730 lines
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730 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Openpose detects all people in the field of view.
- multi_person = false: Which is the one of interest?
- multi_person = true: How to triangulate the same persons across views?
How to associate them across time frames? Done in the
triangulation stage.
If multi_person = false, this module tries all possible triangulations of a chosen
anatomical point, and chooses the person for whom the reprojection error is smallest.
If multi_person = true, it computes the distance between epipolar lines (camera to
keypoint lines) for all persons detected in all views, and selects the best correspondences.
The computation of the affinity matrix from the distance is inspired from the EasyMocap approach.
- a calibration file (.toml extension)
- json files from each camera folders with several detected persons
- a Config.toml file
- a skeleton model
- json files for each camera with only one person of interest
import os
import glob
import fnmatch
import numpy as np
import json
import itertools as it
import toml
from tqdm import tqdm
import cv2
from anytree import RenderTree
from anytree.importer import DictImporter
import logging
from Pose2Sim.common import retrieve_calib_params, computeP, weighted_triangulation, \
reprojection, euclidean_distance, natural_sort
from Pose2Sim.skeletons import *
__author__ = "David Pagnon"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim"
__credits__ = ["David Pagnon"]
__license__ = "BSD 3-Clause License"
__version__ = '0.6'
__maintainer__ = "David Pagnon"
__email__ = "contact@david-pagnon.com"
__status__ = "Development"
def persons_combinations(json_files_framef):
Find all possible combinations of detected persons' ids.
Person's id when no person detected is set to -1.
- json_files_framef: list of strings
- personsIDs_comb: array, list of lists of int
n_cams = len(json_files_framef)
# amount of persons detected for each cam
nb_persons_per_cam = []
for c in range(n_cams):
with open(json_files_framef[c], 'r') as js:
nb_persons_per_cam += [len(json.load(js)['people'])]
# persons_combinations
id_no_detect = [i for i, x in enumerate(nb_persons_per_cam) if x == 0] # ids of cameras that have not detected any person
nb_persons_per_cam = [x if x != 0 else 1 for x in nb_persons_per_cam] # temporarily replace persons count by 1 when no detection
range_persons_per_cam = [range(nb_persons_per_cam[c]) for c in range(n_cams)]
personsIDs_comb = np.array(list(it.product(*range_persons_per_cam)), float) # all possible combinations of persons' ids
personsIDs_comb[:,id_no_detect] = np.nan # -1 = persons' ids when no person detected
return personsIDs_comb
def triangulate_comb(comb, coords, P_all, calib_params, config):
Triangulate 2D points and compute reprojection error for a combination of cameras.
- comb: list of ints: combination of persons' ids for each camera
- coords: array: x, y, likelihood for each camera
- P_all: list of arrays: projection matrices for each camera
- calib_params: dict: calibration parameters
- config: dictionary from Config.toml file
- error_comb: float: reprojection error
- comb: list of ints: combination of persons' ids for each camera
- Q_comb: array: 3D coordinates of the triangulated point
undistort_points = config.get('triangulation').get('undistort_points')
likelihood_threshold = config.get('personAssociation').get('likelihood_threshold_association')
# Replace likelihood by 0. if under likelihood_threshold
coords[:,2][coords[:,2] < likelihood_threshold] = 0.
comb[coords[:,2] == 0.] = np.nan
# Filter coords and projection_matrices containing nans
coords_filt = [coords[i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
projection_matrices_filt = [P_all[i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
if undistort_points:
calib_params_R_filt = [calib_params['R'][i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
calib_params_T_filt = [calib_params['T'][i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
calib_params_K_filt = [calib_params['K'][i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
calib_params_dist_filt = [calib_params['dist'][i] for i in range(len(comb)) if not np.isnan(comb[i])]
# Triangulate 2D points
x_files_filt, y_files_filt, likelihood_files_filt = np.array(coords_filt).T
Q_comb = weighted_triangulation(projection_matrices_filt, x_files_filt, y_files_filt, likelihood_files_filt)
# Reprojection
if undistort_points:
coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt = [cv2.projectPoints(np.array(Q_comb[:-1]), calib_params_R_filt[i], calib_params_T_filt[i], calib_params_K_filt[i], calib_params_dist_filt[i])[0] for i in range(len(Q_comb))]
x_calc = [coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt[i][0,0,0] for i in range(len(Q_comb))]
y_calc = [coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt[i][0,0,1] for i in range(len(Q_comb))]
x_calc, y_calc = reprojection(projection_matrices_filt, Q_comb)
# Reprojection error
error_comb_per_cam = []
for cam in range(len(x_calc)):
q_file = (x_files_filt[cam], y_files_filt[cam])
q_calc = (x_calc[cam], y_calc[cam])
error_comb_per_cam.append( euclidean_distance(q_file, q_calc) )
error_comb = np.mean(error_comb_per_cam)
return error_comb, comb, Q_comb
def best_persons_and_cameras_combination(config, json_files_framef, personsIDs_combinations, projection_matrices, tracked_keypoint_id, calib_params):
Chooses the right person among the multiple ones found by
OpenPose & excludes cameras with wrong 2d-pose estimation.
1. triangulate the tracked keypoint for all possible combinations of people,
2. compute difference between reprojection & original openpose detection,
3. take combination with smallest error OR all those below the error threshold
If error is too big, take off one or several of the cameras until err is
lower than "max_err_px".
- a Config.toml file
- json_files_framef: list of strings
- personsIDs_combinations: array, list of lists of int
- projection_matrices: list of arrays
- tracked_keypoint_id: int
- errors_below_thresh: list of float
- comb_errors_below_thresh: list of arrays of ints
error_threshold_tracking = config.get('personAssociation').get('single_person').get('reproj_error_threshold_association')
likelihood_threshold = config.get('personAssociation').get('likelihood_threshold_association')
min_cameras_for_triangulation = config.get('triangulation').get('min_cameras_for_triangulation')
undistort_points = config.get('triangulation').get('undistort_points')
n_cams = len(json_files_framef)
error_min = np.inf
nb_cams_off = 0 # cameras will be taken-off until the reprojection error is under threshold
errors_below_thresh = []
comb_errors_below_thresh = []
Q_kpt = []
while error_min > error_threshold_tracking and n_cams - nb_cams_off >= min_cameras_for_triangulation:
# Try all persons combinations
for combination in personsIDs_combinations:
# Get coords from files
coords = []
for index_cam, person_nb in enumerate(combination):
js = read_json(json_files_framef[index_cam])
coords.append([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan])
coords = np.array(coords)
# undistort points
if undistort_points:
points = np.array(coords)[:,None,:2]
undistorted_points = [cv2.undistortPoints(points[i], calib_params['K'][i], calib_params['dist'][i], None, calib_params['optim_K'][i]) for i in range(n_cams)]
coords[:,0] = np.array([[u[i][0][0] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points]).squeeze()
coords[:,1] = np.array([[u[i][0][1] for i in range(len(u))] for u in undistorted_points]).squeeze()
# For each persons combination, create subsets with "nb_cams_off" cameras excluded
id_cams_off = list(it.combinations(range(len(combination)), nb_cams_off))
combinations_with_cams_off = np.array([combination.copy()]*len(id_cams_off))
for i, id in enumerate(id_cams_off):
combinations_with_cams_off[i,id] = np.nan
# Try all subsets
error_comb_all, comb_all, Q_comb_all = [], [], []
for comb in combinations_with_cams_off:
error_comb, comb, Q_comb = triangulate_comb(comb, coords, projection_matrices, calib_params, config)
error_min = np.nanmin(error_comb_all)
comb_error_min = [comb_all[np.argmin(error_comb_all)]]
Q_kpt = [Q_comb_all[np.argmin(error_comb_all)]]
if error_min < error_threshold_tracking:
nb_cams_off += 1
return error_min, comb_error_min, Q_kpt
def read_json(js_file):
Read OpenPose json file
with open(js_file, 'r') as json_f:
js = json.load(json_f)
json_data = []
for people in range(len(js['people'])):
if len(js['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d']) < 3: continue
return json_data
def compute_rays(json_coord, calib_params, cam_id):
Plucker coordinates of rays from camera to each joint of a person
Plucker coordinates: camera to keypoint line direction (size 3)
moment: origin ^ line (size 3)
additionally, confidence
- json_coord: x, y, likelihood for a person seen from a camera (list of 3*joint_nb)
- calib_params: calibration parameters from retrieve_calib_params('calib.toml')
- cam_id: camera id (int)
- plucker: array. nb joints * (6 plucker coordinates + 1 likelihood)
x = json_coord[0::3]
y = json_coord[1::3]
likelihood = json_coord[2::3]
inv_K = calib_params['inv_K'][cam_id]
R_mat = calib_params['R_mat'][cam_id]
T = calib_params['T'][cam_id]
cam_center = -R_mat.T @ T
plucker = []
for i in range(len(x)):
q = np.array([x[i], y[i], 1])
norm_Q = R_mat.T @ (inv_K @ q -T)
line = norm_Q - cam_center
norm_line = line/np.linalg.norm(line)
moment = np.cross(cam_center, norm_line)
plucker.append(np.concatenate([norm_line, moment, [likelihood[i]]]))
return np.array(plucker)
def broadcast_line_to_line_distance(p0, p1):
Compute the distance between two lines in 3D space.
see: https://faculty.sites.iastate.edu/jia/files/inline-files/plucker-coordinates.pdf
p0 = (l0,m0), p1 = (l1,m1)
dist = | (l0,m0) * (l1,m1) | / || l0 x l1 ||
(l0,m0) * (l1,m1) = l0 @ m1 + m0 @ l1 (reciprocal product)
No need to divide by the norm of the cross product of the directions, since we
don't need the actual distance but whether the lines are close to intersecting or not
=> dist = | (l0,m0) * (l1,m1) |
- p0: array(nb_persons_detected * 1 * nb_joints * 7 coordinates)
- p1: array(1 * nb_persons_detected * nb_joints * 7 coordinates)
- dist: distances between the two lines (not normalized).
array(nb_persons_0 * nb_persons_1 * nb_joints)
product = np.sum(p0[..., :3] * p1[..., 3:6], axis=-1) + np.sum(p1[..., :3] * p0[..., 3:6], axis=-1)
dist = np.abs(product)
return dist
def compute_affinity(all_json_data_f, calib_params, cum_persons_per_view, reconstruction_error_threshold=0.1):
Compute the affinity between all the people in the different views.
The affinity is defined as 1 - distance/max_distance, with distance the
distance between epipolar lines in each view (reciprocal product of Plucker
Another approach would be to project one epipolar line onto the other camera
plane and compute the line to point distance, but it is more computationally
intensive (simple dot product vs. projection and distance calculation).
- all_json_data_f: list of json data. For frame f, nb_views*nb_persons*(x,y,likelihood)*nb_joints
- calib_params: calibration parameters from retrieve_calib_params('calib.toml')
- cum_persons_per_view: cumulative number of persons per view
- reconstruction_error_threshold: maximum distance between epipolar lines to consider a match
- affinity: affinity matrix between all the people in the different views.
(nb_views*nb_persons_per_view * nb_views*nb_persons_per_view)
# Compute plucker coordinates for all keypoints for each person in each view
# pluckers_f: dims=(camera, person, joint, 7 coordinates)
pluckers_f = []
for cam_id, json_cam in enumerate(all_json_data_f):
pluckers = []
for json_coord in json_cam:
plucker = compute_rays(json_coord, calib_params, cam_id) # LIMIT TO 15 JOINTS? json_coord[:15*3]
pluckers = np.array(pluckers)
# Compute affinity matrix
distance = np.zeros((cum_persons_per_view[-1], cum_persons_per_view[-1])) + 2*reconstruction_error_threshold
for compared_cam0, compared_cam1 in it.combinations(range(len(all_json_data_f)), 2):
# skip when no detection for a camera
if cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0] == cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0+1] \
or cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1] == cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1 +1]:
# compute distance
p0 = pluckers_f[compared_cam0][:,None] # add coordinate on second dimension
p1 = pluckers_f[compared_cam1][None,:] # add coordinate on first dimension
dist = broadcast_line_to_line_distance(p0, p1)
likelihood = np.sqrt(p0[..., -1] * p1[..., -1])
mean_weighted_dist = np.sum(dist*likelihood, axis=-1)/(1e-5 + likelihood.sum(axis=-1)) # array(nb_persons_0 * nb_persons_1)
# populate distance matrix
distance[cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0]:cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0+1], \
cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1]:cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1+1]] \
= mean_weighted_dist
distance[cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1]:cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam1+1], \
cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0]:cum_persons_per_view[compared_cam0+1]] \
= mean_weighted_dist.T
# compute affinity matrix and clamp it to zero when distance > reconstruction_error_threshold
distance[distance > reconstruction_error_threshold] = reconstruction_error_threshold
affinity = 1 - distance / reconstruction_error_threshold
return affinity
def circular_constraint(cum_persons_per_view):
A person can be matched only with themselves in the same view, and with any
person from other views
- cum_persons_per_view: cumulative number of persons per view
- circ_constraint: circular constraint matrix
circ_constraint = np.identity(cum_persons_per_view[-1])
for i in range(len(cum_persons_per_view)-1):
circ_constraint[cum_persons_per_view[i]:cum_persons_per_view[i+1], cum_persons_per_view[i+1]:cum_persons_per_view[-1]] = 1
circ_constraint[cum_persons_per_view[i+1]:cum_persons_per_view[-1], cum_persons_per_view[i]:cum_persons_per_view[i+1]] = 1
return circ_constraint
def SVT(matrix, threshold):
Find a low-rank approximation of the matrix using Singular Value Thresholding.
- matrix: matrix to decompose
- threshold: threshold for singular values
- matrix_thresh: low-rank approximation of the matrix
U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(matrix) # decompose matrix
s_thresh = np.maximum(s - threshold, 0) # set smallest singular values to zero
matrix_thresh = U @ np.diag(s_thresh) @ Vt # recompose matrix
return matrix_thresh
def matchSVT(affinity, cum_persons_per_view, circ_constraint, max_iter = 20, w_rank = 50, tol = 1e-4, w_sparse=0.1):
Find low-rank approximation of 'affinity' while satisfying the circular constraint.
- affinity: affinity matrix between all the people in the different views
- cum_persons_per_view: cumulative number of persons per view
- circ_constraint: circular constraint matrix
- max_iter: maximum number of iterations
- w_rank: threshold for singular values
- tol: tolerance for convergence
- w_sparse: regularization parameter
- new_aff: low-rank approximation of the affinity matrix
new_aff = affinity.copy()
N = new_aff.shape[0]
index_diag = np.arange(N)
new_aff[index_diag, index_diag] = 0.
# new_aff = (new_aff + new_aff.T)/2 # symmetric by construction
Y = np.zeros_like(new_aff) # Initial deviation matrix / residual ()
W = w_sparse - new_aff # Initial sparse matrix / regularization (prevent overfitting)
mu = 64 # initial step size
for iter in range(max_iter):
new_aff0 = new_aff.copy()
Q = new_aff + Y*1.0/mu
Q = SVT(Q,w_rank/mu)
new_aff = Q - (W + Y)/mu
# Project X onto dimGroups
for i in range(len(cum_persons_per_view) - 1):
ind1, ind2 = cum_persons_per_view[i], cum_persons_per_view[i + 1]
new_aff[ind1:ind2, ind1:ind2] = 0
# Reset diagonal elements to one and ensure X is within valid range [0, 1]
new_aff[index_diag, index_diag] = 1.
new_aff[new_aff < 0] = 0
new_aff[new_aff > 1] = 1
# Enforce circular constraint
new_aff = new_aff * circ_constraint
new_aff = (new_aff + new_aff.T) / 2 # kept just in case X loses its symmetry during optimization
Y = Y + mu * (new_aff - Q)
# Compute convergence criteria: break if new_aff is close enough to Q and no evolution anymore
pRes = np.linalg.norm(new_aff - Q) / N # primal residual (diff between new_aff and SVT result)
dRes = mu * np.linalg.norm(new_aff - new_aff0) / N # dual residual (diff between new_aff and previous new_aff)
if pRes < tol and dRes < tol:
if pRes > 10 * dRes: mu = 2 * mu
elif dRes > 10 * pRes: mu = mu / 2
iter +=1
return new_aff
def person_index_per_cam(affinity, cum_persons_per_view, min_cameras_for_triangulation):
For each detected person, gives their index for each camera
- affinity: affinity matrix between all the people in the different views
- min_cameras_for_triangulation: exclude proposals if less than N cameras see them
- proposals: 2D array: n_persons * n_cams
# index of the max affinity for each group (-1 if no detection)
proposals = []
for row in range(affinity.shape[0]):
proposal_row = []
for cam in range(len(cum_persons_per_view)-1):
id_persons_per_view = affinity[row, cum_persons_per_view[cam]:cum_persons_per_view[cam+1]]
proposal_row += [np.argmax(id_persons_per_view) if (len(id_persons_per_view)>0 and max(id_persons_per_view)>0) else -1]
proposals = np.array(proposals, dtype=float)
# remove duplicates and order
proposals, nb_detections = np.unique(proposals, axis=0, return_counts=True)
proposals = proposals[np.argsort(nb_detections)[::-1]]
# remove row if any value is the same in previous rows at same index (nan!=nan so nan ignored)
proposals[proposals==-1] = np.nan
mask = np.ones(proposals.shape[0], dtype=bool)
for i in range(1, len(proposals)):
mask[i] = ~np.any(proposals[i] == proposals[:i], axis=0).any()
proposals = proposals[mask]
# remove identifications if less than N cameras see them
nb_cams_per_person = [np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(p)) for p in proposals]
proposals = np.array([p for (n,p) in zip(nb_cams_per_person, proposals) if n >= min_cameras_for_triangulation])
return proposals
def rewrite_json_files(json_tracked_files_f, json_files_f, proposals, n_cams):
Write new json files with correct association of people across cameras.
- json_tracked_files_f: list of strings: json files to write
- json_files_f: list of strings: json files to read
- proposals: 2D array: n_persons * n_cams
- n_cams: int: number of cameras
- json files with correct association of people across cameras
for cam in range(n_cams):
with open(json_tracked_files_f[cam], 'w') as json_tracked_f:
with open(json_files_f[cam], 'r') as json_f:
js = json.load(json_f)
js_new = js.copy()
js_new['people'] = []
for new_comb in proposals:
if not np.isnan(new_comb[cam]):
js_new['people'] += [js['people'][int(new_comb[cam])]]
js_new['people'] += [{}]
def recap_tracking(config, error=0, nb_cams_excluded=0):
Print a message giving statistics on reprojection errors (in pixel and in m)
as well as the number of cameras that had to be excluded to reach threshold
conditions. Also stored in User/logs.txt.
- a Config.toml file
- error: dataframe
- nb_cams_excluded: dataframe
- Message in console
# Read config
project_dir = config.get('project').get('project_dir')
# if batch
session_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, '..', '..'))
# if single trial
session_dir = os.getcwd() if not 'Config.toml' in session_dir else session_dir
multi_person = config.get('project').get('multi_person')
likelihood_threshold_association = config.get('personAssociation').get('likelihood_threshold_association')
tracked_keypoint = config.get('personAssociation').get('single_person').get('tracked_keypoint')
error_threshold_tracking = config.get('personAssociation').get('single_person').get('reproj_error_threshold_association')
reconstruction_error_threshold = config.get('personAssociation').get('multi_person').get('reconstruction_error_threshold')
min_affinity = config.get('personAssociation').get('multi_person').get('min_affinity')
poseTracked_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose-associated')
calib_dir = [os.path.join(session_dir, c) for c in os.listdir(session_dir) if 'calib' in c.lower()][0]
calib_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(calib_dir, '*.toml'))[0] # lastly created calibration file
if not multi_person:
logging.info('\nSingle-person analysis selected.')
# Error
mean_error_px = np.around(np.mean(error), decimals=1)
calib = toml.load(calib_file)
calib_cam1 = calib[list(calib.keys())[0]]
fm = calib_cam1['matrix'][0][0]
Dm = euclidean_distance(calib_cam1['translation'], [0,0,0])
mean_error_mm = np.around(mean_error_px * Dm / fm * 1000, decimals=1)
# Excluded cameras
mean_cam_off_count = np.around(np.mean(nb_cams_excluded), decimals=2)
# Recap
logging.info(f'\n--> Mean reprojection error for {tracked_keypoint} point on all frames is {mean_error_px} px, which roughly corresponds to {mean_error_mm} mm. ')
logging.info(f'--> In average, {mean_cam_off_count} cameras had to be excluded to reach the demanded {error_threshold_tracking} px error threshold after excluding points with likelihood below {likelihood_threshold_association}.')
logging.info('\nMulti-person analysis selected.')
logging.info(f'\n--> A person was reconstructed if the lines from cameras to their keypoints intersected within {reconstruction_error_threshold} m and if the calculated affinity stayed below {min_affinity} after excluding points with likelihood below {likelihood_threshold_association}.')
logging.info(f'--> Beware that people were sorted across cameras, but not across frames. This will be done in the triangulation stage.')
logging.info(f'\nTracked json files are stored in {os.path.realpath(poseTracked_dir)}.')
def track_2d_all(config):
For each frame,
- Find all possible combinations of detected persons
- Triangulate 'tracked_keypoint' for all combinations
- Reproject the point on all cameras
- Take combination with smallest reprojection error
- Write json file with only one detected person
Print recap message
- a calibration file (.toml extension)
- json files from each camera folders with several detected persons
- a Config.toml file
- a skeleton model
- json files for each camera with only one person of interest
# Read config
project_dir = config.get('project').get('project_dir')
# if batch
session_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(project_dir, '..', '..'))
# if single trial
session_dir = os.getcwd() if not 'Config.toml' in session_dir else session_dir
multi_person = config.get('project').get('multi_person')
pose_model = config.get('pose').get('pose_model')
tracked_keypoint = config.get('personAssociation').get('single_person').get('tracked_keypoint')
likelihood_threshold = config.get('personAssociation').get('likelihood_threshold_association')
min_cameras_for_triangulation = config.get('triangulation').get('min_cameras_for_triangulation')
reconstruction_error_threshold = config.get('personAssociation').get('multi_person').get('reconstruction_error_threshold')
min_affinity = config.get('personAssociation').get('multi_person').get('min_affinity')
frame_range = config.get('project').get('frame_range')
undistort_points = config.get('triangulation').get('undistort_points')
calib_dir = [os.path.join(session_dir, c) for c in os.listdir(session_dir) if 'calib' in c.lower() ][0]
calib_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(calib_dir, '*.toml'))[0] # lastly created calibration file
raise Exception(f'No .toml calibration file found in the {calib_dir}.')
pose_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose')
poseTracked_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, 'pose-associated')
if multi_person:
logging.info('\nMulti-person analysis selected. Note that you can set this option to false if you only need the main person in the scene.')
logging.info('\nSingle-person analysis selected.')
# projection matrix from toml calibration file
P_all = computeP(calib_file, undistort=undistort_points)
calib_params = retrieve_calib_params(calib_file)
# selection of tracked keypoint id
try: # from skeletons.py
model = eval(pose_model)
try: # from Config.toml
model = DictImporter().import_(config.get('pose').get(pose_model))
if model.id == 'None':
model.id = None
raise NameError('Model not found in skeletons.py nor in Config.toml')
tracked_keypoint_id = [node.id for _, _, node in RenderTree(model) if node.name==tracked_keypoint][0]
# 2d-pose files selection
pose_listdirs_names = next(os.walk(pose_dir))[1]
pose_listdirs_names = natural_sort(pose_listdirs_names)
json_dirs_names = [k for k in pose_listdirs_names if 'json' in k]
json_files_names = [fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join(pose_dir, js_dir)), '*.json') for js_dir in json_dirs_names]
json_files_names = [natural_sort(j) for j in json_files_names]
json_files = [[os.path.join(pose_dir, j_dir, j_file) for j_file in json_files_names[j]] for j, j_dir in enumerate(json_dirs_names)]
# 2d-pose-associated files creation
if not os.path.exists(poseTracked_dir): os.mkdir(poseTracked_dir)
try: [os.mkdir(os.path.join(poseTracked_dir,k)) for k in json_dirs_names]
except: pass
json_tracked_files = [[os.path.join(poseTracked_dir, j_dir, j_file) for j_file in json_files_names[j]] for j, j_dir in enumerate(json_dirs_names)]
f_range = [[min([len(j) for j in json_files])] if frame_range==[] else frame_range][0]
n_cams = len(json_dirs_names)
error_min_tot, cameras_off_tot = [], []
# Check that camera number is consistent between calibration file and pose folders
if n_cams != len(P_all):
raise Exception(f'Error: The number of cameras is not consistent:\
Found {len(P_all)} cameras in the calibration file,\
and {n_cams} cameras based on the number of pose folders.')
Q_kpt = [np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.])]
for f in tqdm(range(*f_range)):
# print(f'\nFrame {f}:')
json_files_f = [json_files[c][f] for c in range(n_cams)]
json_tracked_files_f = [json_tracked_files[c][f] for c in range(n_cams)]
Q_kpt_old = Q_kpt
if not multi_person:
# all possible combinations of persons
personsIDs_comb = persons_combinations(json_files_f)
# choose persons of interest and exclude cameras with bad pose estimation
error_proposals, proposals, Q_kpt = best_persons_and_cameras_combination(config, json_files_f, personsIDs_comb, P_all, tracked_keypoint_id, calib_params)
cameras_off_count = np.count_nonzero([np.isnan(comb) for comb in proposals]) / len(proposals)
# read data
all_json_data_f = []
for js_file in json_files_f:
#TODO: remove people with average likelihood < 0.3, no full torso, less than 12 joints... (cf filter2d in dataset/base.py L498)
# obtain proposals after computing affinity between all the people in the different views
persons_per_view = [0] + [len(j) for j in all_json_data_f]
cum_persons_per_view = np.cumsum(persons_per_view)
affinity = compute_affinity(all_json_data_f, calib_params, cum_persons_per_view, reconstruction_error_threshold=reconstruction_error_threshold)
circ_constraint = circular_constraint(cum_persons_per_view)
affinity = affinity * circ_constraint
#TODO: affinity without hand, face, feet (cf ray.py L31)
affinity = matchSVT(affinity, cum_persons_per_view, circ_constraint, max_iter = 20, w_rank = 50, tol = 1e-4, w_sparse=0.1)
affinity[affinity<min_affinity] = 0
proposals = person_index_per_cam(affinity, cum_persons_per_view, min_cameras_for_triangulation)
# rewrite json files with a single or multiple persons of interest
rewrite_json_files(json_tracked_files_f, json_files_f, proposals, n_cams)
# recap message
recap_tracking(config, error_min_tot, cameras_off_tot)