') as trc_o:
marker_positions_pd.to_csv(trc_path, header=False, sep = '\t', mode='a', index=False)
print(f'trc file successfully saved as {trc_path}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--input_mot_file', required = True, help='input mot file')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--input_osim_file', required = True, help='input osim file')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--trc_output_file', required=False, help='trc output file')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--marker_list', required=False, nargs='+', default=[], help='list of markers to include in the trc file. All if not specified')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())