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2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
@ Date: 2021-06-27 16:21:50
@ Author: Qing Shuai
@ LastEditors: Qing Shuai
2021-06-28 12:14:56 +08:00
@ LastEditTime: 2021-06-28 10:59:59
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
@ FilePath: /EasyMocapRelease/easymocap/assignment/track.py
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import os
from os.path import join
from glob import glob
from ..affinity.affinity import getDimGroups
from ..affinity.matchSVT import matchSVT
from ..mytools.reader import read_keypoints2d, read_keypoints3d
from ..mytools.file_utils import read_annot, read_json, save_annot, save_json, write_keypoints3d
def check_path(x):
assert os.path.exists(x), '{} not exists!'.format(x)
class BaseTrack:
def __init__(self, path, out, WINDOW_SIZE, MIN_FRAMES, SMOOTH_SIZE) -> None:
self.path = path
self.out = out
self.svt_args = {
'maxIter': 1000,
'w_sparse': 0.3,
'w_rank': 10,
'tol': 1e-4,
'log': False
def auto_track(self):
results = self.read()
edges = self.compute_dist(results)
results = self.associate(results, edges)
results, occupancy = self.reset_id(results)
results, occupancy = self.smooth(results, occupancy)
self.write(results, occupancy)
def read(self):
return []
def write(self, results, occupancy):
return 0
def compute_dist(self, results):
nFrames = len(results)
edges = {}
for start in tqdm(range(0, nFrames - 1), desc='affinity'):
window_size = min(WINDOW_SIZE, nFrames - start)
results_window = results[start:start+window_size]
dimGroups, frames = getDimGroups(results_window)
dist = self._compute_dist(dimGroups, results_window)
res = matchSVT(dist, dimGroups, control=self.svt_args)
xx, yy = np.where(res)
for x, y in zip(xx, yy):
if x >= y:continue
nf0, nf1 = frames[x], frames[y]
ni0, ni1 = x - dimGroups[nf0], y - dimGroups[nf1]
edge = ((nf0+start, ni0), (nf1+start, ni1))
if edge not in edges:
edges[edge] = []
edges[edge].append(res[x, y])
return edges
def associate(self, results, edges):
connects = list(edges.keys())
connects.sort(key=lambda x:-sum(edges[x]))
maxid = 0
frames_of_id = {}
log = print
log = lambda x:x
for (nf0, ni0), (nf1, ni1) in connects:
if abs(nf1 - nf0) > WINDOW_SIZE//2:
# create
id0 = results[nf0][ni0]['id']
id1 = results[nf1][ni1]['id']
if id0 == -1 and id1 == -1:
results[nf0][ni0]['id'] = maxid
log('Create person {}'.format(maxid))
frames_of_id[maxid] = {nf0:ni0, nf1:ni1}
maxid += 1
# directly assign
if id0 != -1 and id1 == -1:
if nf1 in frames_of_id[id0].keys():
2022-09-22 23:16:49 +08:00
log(f'Merge conflict1 nf0: {nf0} ni0: {ni0} id0: {id0} nf1: {nf1} ni1: {ni1} id1: {id1}')
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
results[nf1][ni1]['id'] = id0
# log('Merge person {}'.format(maxid))
frames_of_id[id0][nf1] = ni1
if id0 == -1 and id1 != -1:
2022-09-22 23:16:49 +08:00
if nf0 in frames_of_id[id1].keys():
log(f'Merge conflict2 nf0: {nf0} ni0: {ni0} id0: {id0} nf1: {nf1} ni1: {ni1} id1: {id1}')
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
results[nf0][ni0]['id'] = id1
frames_of_id[id1][nf0] = ni0
if id0 == id1:
# merge
if id0 != id1:
common = frames_of_id[id0].keys() & frames_of_id[id1].keys()
for key in common: # conflict
if frames_of_id[id0][key] == frames_of_id[id1][key]:
else: # merge
log('Merge {} to {}'.format(id1, id0))
for key in frames_of_id[id1].keys():
results[key][frames_of_id[id1][key]]['id'] = id0
frames_of_id[id0][key] = frames_of_id[id1][key]
log('Conflict; not merged')
return results
def reset_id(self, results):
mapid = {}
maxid = 0
occupancy = []
nFrames = len(results)
for nf, res in enumerate(results):
for info in res:
if info['id'] == -1:
if info['id'] not in mapid.keys():
mapid[info['id']] = maxid
maxid += 1
occupancy.append([0 for _ in range(nFrames)])
pid = mapid[info['id']]
info['id'] = pid
occupancy[pid][nf] = 1
occupancy = np.array(occupancy)
results, occupancy = self.remove_outlier(results, occupancy)
results, occupancy = self.interpolate(results, occupancy)
return results, occupancy
def remove_outlier(self, results, occupancy):
nFrames = len(results)
pids = []
for pid in range(occupancy.shape[0]):
if occupancy[pid].sum() > self.MIN_FRAMES:
2021-06-28 12:14:56 +08:00
print('[track] remove {} with {} frames'.format(pid, occupancy[pid].sum()))
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
occupancy = occupancy[pids]
for nf in range(nFrames):
result = results[nf]
result_filter = []
for info in result:
if info['id'] == -1 or info['id'] not in pids:
info['id'] = pids.index(info['id'])
results[nf] = result_filter
return results, occupancy
def interpolate(self, results, occupancy):
# find missing frames
for pid in range(occupancy.shape[0]):
for nf in range(1, occupancy.shape[1]-1):
if occupancy[pid, nf-1] < 1 or occupancy[pid, nf] > 0:
left = nf - 1
right = np.where(occupancy[pid, nf+1:])[0]
if len(right) > 0:
right = right.min() + nf + 1
2021-06-28 12:14:56 +08:00
print('[interp] {} in [{}, {}]'.format(pid, left, right))
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
# find valid (left, right)
# interpolate 3d pose
info_left = [res for res in results[left] if res['id'] == pid][0]
info_right = [res for res in results[right] if res['id'] == pid][0]
for nf_i in range(left+1, right):
weight = 1 - (nf_i - left)/(right - left)
res = self._interpolate(info_left, info_right, weight)
res['id'] = pid
2021-06-28 12:14:56 +08:00
occupancy[pid, nf_i] = 1
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
return results, occupancy
def smooth(self, results, occupancy):
return results, occupancy
def _interpolate(self, info_left, info_right, weight):
return info_left.copy()
class Track3D(BaseTrack):
def __init__(self, with2d=False, mode='body25', **cfg) -> None:
self.with2d = with2d
self.mode = mode
def read(self):
k3dpath = join(self.path, 'keypoints3d')
filenames = sorted(glob(join(k3dpath, '*.json')))
if self.with2d:
k2dpath = join(self.path, 'keypoints2d')
subs = sorted(os.listdir(k2dpath))
k2dpath = ''
subs = []
results = []
for nf, filename in enumerate(filenames):
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
infos = read_keypoints3d(filename)
for n, info in enumerate(infos):
info['id'] = -1
info['index'] = n
if self.with2d:
# load 2d keypoints
for nv, sub in enumerate(subs):
k2dname = join(k2dpath, sub, basename)
annots = read_keypoints2d(k2dname, self.mode)
for annot in annots:
pid = annot['id']
bbox = annot['bbox']
keypoints = annot['keypoints']
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return results
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def write(self, results, occupancy):
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
os.makedirs(self.out, exist_ok=True)
2021-06-28 12:14:56 +08:00
for nf, res in enumerate(tqdm(results)):
2021-06-28 10:38:36 +08:00
outname = join(self.out, 'keypoints3d', '{:06d}.json'.format(nf))
result = results[nf]
write_keypoints3d(outname, result)
def _compute_dist(self, dimGroups, results_window):
max_dist = 0.15
max_dist_step = 0.01
window_size = len(results_window)
dist = np.eye(dimGroups[-1])
for i in range(window_size-1):
if len(results_window[i]) == 0:
k3d_i = np.stack([info['keypoints3d'] for info in results_window[i]])
for j in range(i+1, window_size):
if len(results_window[j]) == 0:
k3d_j = np.stack([info['keypoints3d'] for info in results_window[j]])
conf = np.sqrt(k3d_i[:, None, :, 3] * k3d_j[None, :, :, 3])
d_ij = np.linalg.norm(k3d_i[:, None, :, :3] - k3d_j[None, :, :, :3], axis=3)
a_ij = 1 - d_ij / (max_dist + (j-i)*max_dist_step )
a_ij[a_ij < 0] = 0
weight =(conf*a_ij).sum(axis=2)/(1e-4 + conf.sum(axis=2))
dist[dimGroups[i]:dimGroups[i+1], dimGroups[j]:dimGroups[j+1]] = weight
dist[dimGroups[j]:dimGroups[j+1], dimGroups[i]:dimGroups[i+1]] = weight.T
return dist
def _interpolate(self, info_left, info_right, weight):
kpts_new = info_left['keypoints3d'] * weight + info_right['keypoints3d'] * (1-weight)
res = {'keypoints3d': kpts_new}
return res
class Track2D(BaseTrack):
def __init__(self, **cfg) -> None:
def read(self):
filenames = sorted(glob(join(self.path, '*.json')))
results = []
for filename in tqdm(filenames, desc='loading'):
result = read_json(filename)['annots']
for n, info in enumerate(result):
info['id'] = -1
return results
def write(self, results, occupancy):
os.makedirs(self.out, exist_ok=True)
filenames = sorted(glob(join(self.path, '*.json')))
for nf, res in enumerate(tqdm(results, desc='writing')):
outname = join(self.out, '{:06d}.json'.format(nf))
result = results[nf]
annots = read_json(filenames[nf])
annots['annots'] = result
for res in result:
res['personID'] = res.pop('id')
save_annot(outname, annots)
annot = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(self.out))
occpath = self.out.replace(annot, 'track') + '.json'
save_json(occpath, occupancy.tolist())
def _compute_dist(self, dimGroups, results_window):
window_size = len(results_window)
dist = np.eye(dimGroups[-1])
for i in range(window_size-1):
if len(results_window[i]) == 0:
bbox_pre = np.stack([info['bbox'] for info in results_window[i]])
bbox_pre = bbox_pre[:, None]
for j in range(i+1, window_size):
if len(results_window[j]) == 0:
bbox_now = np.stack([info['bbox'] for info in results_window[j]])
bbox_now = bbox_now[None, :]
areas_pre = (bbox_pre[..., 2] - bbox_pre[..., 0]) * (bbox_pre[..., 3] - bbox_pre[..., 1])
areas_now = (bbox_now[..., 2] - bbox_now[..., 0]) * (bbox_now[..., 3] - bbox_now[..., 1])
# 左边界的大值
xx1 = np.maximum(bbox_pre[..., 0], bbox_now[..., 0])
yy1 = np.maximum(bbox_pre[..., 1], bbox_now[..., 1])
# 右边界的小值
xx2 = np.minimum(bbox_pre[..., 2], bbox_now[..., 2])
yy2 = np.minimum(bbox_pre[..., 3], bbox_now[..., 3])
w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1)
h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1)
inter = w * h
over = inter / (areas_pre + areas_now - inter)
weight = over
dist[dimGroups[i]:dimGroups[i+1], dimGroups[j]:dimGroups[j+1]] = weight
dist[dimGroups[j]:dimGroups[j+1], dimGroups[i]:dimGroups[i+1]] = weight.T
return dist
def reset_id(self, results):
results[0].sort(key=lambda x:-(x['bbox'][2]-x['bbox'][0])*(x['bbox'][3]-x['bbox'][1]))
return super().reset_id(results)
def _interpolate(self, info_left, info_right, weight):
bbox = [info_left['bbox'][i]*weight+info_left['bbox'][i]*(1-weight) for i in range(5)]
kpts_l = info_left['keypoints']
kpts_r = info_right['keypoints']
kpts = []
for nj in range(len(kpts_l)):
if kpts_l[nj][2] < 0.1 or kpts_r[nj][2] < 0.1:
kpts.append([0., 0., 0.])
kpts.append([kpts_l[nj][i]*weight + kpts_r[nj][i]*(1-weight) for i in range(3)])
res = {'bbox': bbox, 'keypoints': kpts}
return res
def smooth(self, results, occupancy):
for pid in range(occupancy.shape[0]):
# the occupancy must be continuous
return results, occupancy