2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2024-03-12 23:08:12 +08:00
Openpose detects all people in the field of view .
Which is the one of interest ?
This module tries all possible triangulations of a chosen anatomical
point . If " multi_person " mode is not used , it chooses the person for
whom the reprojection error is smallest . Otherwise , it selects all
persons with a reprojection error smaller than a threshold , and then
associates them across time frames by minimizing the displacement speed .
- a calibration file ( . toml extension )
- json files from each camera folders with several detected persons
- a Config . toml file
- a skeleton model
- json files for each camera with only one person of interest
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
import os
import glob
import fnmatch
import numpy as np
import json
import itertools as it
import toml
from tqdm import tqdm
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
import cv2
2023-11-01 22:56:37 +08:00
from anytree import RenderTree
from anytree . importer import DictImporter
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import logging
2024-01-03 03:15:43 +08:00
from Pose2Sim . common import retrieve_calib_params , computeP , weighted_triangulation , \
reprojection , euclidean_distance , natural_sort
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
from Pose2Sim . skeletons import *
__author__ = " David Pagnon "
__copyright__ = " Copyright 2021, Pose2Sim "
__credits__ = [ " David Pagnon " ]
__license__ = " BSD 3-Clause License "
2024-02-06 00:49:10 +08:00
__version__ = ' 0.6 '
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
__maintainer__ = " David Pagnon "
__email__ = " contact@david-pagnon.com "
__status__ = " Development "
2024-03-05 01:46:56 +08:00
def common_items_in_list ( list1 , list2 ) :
Do two lists have any items in common at the same index ?
Returns True or False
for i , j in enumerate ( list1 ) :
if j == list2 [ i ] :
return True
return False
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
def min_with_single_indices ( L , T ) :
Let L be a list ( size s ) with T associated tuple indices ( size s ) .
Select the smallest values of L , considering that
the next smallest value cannot have the same numbers
in the associated tuple as any of the previous ones .
Example :
L = [ 20 , 27 , 51 , 33 , 43 , 23 , 37 , 24 , 4 , 68 , 84 , 3 ]
T = list ( it . product ( range ( 2 ) , range ( 3 ) ) )
= [ ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 1 ) , ( 0 , 2 ) , ( 0 , 3 ) , ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 1 , 3 ) , ( 2 , 0 ) , ( 2 , 1 ) , ( 2 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 3 ) ]
- 1 st smallest value : 3 with tuple ( 2 , 3 ) , index 11
- 2 nd smallest value when excluding indices ( 2 , . ) and ( . , 3 ) , i . e . [ ( 0 , 0 ) , ( 0 , 1 ) , ( 0 , 2 ) , X , ( 1 , 0 ) , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) , X , X , X , X , X ] :
20 with tuple ( 0 , 0 ) , index 0
- 3 rd smallest value when excluding [ X , X , X , X , X , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 1 , 2 ) , X , X , X , X , X ] :
23 with tuple ( 1 , 1 ) , index 5
- L : list ( size s )
- T : T associated tuple indices ( size s )
- minL : list of smallest values of L , considering constraints on tuple indices
- argminL : list of indices of smallest values of L
- T_minL : list of tuples associated with smallest values of L
minL = [ np . min ( L ) ]
argminL = [ np . argmin ( L ) ]
T_minL = [ T [ argminL [ 0 ] ] ]
mask_tokeep = np . array ( [ True for t in T ] )
i = 0
while mask_tokeep . any ( ) == True :
mask_tokeep = mask_tokeep & np . array ( [ t [ 0 ] != T_minL [ i ] [ 0 ] and t [ 1 ] != T_minL [ i ] [ 1 ] for t in T ] )
if mask_tokeep . any ( ) == True :
indicesL_tokeep = np . where ( mask_tokeep ) [ 0 ]
minL + = [ np . min ( np . array ( L ) [ indicesL_tokeep ] ) ]
argminL + = [ indicesL_tokeep [ np . argmin ( np . array ( L ) [ indicesL_tokeep ] ) ] ]
T_minL + = ( T [ argminL [ i + 1 ] ] , )
i + = 1
return minL , argminL , T_minL
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
def sort_people ( Q_kpt_old , Q_kpt ) :
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
Associate persons across frames
Persons ' indices are sometimes swapped when changing frame
A person is associated to another in the next frame when they are at a small distance
- Q_kpt_old : list of arrays of 3 D coordinates [ X , Y , Z , 1. ] for the previous frame
- Q_kpt : idem Q_kpt_old , for current frame
- Q_kpt : array with reordered persons
- personsIDs_sorted : index of reordered persons
# Generate possible person correspondences across frames
2024-03-05 01:46:56 +08:00
if len ( Q_kpt_old ) < len ( Q_kpt ) :
Q_kpt_old = np . concatenate ( ( Q_kpt_old , [ [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ] ] * ( len ( Q_kpt ) - len ( Q_kpt_old ) ) ) )
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
personsIDs_comb = sorted ( list ( it . product ( range ( len ( Q_kpt_old ) ) , range ( len ( Q_kpt ) ) ) ) )
# Compute distance between persons from one frame to another
frame_by_frame_dist = [ ]
for comb in personsIDs_comb :
frame_by_frame_dist + = [ euclidean_distance ( Q_kpt_old [ comb [ 0 ] ] [ : 3 ] , Q_kpt [ comb [ 1 ] ] [ : 3 ] ) ]
# sort correspondences by distance
_ , index_best_comb , _ = min_with_single_indices ( frame_by_frame_dist , personsIDs_comb )
index_best_comb . sort ( )
personsIDs_sorted = np . array ( personsIDs_comb ) [ index_best_comb ] [ : , 1 ]
# rearrange persons
Q_kpt = np . array ( Q_kpt ) [ personsIDs_sorted ]
return Q_kpt , personsIDs_sorted
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
def persons_combinations ( json_files_framef ) :
Find all possible combinations of detected persons ' ids.
Person ' s id when no person detected is set to -1.
- json_files_framef : list of strings
- personsIDs_comb : array , list of lists of int
n_cams = len ( json_files_framef )
# amount of persons detected for each cam
nb_persons_per_cam = [ ]
for c in range ( n_cams ) :
with open ( json_files_framef [ c ] , ' r ' ) as js :
nb_persons_per_cam + = [ len ( json . load ( js ) [ ' people ' ] ) ]
# persons_combinations
id_no_detect = [ i for i , x in enumerate ( nb_persons_per_cam ) if x == 0 ] # ids of cameras that have not detected any person
nb_persons_per_cam = [ x if x != 0 else 1 for x in nb_persons_per_cam ] # temporarily replace persons count by 1 when no detection
range_persons_per_cam = [ range ( nb_persons_per_cam [ c ] ) for c in range ( n_cams ) ]
personsIDs_comb = np . array ( list ( it . product ( * range_persons_per_cam ) ) , float ) # all possible combinations of persons' ids
personsIDs_comb [ : , id_no_detect ] = np . nan # -1 = persons' ids when no person detected
return personsIDs_comb
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
def best_persons_and_cameras_combination ( config , json_files_framef , personsIDs_combinations , projection_matrices , tracked_keypoint_id , calib_params ) :
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
2024-02-28 23:28:09 +08:00
- if multi_person : Choose all the combination of cameras that give a reprojection error below a threshold
- else : Chooses the right person among the multiple ones found by
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
OpenPose & excludes cameras with wrong 2 d - pose estimation .
1. triangulate the tracked keypoint for all possible combinations of people ,
2. compute difference between reprojection & original openpose detection ,
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
3. take combination with smallest error OR all those below the error threshold
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
If error is too big , take off one or several of the cameras until err is
lower than " max_err_px " .
- a Config . toml file
- json_files_framef : list of strings
- personsIDs_combinations : array , list of lists of int
- projection_matrices : list of arrays
- tracked_keypoint_id : int
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
- errors_below_thresh : list of float
- comb_errors_below_thresh : list of arrays of ints
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
2024-02-28 23:28:09 +08:00
multi_person = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' multi_person ' )
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
nb_persons_to_detect = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' nb_persons_to_detect ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
error_threshold_tracking = config . get ( ' personAssociation ' ) . get ( ' reproj_error_threshold_association ' )
2024-01-05 18:05:39 +08:00
likelihood_threshold = config . get ( ' personAssociation ' ) . get ( ' likelihood_threshold_association ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
min_cameras_for_triangulation = config . get ( ' triangulation ' ) . get ( ' min_cameras_for_triangulation ' )
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
undistort_points = config . get ( ' triangulation ' ) . get ( ' undistort_points ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
n_cams = len ( json_files_framef )
error_min = np . inf
nb_cams_off = 0 # cameras will be taken-off until the reprojection error is under threshold
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
errors_below_thresh = [ ]
comb_errors_below_thresh = [ ]
Q_kpt = [ ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
while error_min > error_threshold_tracking and n_cams - nb_cams_off > = min_cameras_for_triangulation :
# Try all persons combinations
for combination in personsIDs_combinations :
# Get x,y,likelihood values from files
x_files , y_files , likelihood_files = [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
for index_cam , person_nb in enumerate ( combination ) :
with open ( json_files_framef [ index_cam ] , ' r ' ) as json_f :
js = json . load ( json_f )
try :
x_files . append ( js [ ' people ' ] [ int ( person_nb ) ] [ ' pose_keypoints_2d ' ] [ tracked_keypoint_id * 3 ] )
y_files . append ( js [ ' people ' ] [ int ( person_nb ) ] [ ' pose_keypoints_2d ' ] [ tracked_keypoint_id * 3 + 1 ] )
likelihood_files . append ( js [ ' people ' ] [ int ( person_nb ) ] [ ' pose_keypoints_2d ' ] [ tracked_keypoint_id * 3 + 2 ] )
except :
x_files . append ( np . nan )
y_files . append ( np . nan )
likelihood_files . append ( np . nan )
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
# undistort points
if undistort_points :
points = np . array ( tuple ( zip ( x_files , y_files ) ) ) . reshape ( - 1 , 1 , 2 ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
undistorted_points = [ cv2 . undistortPoints ( points [ i ] , calib_params [ ' K ' ] [ i ] , calib_params [ ' dist ' ] [ i ] , None , calib_params [ ' optim_K ' ] [ i ] ) for i in range ( n_cams ) ]
x_files = np . array ( [ [ u [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] for i in range ( len ( u ) ) ] for u in undistorted_points ] ) . squeeze ( )
y_files = np . array ( [ [ u [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] for i in range ( len ( u ) ) ] for u in undistorted_points ] ) . squeeze ( )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# Replace likelihood by 0. if under likelihood_threshold
likelihood_files = [ 0. if lik < likelihood_threshold else lik for lik in likelihood_files ]
# For each persons combination, create subsets with "nb_cams_off" cameras excluded
id_cams_off = list ( it . combinations ( range ( len ( combination ) ) , nb_cams_off ) )
combinations_with_cams_off = np . array ( [ combination . copy ( ) ] * len ( id_cams_off ) )
for i , id in enumerate ( id_cams_off ) :
combinations_with_cams_off [ i , id ] = np . nan
# Try all subsets
error_comb = [ ]
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
Q_comb = [ ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
for comb in combinations_with_cams_off :
# Filter x, y, likelihood, projection_matrices, with subset
x_files_filt = [ x_files [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
y_files_filt = [ y_files [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
likelihood_files_filt = [ likelihood_files [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
projection_matrices_filt = [ projection_matrices [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
if undistort_points :
calib_params_R_filt = [ calib_params [ ' R ' ] [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
calib_params_T_filt = [ calib_params [ ' T ' ] [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
calib_params_K_filt = [ calib_params [ ' K ' ] [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
calib_params_dist_filt = [ calib_params [ ' dist ' ] [ i ] for i in range ( len ( comb ) ) if not np . isnan ( comb [ i ] ) ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# Triangulate 2D points
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
Q_comb . append ( weighted_triangulation ( projection_matrices_filt , x_files_filt , y_files_filt , likelihood_files_filt ) )
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# Reprojection
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
if undistort_points :
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt = [ cv2 . projectPoints ( np . array ( Q_comb [ - 1 ] [ : - 1 ] ) , calib_params_R_filt [ i ] , calib_params_T_filt [ i ] , calib_params_K_filt [ i ] , calib_params_dist_filt [ i ] ) [ 0 ] for i in range ( n_cams - nb_cams_off ) ]
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
x_calc = [ coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt [ i ] [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] for i in range ( n_cams - nb_cams_off ) ]
y_calc = [ coords_2D_kpt_calc_filt [ i ] [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] for i in range ( n_cams - nb_cams_off ) ]
else :
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
x_calc , y_calc = reprojection ( projection_matrices_filt , Q_comb [ - 1 ] )
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# Reprojection error
error_comb_per_cam = [ ]
for cam in range ( len ( x_calc ) ) :
q_file = ( x_files_filt [ cam ] , y_files_filt [ cam ] )
q_calc = ( x_calc [ cam ] , y_calc [ cam ] )
error_comb_per_cam . append ( euclidean_distance ( q_file , q_calc ) )
error_comb . append ( np . mean ( error_comb_per_cam ) )
2024-02-28 23:28:09 +08:00
if multi_person :
errors_below_thresh + = [ e for e in error_comb if e < error_threshold_tracking ]
comb_errors_below_thresh + = [ combinations_with_cams_off [ error_comb . index ( e ) ] for e in error_comb if e < error_threshold_tracking ]
Q_kpt + = [ Q_comb [ error_comb . index ( e ) ] for e in error_comb if e < error_threshold_tracking ]
else :
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
error_min = np . nanmin ( error_comb )
errors_below_thresh = [ error_min ]
comb_errors_below_thresh = [ combinations_with_cams_off [ np . argmin ( error_comb ) ] ]
Q_kpt = [ Q_comb [ np . argmin ( error_comb ) ] ]
if errors_below_thresh [ 0 ] < error_threshold_tracking :
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
2024-02-28 23:28:09 +08:00
if multi_person :
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
if len ( errors_below_thresh ) > 0 :
# sort combinations by error magnitude
errors_below_thresh_sorted = sorted ( errors_below_thresh )
sorted_idx = np . array ( [ errors_below_thresh . index ( e ) for e in errors_below_thresh_sorted ] )
comb_errors_below_thresh = np . array ( comb_errors_below_thresh ) [ sorted_idx ]
Q_kpt = np . array ( Q_kpt ) [ sorted_idx ]
# remove combinations with indices used several times for the same person
comb_errors_below_thresh = [ c . tolist ( ) for c in comb_errors_below_thresh ]
comb = comb_errors_below_thresh . copy ( )
comb_ok = np . array ( [ comb [ 0 ] ] )
for i , c1 in enumerate ( comb ) :
idx_ok = np . array ( [ not ( common_items_in_list ( c1 , c2 ) ) for c2 in comb [ 1 : ] ] )
try :
comb = np . array ( comb [ 1 : ] ) [ idx_ok ]
comb_ok = np . concatenate ( ( comb_ok , [ comb [ 0 ] ] ) )
except :
sorted_pruned_idx = [ i for i , x in enumerate ( comb_errors_below_thresh ) for c in comb_ok if np . array_equal ( x , c , equal_nan = True ) ]
errors_below_thresh = np . array ( errors_below_thresh_sorted ) [ sorted_pruned_idx ] . tolist ( )
comb_errors_below_thresh = np . array ( comb_errors_below_thresh ) [ sorted_pruned_idx ] . tolist ( )
Q_kpt = Q_kpt [ sorted_pruned_idx ] . tolist ( )
2024-03-05 01:46:56 +08:00
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
# Remove indices already used for a person
personsIDs_combinations = np . array ( [ personsIDs_combinations [ i ] for i in range ( len ( personsIDs_combinations ) )
if not np . array (
[ personsIDs_combinations [ i , j ] == comb [ j ] for comb in comb_errors_below_thresh for j in range ( len ( comb ) ) ]
) . any ( ) ] )
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
if len ( errors_below_thresh ) > = len ( personsIDs_combinations ) or len ( errors_below_thresh ) > = nb_persons_to_detect :
errors_below_thresh = errors_below_thresh [ : nb_persons_to_detect ]
comb_errors_below_thresh = comb_errors_below_thresh [ : nb_persons_to_detect ]
Q_kpt = Q_kpt [ : nb_persons_to_detect ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
nb_cams_off + = 1
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
return errors_below_thresh , comb_errors_below_thresh , Q_kpt
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
def recap_tracking ( config , error , nb_cams_excluded ) :
Print a message giving statistics on reprojection errors ( in pixel and in m )
as well as the number of cameras that had to be excluded to reach threshold
conditions . Also stored in User / logs . txt .
- a Config . toml file
- error : dataframe
- nb_cams_excluded : dataframe
- Message in console
# Read config
project_dir = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' project_dir ' )
2023-12-17 05:15:12 +08:00
session_dir = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( project_dir , ' .. ' , ' .. ' ) )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
tracked_keypoint = config . get ( ' personAssociation ' ) . get ( ' tracked_keypoint ' )
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
error_threshold_tracking = config . get ( ' personAssociation ' ) . get ( ' reproj_error_threshold_association ' )
2023-12-06 16:48:11 +08:00
poseTracked_dir = os . path . join ( project_dir , ' pose-associated ' )
2024-03-12 15:39:12 +08:00
calib_dir = [ os . path . join ( session_dir , c ) for c in os . listdir ( session_dir ) if ' calib ' in c . lower ( ) ] [ 0 ]
2023-12-17 05:15:12 +08:00
calib_file = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( calib_dir , ' *.toml ' ) ) [ 0 ] # lastly created calibration file
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# Error
mean_error_px = np . around ( np . mean ( error ) , decimals = 1 )
calib = toml . load ( calib_file )
calib_cam1 = calib [ list ( calib . keys ( ) ) [ 0 ] ]
fm = calib_cam1 [ ' matrix ' ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
Dm = euclidean_distance ( calib_cam1 [ ' translation ' ] , [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] )
mean_error_mm = np . around ( mean_error_px * Dm / fm * 1000 , decimals = 1 )
# Excluded cameras
mean_cam_off_count = np . around ( np . mean ( nb_cams_excluded ) , decimals = 2 )
# Recap
logging . info ( f ' \n --> Mean reprojection error for { tracked_keypoint } point on all frames is { mean_error_px } px, which roughly corresponds to { mean_error_mm } mm. ' )
logging . info ( f ' --> In average, { mean_cam_off_count } cameras had to be excluded to reach the demanded { error_threshold_tracking } px error threshold. ' )
2023-12-17 05:15:12 +08:00
logging . info ( f ' \n Tracked json files are stored in { os . path . realpath ( poseTracked_dir ) } . ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
def track_2d_all ( config ) :
For each frame ,
- Find all possible combinations of detected persons
- Triangulate ' tracked_keypoint ' for all combinations
- Reproject the point on all cameras
- Take combination with smallest reprojection error
- Write json file with only one detected person
Print recap message
- a calibration file ( . toml extension )
- json files from each camera folders with several detected persons
- a Config . toml file
- a skeleton model
- json files for each camera with only one person of interest
# Read config
project_dir = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' project_dir ' )
2023-12-17 05:15:12 +08:00
session_dir = os . path . realpath ( os . path . join ( project_dir , ' .. ' , ' .. ' ) )
2024-03-05 01:46:56 +08:00
multi_person = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' multi_person ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
pose_model = config . get ( ' pose ' ) . get ( ' pose_model ' )
tracked_keypoint = config . get ( ' personAssociation ' ) . get ( ' tracked_keypoint ' )
frame_range = config . get ( ' project ' ) . get ( ' frame_range ' )
2024-01-03 16:13:11 +08:00
undistort_points = config . get ( ' triangulation ' ) . get ( ' undistort_points ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
2024-03-12 15:39:12 +08:00
calib_dir = [ os . path . join ( session_dir , c ) for c in os . listdir ( session_dir ) if ' calib ' in c . lower ( ) ] [ 0 ]
2024-02-28 23:28:09 +08:00
try :
calib_file = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( calib_dir , ' *.toml ' ) ) [ 0 ] # lastly created calibration file
except :
raise Exception ( f ' No .toml calibration file found in the { calib_dir } . ' )
2023-12-06 16:48:11 +08:00
pose_dir = os . path . join ( project_dir , ' pose ' )
poseTracked_dir = os . path . join ( project_dir , ' pose-associated ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
2024-03-05 01:46:56 +08:00
if multi_person :
logging . info ( ' \n Multi-person analysis selected. Note that you can set this option to false for faster runtime if you only need the main person in the scene. ' )
else :
logging . info ( ' \n Single-person analysis selected. ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# projection matrix from toml calibration file
2024-01-03 03:15:43 +08:00
P = computeP ( calib_file , undistort = undistort_points )
2024-01-04 21:19:08 +08:00
calib_params = retrieve_calib_params ( calib_file )
2024-01-03 03:15:43 +08:00
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# selection of tracked keypoint id
2023-11-01 22:56:37 +08:00
try : # from skeletons.py
model = eval ( pose_model )
except :
try : # from Config.toml
model = DictImporter ( ) . import_ ( config . get ( ' pose ' ) . get ( pose_model ) )
if model . id == ' None ' :
model . id = None
except :
raise NameError ( ' Model not found in skeletons.py nor in Config.toml ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
tracked_keypoint_id = [ node . id for _ , _ , node in RenderTree ( model ) if node . name == tracked_keypoint ] [ 0 ]
# 2d-pose files selection
pose_listdirs_names = next ( os . walk ( pose_dir ) ) [ 1 ]
pose_listdirs_names = natural_sort ( pose_listdirs_names )
2023-12-06 16:48:11 +08:00
json_dirs_names = [ k for k in pose_listdirs_names if ' json ' in k ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
json_files_names = [ fnmatch . filter ( os . listdir ( os . path . join ( pose_dir , js_dir ) ) , ' *.json ' ) for js_dir in json_dirs_names ]
json_files_names = [ natural_sort ( j ) for j in json_files_names ]
json_files = [ [ os . path . join ( pose_dir , j_dir , j_file ) for j_file in json_files_names [ j ] ] for j , j_dir in enumerate ( json_dirs_names ) ]
# 2d-pose-associated files creation
if not os . path . exists ( poseTracked_dir ) : os . mkdir ( poseTracked_dir )
try : [ os . mkdir ( os . path . join ( poseTracked_dir , k ) ) for k in json_dirs_names ]
except : pass
json_tracked_files = [ [ os . path . join ( poseTracked_dir , j_dir , j_file ) for j_file in json_files_names [ j ] ] for j , j_dir in enumerate ( json_dirs_names ) ]
# person's tracking
f_range = [ [ min ( [ len ( j ) for j in json_files ] ) ] if frame_range == [ ] else frame_range ] [ 0 ]
n_cams = len ( json_dirs_names )
error_min_tot , cameras_off_tot = [ ] , [ ]
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
2024-02-19 20:28:23 +08:00
# Check that camera number is consistent between calibration file and pose folders
if n_cams != len ( P ) :
raise Exception ( f ' Error: The number of cameras is not consistent: \
Found { len ( P ) } cameras in the calibration file , \
and { n_cams } cameras based on the number of pose folders . ' )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
Q_kpt = [ np . array ( [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ] ) ]
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
for f in tqdm ( range ( * f_range ) ) :
2024-02-27 01:13:39 +08:00
# print(f'\nFrame {f}:')
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
json_files_f = [ json_files [ c ] [ f ] for c in range ( n_cams ) ]
json_tracked_files_f = [ json_tracked_files [ c ] [ f ] for c in range ( n_cams ) ]
# all possible combinations of persons
personsIDs_comb = persons_combinations ( json_files_f )
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
# choose persons of interest and exclude cameras with bad pose estimation
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
Q_kpt_old = Q_kpt
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
errors_below_thresh , comb_errors_below_thresh , Q_kpt = best_persons_and_cameras_combination ( config , json_files_f , personsIDs_comb , P , tracked_keypoint_id , calib_params )
# reID persons across frames by checking the distance from one frame to another
2024-03-06 21:11:56 +08:00
Q_kpt , personsIDs_sorted = sort_people ( Q_kpt_old , Q_kpt )
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
errors_below_thresh = np . array ( errors_below_thresh ) [ personsIDs_sorted ]
comb_errors_below_thresh = np . array ( comb_errors_below_thresh ) [ personsIDs_sorted ]
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
2024-02-27 20:48:30 +08:00
# rewrite json files with a single or multiple persons of interest
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
error_min_tot . append ( np . mean ( errors_below_thresh ) )
cameras_off_count = np . count_nonzero ( [ np . isnan ( comb ) for comb in comb_errors_below_thresh ] ) / len ( comb_errors_below_thresh )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
cameras_off_tot . append ( cameras_off_count )
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
for cam in range ( n_cams ) :
with open ( json_tracked_files_f [ cam ] , ' w ' ) as json_tracked_f :
with open ( json_files_f [ cam ] , ' r ' ) as json_f :
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
js = json . load ( json_f )
2024-02-24 01:16:56 +08:00
js_new = js . copy ( )
js_new [ ' people ' ] = [ ]
for new_comb in comb_errors_below_thresh :
if not np . isnan ( new_comb [ cam ] ) :
js_new [ ' people ' ] + = [ js [ ' people ' ] [ int ( new_comb [ cam ] ) ] ]
else :
js_new [ ' people ' ] + = [ { } ]
json_tracked_f . write ( json . dumps ( js_new ) )
2023-07-19 17:37:20 +08:00
# recap message
recap_tracking ( config , error_min_tot , cameras_off_tot )